Chapter 22:Science Problems
Science Sans is innocent this time.......His vampireverse version Simon is a different story
Weeks later, Encre's POV
I wake up in bed cuddling Fallacy. He rests peacefully with a hand on my back. He looks so happy, smiling in his sleep. Just like he should be. There is a knock at the door.
"Yes?"I say softly
Suave opens the door slightly.
"Is now a good time to give you a check up?"He asks
I nod.
Fallacy the past few weeks has been very protective and didn't want to risk anything with me. He didn't exactly leave me alone long, or at all. He always kept himself busy with stuff to do, but insisted the activities require me to come with him. Even when they didn't. So he didn't exactly give time for a checkup. For a full 21 days.
I climb out of bed and kiss Fallacy on the head. He starts shifting, no longer feeling me in his grasp. I put a pillow in his hands and he hugs it, ceasing to shift and smiles. I turn to Suave and follow him to another room. I follow his directions. My wounds have healed to just appear as scars by now but he took samples from each one to figure out what if there are any problems that may come in the future. He checks my spine and that's where the check up went to an investigation. He got his forensic stuff and book out of a drawer, putting it on a desk.
"Is everything okay, Suave?"I ask
"Did Charles ever hurt your spine?"Suave asks
"No, he couldn't have either. He attacked me and chained me against the wall. My spine was against a smooth wall his entire attack."I say
"Well there is a serious wound on your spine but it isn't a knife wound."He says
He takes a sample of the wound to test with forensics to investigate later.
"May I check your soul?"He asks
I nod.
He looks at my soul and jumps back almost instantly.
"Lady Elanor! May I borrow you for a moment?"He shouts down the hall
That is my grandma's name. She comes in.
"Do you know what that is around his soul?"He asks
I look at my soul but do not see anything. My grandma shuts the door and glances at my soul.
"Oh sugar honey ice tea!"She says
(Elanor/Encre's Gramma:That's right, I know the ways around censorship)
"Someone is taking small parts of his soul, they already took his magic piece. And this is a return spell around the soul. Someone can have him get returned somewhere. But not anymore."She says, taking a dark blue sphere from my soul
"Oh dear..."Suave says
"It may mean a troublesome person is coming so I'll check to see who this spell is linked to."She says, then leaves the room
"What a relief. Seems like you're okay besides a minor wound and mysterious magic that had to be removed."Suave says
"I'll get the suspect list."Azula says
Suave sighs, shaking his head. I get my shirt back on. Suave tests my reflexes and if I am functioning properly. Which I am. He takes note of this and tells me I am alright, he just needs to check the samples he took. Then, I hear the loudest yell ever.
Fallacy woke up. He comes into the room quickly and hugs me tight. Suave is already checking the samples he took.
"Relax, Fallacy. Suave was just taking the chance to give me a checkup."I say
He kisses me on the head.
"I refuse to risk anything with you."He says
"M'Lord, I must speak with you privately then."Suave says
I understood the situation.
"I'll go paint outside."I say
Fallacy nods. I leave the two to talk. I grab some art supplies and slip the phone Ink gave me. Nobody else really knows about it and it hasn't been active or used. But now knowing what dangers the mutliverse has, I want to check in on my alternate self and his friends.
I go outside, settle in a spot near the vampire and wolf village, starting to paint the landscape. But when nobody was looking, I took out my phone and went into the "contacts app". And no it wasn't where we get eye care instead of glasses. It is full of phone numbers that Ink put in for me beforehand. I call Ink.
"Hello?"He says
"Hey, Ink."I say
"Encre! Cool to hear from you! What's up?"He asks
"Nothing much. Just wanted to check on you and everyone. Are you all okay?"I ask
"Yes. We are all alright. Are you alright?"He asks
"Ehhh, sorta. I kinda got a bad experience from the multiverse or what Shino calls the great big world."I say
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Yes....Some poor kids and a nice fella got captured by some jerk. If kids named Stärke, Faith, Gradient or Blueprint come or you find them, be careful with them. Poor souls went through a lot."I say
"Awww, I know Gradient! Poor kids! Got that noted!"He says
"Good to know."I say
"So now are you okay?"He asks
"Yeah...."I say
That's a lie. I saw what was in the samples. Chemicals. Someone ran tests on me. That unsettles me. That means who knows what is still in me.
