Chapter 2:Fear or Friend?
Encre's POV
I slowly open my eyes, hearing the storm still raging on. But it sounded muffled, like I was no longer outside. I look around and see I'm in a bedroom.
Where exactly though? How'd I get here?
I check and find bandages on me.
Someone helped me.....
I hear a gasp and glance over to see a little boy staring at me from a chair, joy shining in his eyes. He had similar qualities to the bat, especially the orange marks by his eyes. I thought that was much more than a coincedence.
"You're up! Hooray! Are you alright, Encre?"He says
How does he know me?
"Bonjour? Qui êtes vous? Comment me connais tu?"I ask
(Hello? Who are you? How do you know me?)
Now he looks confused as heck. He opens the door.
"SUAVE!"He yells
Another skeleton comes and bows to the kid.
"Yes, M'Lord? Oh, our guest is awake."Suave says
"I can't understand him. He's speaking another language."The kid says
"Okay, I'll try."Suave says
He comes over and leans against the wall by the bed.
"Bonjour, Encre. Je m'appelle Suave. Je connais le vôtre parce que M'Lord Jasper ici a entendu un chasseur appeler votre nom hier soir quand vous l'avez sauvé. Merci d'ailleurs."He says fluently
(Hello, Encre. My name is Suave. I know yours because M'Lord Jasper here heard a hunter call your name last night when you saved him. Thanks, by the way.)
"Attendez .... Mais je n'ai jamais vu Jasper auparavant."I say
(Wait......But I have not seen Jasper before.)
"Il était la chauve-souris."He says
(He was the bat.)
I stare at him, shocked. But not really at the fact that Jasper is a bat. That makes it clear what he is. A vampire. Cool.
"T-T-Tu me comprends?"I say
(Y-Y-You understand me?)
"Oui."He says
I smile.
"Can he understand me?"Jasper asks
"Oui."I reply
"That means yes. Do you know how to speak English? Since you understand M'Lord speaking it...."Suave says
"Hi, bye,good, bad, no, ok sont les seuls mots que je connaisse."I say
(are the only words I know.)
"He only knows those words in English to speak. But that's alright. Now, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest?"He asks
"Forêt interdite?"I ask
(Forbidden Forest?)
"You didn't know?"He asks in surprise
I shake my head.
"Ils ont dit que c'était une forêt ordinaire que je devais suivre à travers le chasseur. Eh bien, jusqu'à ce qu'ils me quittent."I say
(They said it was an ordinary forest that I had to follow through the hunter. Well, until they left me.)
"Are you really an artist?"He asks
"Oui, ils voulaient que je dessine ce que je vois. Voilà pourquoi j'étais là."I say
(Yes, they wanted me to draw what I see. That's why I was there.)
"Are you alright? M'Lord brought you here after finding you in the storm."He says
I try to move and was able to do so just fine. A little sting but nothing serious.
"Je le pense. Merci Jasper."I say
(I think so. Thank you, Jasper.)
"What did he say?"Jasper asks
"He said he thinks he is and thanks you."Suave says
"My pleasure!"He says
I smile.
"Ah, so he woke up."A voice says
"Hello, Father! And he sure did!"Jasper says
I glance over and see another vampire enter. He looked serious, but quite interesting. I have never seen anyone like Suave, Jasper or the new vampire in the room in the village, vampire or not. He approaches me, gazing down at me. I gaze right back up at him.
"Bonjour, er, hello."I say
"Why don't I sense any fear from you?"He asks me
"Y a-t-il une raison pour laquelle je devrais avoir peur?"I ask
(Is there a reason I should be afraid?)
"What did he say?"He asks
"He is wondering why he should be afraid. Encre, this is the King of Vampires, Fallacy. Haven't you heard of him? Aren't vampires feared in your village?"Suave tells each of us.
"Non désolé. Je n'ai jamais. Je ne suis pas vraiment sûr. Depuis que je parle français, les autres du village me parlent comme si j'étais stupide. Ils simplifient trop les choses ou parlent lentement. Ils n'ont jamais parlé de vampires, seulement de mauvais monstres."I explain
(No, sorry. I never have. I'm not really sure. Since I speak French, the others in the village have spoken to me as if I were stupid. They either oversimplify things or speak slowly. They never talked about vampires, only bad monsters.)
