Chapter 20:Connections Restored
New character:Toriel-Former Queen ruling with Asgore but fled when Asgore BANNED MAGIC and started a witch hunt for any magic users. She, being a magic user, did not want to be held above the law or stand by so she fled and has been in hiding for years. She hired Classique as a friend and messenger so she can keep up with what is going on. Has a promise to keep that involves Encre. Will do anything to protect those in need and is just the sweet, motherly monster we all know.
Encre's POV
Months have passed and I have still been trying to recover my memory. Hardly any progress. I hated this fact. But I have progressed with strengthening my friends. My grandparents and Azula kept coming or going, never staying long but not telling where they were either. Jasper and Charlos have either messed with Fibi and Suave or hang out with me. Felicia has helped Dane and his pack settle in near the vampire village after their home was overtaken by spikes for the third time in a row. Otherwise she just loves to chat with me or mess with Fallacy.
Jasper has shown me these comics Shino left behind. Some were official by the creators, others were hand made by Shino to show what happened in something called MOVIES.(That's right, Shino made comics of the exact events in all those movies, except Deadpool, she is too young and innocent....) They focus on these heroes called stuff like Wolverine, Hulk, Batman, Superman, Robin, Nightwing, etc. There is one guy named Tony Stark who became Iron Man, who was like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, except red and yellow and apparently more "high tech". They have groups with names like The Justice League, Avengers, and X-Men. Their villains have some weird but creative names too. The Riddler, Joker, Penguin, Slade, Hydra, Red Skull(his appearance is obvious), Bane scares me; Thanos, Loki(who keeps switching sides!), Ultron, Magneto, etc. Jasper LOVES Loki or Batman, for obvious reasons. Chaos and bats. Suave couldn't get him to stop yelling many things after reading those.
"I am Batman!"
"I am your worst nightmare!"
Those are some examples. After hearing Jasper yell comic book lines for hours, Suave even decided to check the "graphic novels" out himself. He HATES Deadpool. That comic was not Shino's though. It belongs to her brother Raven but was mixed into the pile. Mostly because of his language. And violence. Oh so much violence. He LOVES Captain America though. Jasper joked that Suave has been saying one of Captain America's catchphrases this whole time:LANGUAGE!
But that is not all that he likes about Captain America. He likes this hero's personality too. His self-sacrifice, humble nature, honesty, wit, smarts, and his priorities. He didn't take no for an answer either. And even decades later in a new world, he tries to do what's right instead of what he is told to do. His value for his friends like Bucky even after all that has happened earned some points with Suave too. I would catch him reading the Captain America comics but he would try to hide it in another book since Horror said:THEY ARE FOR KIDS. I told Suave to just ignore what he says and to read what he wants to read.
Then there's DC with Suave. Superman is beloved as well for similar reasons. Like Captain America, he is always looking for the right thing to do and justice even though he is an outsider to the world he protects. Or Batman becuase he may have no powers like Superman, but he can still pack a punch. His favorite villains are Nebula, Loki and Modok. Modok to him looks funny, which I can see. It does seem to be a quote:"Oversized floating head with tiny hands or arms wearing a ruby crown." And with Nebula or Loki, he can't exactly blame those villains for turning out bad. They were overshadowed by their favored siblings Thor or Gamora after all. Plus, Loki CAN be funny, he says. DC villain so far is just Harley Quin. She does not have powers, but she is unpredictable and similar to Batman, can pack a punch. Plus he likes her compassion or loyalty, even if she is a villain.
I have not a single CHOSEN favorite, but if I had to choose, it would be a few. Marvel for starters with heroes would be Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Vision, Groot, Rocket and Drax. I like how the Hulk is this "beast" but is one of the smartest or nicest characters, except when he's angry....Which is always.(Cue I'm always angry quote.) Kind yet misunderstood. Black Widow is sly, smooth, witty, creative and never should be underestimated. Groot is straight up ADORABLE and I love him despite his lack of vocabulary. I get that, I lacked a lot of English after all. Favorite line:We are Groot! Plus he tries so hard to be a good alien bean and protect those he considers family. The Rocket and Groot duo are amazing, getting strong family vibes from those two which makes it awesome. Rocket is inventive and can be short-tempered or demanding, but his bond with Groot and constant priority to protect the adorable tree just balances it out. Drax is so literal it's funny, but his past makes his determination great. "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it." For example is funny in the scene. Those three may not be innocent heroes, but they aren't terrible villains either.
Villains would be Loki for the same reasons as Suave, or the Mary Poppins of Marvel:Yondu. He may not be a saint or entirely good, but he sure was a better father to Quill/Star Lord than that living planet ever was. Yondu prepared him to survive in the mess that is the galactic world. His weapon is cool as well. An arrow that obeys his whistling. Plus he had his wise or funny moments too. "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!" That interaction never fails to get me to laugh a bit, but it was also a sweet moment between the actual fam that is Star Lord and Yondu. He may not be Star Lord's real dad but he sure took the role of one and had the bond to prove it.