"I know a lie when I hear it."He says
"I was attacked by some Charles guy and it's now known that someone ran tests on me......There are some strange chemicals they used. Has Science Sans or anyone do tests with you or a friend? How do you handle that?"I ask
He is silent.
"Most go away when you change your routine a bit. You are made of code or DNA and the chemicals used to test on people match the code. If you change the coded routine, the chemicals will probably cease to work before it does anything serious. Something simple like changing what you eat or when you wake up."He says
"Alright......."I say
"Charles....That name sounds familiar. Wait a minute....Hey Dream?"He says
"Yes?"Another voice says
"Who is that guy that you met and set up with your bro?"Ink asks
"A nice fella named Charles."Dream says
"Define nice....."I mutter
"Huh?"Ink asks
"I pray for Nightmare if Dream is setting him up with the same Charles I know. Nightmare is too nice to deal with a psycho like him. What happened to Killer?"I ask
"They're complicated."He says
"What relationship is not complicated? I'm sure they'll be alright. Much better than him being with Charles, stupid creep."I say
"What the heck did Charles do?"Ink asks
I explain what went down.
"And if you fail to believe me, next time you visit you can see the scars. Or if you see those kids, ask them. Or if you meet a guy named Reboot, he will tell you when ya ask."I say
"Woah.....Dream I think you made a mistake."Ink says
"Oh yeah? Get off the phone and let's discuss it!"The other voice says
"Welp, I gotta go. Talk to you some other time! Stay safe!"He says
"Same to you."I say
He hangs up.
I hear giddy laughter. I look over, seeing Azure with Poussière. I notice a mark on Azure's neck. Man, I missed a lot in the time I was gone. I could SEE the love between the two.
Then I get an unsettling feeling that I am being watched. I look around and just see a bunch of vampires watching me. Nothing to worry about. Nothing out of place. I look at what I was painting and continue. I notice Azure and Poussière are now fit for the landscape area. I smile. I start painting them together. They haven't noticed me yet. I finish.
"So, who is the protector and who is the protected?"I ask
"I'm the protector! He's the protected!"They both say, looking over at me
"What no! I protect you! I'm a guard! I'm trained for it!"Azure says
"And I'm a vampire! I know this forest and the dangers like the back of my hand!"Poussière says
I chuckle as the two debate over who is who.
"Pfft, you two certainly have a lot in common. How about you agree to be equals in the protect or be protected category?"I say
They look at me, look at each other, nod, then Azure gives him a kiss on the cheek.
"Azure!"Poussière exclaims, his face burning up
"I saw that look in your eyes. I knew you were gonna do it."Azure says
"Dang it. You caught me."He says
"What are you painting there?"Azure asks
"You both."I say with a smirk
Both their faces burn. They come over to investigate. They smile, liking it. They hear a shout and head back to the castle, saying Jasper called for them. Within seconds, I get surrounded by vampires.
"You're Encre?"One asks
"You're the king's lover?"The second asks
"Why would he mark or love you?"A third asks
"You're the reason our king was so upset?"A fourth asks
"Were you really missing or did you leave him?"A fifth asks
Another begins to speak but I cut them off.
"Yes, I'm Encre! Yes I love him and he loves me! He has his reasons! I got captured! I'd never leave him willingly! I mean who looks forward to being kidnapped?"I snap, answering their questions
"I don't believe him."Two say
"I do."One says
The other three kick him away.
"Let's teach him a lesson."The third says
They start closing in and crack their knuckles.
"I HOPE you aren't getting VIOLENT with my FRIEND and my BROTHER's MARKED LOVER?!"Felicia says, landing beside me
They all stumble back as if the ground shook when the Hulk jumps down.
"Lady Felicia!"They shout in surprise
She turns to me.
"Did they hurt you, darling?"She asks
I shake my head.
"They were just questioning me and asking why Fallacy would love or mark me. They thought I left him to cause him pain and wanted to teach me a lesson. At least that's what they sounded like they wanted to do or believed."I say
She frowns.