"Well that's just rude of them."He says
"What?"Fallacy asks
"He has never heard or known about vampires or you, M'Lord. But it isn't his fault. The others in the village treat him rudely since he speaks French, thinking he is stupid. They have only told him of bad monsters."Suave says
"And he doesn't fear these bad monsters they talked about?"Jasper asks
"No. S'ils ont tort que je sois stupide de parler français, pourquoi devrais-je croire leur croyance en de mauvais monstres? Le monde n'est pas noir et blanc comme ça. De plus, il est faux de juger quelqu'un avant de le connaître."I reply
(No. If they are wrong that I am stupid to speak French, why should I believe their belief in bad monsters? The world is not black and white like that. Furthermore, it is wrong to judge someone before knowing them.)
"That's some good logic. He does not, M'Lords. If those people think he is stupid for speaking French, why should he believe their tales of bad monsters? The world isn't black and white like that. And he says it is wrong to judge someone before knowing them."Suave says
I glance up at Fallacy. He seems surprised, but smiles.
"Well that is new and interesting."He says
"That sounds like something you would try to teach me, Suave!"Jasper says
"Good idea."Suave says with a smirk
"Dang it. Should have kept my mouth shut about life lessons."He says
"Too late now, M'Lord."Suave says
Suave goes beside Jasper and they begin to talk. I look up at Fallacy.
"Je suis ravi de vous rencontrer, monsieur."I say
(It is nice to meet you, sir.)
He looks at me, then leans over me. He is trying to intimidate me, but it is not really working. I still don't have a reason on my mind to fear him.
"What did you just say?"He asks sternly
"M'Lord, he said it is nice to meet you. Relax."Suave says
Fallacy looks at him, then at me.
"You're a new kind....."He says
"Bad?"I ask, pointing to myself
Is it bad? Is there a problem?
His eyes shine a bit.
"N-No....Is there anything you need? Like food or something?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Father, why did you stutter?"Jasper asks
"I did not!"Fallacy says
"Ok."Jasper says
"Thanks for protecting my son...Though you may not have known."Fallacy says
I give a thumbs up.
"Oh ya! Thanks for the sketch, Encre! I love it!"Jasper says, holding the sketch of his bat self
I smile and give him a thumbs up.
"Suave, go prepare one of the guest rooms for Encre."Fallacy says
"Yes, M'Lord."Suave says, leaving
"Father, he doesn't know much English speaking so don't expect him to talk much."Jasper says
Fallacy looks at me with some kind of intrigue or interest that I have never seen before. I smile and he smirks, then leaves.
Jasper smiles at me, then takes e by the hand to lead me elsewhere.
"Let me show you around."He says
I nod and he leads me around. The place was HUGE. He showed me all the secret ways that he sneaks around to have fun too. He spoke loud and clearly over the booming thunder that tried to drown him out. He is a real good kid, but is constantly hyper. I doubt he ever gets tired. That would not surprise me. Then he leads me to another room.
"This is where you'll be staying!"He says
I smile and thank him. He hands me my sketchbook and runs off. I go in the room, which looked pretty cozy. I sit on the bed and flip through my book. It appears Jasper looked through it. Every page was a little note about it. Good! Cool! Nice! Etc. All ending with -Jasper. I smile, feeling very happy. I feel very coforted and safe here, although the people in my village may not. I feel so happy, being understood and not being found weird for making art. They're all so nice. I flip to an empty page and keep sketching.
Hours, days even pass. Jasper has me play games with him, which I do not mind. It's nice not being alone or cast out and he is very sweet. Plus he was always coming up with new, interesting games. He did not care if I struggled with English, he figured out ways for us to communicate when Suave was too busy to translate for him. I hung out with Suave and Jasper more, playing games with Jasper or helping Suave clean. Suave keeps assigning himself jobs to keep himself busy, and a lot of jobs are not meant to be a one-person job. I would hold a ladder for him while he cleaned a ceiling fan or something like that. Fallacy always seemed busy. Jasper says that he has been in the library, reading dozens of books as always. Soon, the storm ends after 5 days straight. Jasper has me stay anyway, saying he enjoys me being here.
I don't know how to get back to the village anyway.
I'd spend time sketching in my room and Jasper loved looking at them. Then again, he has personal reasons for loving them.
"This is better than looking at the math or education stuff Suave has me read!"He stated once
"I heard that, M'Lord!"Suave shouted from down the hall, cleaning some grafitti Jasper made from the walls
Jasper chuckled.
Now, Jasper calls me to his room. He has me sit in his bed and he sits with me.