DC favorites of mine would be Starfire, Raven, and even Alfred. Alfred is also a favorite of Suave's. He and I see Alfred as a voice of reason and, as the caretaker for Bruce Wayne, is kinda the only person preventing him from doing something crazy as Batman. Suave says he can relate to that since he has to keep Jasper, Fallacy and Felicia from doing crazy things all the time. I like Starfire since I can relate to her with her language barrier struggles, even though she got to be fluent quicker speaking it. Plus her powers make her someone you don't want to mess with unless you want to get fried but her sweet personality makes her someone you want to be buds with. Raven is just straight up awesome with her powers and personality. She is literally a creation from evil/Trigon, but is good when given a chance and on the right side. Proof that anyone can be good if they try. Plus her wisdom at such a young age is cool. Villain favorites would be Terra or the H.I.V.E. Sure, they aren't good, but their powers are so interesting and they're amazing in battle.
Fallacy has stayed close, always checking in and keeping Horror away from me for reasons I do not recall clearly. He's been very loving to me. Kissing me, nuzzling his head on me, whispering sweetly to me, that kind of stuff. I would wake up cuddling him in bed. These moments would spark memories temporarily for me, but get forgotten soon afterwards. Still, he and I still have a strong bond.
December swooped in and coats the land with a heavy layer of snow. Jasper has been going through the books Shino left behind. He's found some interesting ones besides the comic books.
"ENCRE!"He shouts one day
I come over to him. He lifts up a big blue covered book. It looked as heavy or wide as a history textbook or encyclopedia for a country. The cover said Shino's Guide to the Multiverse!
"Those holes were portals that they went through. This book explains everything!"Jasper says, showing me some pages
We read it together very curiously. It explained whats AUs are, portals, transportation and some history about it. The next page was a table of contents.
"Man she is organized."Jasper says
This table of contents was just a table of contents to get to the page of another table of contents. For example:"Toriels' table of contents.......12, Sanses' table of contents.......30" Etc, etc.
"Oooo! Let's check out the Sanses! Surely that has interesting info based on how many Sanses we met already!"He says
I recall Error Sans, Killer Sans, Ink Sans, Nightmare Sans, Goth Sans and Cross Sans. And they say they aren't all a big family, despite having the same last name. Curious, we flip to page 30. And BOY! There are a ton of Sanses. At least that Shino knows. The table of contents was nearly 8 pages! And she writes small so that tells ya something!
The first pages were her friends or family and she has plenty of them. Each page was organized, had a detailed drawing, and info about their life. Geno looks cool, and seems really nice according to what Shino wrote about this Mama Bear. His weakness is the kids or Reaper, which I find sweet. Next was Reaper. I never knew death was nice. His personality that Shino wrote for him seemed much more of a friend than someone to fear, just don't mess with his weakness:Geno.
"You got that, Jasper?"I say
"What?"He says
"No pulling pranks on Geno. You don't want Shino's father upset."I say
"Good point."He says
I had to cover Jasper's eyes for Shino's siblings and friends not to be pranked in the future. Shino actually put certain details in about her brothers and friends. Their crushes. Goth, Palette, Blueprint, Raven, Gradient, Bluescreen, Sprinkle, Fury, Desire, a bunch of these pages had to be hidden from Jasper.
"Ooo! There's us!"He says
He points to one page that shows a wonderful drawing of him while the one beside it shows Suave. We read together the two pages.
"Who knew we actually had doppelgängers!"He says, reading the lines that say who the other version of him is
Apparently he is our world's version of a Paperjam Sans and Suave is a version of Fresh Sans. You can bet Jasper flipped back to those pages. He chuckles when reading about Fresh Sans.
"Hey Suave! I think I found your twin!"He declares
Suave comes into the room.
"What do you mean M'Lord?"Suave asks
"Look! He doesn't like bad language either! Fresh is another version of you!"Jasper says
Suave looks over Jasper's shoulder and reads the page. He smiles. He speaks to me in French and I explain to him what Jasper is talking about. He was shocked when he learned that Jasper wasn't kidding.
"Well I'm sure this Fresh guy is a very nice skeleton."Suave says, then puts a hand over Fresh's crush section
Deccy Sans seems nice. And Shino knows they have crushes on each other according to the book.
"And you are NOT pranking him."Suave says
"Awwww, dang it. Wait, fair enough. Paperjam is probably messing with him already."Jasper says
Suave facepalms.
Jasper finds pages for Fallacy and I. Welp, we met our doppelgängers. Ink is another version of me and vice versa. Same with Error and Fallacy. I learned about many doppelgängers. Azure=Blue, Rufous=Fell, Charlos=Chara, Fibi=Frisk, Horror is another Horror, Classique=Classic, Cruzar=Cross, Dream=Nightmare's brother, etc. Jasper now wonders due to the family relations if E!Pap, Error's brother, is Felicia's equal. That would be interesting and he has good points.
