Chapter 13:Free as a Bat
You guys know what time it is! YEP! INTRO TIME! :3
Geno-Vampire that was in the Black Forest, captured and works at camp. Serious, caring, stubborn, protective, close to Reaper. Loves to learn new things or test things, used to do so with Suave. Helped keep Jasper out of trouble. Very reasonable.
Reaper-Vampire in Black Forest that was also captured and sent to camp. Free-spirit, silly, funny, protective, close to Geno. Loves messing with others and is not afraid to annoy people who he doesn't like, very rebellious.
Felicia-I've read about her in other Vampireverse stories, who usually is Fallacy's sister(?). Has no equal in the multiverse that I know of like Encre Sans->Ink Sans, Jasper->PJ, Suave->Fresh, etc, etc. She was captured during a visit to the Black Forest. She is kind, protective, and in many ways like Fallacy. She is a leader of the vampires stuck at the camp, being their voice of reason.
Now let's begin!
Classique's POV hours later
I wake up and find myself in a bed. Was it just a dream? I try to move but it hurt. I look to find bandages all over me. Nope. I glance around the room. It's a small guest-sized room. I see a sign on the door. Rufous
I'm in his room? How'd I get here? Huh? What's going on? Is Encre here? Is Encre back? Is he safe? Do they even know what happened?
I feel someone holding my arm. I glance over, seeing Rufous laying beside me. He is holding me close, tears running down his face. My face burns up. We've never been this close. I nudge him, wiping his tears. He lets out a snore. I slip out of his grip, slowly getting up and leaving the room. I hold onto the wall and shut the door. I let him rest. I see Suave coming down the hall. He spots me and quickly walks over.
"Ah! You're awake! Are you alright? What happened to cause you those wounds?"He asks
"Yes....I'm okay now.....Vampire hunters attacked me, thinking I was one. Nobody really hangs in the Black Forest anymore so the hunters assumed.....But....Encre...."I say
"What's wrong with Monsieur Encre?"He asks
"Encre came and tried to protect me but they hurt him too. He made a deal for them to let me escape, but they took him! Just like they took all the other vampires that were there! They said they want to keep the forests vampire-free or something....One forest at a time...."I explain
"Oh dear...I'll go tell M'Lord! Do not worry! We will find him and get him back in no time!"Suave says, then runs off
Jasper drops down from the ceiling.
"I'm gonna kill those hunters! But in the meantime, how was cuddling with Rufous?~"He says with a smirk at his question
My face burns up.
"I guess it was alright, though I was not aware of it most of the time it happened."I say
"Ah, okay. Well you would not believe how badly he panicked when he saw you arrive, bleeding on your horse and passed out. He started crying, rushing you inside and trying to help you. At one point he shouted at you not to die and that he-"Jasper explains
"Hey, Classique! Good to see you're okay!"Rufous says, coming out to hug me while giving Jasper a look that just said SHUT UP NOW
Jasper giggles, then runs off. Rufous brings me back into the bed and has me explain what happened. Then he tells me to rest.
"Okay...."I say, laying down
He wraps his arms around me protectively.
"I shall protect you."He says as I doze off
Meanwhile, with Encre and his POV
I slowly wake up, opening my eyes. I find myself in a different shirt and without a single wound. Well, mostly. My wings are gone and my mouth feels sore, as if my teeth were ripped out. I check and find that my fangs are gone. I have chains on my wrists with a bow and a chain on my ankles. I'm on a stone pillar high above ground. I look down and see a bunch of other skeletons. There is a monster in a suit ringing a bell.
The skeletons get into groups of uneven numbers. Some have 15, others have 16, one has 12, the lowest.
I glance around confusedly. Unit? Work? Where am I? What the heck is going on?
"Which unit needs the newbie?"He shouts
The unit of 12 raise their hands.
"Makes sense, you weaklings always need help. Meeting ends. You can have him if you beasts can reach him."The suit guy says, snapping his fingers
The chains disappear. I'm free. Sorta. All the units disband and the suit guy disappears. All the units form together and make a ladder out of themselves by hopping onto each other's shoulders. A skeleton with an eye patch was at the top and smiles.