"Clearly you three forgot who freed us from that camp."She says
"You of course."They say
"NO! Suave showed him some chemistry which led him to making the antidote and freeing us! All I did was lead you all to a safer place! Now, I think you owe him an apology and some respect or a thank you! So, get to it with being nice to the hero! Plus, he was captured and the details of that are none of your biz. My brother loves Encre for who he is, doesn't matter what Encre is. And that should mean the same for you three, darlings. Works for everyone else. Unless you want some issues."She says, pinching their cheeks tighter than my Gramma when someone steals her cane
They look at each other and shrug. Two of them do as told, saying both sorry, thank you, even hugging me. Then the third came after the two left me alone. He looks at me, sizing me up with a glance, tilts his head and crosses his arms before spitting in my face.
"Our king could've done better than this bozo."He says, than punches me to the ground
The other two burst out laughing.
"That's it! You three are coming with me! You're getting the issues! Let's see how my brother reacts when he learns how you three tried to attack, direspect and insult his lover while getting too nosy about his biz or making him seem valued below you, you ungrateful jerks!"She says, grabbing the three and leaving
I shake my head.
When will people understand? Not anytime soon. I probably will not stop getting bothered about that until years from now. That stinks.
I hear footsteps. I look up. Then I get knocked out before I could even get a look at them.
Hours pass......I slowly wake up again. I see a stone floor. I try to move but find chains at my wrists holding me down.
"Ah, so you finally woke up."A voice says
I glance over and see Simon with a knife pointed at me. Chills go down my spine. People with knives and I do not get along AT ALL. I back up as far as the chains would let me, uneased and scared.
"Asgore's fellas broke me out and this nice Gaster gentleman claimed to have tested on you. Then he gave me control over those experiments! You started this chaos by protecting that bat and existing! You should not have even been here! But now, I have a hard choice to make. Either I end this by killing you or make you my experiment and seeing what happens when those chemicals are put into action. I wonder what animal you have to be turned into to get killed by your own allies. And the look on their faces when they find out will be so satisfying to see...."He says, coming closer
I kick him off of his feet and grab the knife. I hold it in my hand tightly.
"I'm scientific shit and crap?"He asks
"You said it, not me."I say, cutting the chains and knocking him down again
I clim a wall, leap down and run. I run until I couldn't run anymore. I take my phone out, finding 4 missed calls from Ink. I find a patch of grass by a tree and settle there. i start feeling dizzy and next thing I know, I am out cold.
I slowly wake up to find the world a little bigger. Everything felt odd now. Something didn't seem right. i check myself and find that I'm no longer a skeleton. i turned into a white cat with black spots or marks. A really small cat. Great. Now what do I do?
I see my clothes laying nearby, the phone peeking out of a pocket. I check it and I've missed 10 calls now from Ink. I hear footsteps and wings flapping. I look around and see Simon running towards me with a knife. That is, until he got taken down by Jasper.Jasper knocked him to the ground and scared him off.
"Jasper?"I say, but it only came out as a meow
Guess I look and speak as a cat now.
He looks over at me, then quickly comes over.
"Aww? What's a mean idiot like him going after a cute kitty like you? Were you his test subject or something?"Jasper says
He pets me gently on the head. It felt nice. I didn't even realize I was purring until he stopped.
"Hmm, you don't deserve that. You deserve love and care. I'm taking you home now. And I'll name you Éclabousser since your fur looks like what Encre calls splatters in French on a canvas. Encre is a friend of mine and is my father's lover. He went missing though. Father thinks some mean vampires scared him away and that he is hiding somewhere. Father already has 3 of those vampires being punished."He says
My phone dings.
"Huh? What's this?"He says, picking it up
He examines it curiously.
"Encre! Where are you? What is going on and are you okay? Please answer my calls! I want to know you're okay! I gave you this phone so we don't have this communication issue! From Ink."He mutters
He looks around.
"This must be a device Encre got from Ink. Interesting. And it's here so Encre must be nearby....Maybe I should show this to Father."He says to himself
He looks at me and smiles. He picks me up.
"Éclabousser, you are getting a new home."He says
Then he takes off flying with my phone in one hand and me in his arms. He lands at the castle and goes inside.
"M'Lord, where'd you get the cat?"Suave asks
"This is Éclabousser. I think Simon was trying to test on him but he is a real cute and no cat deserves to deal with him."Jasper says
"Good point. And I see you found Ink's gift to Encre."Suave says
"Yeah."Jasper says
Suave takes it and looks at it.