"May I see your sketches before I go to sleep? I know if I call Suave, he'll get some educational book to read and bore me to sleep."He asks
Jasper is not much of a learning math or science person, unless it is experiments or something hands-on.
"Oui."I say
He scoots closer. I open the book and flip through the pages for him. I describe in the best way I can what they are but he didn't really seem to mind, he just liked looking at the doodles.
After twelve pages and a half hour later, he dozed off. I smile. But then realize I am STUCK under him now. I chuckle quietly. I set the book aside. He holds my arm gently, snuggling it. Heh, good to know he feels as comfortable with me that I do with him. Suave peeks in and smiles.
"He has never slept with anyone so peacefully like that in years. I guess he likes you."Suave says
I nod.
" good."I say, trying to say more English
"He sure is. You know, I could help you learn English speaking, if you'd like."He says
I nod.
"Shore."I say
He smiles.
"I'll go get prepared to help then!"He says, walking away quickly
I sit there, stuck with him on me.
Suave's POV
I head to the library. I have something to address some situation with the books. Their bindings have been getting ruined on certain books and the corners of pages have been creased or folded. Now, I know it isn't Jasper since he stays away from the books that have gotten these qualities recently and they are not the kind that he would want to read. So it's someone else. Gotta find out who because M'Lord Fallacy likes things staying in good condition. So do I.
I enter the library and see M'Lord sitting in his usual chair, reading a big book. I smile and begin to search the shelves. Everything is always organized, so it was easy to find the books needed. I found all but one.
"M'Lord, do you know where the French Language Beginner book is? It isn't on any of the shelves."I ask
"Non....I mean no!"He says
I glance over at him. He hides his face in his book.
"Ah....Okay.....Well, I also would like to let you know that some of the books have been getting ruined. I don't know who, but someone is ruining the binding & spine of the books or making folds and creases in the pages."I say
"Hmmm, Jasper may be playing tricks again."He says, shifting in his chair
I notice something. He is reading a Greek mythology book that has brown covers, while I see the spine of a YELLOW book peeking out from inside the book. The classic hide a book inside another book.
"So uh, how's the mythology book M'Lord?"I ask
"Très bien."He says
That means Very good in french. NOT Greek.
"Since when did you speak French? Oh wait, I think I know."I say, coming over and slipping the hidden book out
Sure enough, it's the book I was looking for. I look at him and smirk. He seems embarrassed to be caught, bowing his head like Jasper does.
"You caught me, huh?"He says
"Like father like son. You do realize how much of a trickster your son is, right? I've caught onto these things."I say
"You sure have."He says
"Now why have you taken a sudden interest in the French language? Oh, is it because of our new friend Encre?"I say
"I just want to know what he is saying without needing it translated."He says
"Ah, I see."I say
"I just wanna be his friend and get to know him."He says
"I haven't heard that in years from you when meeting someone new."I say
He says nothing.
"What are you even doing with those books?"He asks, pointing to the 5 books I stacked
"Oh, I'm gonna teach him how to speak English."I reply
"What's he up to now?"He asks
"Stuck under Jasper while he sleeps. I think Encre showed him the sketchbook again. He doesn't mind being under your sleeping son, though."I say
"He seems pretty good. And could be a good friend."He says
"He is a good friend. Nice of you to say so of him."I say
He glances away for a moment.
"But that is all it is with him."He says almost defensively
Something is up with him....Wait.....OHHH! I see.
"Whatever you say, M'Lord."I say, then leave with the stack of books
Two weeks later,Encre's POV
I sit, sketching again in my room. I pause, trying to think and examining what I have. I keep drawing with light, gentle pencil strokes. Something is just coming to mind. I finish sketching, smiling at it. It looks abstract, but is a twisty swirl of stars and comets, based on the shifting of the stars and a comet I saw once sway across the sky. I smile, proud of how it came out.
"Cela a l'air incroyable!"A voice says
(That looks amazing!)
A hand softly slips under my arm and touches the book.
"Bon travail!"The voice says
(Great job!)
I glance over and see Fallacy sitting with me, looking over my shoulder at the sketch.
Since when does he speak French?
(Fun fact:I have Grammarly and it underlined speak French suggesting spench! I looked it up and it is apparently a space under some stairs, like Harry Potter's room! So apparently Grammarly thought it was a speakable language XD)
He's never really spent time with me or even been this close so it really surprised me. I jolt. He looks at me and smiles.