A few days later, Fallacy and I spent some time together. We made hot chocolate and I showed him what s'mores were. He loved them. We head down a hall, chatting happily. I glanced up at him and see some plants hanging from the ceiling. They were not there before.
"Fallacy, it seems someone decorated the ceiling."I tell him
He looks up, then sees what I was talking about. He stops in his tracks and holds me back as well. He did it in the kind of way that someone will stop their friend from falling for a trap. I was confused.
"Everything okay, Fallacy?"I ask, then sip some of my hot chocolate
He looks around.
"Who booby trapped the hallway?!"He asks
There are giggles and chuckles. Out from a doorway peeks Jasper, Poussière and Felicia.
"Why you little trio of trouble!"He snaps
"Auntie told me about the tradition."Jasper says
"I thought it'd be nice. AND IT IS!"Felicia says
"I just wanted to see your reactions."Poussière states
"Pfft, sure. I'll remember that when Azure comes to visit."Fallacy says
"Good luck getting out if there without doing the tradition, Father!"Jasper says
What tradition are they talking about?
"Oh just go back to the comics!"Fallacy says
"Oh yeah! I want to show you both something cool! Encre I'm showing them the guide!"Jasper says, shutting the door
"What guide?"Fallacy asks
"A guide to a multiverse. Where those others came from with Shino."I say
"Ah, so how do we get out of here?"He asks
"We walk?"I say, perplexed by the question
I see no reason that we are trapped. He looks nervously up at the plants on the ceiling.
"Is everything okay? What were they talking about with tradition?"I ask
His eyes trail the ceiling, then he looks at me. He pins me against the wall.
"This again?"I ask
He looks at me with his face a bright yellow.
"Do you know what that plant is?"He asks
I glance up and see the plant we are under.
"Mistletoe."I say
"And it's December."He says
"Okay?"I say
"Don't you know that tradition?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Well...When two p-people are u-u-under it, tradition is that t-t-those two h-have to kiss...."He says, stumbling with his words and stuttering
I feel my face burn. I lean close and kiss him. He looks shocked. I pull back and gaze at him.
"Like that?"I ask
His grip tightens on me. He pushes me to the other wall, under another mistletoe.
"Ya, like that."He says
Then he leans in and kisses me right back. My face burns and soul races. He grips me firmly, making sure I couldn't go. But I don't want to go anyway. I like it. He pulls back and goes in for my neck.
"Aah! F-F-Fallacy! The tradition didn't mention this! Aah!"I yelp, my face burning as he kisses my neck
"Whoops, forgot to mention that I guess.~ I make my own version of it, and I love doing it with you already.~"He says, then kisses my neck's mark
I grip him gently.
"A-Aaah, F-Fallacy......W-Whatever makes you h-h-happy...Haah..."I say softly, hardly able to stay calm with his kisses making my soul race
I feel his fangs graze my mark. He seems hesitant.
"B-bite me if you want to....."I say
He smiles and bites my mark. He digs his fangs in and I grip him tightly, but soon I relax. He wraps his arms around me gently. He removes his fangs and licks any blood trickling out. He nuzzles his head on my shoulder. He smiles at me.
"Can I borrow Encre for a sec?"Felicia says, coming over
Fallacy nods. Felicia takes me down the hall and even kisses my cheek whenever we went under mistletoe.
"I could feel my brother staring me down."She chuckles
I chuckle as well. She takes me into another room.
"I made you some more winter clothes. Could you try them on?"She asks
I nod as she hands me some new clothes. She leaves and I change into them. The shirt was a little big but not too big. She comes in and smiles.
"You look adorable! How is it?"She asks
"Kinda big, but feels cozy."I reply
"Good!"She says, then shoved me out of the room
I walk down the halls, then hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Fallacy standing there. I step back, startled.
"My sister has you wear that?"He asks
I nod.
He tucks a hand behind his back. He wraps the other behind my back.
"M-Monsieur?" I stutter
"You look so precious. Come on, Love."He says
He scoops me up and carries me down the hall. He puts me in bed in his room. He hovers with his wings, tying something to the ceiling. He pins me onto the bed. I see he tied some mistletoe above us. My face burns up, realizing what he just set up or has planned.
"F-F-Fallacy, y-you're....."I stutter
He smiles.
"I'm gonna give love to my lovable Encre."He says
I had nothing to say. He kisses me, then kisses down my neck. Then he kisses my exposed shoulders. That was new.
"Eep! F-F-Fallacy!"I yelp, gripping him tightly
"Awww, adorable.~"He says
"F-F-Fallacy, this"I stutter, struggling to speak
His eyes twinkle when he heard me. He eases up on the kisses.
"What were you gonna say?"He asks
There are some flashbacks hitting me hard now. He is my love....Mon amour! I love him and he loves me! But...Charles made me forget......