"I'll go speak with your father and look through these voicemails. Maybe speak with Ink and get some ideas on what to do."Suave says
Jasper nods.
"But please bathe that kitty. Who knows where Simon put it."Suave says
"Yes Suave."Jasper says
Jasper carries me up the stairs. He pets me as he walks down the hall, making me purr. He bumps into Fallacy. Fallacy looks at me. He looks at Jasper. Then at me again and smiles. He pets me on the head between the ears. He softly rubs behind each ear. I purr a lot more and louder.
"Éclabousser really likes you."Jasper says
Fallacy smiles.
"Encre was with Éclabousser then. Encre's scent is really strong.......I hope he is okay."He says
I frown. I don't like how unhappy he is. I leap out of Jasper's arms, gripping onto Fallacy. I nudge the collar of his cloak away, revealing his mark. I kiss it softly.
"Aaah..."He says softly
His body became extremely relaxed. His face is burning.
"Éclabousser!"Jasper exclaims, trying to get me to let go
"How did this cat know I was marked there or that I'm weak there? Only one person knows kissing there weakens me......"Fallacy says
I keep purring.
Come on Fallacy, connect the dots!
"And I've never seen a cat with changing eye colors."He says
I smile. But Jasper managed to get me away from Fallacy. There is a strange silence that overtook them.
"Suave has something to show you and talk to you about downstairs."Jasper says
Fallacy nods and goes downstairs.
I hear three yells that made me jump, clinging to Jasper.
"Awww, don't worry kitty. They won't bother you. Those are just the vampires that Father locked up in the dungeon for how they acted to Encre. They deserve it. Trying to hurt Encre is just as bad as trying to hurt us, which is an attempt of treason, so they may be in there for a while."Jasper says
I look up at him. Dang, they don't mess around.
"Nobody hurts our Encre."He says
I smile, then nuzzle my head to his arm with a purr loud and clear. He takes me into the bathroom, puts me on a rug while he gets a bath ready. He puts me in and I smile.
"Wow, I thought cats hated water. You're a special cat."He says, brushing and washing me in the tub
Afterwards, he dried me off and let me wander around. I smile. I hear something behind me and turn to see something looking like a snake behind me. I yelp in surprise, running away. Jasper comes out and I run to him, hugging his leg. I purr being with him. He looks around and shakes his head.
"Charlos!"He says
"What?"Charlos asks, coming into sight
"You know cats hate cucumbers! They look like snakes to the cats. Don't scare him!"Jasper says
"Oh, sorry Encre."Charlos says
"This is Éclabousser, not Encre."Jasper says
"I recognize his scent. And that cat is the source of Encre's strong scent, not the kind of scent left behind."Charlos says
I go to him and purr. He is right.
"He agrees with me!"Charlos says
Then I see my art room and run to it. I may be a cat but I can still do art. I shut the door and look around. I see Felicia sitting by the window, painting. She has gotten into making art and we've painted together many times. I get a canvas and get a brush. I hold it with both my paws but struggle. So I switch to just dipping my paws and painting. It was a lot easier and lots of fun. She notices me.
"Encre?"She says
I meow a hello to her.
"What happened to you?"She asks
I finish my creation, wipe my paws on some paper towels and cloths, then point to it. She looks at it.It's an explanation of what happened.
"Oh, I see."She says, then tosses a ball of yarn
My gaze follows it and I pounce at it, playing with it. I have no reason not to. I hear her giggle.
"Adorable."She says
"Encre! You found him!"Gramma says
I smile as she enters.
"Yeah....How is your investigation going?"Felicia asks
"We linked the magic to a Gaster and Simon. And it keeps him from using his magic or curing himself like bodies do with immune systems and all that. So, that lets the chemicals run wild like a virus. And the chemicals used on him allows Simon to experiment on him by changing him into different animals, preventing him from speaking, preventing him from turning back to a skeleton, and weakening him. One hit could kill him."She explains
"Oh dear...."Felicia says
I roll on the yarn ball out of there.
I get rolled right into Suave's room. I find Suave and Fallacy in it. Fallacy is looking confusedly at the phone. He pokes it, on edge. The screen turns on and Ink is calling again.
"Gah! It's vibrating and glowing! Did we anger it?"He yelps, dropping it right next to me
I look at it. I press answer.