"Hello, Encre."He says
What is going on right now? I could've sworn he spoke French just now. Is something wrong? Suave says he is almost always busy. So does he need something?
"H-Hello.....Is something bad?"I ask
"No, why do ask that?"He says
"Suave s-sez you are"I say, trying to say the words that Suave taught me
"Well, I am not always busy."He says with a smirk
"O-Ok.."I say
"I just want to spend time with you."He says
I repeat it a few times in my head. I look at him. Why would he want to do that instead of whatever he was doing? I thought of something. Suave says he only takes breaks when he is bored of work or something came up.
"Okay..."I say
"What are you doing up? I thought you have to sleep."He says, gesturing to the clothes on me
Clothes that Suave lended me to sleep in. He also gestures to the night sky outside.
"I....Oui. Bot I am un couche-tard."I say
(Yes. a night owl.)
"Cool! I thought you were a early bird though..."He says
He knows what I'm saying?
I don't question it. Don't want to bother him with questions.
"Wanna go outside? I know a spot you might want to sketch."He says
I smile, but then it fades. That means going into the forest. And last time that happened.....Didn't go well. Plus, Suave has explained to me what this Forbidden Forest is full of. Lots and lots of vampire hunters. Like Externa. And she is really good at her job....I dunno if she and the group are still in the forest.....I don't want them to attack Fallacy or some other hunter....Isn't it risky?
He must have noticed my hesitance.
"I assure you it's safe."He says
I glance at him.
I should trust him....I can trust him.....I will trust him.
I nod.
"Hold on to your stuff then."He says, opening a window
I do as told.
He smiles.
"Good."He says with a gaze that said he's up to something.
He scoops me up, his wings unfolding. He flies out the window, carrying me in his arms. I look down, stupidly seeing how high up we are. I change my focus to the sky above. But then he drops me. I fall through the air until he caught me again.
"Eep!"I yelp, holding onto him
"Awww, cute."He says
What do those words mean?
"S-S'il te plait ne fais pas ça."I say, shaking
(P-Please don't do that.)
"Awww, I'm sorry."He says
He dives down. He lands carefully on the ground and puts me down. I release my grip on him and look around. It's a small forest clearing with beautiful flowers and nature life thriving. The moon and stars shined down on the clearing. It looks amazing.
"Draw away."He says, folding his wings
I nod and start to sketch the landscape out. I work very carefully but after a while notice how quiet it got. I look over at Fallacy to see him sitting nearby under a tree, watching me. He has this blissful gaze, resting his head on a hand and smiling at me. He does not say a word. Neither do I. I keep sketching and finish it a bit later. He comes over. I pick up the book and shut it. He picks me up and takes to the skies. Repeat cycle. He flies, drops me, catches me, chuckles, then we land back in my room. He sets me down again.
"Well, you must be tired. I will let you rest."He says
I nod, putting my sketchbook in a drawer after he left. I lay down in bed and doze off.
Jasper's POV
I wait beside Encre's door. Father comes out and slowly shuts the door behind him. He smiles happily and does not even notice me. He walks down the hall. I follow him.
"Father, would you care to explain what you were doing with Encre?"I ask
He jumps, startled. He turns around, looking surprised.
"I didn't do nothing son!"He says
"Suuuure. Father, don't lie to me. I heard Encre yelp in fear, saw you drop him twice in the air and witnessed you leave his room."I say
His face said it all. He's busted.
"Did you bite him?"I ask
"No!"He says
"Then why are you scaring him? What did you do? Where'd you take him and why?"I ask, extremely protective of Encre by now
"I don't mean to. But his little squeaks sound cute.....I was just trying to get to know him. I took him to a special place where he could sketch. Then I brought him back to rest."He explains
I connected the dots from his "cute" and "just trying to get to know him" statements. Oh it is so much more than that. I know my father well. I chuckle mischieviously.
"Alrighty then, Father. But try not to scare him or hurt him to get close to him. Dropping him does not help."I say
"I just spaced out when I dropped him."He says
"And why is that?"I ask
"........"He says
"Well?"I ask
".....I have my reasons."He says, then quickly walks away
I chuckle.
Over the next few days, my father started spending more and more time with Encre. Sometimes they'd stay home, wandering or talking. Other times, they'd be out taking walks or flights to spend time on their own. I smile, witnessing a lot of this. Encre found it strange at first, but warmed up to it. Then, he asked me a question.
