Chapter 21:Failed Tricks
Encre's POV
E!Gaster comes closer. Hooded and shadow-like. All I could see are his eyes.
"W-Where am I?"I ask
"ThAt doeS nOt mAttEr. NoW, Let'S sEe wHat mAkeS yOur sOul tIck."He says
I try to summon some magic but fail.
"Oh rIght, I tOoK yOur mAgiC aWaY eXcEpt hEaLinG."He says
He steps closer and closer, those eyes looking very menacing. I keep stepping back further and further.
"Stay away from me!"I snap
He does not listen.
I keep backing away.
"What do you want with me?"I whimper
"AdvAntAgEs, tHaT iS wHat. If I lEaRn wHat mAkEs yOuR sOul tIck, I coUld fiGuRe oUt hOw tO sTop mAkinG iT tIck oR uSe yoU iN oThEr wAys. Or dO thAt to yOuR oThEr veRsiOns oF yOurSelF."He says
I remember that nice guy Ink. No.... Now I'm not just scared for myself, but also for him.
"MayBe I wIlL gEt yOur LovEr tO sEe wHat MaKes hIm aNd hIs oThEr vErsIoNs tIck, thEn Get mY sOn tO sIde wiTh mE.....ThEn aGaIn I aLrEadY hAvE oNe."She says
Soon I backed up into a wall. He twirls a sleeve, his hand hidden. I start getting dizzy. I passed out.
Hours, who know how many, I woke back up. I was in some kind of hourglass without the sand. It was covered with a red cloth or curtain. There were some pillows and a single blanket near me. I was all by myself. I don't know what scares me more, being alone in an unknown and dangerous place or being trapped with knowledge of what may happen to me without anyone to help. But soon I realized that my limited space was not a solo space.
I am not alone.
"Hey guy and gal! The newbie woke up!"A voice says
"How many tests do there appear to be on them?"Another says
"None."The first says
"Welp, back to Kermit."The second says
"Ooo! ThEy lOok lIkE ErAsEr! I wIlL cHeCk ThEm oUt aNd sEe if He iS oKay."A third says
A skeleton slips down from above. He looks quite interesting. He has black bones, eyes like Fallacy. But he is shorter. He has no fangs but has a skll decorated with 1's or 0's. He wears a dark blue shirt.
"HeY tHerE! I aM ReBooT! WhaT'S yOur nAmE? ArE yOu oKaY?"He asks
I look at him uneasily. I feel chills go down my spine.
"Aww! You aRe coLd? Let'S hElp!"He says, lifting the blanket
Two others drop down. Both kids. One has red or yellow eyes, wearing a red shirt. He pulls the pillow close. Then the other had a purple eye then a eye with a mark that was red&purple. That kid wore a purple shirt and blue pants while reading a book titled KERMIT MEMES. They pull the blanket on themselves too.
"Hey, I'm Faith and this is Stärke. You must be new to the whole multiverse thing, sir. Reboot is another version of Error Sans or whoever is the glitchy fella you have in your world that loves chocolate."One says
"I'm Encre. I'm alright but...............I'm really scared of that E!Gaster dude.....And what he has planned."I say
We all shake hands, then they hug me.
"Same here. That guy took us as well."They say
"Right after he destroyed our worlds. We don't exactly have places to go."Stärke says, not looking up from the book
"Oh come on! We still have our friends!"Faith says
"Oh yeah? Like who?"Stärke asks
"I hAvE mY RaCY."Reboot says with a lovey dovey smile
"You have TK. And we have our friends. Plenty of them."Faith says
"Don't forget about your close bud Fury."Stärke says, though some color came to her face at the mention of TK
I recognize the names now.
"Are you two friends of Shino?"I ask
"You know Shino?"Faith asks
"Yep. And her brother Goth. I've gotten to know some of their friends too. I saw you both in a book that she made."I say
"Wow! Well it's a pleasure to meet you!"Faith says
"A friend of my friend is a friend."Stärke says with a smirk
"Did you guys lose your magic and stuff too?"I ask
"Yeah. Reboot can't glitch or use magic. I can't summon my weapon or any magic and neither can she. Also we were put into these clothes."Faith explains
"What do we do?"I ask
"We are still figuring that out. But certainly someone from your world is worried about you. I doubt he got the time or energy to destroy it. Here, I still have my phone, give them a call."Faith says, takig a small rectangle out of a pillow
I look at him confusedly as he hands me it.
"Phone?"I say
"Yes, a phone."He says
I stare at it in my hands confusedly.