"Welcome newbie! You're in my unit! My name is Geno! Come with me!"He says
I smile, already getting a good feeling from him. He picks me up.
"Start passing operation!"He says, passing me down
"Hi! Pass."One after another they say
Then the one at the bottom holding them all up puts me down.
"Break formation!"They say
They must do this often.
They all climb down one by one until they are apart again.
(To give you an idea of how high it was, it was the height of the wooden pole Mulan climbed.)
"Welcome to the Anti-Vampire camp! Here, us vampires are torn from most vampire qualities and forced to work! But don't worry, we find our ways to have our fun! We have GENERATIONS of vampires here! Mostly from the Black Forest."Geno says
"Oh...."I say
Good monsters like vampires don't deserve this.
"What's your name?"He asks
"Encre."I say
"Nice to meet you!"They all cheer
"Guys, head back to your shacks before we get in trouble."Geno says
They all nod. Geno takes me by the hand. He and his unit lead me away to an old shack. We go inside.
"We're back."One in a black cloak says
"Welcome back."A voice says
"They were wondering why you didn't come for dinner."Geno says
"Because even dinner is work. Plus one of the guards has been troublesome for me so they can deal with it. I'm sorry I skipped out on you all."The voice says
"Still trying to plan?"Geno asks
"Yep. We gotta get out somehow, I just don't know how yet."
"We got a newbie. His name is Encre."Geno says
"All right. Unit, introduce yourselves."The voice says
All the vampires turn to me.
"Reaper."The guy in the cloak says
The rest introduce themselves and then go into their bunk beds. I glance over, seeing a lady sittin there in a bright red gown. Her hair and skin was black. The tips were flaming red with some wisps dancing like little flames, reminding me of Fallacy. Her eyes were a bright red like Fallacy's, with the mark of orange flames around them. She had a golden smile.
"What now, leader?"Geno asks
"You all rest, I want to spend time with Encre. Like I do with every newbie."She says
He nods and dozes off in his bunk bed. I sit and take a shoe off. My one shoe.
"Come here, Encre."She says
I do as told, coming over. She gestures for me to sit. So I do. She pulls me close and sits me in her lap. She wraps her arms and legs around me.
"Hello there, Encre. Welcome to the camp and my unit. My name is Felicia. I lead all the vampires captured here. I help them with work or live here, keep their hopes up with escape. Because I can assure you, Encre. We will get out of here one day. Each unit does different jobs like mining, cooking, cleaning, experimenting. You have joined the knitting unit. We make clothes all day and late into the night. All day because they want to break our sleep cycle and get us to lose our ability to stay up at night. But that's enough about this old place, let me here about you."She explains
I make a connection the moment I heard her name.
"What's that you are drawing there, Jasper?"I asked one day
"This is my Auntie Felicia. She's my father's sister. She is very nice, but I haven't seen her in a long while. I hope she is okay."Jasper said
"I'm sure she is, Jasper. I'm sure she'll visit soon."I said
He smiled.
She's been here the whole time!
"Hey um....Would you happen to have a nephew?"I ask
"Yes, yes I do."She says
"Is his name Jasper?"I ask
"You're too good of a guesser."She says
"And a brother named Fallacy?"I ask
"Okay, how are you getting this right?"She says
"I've been hanging out with them for at least a year now. Jasper talks about you and misses you. So does Fallacy. I've found him looking at a portrait of you often."I say
She smiles.
"Well that is quite interesting."She says
I smile.
"Thank you for telling me that. It gave me a bit more motivation to try and get everyone out of here."She says
"No problem."I say
"Now, tell me about this mark."She says, gently feeling my neck
"Emmm....."I get a bit nervous
What should I say? How do I explain it? She surely hasn't heard from Fallacy! She thinks I'm a vampire! Will he be okay with me telling her before him? Surely she'll talk to him about it, and what will that cause? Oh dear....