My head starts aching.
"Love? What were you gonna say?"He asks
I look at Fallacy. He looks so hopeful and excited.
I forgot our love!
I feel my soul sink. Surely Fallacy is hurt by this, despite how he acts like everything is fine. I open my mouth to speak. There is a knock at the door.
"Yes?"Fallacy says
"Encre is requested to come outside! His friends say that he will understand why when he does!"Suave says
Fallacy looks at me again.
"He'll be out in a minute!"He says
"Yes, M'Lord."Suave says
He ambushed me with kisses. I stumbled out of that room TEN minutes later with a burning face, racing soul and Fallacy's cloak on me. I go outside and Suave points me to the forest. I walk through the snow until the village was out of sight. A figure drops down and points a dagger at me.
"What the hell?"I snap, jumping back
"Cruzar! That is not a good first impression!"Dream shouts, climbing down from a tree
"Whoops, sorry. I saw the cloak and thought-"Cruzar says
"That blindly killing whoever wore a cloak like the vampire king does is a good idea? You're funny."Dream says
Dream looks over at me and smiles.
"Encre! So good to see you! How is everyone? How are you?"He asks
"Everyone is alright. I am good."I say
"I noticed the wolves moved in."He says
"Werewolves, yes. Their cave got overtaken by spikes."I say
"Ah, well I wanted us to meet this far out for some obvious reasons. This is Cruzar."Dream says
Cruzar shakes my hand. I think he and Macabre are monster bounty hunters....Yes, very understandable.
"Nice to meet you."I say
He smiles and nods.
Dream holds his hand gently with a smile.
"How'd you two meet?"I ask
"Found him wounded and tried to help him. It wasn't until much, much later that Macabre and I realized that he's a vampire. But we have a bond with him and he explained everything."Cruzar says
"Macabre seems okay with it. He only wants to kill monsters that are a threat to the world and stuff like that."Dream says as Cruzar rests his head on Dream's shoulder
"Okay with your friendship?"I say
"Oh no no no. He's my boyfriend."I say
That word made a flashback.
"Well if it isn't King Clingy and his boyfriend!"
Then it all came tumbling down onto me. All the connections made got restored and I remember everything. My mind explained everything to me. Everything made sense.
"Congratulations!"I say
He smiles.
The two smile and then someone yells. Cruzar grabs Dream and runs off. I guess it was Macabre calling for them. I head back, feeling the strong need to share the news with Fallacy. That look in his eyes when I nearly said mon amour was so joy and hard to let down. I run up the stairs to our room. He comes out quickly.
"I must be going."He says
"Going where?"I ask
"Somewhere. I'll be back soon."He says
"Can it wait? Please? I need to tell you something important!"I say
"What is it?"He says
"My memory-"I begin
"A little memory? We can talk later."He says, seeming not as hopeful
I block him. I have a bad feeling.
"Fallacy please! It's not a small memory or just one!"I say
If I tell him, he may not leave to wherever he is going and giving me a bad feeling! He'll be safe and we'll be happy!
"Encre, I really gotta go."He says
I grip his arm. He looks at me with unease in his gaze. I look at him worriedly and silently pleading for him to stay.
"I don't have a good feeling, Fallacy. Please don't go. I don't want you to get hurt. Please! At least let me come with you!"I say
He frowns. Then he pins me against the wall. Anger was fueling a flame in his eyes.
"No. You stay here now. I am doing this for you and so YOU don't get hurt. Let me do this! Do I make myself clear?"He says in a hostile tone
Going where? Asgore?......Charles?.........I've never seen that look in his eyes before or heard him talk to me like that.
His gaze and voice scared me. I start shaking.
"O-Okay...J-Just be careful........."I say, my voice shaking
"Good."He says, then stomps away
No kiss. No reassurance. No smile. Not anything to make me feel okay with what just went down.
I try to think. I cannot handle this bad feeling. It eats away at me. I find loopholes. He said nothing about later. He said nothing about following him.
Still shaking, I enter our room. I find a note on the bed. I start reading it.
"Want Encre to remember? Or do you want me to kick it up a notch? I can easily change his memories as long as he hasn't recovered his memory already. If you want what's best for him, come to the wolf cave at midnight and we will settle this.-Charles"
I could have kept him safe if I just told him! NO!
"Everything okay, darling?"Felicia asks as she enters
"I....Got my memory back...."I say
"Oh that's wonderful news!"She says
"Ya, but Fallacy doesn't know and he just left to deal with Charles. I won't let my nightmares come true.....I'm going after him."I say, slipping her the note
"Be careful, Encre."She says
"I know."I say
I run quickly. Fueled with motivation and fear mixed into some sort of adrenaline, making me run faster. I reach the cave and who do I find walking out of it without a scratch?
"Oh, why hello there Encre. Still having amnesia?"He asks with a smirk
"No so you can't mess with my head. Where is Fallacy?"I ask, too angry to be scared
He lunges at me, swinging a fist. I grab his wrist and flip him over.