"What's it for? How does it work?"I ask
"Have you never had a phone before?"He asks
"HiS wOrlD's sEtTiNg maY noT hAvE iT."Reboot says
"I'm from Vampireverse."I say
"Oh He dEfiNitElY dOesn'T."Reboot says
"Here, I will show you. Surely there is an app or something that can make phone messages into letters."Faith says
"App?"I say, completely lost
"Don't worry about it."He says
He then guides me on how to use this strange device called a phone. He showed me how to make calls and stuff, but since nobody has "phones" or "phone numbers" and there is no "app" to help make the calls into letters magically, I couldn't contact anyone.
He and Reboot wanted to see what my world is like based on how the "Undernet" portrays it. Faith typed in Fallacy and my home and millions of words or images appeared. They were quite impressed, even Stärke looked at it. Though Reboot wasn't that surprised.
"WhAt eXaCtLy wErE yOu gUys eXpEctInG fRoM a wOrLd cAlLed VaMpIreVerSe?"He asks
"We dunno."The two kids say
And that was the start of a wonderful friendship among the four of us.
Days passed slowly. We did the only thing we could do, hang out and get to know each other. I'd say we grew close.
But then one day, ONE DAY, bad luck went from a rock to a boulder.
I was sitting in the top half of the hourglass trap while the three were down at the bottom. The lid opened and I looked up to see Charles opening it. I panicked and slipped down to the bottom half.
"Are you okay?"Faith asks
I shake my head.
"Encre, come here now!"Charles says
Reboot holds me close to him.
"I will have E!Gaster kill your friends here and in your world if you don't!"He says
I don't want that.
I climb up and he grabs me. He pulls me out and drags me to another room. He tears my shirt off of me and chains me to a wall with my feet apart and my hands above my head. Like a jumping jack position. He grabs a knife and slashes my arms.
"You ruined my plans! Fallacy was supposed to be dead by now but because of you he lives!"He snaps at me
"He is meant to live. You are in no position to make those choices."I say
He slashes my rib cage, which hurt a lot.
"What makes ya say that?"He asks
"B-Because, you are....d-d-definitely NOT Shino's father Reaper. And that's his job, not yours."I say, using what I read in Shino's book and what she told me
He paused.
"How do you know those people?"He asks
"How do you think I know them?"I ask
He starts to tremble! He is shaking more than someone in a blizzard. His hands quiver but he still slashes me with the knife.
"You.....You got two choices. Join and love me or die."He says
"Hmmm, neither of those choices sound very pleasing. So, how about I give you a choice, mister. You can free my friend Encre there, or YOU can have a bad time."A voice says from behind him
He drops the bloody knife.
"I forgot to shut the trap."He mutters
I see Stärke put a knife to Charles' face.
"That's right, ya did. And thank you for that."She says
He looks at her in pure fear. The color drained from his eyes.
"Have mercy, child."He says
"I won't take orders from you. Make your choice carefully."She says
He bites her arm and kicks her away. He comes over, scooping up the knife he dropped and went into some kind of machine mode. He cut faster and slashed more spots than a normal person or monster would be able to. Like a machine. It must be his fear fueling him with adrenaline.
"Wrong choice!"Stärke shouts
She starts attacking him. He just runs away, fleeing from the child. Stärke whistles, peeking her head out the door. I finally get a chance to breathe, as much as it hurt.(It does kinda make sense since bones need oxygen) Reboot and Faith come in quickly, freeing me. i hold myself gently, feeling my wounds sting and scream. Though I am quiet.
"You weren't screaming or crying that much, which surprised me."Stärke says
"Trust me, it hurt. But it's not the first time someone hurt me and it wasn't the worst way either."I say as I use my healing magic to try to heal myself
It hardly did anything.
E!Gaster limiting my magic SUCKS!
The most I did was get it to stop bleeding.
I get a shirt back on and now that we are free, we decide to wander. They wanted to get their clothes back somehow as well. Faith found a closet and busted it open. I immediately get a bad feeling when we step inside. Then, my soul dropped. Chills go down my spine. I see horrifying things in this closet. While Reboot and Stärke found their clothes and magic and stuff, Faith also noticed how strange this closet looked. Weapons hang on the walls, having too much dust to be natural and red stains. Faith grabs his clothes and examines the weapons, though he does not touch them. I take a few more steps, curious to see if I could get my magic back. But I found something MUCH worse.
"What kind of closet is this?"Faith asks
"Probably where they kept their tools to hurt us and for their plans."Stärke says
"StRanGe."Reboot says
"It gives me the creeps."Faith says
I froze in place.
There are shelves full of jars filled with dust and labeled. But not with proper names. These names were like: Monster 22 or skeleton #7 and stuff like that. But there were some key items beside each jar that gave clues on who they were.