"Who gave it to you, to start? That mark is very meaningful."She says
"S-Someone special...."I say
"Aww, come on! Give me a name! I won't tell!"She says
"He may not like me saying without him knowing beforehand...."I say
"Aww, you're so sweet with your concern for others! I'm sure he won't mind, whoever he is."She insists
I stay silent.
"Come on. How bad could it be?"She asks
She holds me tighter. I could not handle it. I'm not one that is good with peer pressure.
"Y-Your brother....Fallacy."I say, bowing my head
"Ooo! Have I been gone for that long that I missed my brother getting a crush? Dang it! Well I'm sure we will get along nicely. I will make sure nothing happens to you, Encre."She says
I nod and smile.
She takes me to a bunk above hers and I rest there. I get up the next morning and realize that my foot is burning. I sit and check my foot to see something was burned into it. V-E-22
And boy, does it hurt! Felicia comes over to me and sees the issue.
"You're not alone. They did that to all of us."She says, rolling up her sleeve to show a familiar mark
"What do I do? It hurts to walk on it."I say
"Oh you poor dear. I'll figure something out for you. Now let's get to breakfast."She says, scooping me up
She carries me out to these picnic tables. She hisses a bit by the bright sunlight.
"Never will get used to it...."She mutters
She sets me down and we eat together. Then we go to work. She knits a little boot for me to wear. It fit and made every step very cozy. I thanked her and in return knit her a hat to shade her eyes from the sun. Everyone else saw this and began knitting things to exchange to each other as well. We found a lot of fun doing this. We even started sneaking stuff out to the other units.
"Psst! Let's work on something together for family!"She whispers
I nod.
Over the next few days, she knit pieces of clothing for Fallacy, then Jasper and Suave, who she says may not be a blood relative but is close enough to them to be family.
I knit some clothes for my grandma since winter is coming with its hardest of rounds soon. Fall has ended and winter is starting. Grandma always complains about Jack Frost nipping at her with cold weather and her coat never being enough for lil ol her. So, I'm knitting a set of clothes for her to stay warm in. When I finish with her, I make a scarf for Jasper. I consider my friends family. I make Suave a nice coat and even a book cover since he reads so much and so that if he drops a book into snow, it won't get ruined. I made Fallacy another cloak since he has gotten a few of his cloaks torn in the past, for obvious reasons. I make a set of winter clothes for Azula, Azure's grandmother. I make Azure a winter hat shaped like a helmet. I make Rufous a nice hat that could fit his blacksmith glasses if needed. I make Classique a warm jacket to wear under his cloak. I make Poussière a pair of gloves since he does not like snow apparently. Too cold to the touch he said.
"You're quite crafty."She says
"Thanks, part of it is natural....I was a painter."I say
"Ah, I see."She says, then loads our little gifts into a bag she knit tightly together
She hid that under our bunks.
Over time, we all got to know each other and grew quite close to each other. Felicia especially grew close with me, protecting me with everything she could. But I ended up keeping her safe despite her attempts.
For example, if any guard tried to bother me. Which they did. I'm the smallest and the newest, so they think they can pick on me. She tries to block them from me, but they burn her with a torch, which angers me. I see their future moves and use that against them. A few minutes later, I'm standing with a bunch of unconscious guard bodies piled behind me.
"How the heck did you do that?"She asks
"This isn't the first camp I've been to. I gained an ability from the last one that allows me to see what they will do. So, I just use that against them and done."I say
"That's so freaking awesome!"She says
I smile.
"Now, are you okay?"I ask
She has a burn mark on her other arm now.
"Let me help you."I say, tearing my sleeve and bandaging her arm
"You are such a sweet, innocent little bean, Encre."She says
"Pfft, thanks."I say
A few weeks go by and one day at roll call I get mixed up with the experiment group. They were basically forced to make different chemicals and test it on themselves. I shrug and work away at it. After some failed tests, I use what I learned from Suave's chemical use and mix certain substances together. I get a strange crimson red color at the bottom with a blue of the night sky at the top. I put it in a syringe and inject myself with it. I shake a bit, but hardly felt any pain. I hear gasps from beside me. I look at them.