"Hello? Encre?"He says
I meow a hello.
"Oh dear, what happened?"He asks
"Wait....Is this Ink speaking?"Fallacy asks
"Yes, one sec."He says
The screen changes and Ink appears. He smiles and waves.
"Sir, how did you get stuck inside the brick?"Suave asks
"This is a phone. Not a brick. It's a communication device I gave to Encre."Ink says
"We're looking for him. We noticed you left a lot of calls and messages. Would you happen to know anything?"Fallacy asks, calming down from his fright
"Well, on our last call........He told me he had strange chemicals in him and was wondering how to cure that. I gave him some advice and then the subject changed. Then a few hours later I called him and someone different answered. They said they were Simon, who I know is your world's Science Sans. He didn't sound nice or good. He claimed to have tested on Encre and I could hear him hitting something or someone with a knife. He was real stupid though as well."Ink explains
"What do you mean?"Fallacy asks
"Have you ever read a book where a villain tells their plan before the hero foils it?"He asks
"Yes."Suave says
"He did that. And he's sure your sister figured it out by now, Fallacy. He said he could never be stopped. He will either kill Encre or let Encre go wild as an experiment. But isn't that what all of them say before they are stopped?"Ink says with a roll of his eyes
I hop onto the yarn ball to get into sight.
"Why hello, little fella!"He says
I wave and smile.
"Oh, they pulled that trick on you, huh?"He asks
I nod, realizing he knows it's me.
"Ugh, idiots. I had a similar situation once. Just do what I told you."He says
I meow an okay.
"What trick? And you didn't tell us to do anything!"Fallacy says
"I was talking to your friend."Ink says
I roll under the desk. But in a blink of an eye the ball was bigger. I check myself and see that I've become a mouse. I sniff around. Change routine. Find something new. Like eating something different or changing wake up time.....Something simple.
I catch a scent of cheese from the desk I climb up while Fallacy, Suave and Ink talk over the phone. I find a plate with some cheese. I don't have cheese often. I break a small piece off and hold it in my hands. But before anything could proceed, I feel a hand pinch my tail.
"And where do you think you're going with that, little mouse?"Fallacy asks
I squeak quietly a word that would probably upset Suave. Shit. Busted.
I feel a tug at my tail and next thing I know, I am dangling above the ground by my tail. I yelp and grip onto the cheese tightly. If I eat the cheese, the chemicals won't work and I'll turn back to normal.
"Where's that cat that Jasper got? I swear it was just here."Fallacy says
Suave narrows his eyes.
"M'Lord, putting a cat near a mouse will just make it a Tom and Jerry cartoon like a book Jasper reads."Suave says
"Hmmm, well this critter should be dealt with before the cat finds it."He says, tightening his grip on my tail
"Ow!"I squeak, but they don't understand me
"Oh dear, seems things got more complicated with his chemicals."Ink says
"Huh?"Fallacy says
"Simon wants to experiment with me. He will keep changing me until I turn into something that makes me get killed. He wants to see their reactions when they kill me without knowing."I squeak
"Well that is a sicko. It can be stopped though. And you know how."Ink says
He understood me!
"What are you? An animal whisperer?"Fallacy asks, bouncing me like a yoyo
Ink smiles.
"I only understand the nice ones."Ink says
"Okay?"He says
"Fallacy, you put him down now. He needs to eat."Ink says
Fallacy nods, putting me down.
"Scram."He orders
"That is no way to talk to him, Fallacy."Ink says, crossing his arms on the phone screen
"What?"Fallacy says
"Don't tell me you haven't realized who that mouse is or who that cat was."Ink says
Fallacy looks at him confusedly. Suave made the realization. He kneels down and hugs me tightly, but knocked the cheese out of my hold.
"Aww! Monsieur you are safe now!"He tells me
"Suave what has gotten into you?"Fallacy asks
"This critter will be protected!"Suave declares
"You haven't realized. Oh my stars...."Ink says, groaning in frustration and facepalming
"What the heck is going on?"Fallacy asks
"That is Encre, Fallacy."He says
"No it isn't! He can't turn into animals!"Fallacy says
"Unless he is experimented on. I didn't even know Simon had that kind of chemicals or magic in your world."He says
"E!Gaster helped him...."I squeak
"Nevermind! That makes perfect sense with that guy! Ugh, so now he repeats what he tried with me....How can I explain this? Oh! I know! Hey Glitchy?"Ink says
He turns to the left, where we could not see anything.