"Uh, guys?"I say, my voice shaking
"What is i-OH MY STARS!"Faith says
He sees what I see. He starts to tremble and drop to his knees. Reboot covers the children's eyes, no kid should have to see that. I reach up and take a jar off of the shelf.
"What are you doing?"Faith asks
I start to use some healing magic, making the dust swirl and twirl out of the jar like snow or leaves in a breeze. The dust starts to construct a skeleton form and when I finished, another child stood there. He looked very confused.
"Blueprint!"Faith exclaims, running and hugging the third child
I smile.
Maybe I can help these poor souls that those jerks killed!
Reboot seemed to have gotten a similar idea. He comes over while the kids reunite and catch up, not wanting to look at the jars. He and I start taking jars off of the shelves and using healing magic on the dust. Soon the jars got out of Reboot's reach.....So he made the jars break by making the monsters form in the jars. I get a stool and step on it, reaching other jars. There are more shelves so I get a ladder. We save dozens of them, all different. Some were kids, others were adults, all from different parts of the multiverse. Many of them opened portals and left. Blueprint, Faith and Stärke stayed with us though. I climb to a top shelf on the ladder and find that this shelf was different.
"Who are you?"A voice asks
There was a cage-a bird cage type- with a skeleton inside. And he looked pissed at his situation, but looked at me curiously.
"I'm Encre. Who are you?"I ask
"Eraser."He replies
I look down to Reboot who was still emptying jars with healing magic. I look at Eraser.
"Would you happen to be nicknamed Racy?"I ask quietly
He looks at me suspiciously. Then he nods.
I notice a key hanging on a the ceiling above the cage. Out of his reach but not out of mine.
"Let's get you out of here, Eraser. I know someone who'd love to see you."I say
"I am not going to that stupid E!Gaster and that is final!"He snaps as I unlock the cage with the key
"Neither am I. I am referring to a friend of yours. Just look down and you'll see him."I say
He peeks over the shelf's edge, spotting Reboot. He smiles. Reboot puts another jar back on the shelf, now empty of course.
"Boots!"He shouts, leaping down to Reboot
"Racy!"Reboot cheers
Eraser hugs Reboot, both looking overjoyed to be with the other. I look to see if there's anything on this top shelf. I see a circle of dust resembling the mark of a jar. As if one had been there before but taken away. And what was left with these shreds of dust made my soul drop again. Gradient's glasses were there. I find an empty bag for G(kinda looks like a bag of bells in Animal Crossing). Isweep the obvious monster dust into the bag with my hand. I tie it shut and grab Gradient's glasses.
Hopefully we can locate his jar.
I look at the jar labels and according to the order of the jars, his jar would be SKELETON DUST #1.
(E!Gaster from the future:I regret my life choices, like killing Gradient who has become my grandson.
Error from the future:I bet ya do! You better!
Future Gradient:But all is forgiven now! Don't worry!)
"Let's get you back to your home."Faith says
The bunch of them open a portal. They form a circle around me protectively as we go through. Faith holds my hand, knowing that my wounds are not gone yet. They walk through and spot Fallacy's castle. Eraser leads us to it and Reboot knocks on the door with a big grin on his face. The kids were uneasy so they took me behind some bushes. The door opens to reveal Suave inside. He looks at the two adults, confused.
"Hello? How may I help you?"He asks
"ArE yOu SuAvE?"Reboot asks while Eraser holds his hand
"Yes, I am-"He begins
"ALL CLEAR GUYS!"Eraser shouts to us
"What in the name of-"Suave begins
The three kids excitedly bring me over.
"Oh my stars...."Suave says in pure shock
"Pleasure to meet you, sir!"Faith says
"Woah, a Fresh that isn't neon and wacky!"Stärke says
Blueprint elbows her.
"Hey, Suave. How are yo-OOF!"I begin
He hugs me, broken to tears. I hug him back and rub circles on his back to comfort him. He backs up, letting us in. He holds my hand.
"How is this possible? We thought you were dead!"Suave says
"Nope!"Reboot says
"Not if we anything to say about it!"Faith says
"And who are all these folks?"He asks
"This is Blueprint, Stärke, Faith, Reboot and Eraser. They were also taken by E!Gaster."I say, pointing to each of them when I mentioned them
"Pleasure to meet you all."Suave says
"Question, where is the medical supplies?"Faith asks
"Upstairs in a bathroom."He says
Faith speeds off to find it.
"Is that child okay?"He asks me
I nod.
"Wait, if you're here, then who did E!Gaster send in a jar of dust?"He says
My hopes raised.
"What jar?"I ask
He leads me upstairs. There, in Fallacy's room is a jar labeled SKELETON DUST #1. I smile, knowing exactly who this must be. It sits on a nightstand, wrapped with my flower crown.