"You undid their poison!"They say
I look at my back and see my wings have grown back in. I smile, then feel my fangs grow in.
I realize what this could mean.
"Here, I'll show you guys how to make it. Let's undo it and get out together."I say
They all start following my directions and successfully making the antidote. They make extra vials, dozens of them. They got the motivation to rebel at long last. They run out of the lab with carts full of antidotes, running from shack to shack and giving the antidote to the vampires in those units. I run to my shack and find my unit sitting there.
"What are these?"They ask
"And how'd you turn back?"Geno asks
"We got the antidote! Drink those and you will turn back!"I say
They look at me and smile. They drink up and successfully turn. Geno steps to me. Then Felicia, followed by Reaper and a line of the other vampires.
"What now?"They ask
"Ummmm, we follow the leader's plan."I say
Heads turn to Felicia.
"Get everyone in here."She says
We head out and see everyone running around with joy at getting their wings or fangs back.
"LEADER NEEDS US!"The others shout
All of them come running as fast as they could, scrambling to come and hear to what their, our leader has to say. Felicia is waiting of course. All of us cram into the shack. Felicia now has the bag strapped onto her back.
"What's the plan leader?"A bunch of them ask
Everyone talks and questions, making it impossible to understand anything that is being said. Felicia answers no questions. She stands there as everyone settles in with her arms crossed, a cold and serious gaze coming from her eyes. Like a teacher waiting for a class to shut up and listen already. Slowly, very slowly, the vampires begin to catch on. A few shut up while others just keep talking. She clears her throat and those people get nudged or hit to shut up by others.
"Thank you."She says
Everyone is quiet.
"Alrighty then. So, first things first! Thank you to everyone in the experiment unit that made those antidotes!"She says
"Thank Encre! He made the first one and showed us how!"They say, pointing to me as other applaud
They all look at me and clap. I smile.
"Well you all can thank Suave for showing me the basics of chemistry and making potions or chemicals."I say
"Saving some claps for later."I hear one say
"Now, about the plan. We all turn to bats at nightfall. We are smaller and faster as bats, so we can easily avoid getting caught. We'll go to my brother's home and report the problem and go from there. But that's the escape plan."She says
Everyone nods and already starts turning.
"Any questions?"She asks
I nervously raise my hand.
"Yes, Encre?"She asks
"What if I don't know how to turn into a bat?"I ask
All the vampires look at me in shock. I feel my face burn from embarrassment. Clearly to them it's a stupid question.
"They really hit you hard on the head, didn't they?"She says
I do not respond. I don't wanna lie.
"Well, you simply think happy thoughts, flying and being smaller. It should work. Flying isn't so hard either. I'll assign someone to help you."She says, giving me a warm smile
I feel better now.
She smiles. We wait until nightfall. Felicia peeks out.
"All clear!"She says, then turns to a bat with the bag
"Follow me!"She declares, then flies out
A swarm of bats dart out, flying after her into the night. I make sure everyone got out safely and then do as she told me. I feel myself morph and open my eyes. I'm not touching the ground, but flapping two wings to hover above it. I'm a bat! It worked!
"Come on!"Another bat squeaks
I nod, this must be my helper. He leads me and helps me fly, trying to keep up with everyone else. But then I feel something pierce my wing. I start to fall from the sky.
"Encre!"He shouts, swooping down
I hit the ground hard. He lands beside me.
"Ooo, ouch. They fired a spike at your wing. You won't be able to fly with that wound. We'll give away the group if we try to follow them. Surely guards will come looking. Come on, we need to find a place to hide."He says
I try to think of a place. The birdhouse in the forest that I called home is too big and obvious. We get up and he starts to walk along the ground as a bat, while I'm hopping or limping behind him. I see some lights along the trees. I look through and see the village. But only one light was on. Rufous' forge.
"I know a place. Come on!"I say
He looks at me and nods. I limp over to the forge and slide the door open.