"Though I'd be sure that the wolves would like to know who keeps ruining their cave."I say
He glares at me, but I kick him in a few places that made him unable to move. I kick him under a tree and the snow falls onto him.
"Good luck!"He says
I enter the cave and see a pool of blood. Then I see a trail of it. The cave walls were covered in splatters of it, like something was whacked or spilled there. I keep going deeper. Then I see a horrifying sight.
A two headed, shaggy, gigantic dog stands in the cave. In its mouths is Fallacy, being tugged and chewed on by the two dog heads like a chew toy. He screams, which seemed to please the dog like a squeaky toy. Think of Cerberus for a size idea.
I could not handle the sight.
"HEY!"I shout
The dog stops, then looks at me. So does Fallacy, his bleeding head hanging out of a head's mouth
"Put him down now!"I snap
The dog growls at me. I look at Fallacy. He looks at me, then looks away. That look in his gaze was full of disappointment and anger........At me?
I clench my fists. We will have to talk later. I am not happy with him either. He broke the sworn promise he made to me. But I feel some warmth in my hands when I clenched them. That was strange, but I ignored it.
"NOW!"I demand to the dog
I will not take no for an answer.
The dog shakes its heads. It lifts a paw and starts to squish me. I do not scream. That does nothing good. I frown.
"I said, put him DOWN NOW!"I snap, pushing against the giant paw
But then something new and strange happened. Blue flames came from my hands, burning the paw. The dog yelps, swinging its paw away from me. It tries to run. I drop down and when my hands touched the ground, the fire spread, blocking the dog from escaping. It yelps in surprise and drops Fallacy. Then it leaps through the flames, running and whimpering.
"Fallacy!"I yell as he hits the ground hard
The flames surround us but do not burn us. I grab him, holding him close.
"Fallacy! Stay with me! You're gonna be okay! I promise!"I cry
He does not even look at me.
Is he mad at me? He has good reasons to be....I should have pushed harder for him to stay! I should have made him listen! I should have told him! I shouldn't have let him scare me...I shouldn't have done many things. I should've done more. Or he wouldn't be like this!
"Fallacy, please....Say something.....I don't care what, just say something. Are you upset with me?"I plea
He glances at me as I cry. He frowns, then looks away from me.
He must be.
He shuts his eyes. I feel his soul slowing down.
"Fallacy, mon amour, please!"I cry
He does not answer. I try to heal him but the wounds were too many and too serious. The most I did was shrink each one by 4 centimeters.
I cry, holding him close.
He is dying and it's my fault!
"What the? Flames? My friend, come on!"A voice says
I hear running footsteps. I start feeling dizzy and drained.
"Encre!"A voice shouts
I look to see Classique on the other side of the flames with a hooded figure. The figure waves a hand hidden by a sleeve and the flames go away.
Classique runs over to me. He shoves Fallacy out of my arms. The figure scoops Fallacy up.
"Encre? What the hell happened?"He asks
I could not speak. I just fell forward and everything went black.
A month or two later, Fallacy's POV
I slowly wake up, opening my eyes. I find myself wrapped in bandages and some wounds even healed. I look around and find that I am not in my castle or any place I recognize.
"Oh! Sweet butterscotch pies! You're up! Thank goodness! I was starting to get worried about you."A voice says
I glance around and see sitting beside the bed I'm in is a long lost face. Queen Toriel.
"What the hell?! Am I in your palace? Oh no....I am not dealing with Asgore's garbage!"I say
"That makes two of us. We are at a cottage, not a palace. My sweet little home. That palace is not mine."She says
"How'd I get here?"I ask
"We carried you both duh."She says
"Both?"I say
"Classique carried his dear friend Encre while I carried you. Don't worry, he explained everything so you don't have to."She says
"Encre? Is he okay?"I ask
"So you do care for him........You're happy with the sweet child, yes?"She says
"Why wouldn't I be?"I reply
"Hmmm, well I suggest you watch your tone or body language then.....He is just fine. He was worried about you above all else."She says
What is that supposed to mean?
"Poor dear has been through so much. Do you know how good that child is?"She asks
"Yes!"I say
She narrows her eyes at me, as if she didn't believe me.
"Welp, it's good to know his nightmares are not true."She says
"Where is he?"I ask
She looks at me.
"You aren't gonna hurt him, are you? I take that back. Someone like him would be silly to mess with."She says
I sit up and start climbing out of bed. She takes my hand and leads me outside.
"He is a very powerful child, ya know. Haven't seen such power since his grandmother. Poor child has lost so much or gone through such dark times."She sighs
"Powerful? You mean in his artwork, right?"I say
"No. I mean powerful."She says, then opens a hand
A ball of fire appears in her hand.