"Oh! That one."I say
"Encre, is everything alright?"He asks
I nod, removing the flower crown from the jar and setting it aside. I open the small bag and smile even more. I start using healing magic and within moments, the jar is empty and Gradient stands beside me.
"WheRe aM I? W-Why cAn'T I s-See? Bl-BlUeScReeN?"Gradient says
"Don't worry, kiddo. You're safe now. Here, you're not wearing your glasses."I say, handing him his glasses
He puts them on and looks at the jar, then at me. His eyes tell me that he realizes what happened.
"MisTer ENcRe! YoU sAveD mE! ThaNk yOu sO mUch!"He says, hugging me and crying a bit
"No problem."I say
"YoU'Re tHe bEst! HelPinG aN iDioT lIke mE!"He says
"You are no idiot. You are very good and smart."I say
He smiles at me.
"Who is this?"Suave asks
"Suave, this is Gradient. Another kid that I met, though we've seen each other a few times now. Gradient, your friends are downstairs."I say
He takes me by the hand and runs happily back downstairs. The three kids hug him. Reboot and Eraser had just left. Faith comes running downstairs and snaps. I check under my shirt and find that my wounds are bandaged now. I look at Faith and smile, quietly thanking him.
"So what do you plan on doing now?"I ask
The four look at each other and grin.
"We will go to OuterTale!"They say
"Oh yeah, I found this with a note from Ink. It's a phone for you, you can call him if you have any troubles."Faith says, handing me a phone
I nod and we said goodbye before they left through a portal. I wander around the castle, finding it to be quite empty besides Suave. Which is very odd. I go to a balcony, getting a chance to look down to the vampire&werewolf village. It was the middle of the night. And yet it seemed just as empty as the castle. I look to Suave as he comes to join me, lost in confusion.
"Suave, where is everyone? Is Fallacy still at Toriel's?"I ask
"No, he is not there. A lot has happened in the two years you were gone."Suave replies
"2 years?! How? Where I was trapped it was only 2 weeks that passed!"I say in shock
"Well, in that book it did say that time in the multiverse goes at different speeds. Okay, so M'Lord woke up to find that jar of dust in your place with a creepy note. He stayed with Toriel for a month as they all grieved for the loss. Then they all came back and gave the news to everyone else, which made another 2 months of grief. Then from there, they all got down to business. Fallacy planned like there was no tomorrow, making a list of people he wanted GONE or handled. Dane and the council joined him and Toriel in meetings that laster for months. Soon everyone was included in these meetings. By December, they got a plan and put it into action. Azure, Classique, Toriel, Rufous, Dream, and Orion all led riots that kept the guards busy while the others attacked and overthrew Asgore from the throne. They worked for months to get each and every person on Fallacy's list, establishing Toriel's place as the new ruler and banishing Asgore. Simon and Eterna were put in prison and vampire hunters have been called back to be retaught about vampires."Suave explains
He pauses to let this info sink in. I understand now.
"They haven't returned yet for two reasons according to the last letter M'Lord sent me. There is some rumors that Asgore is up to no good again, even without his position as king. M'Lord wants to ensure he doesn't cause any chaos so they are staying out. The second reason is because tonight is the blood moon and he does NOT want any of the vampires losing control and hurting me or others. And that includes him hurting others. He promises to return with everyone soon. Blood Moons cause vampires or werewolves to lose control, partly since it's a full moon for werewolves."Suave explains
I nod, understanding.
There is a knock from the front door that echoes through the empty castle. Suave goes to answer it and I follow. He has me stay on the steps for my safety, so I stay on the bottom step of the stairs.
There stands a stranger. But the stranger made Suave uneasy just at a glance. The stranger tries to invite themselves in but Suave shoves them back with the door. I get the knowledge that they are no friend without it being said. The stranger keeps trying to shove the door open, but luckily it is very heavy. It's a challenge just to open it so Suave pushing against it made it even harder. But the stranger managed to squish between the door and inside wall with half his body and entire head. He does not look at Suave though. He looks at me while I stood on the steps. He gets this sadistic smile on his face, his gaze direct but then shifting to line up with my neck. I realize he sees my mark. I cover it but this stranger just kept looking at me, scanning my body. He licks his mouth and smirks again, making eye contact with me.
"I could have fun with you, maybe replace that mark with my own.~"The stranger says, pushing harder against the door
Suave slams the door, knocking the door hard on this guy's head.