"Hello?"Rufous and Azure calls
"Wait! These are skeletons!"My partner says
"My friends."I say
He hesitates.
"Okay."He says, following me inside
I look around and see Azure testing a newly made sword on a dummy while Rufous seems to be smelting something again. Azure looks in our direction.
"Aww! The poor lil bats! They must be lost! And one is hurt!"Azure says, kneeling down
"Well give them directions to Fallacy's place."Rufous says
"That's a long way! We can't just send them away! What if they're in danger? I got to protect them!"Azure says
Rufous sighs.
"Fine."He says
"You hear that? We'll keep you safe! I promise!"He says, picking us up
"You know some nice folks."My bud says
"I know."I say with a smile
Azure sets us on a pillow in the break room. He sits beside us, looking ready to smack anything that tries to attack us.
Meanwhile, with Fallacy
"M'Lord, were you expecting guests?"Suave asks
"No, why?"I ask
"There's a cloud of bats are coming this way."He says, looking out a window
"What?!"I say
I hear Jasper gasp.
"They're morphing back to vampires and falling! Wait! Auntie Felicia!"He shouts
I hear him run and then hear a loud slam.
"Oh dear, there are dozens of them."He says
We run outside and find it raining vampires. Jasper is kneeling beside Felicia, trying to nudge her awake. We go around, checking on the vampires. Classique and Poussière come out, also helping the situation. The grandmothers go to the kitchen to cook some food up for them since they seem to have hardly eaten. We notice they all had strange marks burned into them, as well as torch burn marks. Felicia had a piece of a sleeve wrapped around one of these marks and a bag strapped to her back. She wakes up and looks at us.
"Escape success!"She says as everyone starts to wake back up
"Auntie Felicia!"Jasper cheers, hugging her
Suave and I look at each other, concerned.
"All of you get inside. Suave, help them settle. I need to speak with my sister."I say
"Yes, M'Lord."He says, fist-bumping Geno and Reaper
He leads all the vampires inside with the help of our friends.
"Sis, as nice as it is to see you, you have to explain what the heck happened."I say
"You first, loverboy.~"She says
"W-What are you talking about?"I ask
"I see that mark on your neck for one thing. And I've met that bean you marked. Encre, right? He's a innocent little sweetheart. You must tell me what I missed since we last spoke."She says
"Oh! I can tell you that! I read his journal!"Jasper says
"Jasper!"I snap
She chuckles.
"Jasper, why don't you go inside?"She says
"Yes, Auntie."Jasper says
He goes inside.
She opens her bag.
"Whoo! It's cold out here! Now, I have some stuff in here for you guys. How'd you meet him? Where is it....How'd you fall for him? How long did it take? I wanna know every detail, brother."She says
"You met Encre?"I say
"Yep! Ah, here it is!"She says, taking a hat out
"For you!"She says, slapping it onto my head
"Felicia, is Encre-"I begin
"Oh right! Here!"She says, wrapping something around me
I look and it's a new cloak, knit so carefully. It feels so cozy.
"Encre made that for you. Now who is Azure? Which one is Rufous? Or the grandmas? Or Classique? I wanna meet these friends and family of your adorable little crush! I-"She says
"Felicia!"I snap
She stops talking.
"Where is he?! What happened? Why do you all have burn marks with weird letters and numbers?! Explain!"I snap
"Okay! We've been stuck at a camp! All those vampires are from the Black Forest! Vampire Hunters took us and put us in camps to work for them, taking our fangs and wings away! Encre was a newbie put into my unit! We got close together and today he made a cure that gave us our abilities back! We planned an escape! Poor little darlin' forgot how to turn into a bat because of those pesky hunters. But boy can he fight! They gave me this burn mark that he bandaged with his sleeve but knocked them out easily! Whoops, I'm getting off track! Now, at nightfall, we all turned to bats and flew here. It took a lot of energy after doing it for the first time in a while so we all passed out and woke up to find you all out here!"She explains
"Okay....We'll discuss all that later. But that did not answer my first question."I say
"He isn't here? He should've come with someone I assigned to help him."She says
I look around with her.