"YEaH InKy?"I hear Error say
"Could you come here and explain something? Fallacy isn't as quick to notice certain transformations and understand the situation as you were."Ink says
"WhIch oNe?"Error asks
"Remember that time I wasn't feeline good out at sea? That transformation."Ink says
"Ah! YoU'rE KiTtEn mE! E!GaStEr dId tHat tO EncrE?"Error asks
"With the scientist Simon."Ink says
"I'm cOmIng."Error says
"You may go, my friend."Suave says, releasing me
I nod. I look around and spot the cheese. Felicia, Jasper, Charlos and my gramma enter, kicking the piece of cheese around as they walked.
"We have some news to tell you."They say
I scramble around their feet and squeeze past the shutting door. I see the piece roll off of the top of the stairs and watch as it goes all the way down, landing in Horror's mouth as he slept on the floor and snoring loudly. He, of course, swallowed it and woke up. Well there goes that plan.
But then Horror spots me and throws a knife at me. It spun but the handle hit me instead of the blade luckily. And due to the speed, it had enough force to send me out a window. I land on a tree branch roughly and look around. I hear hoots and panic. I scurry down into the grass, running as fast as I could. But soon I realize I've grown bigger. I check myself and see I've become a dragon.
Okay, E!Gaster. Simon. WHAT THE HELL?
Were'd they get the science supplies or chemicals to even do this? How even? Don't ask questions! Just go!
I look for a place to hide before I get spotted. I find a huge, dark cave. I sniff the entrance and catch no scents of creatures inside. Plus I could see inside despite how dark it is. This cave is empty. And deep. I go in it and curl up, watching the entrance.
Hours pass. Light starts shining in from outside. But soon it gets dark out. That repeated twice, so two or three days passed. I don't leave the cave. Ever. Then one night I see a figure with a spear enter the cave. I panic and next I knew, substances as bright as paints were shooting like fire from my mouth. It missed the figure but burned their spear like acid.
"What the hell?"I hear them say
I see them light a torch and look around.
"Those are huge footprints."They say
I realize I left a trail of footprints. I panic and go deeper into the cave. I hear footsteps coming. I reach the end of the cave and curl up, hiding behind a boulder.
"Hello? Encre? Love? Where are you? I don't want you to get hurt."I hear Fallacy call out
"What the hell is a freak like you doing here?"A voice snaps
"You! You're responsible for this! I will make you PAY for what you did to Encre!"Fallacy shouts
I do not move. I hear a scream and then someone running away. I tremble, scared. I hear someone coming closer and closer to me.
"Encre? Where are you?"Fallacy calls out, but his voice is louder so he is closer
It sounds like he is on the other side of the boulder. I don't risk anything. He goes right past me. I watch him. I hear more footsteps and get worried. I move some rocks, blocking us in. He hears this and turns around.
"Oh, guess it's a dead end."A voice says
Fallacy comes closer to me. I back up nervously, afraid he might hurt me. It only takes one hit after all. He lifts the torch to shine me.
"Encre?"He says
I back up, but look at him. I silently plea and hope he doesn't hurt me or that he knows it is me. He blows the torch out and tosses the stick aside. I look away, resting my head. I feel two hands on my tail. I look at him. He is hugging and kissing my tail. What the heck?
He releases my tail and places two arms under me, flipping me over. He hops onto my belly and leans forward. I look at him, unsure of what he is doing. He smirks. Then he feels along my neck. I feel him touch my mark. He smiles.
"You're marked....Hmmmm, I wonder if you are sensitive there too.~ Then perhaps it is you, my love."He says
PERHAPS?! So THAT of all things convinces him?!
He gets near my neck and starts kissing my mark. My soul starts racing. My face burns. He keeps kissing. I couldn't take it. I get an idea. I grab him and lift him up, close to my face.
"Uh oh, did I iritate you? Nice dragon...Nice gigantic dragon."He says, sounding scared
I smirk. I take his cloak off with another hand. He starts squirming in my grip.