"Encre! My duster! Your art room! GO!"He says
I run up the stairs to the room. I find the duster and hear a big bang, then a slam and thud before violent noises. There are running footsteps and then the stranger tackles me to the ground. I struggle to get him off of me so it became a wrestle. I slip the duster like I saw Suave do it to make a knife and stab it in his back. He bites my neck deeply then screams in pain. Suave runs in and takes the knife and stabs him a few more times. He shoves the guy off of me. He takes out a handkerchief and wipes the bite mark now from him.
"Encre, it's on Fallacy's mark. Oh dear.....It's making Fallacy's fade....How bad does it hurt?"Suave says
"Agh......It hurts worse in other places.....How mad could he get when he hears that news?"I ask
"Oh he will be infuriated and he may lose even more control if he finds out during the Blood Moon."He says
"Oh dear...."I mutter
"Hey, Suave! We're back!"Azure shouts
"Oh boy...How do I explain this?"He mutters
"I'll help."I say
"Suave?"Classique calls
I get up and walk with Suave out of the room. All our friends are down there. Except the vampires.
"Where are M'Lords, Felicia, Poussière, the council and Charlos?"Suave asks
"Handling things."Fibi says, already back to cleaning
"Wait, I sense....Honey? Do you sense it too?"I hear my grandmother say
"I do."Grandpa say
"If you sense some fresh blood or someone dying, Asgore sent his lil helper again to try and intrude the place."Suave says
"No! It's not that!"Gramma says
Grandpa comes running up the stairs.
"Oh my stars! How...?"He says
"Hi Pa......."I say softly
He starts crying.
"Dearie! Come here! Our boy is alive!"He cheers, hugging me in tears
Grandma comes with Azula, both gasp and hug me as well.
"Gentle he is wounded."Suave says
"Who is the dusted dude in the jar?"Azula asks
"A friend of his. It was faked. And he healed the kid."Suave says
"I'm sorry I couldn't escape sooner....I was trapped! I c-c-couldn't face him...."I say
"Ssssh, ssssh, it's okay. It's okay, sweetie. We know. We understand. You were scared. We're just glad you're safe."Gramma says
"What's going on up there?"Azure shouts
"Ah! Zu zu! Encre is back! You boys get up here!"Azula says
"Back from the dead?!"Rufous shouts
"He never was dead! Just missing and captured until now!"Azula says
Grandma pick me up and then tosses me over the railing. I feel two arms wrap around me. I glance to see Classique smiling at me with Azure and Rufous beside him.
"Hey buddies..."I say
"It's really him!"They say hugging me
Then, I hear wings flap and running footsteps. This is followed by a door slam.
"M'Lord! Are you all okay?"Suave asks
"Father sent us away....Asgore fled but boy did he and his helpers put up a fight!"Jasper says
"Azure? Are you alright?"Poussière asks
"Yep!"Azure says
"The council flew off to their homes to check in with their areas. Dream returned to his boyfriend."Felicia says
"Well you four better take your medicine before anything proceeds. Don't need anyone losing control due to the Blood Moon."Suave says
"Okay...."The bunch of them say, but I could not see them
Classique puts me down. I see Suave lead them away, but Charlos spots me.
"Swear jar."Fibi says
I see Suave spray him.
"Azure you see him too right?"Charlos asks
"See who?"I hear Jasper ask
"Yep. And he is wounded, not dead."Azure says
"Jasper, your father's love is here."Charlos says
Before I knew what was happening, Jasper knocked me down in a hug, crying his eyes out.
"Encre! I'm so happy you're back and okay! You're safe now! We handled it! I missed you so much! We all did! I....I.....We....W-We...."He cries
I rub circles on his back like I did with Suave.
"Ssssh, ssssh, it's okay. It's okay, Jasper. Calm down. Suave explained everything. I missed you all too. You can tell me whatever you want on your own time, no need to rush. Everything is okay, Jasper."I say
He looks up at me, quivering. His eyes still have tears.
"We are not losing you again. You are staying here where you are safe with us. If that E!Gaster wants to be a female dog and have a problem with it, then I'll give him a piece of my mind. You should too. I know how strong you are. You can take that idiot down easily."He says
I wish it was that easy....
"Whatever you say, Jasper."I say
"Wait....What happened to your neck? Someone bit you? It's making Father's mark fade!"He whimpers
"Yes, an intruder bit me. Suave handled it though."I say
"Jasper come get your medicine!"Felicia shouts
"Okay, but Auntie! Encre is back! And Suave! Please explain what the intruder did!"Jasper cheers, running off
"I called it! Poussière, you owe me 20G!"Felicia says
"How'd you know?"Suave asks
"That jar of dust didn't smell anything like Encre. Different people have different scents, even as dust. And that jar did not have Encre's scent."Felicia says
"This must be one of the only times that I'm glad I lost some G to you."Poussière says
Then I hear glass shatter upstairs.