"Oh dear....Poor lil sweetie must be lost or scared. Flying around as a little bat-"She says
"Did you just say bat?"I ask
She nods.
"He's not meant to be a bat! He could hurt himself!"I say, unfolding my wings
"Fallacy, he's a vampire."She says
"He wasn't always!"I say
"Did you turn him?"She asks
"No! Well, kinda! Jasper or Encre's friends can explain! Go inside and they'll assist you! Now, I gotta go find Encre!"I say
"Oh no you don't! The hunters will be out there! They'll attack you and then Encre won't come here to find you! I'm sure he is fine! I trusted him with one of my best buds! Now you come inside, help me give the gifts Encre and I made to you and Encre's friends, introduce me to them, and explain what the heck happened while I was gone!"She snaps, grabbing me by the wings and dragging me inside
"But Encre!"I insist
"He will be fine! The darlin is smarter and more capable than he seems."She says
I sigh.
"You better be right, sis."I say
"I know I am. Now who is Gramma?"She asks
"O! Someone call me? I'm coming!"Encre's Gramma shouts
She comes over.
"Who are you? His twin or something?"She asks, leaning on a cane
"I'm Felicia, his sister."My sister says
"Ah, nice to meet ya. I'm Encre's Gramma."She says
"Aww! Well your grandson is such a sweet guy!"My sister says
"Watch her cane....It's her weapon."I whisper
"Pfft, anything can be a weapon."She whispers back
"Now, what do ya need?"Encre's gramma asks
"I wanted to give you this. I've heard plenty about you from Encre. Oh and this is a set of winter clothes he made for you."She says, wrapping a scarf around the grandmother and giving a stack of clothes
"My grandson knows me well."She says
Then she waddles away.
"Who's Azula?"My sister wonders
Azula comes over, repeat cycle. Azula warns her that Rufous and Azure are not here right now.
"Classique?"She says
Classique comes over.
"You must be Encre's good friend!"She says
"Yep. What's up?"He asks
She gives him two gifts, one from her and another from Encre.
"Thanks!"He says
"What are you, Santa Clause?"I say
"Hey, I just want to get off on the right foot with Encre's family or friends that he considers family. When do we meet his parents? I'm assuming you've met them."She says
My fists clench. I frown. My face goes grim.
"Never."I say coldly
"What? Why?"She asks
"He doesn't have any to call proper parents."I say, crossing my arms
"Oh.....OH! Poor dear. How bad was it?"She asks
"I'll tell you later. Gotta have his permission."I say
"Aww! Both of you are so considerate! He was just as hesitant about telling me that you marked him! But of course I got him to cave!"She says
"So I hear you being proud of peer pressuring him to tell you some info, is that what I'm hearing?"I say, glancing at her sternly
"N-No!"She says
"Then-"I begin
"Suave!"She shouts
Suave comes running over.
"For you. The jacket is from me, the book protector is from Encre. Now you can read books with protection from the snow!"She says, handing him two gifts
"Wait, Suave?"All the vampires says
She nods.
"Oh right."She says
Suave jumped when our guests start clapping and thanking him.
"What did I do?"He asks
"You taught Encre about chemistry! That allowed him to make an antidote!"She says
"O-Oh, you are so explaining that later."Suave says, then goes to clean something
She calls Jasper over and gives another gift pair. He loved it and hugs her.
She calls Poussière over and gives a gift from Encre. She checks the bag.
"Now just Azure and Rufous need to be gifted."She says, setting the bag aside
I try to walk away but she drags me upstairs.
"You still have to explain everything to me."She says
"There's a lot to explain."I say
"Well then start with once upon a time of course!"She says, locking us in a room
We had plenty of time. A blizzard hit. I explained litttle by little everything that happened. We took breaks for her to nap or to absorb the info she was just told. Or she'd make comments and questions that just delayed the explanation. Then she kept me locked in the room to make sure I didn't try to go out in it. The blizzard lasted two weeks and I couldn't help but worry about Encre. The minute it was over, I opened the window and fly out before she could stop me.