"Maybe coming in here alone wasn't a good idea."He says to himself
I laugh. I laugh at him as he questions his life choices, thinking he is gonna die. I put him down but before he could move I coil my tail around him. I look carefully along his neck and find his mark. I kiss it gently.
"Oooh, aaah...."He huffs, breathing harder and his face burning
(Think of Fallacy being the size of Donkey from Shrek and Encre the size of the dragon for size reference)
I smirk.
"H-Huh? So you aren't gonna eat me?"He asks
I nod.
"Are you a vegatarian dragon?"He asks
I shake my head.
"So why aren't you gonna eat me?"He asks
I huff, but some smoke came out as puffs of hearts that hit him. His face got even brighter.
"Encre...?"He says
I smile.
I feel his body relax.
He looks up in wonder at me.
"You look majestic, my adorable love."He says, looking awestruck
That got me in the soul. I hide my face in my claws. I feel him pull out of my tail's hold. I feel his hands pry my claws away. I look at him. He smiles. He starts kissing me, then looks up.
"Step back!"He orders
He was so sudden and serious with his a powerful tone that I leapt back. Rocks start falling from the cave ceiling. He dodged some but one crushed him.
"That should've killed Encre by now. No need to check."I hear Simon say from a hole high above
I frown. I smash the rock and scoop Fallacy up. He is covered in dust and pebbles. I dust him off and the wounds reveal themselves. I clasp him in my claws, using healing magic. His hand grips mine. I check on him. He looks fully healed. I set him down and he puts his cloak back on. I put my head down and he climbs onto me, kissing me on the head. He seems shaky so I have him stay there. I start heading out of the cave. It's a bright, sunny day. Strange for February. If it is still February. I can't tell anymore, I was gone for two years after all. I blow some mist into the air and it looks like white paints. Clouds formed in the sky, blocking the sun. I open my wings and fly back to the castle. I land under a tree's shade. I huff and the clouds go away. The sun goes down.
Felicia gasps when she came out and saw us.
"Fallacy!"She shouts
(My mind rn-Shrek:DONKEY!)
"Hey, sis....."He says
"Woah! Father's a vampire on a dragon head!"Jasper says
"This is Encre."Fallacy says
"Hah, you're so small in comparison to him. Guess you can't call him your lil love anymore."Jasper chuckles
I smile.
"It's vice versa now."Felicia says
Suave came outside and fainted at the sight.
"Pfft, Suave was so shocked!"Jasper says
Fallacy slides down from my head to my tail, helping Felicia and Jasper get Suave inside. I watch through the windows, which freaked out my friends but Azula, Charlos, Fibi, and my grandparents found it cool.
I suddenly become a lot smaller. Before I hit the ground, I find talons around me. I'm a mouse again. I look up to find an owl is taking me. But then the owl slams into the ground. Telling by their expression, the owl didn't mean to do that. The owl tries to improvise and puts me in its beak. I squeak loudly with fear. A shadow cast over the owl almost instantly. The owl looks to find Fallacy towering over it.
"Drop it. Drop it now."He orders
The owl looks away. Then it spun so fast it gotme dizzy that I couldn't understand what's going on. I feel myself hit the ground but then a hand grab me. I hear a door shut. I shake my dizziness away. I find myself in Fallacy's hands while he is in a cottage. At least that's what I thought was going on. But then I get shifted to one hand and the other hand got a glove colored to look like Fallacy's hand taken off to reveal a pearly white skeletal hand. I get scared, starting to tremble. But then, the hands fly backwards, another set of hands scooping me up. I look up to see Poussière holding me.
"Simon is so stupid with his so-called brilliant plans. He should have thought twice about coming to the forest. Now, Fallacy is still chasing an owl around. Allow me to bring you back."He says
Next thing I know, I'm sitting on a table looking out a window of the castle. Poussière went to tell Azure that everything is okay. Fallacy hasn't returned yet. I shake my head, erasing the What If's from my mind. I feel hands under me. I get lifted up by the tail again. I squeak out of surprise.
"Aww, Encre. You're squeaks never cease to be adorable."I hear Fallacy say
I look at him, he's holding me by my tail again. He smiles at me. Then drops me into the palm of his hand. I look up at him and smile. He leans in and kisses me on the head.
"Now, what can I get my wittle love? Cheese?"He asks
I nod. He sets me down happily.