"What the heck?"Suave shouts
I go upstairs to investigate. There in the hallway lays Fallacy under a broken window, surrounded by glass. He is covered in wounds, bleeding. I notice some wounds were dark green, like the chemicals in the camps made to hurt vampires. Tears fill my eyes at the sight and thought of those chemicals hurting him. I don't waste any time. I pick him up and carry him tothe nearest room, laying him on a couch. I start using my healing magic on him. He actually reached for my hand while I healed him.
"Come on, Fallacy. Wake up, please."I whisper
I get most of his wounds, but the green wounds were tougher. I try to think on what to do. I get an idea. I use the healing magic to lift the chemicals from the wounds with one hand and then use the other hand to heal the actual wound.
I smile at the sight of his wounds completely gone. He starts shifting his grip on my hand tightens. I snap and the chemicals were destroyed by healing magic like medicine killing a virus.
Fallacy opens his eyes, looking at me.
"Bonjour, Fallacy."I say
His grip tightens.
"Are you okay?"I ask
He does not speak. He yanks my arm, throwing me into a wall. All my wounds scream out in pain. He quickly comes over, shoving me into a corner. I look up at him. He stares down at me, just glowing red eyeholes meeting my gaze. In a blink his eyes became a darker red. He frowns, towering over me. I start shaking, feeling terrified. I check my bandages to find that the wounds were bleeding and starting to show through the bandages. I look up at Fallacy with even more fear now. He can sense it I bet and he probably doesn't have much control with the Blood Moon. He starts to bend down, pinning me to the corner.
"Oh dear...."Felicia says
"Father get down here and take your medicine!"Jasper shouts
"Fallacy, be good!"Charlos says
"M'Lord, I am coming!"Suave shouts
Fallacy goes over, shutting the door and locking it. I dunno what to do. Do I move? No, that will upset him......He comes back over, bending over me. He grabs my shoulder tightly.
"F-F-Fallacy, please. It's me, Encre. P-Please let me go."I whimper with fear filling my voice
His grip softens a bit once I said that. He shakes his head and removes his hand from my shoulder. He lifts my shirt up with that hand and tears the bandages off with the other. I feel him lick my wounds as they bleed. So he got some sensitive spots of my rib cage. I don't fight back, not wanting to upset him. But this was new so I still shook with fear, uneasy about this. He keeps going, licking in every spot he could. And when he wasn't getting a satisfactory amount from a wound, he would bite that spot, digging his teeth in until it starts to bleed. I cried in pain as that became more frequent. But he still hasn't noticed my neck so that's good.
Then, he just stopped. He shut his eyes, his teeth still dug into one of my ribs for my rib cage.
"So sweet........This blood is so sweet...........Like.....Encre's........"He mutters
"Fallacy...."I say softly
The door creaks open. I see Suave come in. He looks over at us. Fallacy digs his teeth deeper, making his fangs go deeper. I could hear my ribs cracking. I cry in pain. He pins my hands to the floor with one of his. I couldn't move. Suave comes over quickly and injects something into Fallacy, probably the medicine. Fallacy stops biting me, licks up the blood and then passes out beside me.
"Poussière! Come get M'Lord!"He shouts
Poussière comes in and carries Fallacy away. Suave checks my condition and shakes his head, not saying a word. He gets fresh bandages and bandages me back up. He asks me what went down and I explain it all. He scoops me up and puts me in a bed, where I slept the second my head hit the pillow. I woke up to Jasper and Charlos dragging the bleeding intruder out of the room. I realize I'm in the art room. I get up with a smile. I feel sore, my body aching from pain. I go to the window and see it is morning. Thank the stars. The Blood Moon is over. I go into the hall while Charlos and Jasper carry the stranger and fly outside. They come in minutes later, looking proud and without the stranger. I wander down the halls. Jasper stops me. He gestures for me to bend down, so I do.
"Oh dear.......That bite mark made Father's mark disappear."He says
I feel my neck and find that he is right. I don't feel Fallacy's mark anymore, but I feel the mark from that guy's bite.
"I'll go tell Suave."He says, running off to find Suave
I keep wandering. I hear Felicia talking, so I go to her voice.