"But he's a skeleton!"I say
"Clearly you forgot about genetics and never to underestimate people. Just like all those villagers.....Dear boy, he is not to be underestimated. I promised his grandmother to protect him and train his power. That's exactly what I'm doing. He has so much potential and is so sweet. But he is only as powerful as he feels he is. And he depends on those he cares about to give him that confidence. You dented it. You tore it down like a structure missing a pillar. So you must explain that."She explains
I look at her in confusion. She doesn't look at me but continues to speak.
"He is done being set aside, or pushed around. He thought you died and that broke him. For more reasons than one. If you can recall what happened, I think you should rethink how you acted to him. Still, he tried his hardest to be his best. I noticed this and asked him why he is so determined and hard on himself. He told me that he has two scenarios in mind. If you live, he needs to be strong enough to protect you. He will not leave the protecting to you. If you don't, he will be strong enough to protect your child and all who you loved. He said that is what he owes you. But I think he doesn't owe you a single thing if you ask me."She continues, shooting me a glare
I am confused as hell now.
She gestures ahead.
"He is making wonderful progress, especially when he is focused and calm. He has been training ever since he got here, with or without me."She says
I look ahead and see Encre in a purple cloak. He has blue flames hovering around him. They run smooth like strings of water, bending at his hand movements. His back is to us. I watch in amazement.
"Poor dear.....Your loss would have surely broken him. Do you remember Asgore's witch hunt for magic users?"Toriel says
I look at her and nod.
"His grandmother was one that was caught. Imagine being a kid and having to witness your grandmother get burned alive. Then learn that your grandfather died in prison for being associated with a witch. Yeah, not the best."She says
Classique walks over.
"Hello, Classique."Toriel says
He smiles and waves.
"Heya."I say
He shoots me a glare as well.
"May I speak with him privately?"Classique asks
Toriel nods.
"Be careful. His wounds are healing and he just woke up."She says, then goes inside
I watch Encre kneel down and the blue flames make a dome around him, preventing anyone from coming near.
"Welp, he's resting again. He will probably get another nightmare. Now, let's talk."Classique says
I nod.
"You love Encre, right?"He asks
"Yes!"I say
"Well, then you should know better than to hurt him!"He snaps
"I never have tried to hurt him."I say
"Oh, that's interesting! Because he tells a different story! You know he blames himself for you getting hurt so badly, right? But it is not his fault that you were so stubborn! And you have laid your hands on him badly quite recently! Because if you didn't, then he wouldn't have constant nightmares of you slamming him into a wall with anger and a hostile tone! Cause those things in dreams and nightmares only happen if it had a source to refer to! Meaning that you have shoved him and scared him! You have looked at him with anger so bad it shook him and spoke to him so harshly he got chills to the bone! Except in his nightmares he feels he disappointed you! You ask him there why he let you die for crying out loud! And you didn't even look at him when he held you after the big dog ran off! You didn't speak to him to reassure him at no point whatsoever!"He growls
I remember exactly what he's talking about. Guilt and regret run through me. I saw how scared he was and just left.....I was not angry with him, I was angry with Charles. I didn't help him, I shouldn't have done that.
"He keeps saying that he should've done more. He should've just told you what he had to say and made you stay. He says he shouldn't have let you scare him into obeying you! I don't care what you thought you were doing was right! When someone you love has something to tell you, you stay there and listen even if it's the last thing you do! And if they plea to you to stay and that leaving doesn't seem like a good option, you stay! You don't scare them into letting you get yourself in trouble! But he can't control what happens. He can't control you, your stubborn attitude or your stupidity. And it's not his fault he got scared or that you wouldn't listen. It isn't his fault that you nearly died. It's yours. And you better make that freaking crystal clear to him in a nice way."He says, then goes inside and slams the door shut
Encre....My poor Love! I was an idiot.....Trying to do the right thing but instead did the wrong.....I need to right this wrong.
I go over to the dome and hesitantly reach to the flames.
Switch back to Encre's POV
"Encre, why didn't you make me stay?"Fallacy says
"I was scared....."I say
"Well thanks to you I am dead! Are you happy?"He says
"No."I say
"I don't believe you."He says
"Fallacy-"I begin
"And you wonder why I looked so disappointed with you."He says with a shake of his head
"I'M SORRY!"I shout, waking up
My dome falls. I just start crying. I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Ssssh, Love. Don't cry."I hear a beloved voice say
My soul skipped a beat. I bow my head. I feel a hand hold my chin and lift my head up. I come face to face with Fallacy.
"I hate seeing you cry."He says
"Well I can't help it when you nearly get killed!"I say, then process what I said
He smiles.
"Y-You're alive! You're up!"I say
He nods.
I start crying again, but from a bit more joy.
"Love!"He says sharply
I feel myself tremble when he snapped at me.