"Que veut dire ce mot?"He asks
(What does this/that word mean?)
He holds up a paper saying the word cute.
"Why?"I ask, though already know the answer
"Fallacy sez it a lot."He says
"Oh! You've never heard that before?"I ask
He shakes his head.
"Good or bad?"He asks
"Good. That is a compliment to describe something or someone sweet and attracts them. Like a cute bunny or something."I say
"Ooh! Ok! Thank you!"He says happily
I smile happily.
Then he starts showing me art skills. I absolutely LOVED it.
A few days later, now at least a month of Encre staying here, another storm struck. I pass by Encre's room. I hear him crying. I peek into the room curiously. He is shaking, crying in his sleep at every boom of thunder. He must be scared or having a bad dream influenced by the storm. I hear footsteps.
"Son? What are you doing?"Father asks
"Checking on Encre. He is crying in his sleep. I don't think he likes the storm."I reply
"Really?"He says worriedly
"See for yourself."I say, opening the door wider
He peeks in, leaning forward. He glances at Encre and he just hides under the blankets at a boom of thunder.
"What do we do?"He wonders
"You don't know?"I say
"You never gave problems with storms!"He says
"Well, alright. Here's an idea, Father. Go in and comfort him! Be creative!"I say
"Really, creative?"He says
"We are both creative enough to do tricks, you should be able to think outside the box for this one."I say
"Or should we just leave him be?"He wonders
"But he deserves happy dreams, father!"I say
"I think we're just getting curious. And you know the saying."He says
"Curiousity kills the bat, ya I know! But it's for a good cause! Here, let me demostrate for you now!"I say
I walk over to Encre's bed quietly. I climb onto the bed and crawl over to him. I caress his head gently.
"Ssshh, sssshhh. Encre, it's okay. You're safe. It's me, Jasper."I whisper
He stops shaking and crying. He shifts a bit.
"Jasper....? You and Fallacy.....seif?"He says sleepily
"Yes, yes! Safe!"I tell him
He rolls to face away from me, sleeping a bit more peacefully. I start to climb off the bed, but he starts shaking again. I walk over to Father and look up at him as he stands frozen in the doorway.
"That wasn't so hard."I say
"What was he saying?"He asks
"He was wondering if we were safe. As in you and I."I say
"He asked about me in his sleep?"He asks
"Yes, unless there is another Fallacy around here. Now, it's your turn. Let's see what you got, Father."I tell him
"....He fears the storm, but not us...."He mutters
"Yes, because we haven't given him a reason to fear us. Besides you dropping him. Now go and help him, Father."I say
He nods. He walks carefully into the bedroom. He lays down on the bed, thinking. Then he smiles. He grabs the blanket, then rolls himself up in it and closer to Encre, planting a kiss on Encre's head.
Encre stops shaking.
I'm trying not to squeal.
I knew it! My dad is IN LOVE! HE HAS A CRUSH ON ENCRE! YES!
"Hmm?"Encre says sleepily
Father wraps an arm around him.
"I'm here, Encre. I'll keep you safe."He tells Encre
Encre holds one of Father's arms.
"T......Thanks...."Encre says sleepily
I actually saw my father blush a bright yellow, making his pitch black skull glow. I smile. Some minutes pass and Father actually falls asleep.
I gotta tell Suave. I run down the halls quickly, sliding down the railing of the staircases.
"SUAVE! SUAVE! SUAVE!"I cheer excitedly
He comes around the corner.
"What did you do now, M'Lord?"He asks
"Why do you think I did something?"I ask
"M'Lord, you have a history."He says
"Fair point. But that's not the case! I just saw Father having fun in bed with Encre!"I say
"What?"Suave says, seeming horrified or shocked
"He was having fun with Encre in bed!"I say
His face goes grim.
He facepalms.
"M'Lord Fallacy, that is not the way...."He says
"Suave, what's wrong with being happy to help someone on a stormy night like this while they have nightmares?"I ask
"That's what you meant?"He says
"What else would I have meant?"I ask confusedly
"Nothing."He says
"I think Father has a crush on Encre. He's been acting very affectionate and takes any excuse to be with Encre. Encre says he uses the word cute a lot, though Encre never knew what that word meant until I told him. Plus, Father kissed Encre on the head to soothe him!"I explain to him
"Yes, that does seem to be a posibility."He says
"It's been years since we've seen him this happy, right?"I say
"Yes, M'Lord. Now, why don't we busy ourselves before your father overhears?"He says
I nod.