"You stay here."He says
I smile as he leaves. But there was something off.
A knife lands in front of me.
Then behind me.
Both sides of me. I'm boxed in. I look up and see a knife coming in for the landing. I hop onto one of the knife handles and use it like a catapult. I land a good distance from the table on the floor.
"Come and die you little rodent!"Horror shouts
I shake a bit. I squeak from fright, watching another knife come flying to me. I dodge it and run. I see a hole and run to it. Right as I got inside, an axe landed right outside the hole, covered in blood. I shake and cover my mouth to prevent myself from making any noise. Noises could get me in danger. Well, more danger. The axe is lifted. It starts smashing the wall, but opened the other side of the wall. I ran for dear life. I move quickly back into the forest and hide a blanket that was laying around. I feel a pain hurt me more than anything. I wrap myself in the blanket. I look around, terrified.
I shut my eyes.
"FALLACY!"I scream
I open my eyes, shocked it wasn't a squeak.
I check myself and I'm a skeleton. A naked skeleton with a blanket. I grip it around me tightly. But something is off. I can feel it.
Hey! It worked! Well done Simon!
Now we will see everything he does! We may find weak points!
I frown. That sounded like Asgore and Simon. I look at a nearby puddle and see my eyes are different.
They must be using me to spy! That right eye looks like Asgore's when he is angry and the other looks like Simon!
I hear footsteps come running.
"Encre?"Fallacy shouts
Come on! Think of something! And fast!
I feel around so they don't see what I'm doing. I feel some fabric on the tree branches. I stand up, grabbing it blindly. I look at it quickly, then tie it around and over my eyes. I grip the blanket tightly.
Hey! Who turned the lights out?
He must know we're watching! Shit!
It's totally not like I can hear them!
"Fallacy?"I shout blindly
I hear running footsteps. Two hands grab me and lift me up.
"Encre! You're back! you're okay! You must have turned back since you escaped Horror! I'm so happy you're okay!"He says
I smile a bit.
"You're shaking....You're scared.....Wait, why are you covering your eyes?"He asks
I see some fingers grip my blindfold.
"No...Don't lower it."I say
"Huh? Why not?"He asks
I think quickly.
"Ils ont utilisé des produits chimiques pour voir à travers mes yeux. Ils espionnent. Je ne veux pas qu'ils s'en tirent. Roi et scientifique stupide."I say
(They used chemicals to see through my eyes. They are spying. I don't want them to get away with it. Stupid king and scientist.)
What did he say?
How the hell should I know?
I smile. They don't know what the hell I said. I feel Fallacy hold me close.
"Well I'm sure everything will be alright. Don't you worry, Love."He says
He leans in and kisses my neck, right on my mark. My face burns, then my soul races.
"A-Aaah, Fallacy."I sigh
"What's with the blanket?"He asks
"Faire demi-tour ne rend pas mes vêtements comme par magie..."I say, too embarrassed to let them know my situation of all people
(Turning back doesn't magically return my clothes...)
"Oh. Ooooh! Allow me to take you back home and handle that.~"He says with a smooth tone
He brings me back and next I know, I am on a bed. I get pinned to it, the blanket getting unwrapped down to my waist.
"M-M-M-Mon amour?"I stutter
I feel him kiss my ribs and all the bones he could. I become a blushing mess, my soul beating out of control. I blindly reach up, caressing his cheek.
"Encre, my dear, you are so adorable. I love you so much."He says, kissing my neck and cheeks
"Aaaah, oooooh, haah.........Mon amour......."I say, overwhelmed by his affection
"Now, just relax."He says
"W-What are you doing?"I ask
"I'm getting clothes for you."He says
I feel something slip over my head and arms. It feels as cozy as a shirt. He hands me some folded clothes to do the rest. I put it on and he pats me on the back randomly. Then I hear footsteps get near the door. I get up and hug his arm. I can hear Asgore and Simon in my head coming up with something bad.
"Encre?"Fallacy says
"I wanna stick by you....Whenever we split up something bad happens. They want to cause something bad for you. I won't allow that."I say
"Is that so?"He asks
"Mhm."I say
"Well I guess I could check the doorlock later........."He says, scooping me up
I smile. He lays me in bed and we just snuggle together.
And that's all I needed. I loved it.
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