"You're....really scared of me?"He says, noticing this
"You never shoved me against a wall like that. You had this anger in your eyes that I never saw before while you barked orders at me to stay behind. You sure did make it seem like you were mad at me for some reason, and you were scary like that.......Plus when I came, you kept avoiding my gaze but had this disappointed or angry look in your eyes. And you didn't give me an answer when I got you free. You made it clear something was wrong......Did I disappoint you, Mon Amour?"I say
"No! Never! I was mad at Charles and disappointed in myself that I couldn't get him!"He says
"Well you can't just take the anger or disappointment out on me. And it's hard to catch someone when they send a giant two-headed dog after you, don't ya think?"I say
"Ya.....Man, I'm really stupid."He says
"I know, Mon Amour. I think I figured that out when you kept eating random food and getting turned into stuff like human girl or a baby."I say
"Wait......You called me mon amour! Does that mean-?"He says
"I remember everything."I say
He starts to cry now too.
"Love, that is extraordinary to hear! I am so happy!"He says
"Yeah, so you had no point to go to see Charles in the first place. That's on me."I say
"No it isn't. Encre-"He says
"Yes it is! If I just told you! If I just made you listen! If I made you stay or explain what you were doing! If I didn't get scared and complied to you! If I didn't get my stupid self trapped in that cave then none of this would have happened and you'd still be okay! That's on me! It's my fault! My freaking fault...."I snap, breaking into more tears
I roll up my sleeves and look at the marks on my arms. Scars from the spike trap digging into me.
"And these........will always be here to remind me of that."I whimper
"Encre, don't say things like that. You couldn't have known-"He begins
"Yes, I did. I knew exactly what was gonna happen! I had nightmares about those spikes and Charles and did nothing to prevent it! I just walked right into it! Which started the domino effect of stuff I didn't want to happen!"I say
"It's not your fault. It's mine."He tells me
I look at him. I shake my head.
"The only thing that is your fault right now is that you broke your sworn promise."I say
I flick my wrist and some ball of magic knocked him away.
"I don't want to talk about it."I say
The look in his eyes told me that he knew I was right about the promise. He did break it. That's all the guilt he has to carry, however much that is for him.
I twirl my finger in a circle above me and down came the dome again. I could see out but nobody could see in.
Fallacy came over and laid in the snow, curling up around my dome. I sigh. If he stays out here with those wounds, they'll get worse. I rub my hands together and point to Fallacy. A smooth, water-like group of magic lifted him up as if he was on a plate and carried him to the cottage. The door opens and Toriel takes him inside.
"Are you alone?"A voice asks
"Yes."I say, dropping the dome
My grandfather appears.
"Let me try again."I say
He nods and sits down, slightly hovering above the snow.
I focus my gaze on him. I make the shape of a monster soul with my hands. Magic soars from my hands, circling him until he is wrapped up in green magic. I snap my fingers. The magic glows,cocooning him. I wait a few moments, then the magic sinks away. Grandpa is gone. But then he came.
"My boy! You did it!"He says, hugging me and tackling me to the ground
"I am so proud of you!"He says
I smile.
"Now, I must go speak with an old friend of mine."He says, going inside
I smile.
Morning came and I start training my magic again. I work on my attacks more. Classique leaves with my Grandpa on a horse very quickly. Toriel watches me. Fallacy is still inside. He stayed inside for days. I wonder what he was doing.
(Fallacy:Okay, how the hell do I make him happy again?-locks himself in room to heal and brainstorm-
Toriel:Fallacy, come on out.
Toriel:Why not?
Fallacy:I'm busy.
Toriel:Busy sleeping?
Fallacy:No. I'm busy brainstorming.
Toriel:You're a skeleton.
Fallacy:You know what I mean!
Toriel:What are you planning now?
Fallacy:How to make Encre happy again! He won't listen!
Toriel:I wonder who that sounds like....Well I'll leave this pie outside your door in case you need brainstorm power.
Fallacy:Thank you.)
A few days later, Classique returned without my grandfather but was not alone.
"Encre!"Jasper and Suave shout
The two run over and hug me happily.
"We were so worried!"Jasper says
"M'Lord and I have been filled in on everything! We left Poussière in charge!"Suave says
I just smile at them, not saying a word.
Felicia comes over.
"Where is my brother?"She asks
"He locked himself in a room and won't come out."Toriel says
Felicia groans, shaking her head.
"Encre, darling. Listen to me, please. This is not your fault and we understand why you think it is. We're here for you. Just try not to take the blame for this. Cause it isn't entirely your fault as you believe. It's Charles' fault. He caused this."She says, hugging me
"But if I just-"I begin
"Encre, my friend. You are dealing with survivor's guilt. Those if statements do not help you. And trust me when I say that you did the best you could. When M'Lord Fallacy wants to do something, it's hard to get him to listen. The past is in the past. Everything is gonna be okay."Suave says
"Ya, nobody can control stupid stubborness!"Jasper says
"Speaking of stupid.........He broke a sworn promise not to do anything stupid, correct?"Felicia says
I nod.