"Fallacy, I have wonderful news. My suspicions were correct. You were tricked into thinking Encre is dead, but he is not. He was just simply trapped elsewhere with E!Gaster. That jar of dust was not his, but a child that Encre knew. Encre is wounded, but he escaped. He is here now........He is the reason you are alive. You fell through a hallway window, poisoned and wounded. He healed you, but the Blood Moon had more power over you."She says
"How'd you know he wasn't dead? And why didn't you say something?"I hear Fallacy say
"Fallacy, you and I have a great sense of smell. I'm sure you have Encre's scent memorized by now. And you know that monster dust has the monster's scent. That jar of dust did not have Encre's scent, so it was likely not him or his dust. I didn't say anything because that was a sensitive topic with you. You weren't exactly open to listen at the time. Plus, all I had to prove it was my belief of a scent that didn't match him. I wanted more than that before I told you. But hey, I got some G from Poussière! I told him and he put a 20 G bet on it."She says
"Is he okay? You said the Blood Moon had power over me."He says
"Well, you kinda.....scared him. No no no, you did more than that. You hardly said anything, cornered him, where he sat and you pinned him to the wall. The only thing that made you ease up on him was when he said his name, trying to reason with you to let him go. You didn't let him go though......You tore the bandages off of his wounds and tried to get his blood from the wounds. And when they stop bleeding, you bit down on the wounds to make him bleed again. He says you paused, recognizing the blood to be as you said sweet like Encre's. But then you bit even harder. Suave came in and gave you your medicine, which knocked you out. Poussière took you away while Suave checked on Encre. Suave says he was shaking and crying, but didn't have a clue how bad things were. That last bite left one of his bones cracked and dangling, ready to snap at any moment. Don't worry, Suave handled that. Suave says he should be sore, but it's better than what the Blood Moon could've made you do. Honestly, you owe Suave big time. Azure and Poussière are tending to Suave now."She explains
"What happened to Suave?"Fallacy asks
"Before we got here, Suave had just explained to Encre what he missed-apparently he was in another world where our 2 years felt like weeks- when there was a knock at the door. He answered, thinking it was us, but it was one of Asgore's little helpers. They tried to get in but Suave wouldn't let them. Then they saw Encre and the mark on his neck. Suave says that this one had bad intentions and wouldn't get their head out of the gutter. They wanted to replace your mark and have fun with Encre. Suave sent Encre to get his duster, which Encre ran to do. This guy finally got in and beat Suave up, then went to get Encre. Suave hid his wounds well, then went to help Encre, where he found Encre bitten and with the guy stabbed with the duster's knife in the back while on Encre. Suave knocked the guy out then took Encre away. And then we came and things went from there. Including your arrival."Felicia explains
I run down the halls to Suave's room, where I found him already trying to get out of bed. His arms were in slings and his foot was in a cast with his chest bandaged. That guy went hard on Suave. I stop Suave and have him lay back down.
"Stay! You need to rest!"I say
"But-"He begins
"No but's! You are not avoiding resting and healing again!"I say
"What do you mean again?"He asks
"Felicia told me about your last recovery! When she came back with Jasper you were working when you were supposed to be healing!"I say
He is silent.
He lays down.
"Fine."He sighs
I smile.
"How do you feel?"He asks
"I feel okay."I say
"Alright, but I advise you change your bandages. If you don't, your wounds may get infected."He says
I nod and leave just as Jasper enters. I walk to a bath room and lock the door. I use some medicine on my neck to make the neck pain go away a bit. Joy filled me as I watched the stranger's mark fade a bit. I remove my shirt and then throw out the bandages. I look at my wounds. Still sore. Still aching. Still hurting a bit. Still needs time. Some still bleeding. No surprise. I notice a scar on one of my ribs, the one that he bit deeply into. Suave probably healed it. I shrug it off. They are good. Besides, Charles did worse and had bad intentions. This may be bad but Fallacy had good intentions. He wouldn't want to hurt me. I put bandages on the wounds and sit down. I put my shirt back on. I roll up my pants to look like shorts and can see the wounds that Fallacy did not go after and the others do not know about. Cuts all over my legs, from my thighs to my feet. I bandage those up as well. I hear a knock at the door.
"Who is it?"I ask
"Love?"Fallacy calls from the other side
I get up and unlock the door. I open it to find him standing there. He looks at me, then breaks into tears.
"Encre....."He says, putting a hand on my cheek
I smile.
"Bonjour, Mon Amour."I say
He got so happy when I spoke. He wraps his arm around me and kissed me. I wrap my arms around him gently. I shut my eyes after he did, not doing anything against the kiss.
I feel my feet leave the floor. I open my eyes, seeing Fallacy come into the bathroom. He sits on the toilet cap and puts me in his lap. He locks the door shut with a snap. I look at him and he sets me in his lap.
"How did E!Gaster put you in a trap? I will slap him for his crime of kidnap. I already know some info but I want your recap."He says
I begin to explain but then notice his gaze is dropping. He looks at my bandaged legs. I stop my explanation.