I follow him away from the staircase. We go from room to room, trying to stay busy. I help him clean things up. He hardly let me do anything. We still cleaned. I still helped.
Suddenly, Suave drops to his knees, holding his skull and chest. It's like something stuck him. The soul in his eye is pounding ans he is breathing heavy.
"Suave! Is everything okay? What happened?"I ask, kneeling beside him
"I just got an......hah......overwhelming s-sense that something is gonna go wrong really, really soon....Sorry to scare you, M'Lord."He says
"Don't be sorry. Now calm down, relax. I am sure it will all be alright."I assure him
"Okay....Back to cle-WOAH!"He yelps as I pick him up
"You are not going back to cleaning after that! You are taking a break and getting a chance to relax or rest!"I say
"M-M'Lord, I-!"He begins
"No excuses!"I say, running up the stairs with him held above my head
"Jasper!"He yells
I chuckle.
I carry him off and place him in his bed in his room.
"Rest."I tell him
Meanwhile, at King Asgore's castle....A meeting is taking place. NO POV
"So let me get this straight, Orion."King Asgore says
"Yes, sir."Orion says
"Your group camped out, but then ditched Encre. Then when a storm came, instead of looking for Encre, Externa and Simon settled in a nearby village outside until it was over. You completed the mission but never looked for Encre. You came back two weeks ago, without him, and came to tell this to me why?"King Asgore says
"Because I like Encre and he didn't deserve to be ditched or lost in the forest. He is very nice. And if they won't listen to me, perhaps they will listen to you. You know what can go wrong if word gets out about this. Maybe his friends Rufous and Azure would like to know where their King sent him, wouldn't you think so? And I wonder how they would react..."Orion says smoothly
"Is that a threat?"The king asks
"No, I'm just reminding you of the consequences that could happen. You aren't that well liked anymore and if word gets out, who knows what that could mean. And I am sure you know who Azure or Rufous are as well as what they are capable. Let's be smart, your majesty."Orion says
"You are dismissed."The King says
Orion leaves.
King Asgore calls Externa and Simon in. He explains what he knows.
"What's the big deal? He's probably dead from the storms or a vampire."Externa says
"Which is what I sent you to prevent, not allow."King Asgore says
"That does not answer our question."Simon says
"Encre is an artist. He naturally sees things others overlook. He could have valuable info of the forest that you imbeciles ignored. That is info lost because of your poor decisions. And he has connections in the village. An angry guardsmen and blacksmith means nothing good for us. And Encre was close friends with Azure and Rufous. If they find out about this, they will be trouble for all of us."King Asgore says
"But that's just two people."Simon says
"Two beloved people in the village. If they get angry and try to revolt, there will be plenty of people who follow their lead. And I won't be the only ones going down since they will also know you both are the ones who ditched him."King Asgore says
"What about Orion?"Externa says
"Don't bring my beloved apprentice into this."Simon snaps
"He was the one who told me and at least he made an effort to help find Encre, which you both denied to do. So, here's what I want. You both will go back to the forest, find Encre, and bring him back by any means necessary."King Asgore demands
"But, your majesty, there's a storm-"Externa begins
"Too bad. You leave him in a storm, you get him back in a storm. Unless you want to be fired and put in a dungeon. GO."The King orders
The two reluctantly comply. They leave the castle and begin their new mission, which may take weeks. The king sits on his throne, impatiently tapping his fingers on the armrest. He can not be taken out, no rebellions, no problems. They can not end his reign. And Encre is the key to his plan to prevent that. Yes, he knows Encre may be upset at being ditched, but once he gives the king what he wants to know, the artist will be executed and nobody will ever know or stop him again.
But little does the selfish king know that Orion did not trust him either. Orion, fed up with being ignored or seeing his community unhappy or in danger, had stayed and overheard the King making plans to execute Encre with some guards after his mentor and the vampire hunter left. Enraged with this injust cruelty and scheme, he had gone to the village to find Encre's friends, wanting to tell them and warn them. He found them chatting at Rufous' blacksmith's shop. They looked at the tired little apprentice running towards them.
"Hey, Orion."Azure says
"Hey, Azure and Rufous.....I need to tell you something important."He says
"What is it?"The two ask
"It's about Encre......He's in danger."He says, then proceeds to explain what he knows
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