"That would cause him to get into trouble or worse."I say
"How's he been acting?"She asks Toriel
"He's been in that room trying to think of a way to make Encre happy or to get him to listen. How ironic since he did not listen to Encre beforehand. He says that Encre sure is making him sorry for breaking the sworn promise."Toriel replies
"Oh, well he is in for another round! He can't just talk away guilt or regret, he should know that. I'll go speak to him."She says, going inside
"The past is in the past, my friend."Suave says
I smile.
"Your Grandpa stayed behind to keep your grandma calm."Jasper says
"Ya, I was guessing she would be upset when she heard...."I say
"I hear you used magic?"Jasper says
I nod and have a green ball of magic appear in my hand. Green since it won't hurt him if he touches it.
"Woah! You're like Starfire now! Pfft, that makes Father Nightwing or Robin! Depending on what comic...."He says, trying to lighten the mood in a way
I smile and nod.
"I guess you're right."I say
"Is it normal for those two to yell?"Toriel asks, peeking out of the door
"Well yes, they are siblings."Suave says
"I, their son and nephew, shall go calm my childish Father and Auntie down!"Jasper says, running inside
"Pfft, that child is silly."Toriel says
"You have no idea."Suave says with a chuckle
"Would you like some pie, Suave?"Toriel asks
"Sure."Suave says
"Cinammon or butterscotch?"Toriel asks
"Either one, I don't mind."Suave says
(What I wish was an option in Undertale with that question when I play ;-;)
I smile, watching the two go inside.
Hours pass. I keep training. That is until my feet leave the ground. My magic forms in my hands, ready to fight. But it fizzles out when I feel a kiss on the back of my neck.
"Mmm...."I say softly, trying to hold back a yelp
The kisses continue. I'm sensitive there, but the kisses feel so nice. I feel my face warm up a bit. I see the arms wrapped around my waist but the hands are hidden. The kisses land on more sensitive spots of my neck.
"Aaah, mmmmm....."I start to feel my face burn more
I look behind me to see Alexis there.
What the hell?
My magic came right back to me and I swing a punch at her. She releases me and I roundhouse kick her away from me. The magic made her go flying like Team Rocket.(Pokemon comic was left behind as well).
All the lights in Toriel's home turn on. Jasper came running out.
"What happened, Encre? Are you ok?"He asks
I nod.
"I'm alright. Nothing to worry about."I say
He frowns. He drags me inside.
"Suave! Someone put a needle in Encre's neck!"He shouts
"What?"I say
"M'Lord, that's a syringe."Suave says, pulling a syringe out of my neck
"Encre?"I hear Fallacy say
I turn but do not see him. I turn again and now see nobody.
What is going on?!
"H-H-Hello?"I say
I see two eyes glow in the darkness around me. One yellow, one blue.
"YoU'd bE a NicE aDdiTiOn tO tHe cOlLeCtIoN."A voice says
A chill goes down my spine.
I feel a hand hold mine.
"Love, what's wrong? We're here."Fallacy says
I start shaking. The glowing eyes creep closer.
"I'm E!GaStEr, nIcE tO sEe yA...."The voice says
I frown.
The hand holds mine tighter.
I step back and feel my back against someone. E!Gaster comes closer.
"YoU'Re cOmiNg wItH mE."He says
"NO!"I yell,gripping Fallacy's hand tighter
The sight fades. I turn to see Fallacy was behind me. I hug him, shaking.
"Love, what's wrong?"He asks
I grip him tightly.
"Encre?"He says
I look up at him. He holds a hand on my chin gently.
"What's wrong, Encre? What are you yelling no about?"He asks
"Someone named E!Gaster wanted to take me for his collection or something..."I say
I look at him as he stiffens up at the name.
"Do you know him?"I ask
"Heard of him."He says
"Is he bad?"I ask
"Very bad."He replies
I grip onto him tighter.
"But he hasn't come here before so I doubt he will come near you."He says
I feel the ground disappear beneath me. Fallacy sways me away.
"Nope! I don't think so, a-hole!"He snaps at the portal that appeared where I was standing
Toriel notices and tosses some magic at the portal, sealing it up.
"Well that was new."She says
"Probably won't be the last either."Fallacy says
He scoops me up in his arms.
"You are coming with me."He says, kissing my cheek
My face burns up.
He smirks. He carries me into his room. He shifts me over his soulder to shut the door and lock it. He sets me down on the bed and smiles even wider.
"Encre, can we just agree that we both had a part to play in what went down? We share fault at this. Let's move past it together."He says
I nod. He has me lay down and then he starts kissing my neck.
"I'm sorry for scaring you. You know I'd never mean to do anything bad to you, right?"He asks
"Right."I say
He smiles, carressing my cheeks. Then he went in for a kiss that lasted a few moments. Afterwards we slept together. But when I woke up, he was gone. I was in an entirely different place.
"GoT y0u nOw."A voice coos creepily, followed by a sinister laugh
Chills run down my spine.
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