"Fallacy?"I say
"Did I hurt your legs that bad?"He asks with a shaky voice
"Oh no! You didn't even touch me there!"I reply
"Then where did I hurt you?"He asks
"Ummm...."I mumble
"Love, tell me."He says
"M-M-M-My ribs."I say
"May I see?"He asks
"Fallacy, it was just a little mishap. I know you didn't mean to-"I begin
"Let me see! I could have killed you and not even know because of that fucking Blood Moon! Let me see what I did to you!"He cries, losing all calm and collected parts of his tone that he had before
I nod, hesitantly taking my shirt off.
"Suave just had me put on fresh bandages."I say
He begins to unwrap the bandages. Tears flooded from his eyes when he saw the wounds. He gives one of my ribs a gentle tap. I twitch from the pain.
"Encre....I am so sorry! I'm a piece of crap to do this to you!"He whimpers
"It's okay, Fallacy. Don't say those things."I say, caressing his cheek and wiping his tears away
"B-But it's true...."He whimpers, looking at me with sad puppy dog eyes
He's too cute to be upset like this.
"No, it's not. My wounds aren't completely because of you."I say
"W-W-What?"He says
"Charles hurt me before you. Here and my legs."I say
"What? How? I will kill him for what he put you through!"He says
His sadness ended but his anger only grew.
"He took me from where E!Gaster trapped me, chained me up and started to cut me with a knife. Yeah, he was unhappy at you being alive and me having a part in that. But I think I found a weakspot of his, just mentioning Shino and his dad scared him. He gave me a choice like Alexis did, leave to join and love him or perish. I was gonna decline but then a new friend of mine came and attacked him. He attacked me a bit more but my friend, Stärke, made him leave me alone. She and our group of friends soon afterwards came back to this world and once I was safe with Suave, they left. But yeah, more of these wounds are because of him than they are from you. So don't be too hard on yourself, Mon Amour. Because that would be like taking the fall for him. And I'm okay with what you did, Fallacy. Suave explained what the Blood Moon does to vampires and made it clear that it has the biggest impact on you since you're the king. I'm just glad you're okay."I explain
He pauses for a moment, quiet. He grips my bandages tightly in his hand while staring at my uncovered wounds. He kisses me on the cheek. My face burns.
"I know how to make it up to you, though.~"He says
"There is nothing to make up for!"I say
He ignores me. He picks me up and carries me out of the bathroom. My face burns up even more, being without a shirt.
"F-F-Fallacy? What are you doing?"I ask nervously
He smiles, taking me to our room. He lays me in the bed. He lays perpendicular to me, resting his head on a hand with his other arm across me like a seatbelt to hold me down.
"I hear that something that helps wounds could be displays of affection."He says
I look at him with joy and a bit of excitement, knowing what he is referring to.
"Hold still."He says
I do as told. He gently feels my cheek with a grin. He kisses each of my wounds slowly and too soft to hurt or irritate the wounds. It feels nice and after each kiss on a wound, he'd kiss my cheek. He made me feel safer and loved. Then he rolls me onto him gently, his soft touch tickling my ribs in spots that were not wounded. I laughed a bit and he smiles. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me directly. We hold it for a few minutes. Then he bandages my wounds and allows me to get a shirt back on. There is a knock at the door. I go to it and Jasper smiles at me.
"I see Father found you."He says, glancing at Fallacy behind me on the bed
I nod.
"That's good. Are you feeling okay? Suave sent me to check on you."He says
"I'm alright. Just a little sore."I say
"How's your neck?"He asks
I look at Fallacy. He looks confused at his son's question. I look at Jasper.
"It's alright, I put some medicine on it."I say
He gets a sly smirk on his face.
"How did my father react when he saw your neck no longer had his mark?"Jasper asks
"WHAT?!"Fallacy exclaims
"He didn't say anything yet. I don't think he even noticed it until you asked that."I say
"Encre, I am sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Did you use Suave's mark remover chemical again? I'm sorry!"Fallacy cries
"Oh dear....I just got him to cheer up......."I say
"Aww! I am sorry! Father! It isn't like that!"Jasper says
"Mon Amour, Suave and I got rid of that stuff months ago!"I assure him
I look at Fallacy and he is sobbing again, thinking it was on him. I go over to him and hug him. I rub circles on his back, comforting him and reassuring him. I kiss his cheek and wipe his tears. Jasper explains what really happened and we both managed after a half hour to calm him down. Jasper leaves and after he shut the door, Fallacy went for my neck. He bites it, digging his fangs in. He marks my neck again and holds it longer than he ever did. Probably to make getting rid of it harder. I smile and we fall asleep together.
But one of the biggest changes is yet to come. One that will change our lives and throw us deep into the multiverse.
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