Encre's POV
Rufous and Azure left town once the blizzard ended. They wanted to make sure everyone is alright and I was still asleep so I did not know. And I didn't know my buddy flew after them, leaving me alone in the forge. I look at my wing Azure bandaged. I try moving it and it did not hurt. Maybe I could try to fly.
I go to the open window and start flapping my wings. The bandage comes off. I start flying. I fly through the forest carefully. It is quiet.....too quiet for me to feel comfortable. I start to hear a cracking sound. I look up to see a branch was starting to break under the weight of too much snow. It snaps and falls. I squeak in surprise and just barely dodge it. But it grazed my wing, opening a small cut. I land and look around. I probably should not fly with my wing like this. It could be dangerous. I look around, wondering where I should go. I hear footsteps and start to get scared. I see a familiar rock. I realize where I am. Score! I hop along the trees, counting them. I find the bushes Jasper showed me and slip into the center of them, hiding safely in it. Can I turn back now please? Come on! Turn back! I.....Don't know that. I forgot to ask about that part.....
I hear dozens of footsteps run past me in my hiding place. I do not know what to do or where to go. But then I hear a voice that INSTANTLY made me feel safer.
"Encre? Can you hear me? Where are you? Encre?"A voice calls
It is Jasper. I slip out of the hiding place and see a small bat flying around.
"Encre?"He says
I wave a wing. He lands, turning to a vampire again and looks at me with curiosity.
"You're a bat.....Cool!"He says
I nod.
He scoops me up.
"Let's get you home."He says
Then he turns to a bat and picks me up by a wing. He starts flying while holding me like a bird does with their talons.
"Jasper? Jasper? Where did you go?"Suave shouts
"Shoot, it's Suave. I'm in so much trouble!"Jasper mutters
Then another voice calls from a different direction.
"Where are you?"It shouts
"Shoot! Even more trouble with Dad!"He says
He starts to fly lower. He puts me down and turns back.
"Can't you turn?"He asks
I shrug.
"Oh....You don't know how!"He says
I nod.
"Let me handle it with Father and Suave. Stay here."He says, then walks away
I do as told. I try to help my wound but there is nothing I could do with it.
"I can smell Encre.....He's bleeding......Must get to him quickly."I hear Fallacy say from a large distance
I look around, but he is nowhere in sight.
"Jasper! What are you doing out here?!"Fallacy says
"I-!"He begins
"Suave, please take him back before he gets into trouble!"Fallacy says
"Yes, M'Lord!"Suave says
"But what about Encre? His wing is bleeding! I gotta get back to him!"Jasper says
"Come along, Jasper."Suave says
I could hear two people walking away. But not a third. Someone did not leave. A shadow casts over me from behind. I get scared, starting to shake. I turn around and see Fallacy standing there.
"Love?"He says
I look up at him.
"It is you...."He says
I nod.
"You look so cute as a little bat!"He says
My face burns and my soul beats a bit faster.
But I keep shaking.
What now? What do I do? Is it safe now?
"Do not fear, Love. I am here and I will protect you."He says
I hop or limp closer to him.
"You're limping.....What's wrong?"He asks
I bow my head. He picks me up and examines me.
"Cute? Check. Blushing? Check. Loveable? Check. Wounded wing? Check. Bleeding? Not for long."He says with a wink
This only made my soul skip beats.
He lifts my wounded wing gently and licks the blood from it. I squeak in surprise and hide my face in my wings.
"Awww! Adorable squeaks and reaction? Check!"He says with a bit of tease
He nudges me onto my back in his hand. He starts to look near my feet. No! He's gonna see the mark! I get back up quickly. Nothing to see there!
"Love, I gotta know why you're limping."He says
It startled Fallacy so bad that he turned to a bat. I hit the ground, sinking into the snow. Fallacy comes over, picking me up and hugging me protectively. He nuzzles his head on mine. My face is still burning.
"Get over here Fallacy!"She snaps
I give him a teasing look like oooo, someone's in trouble!~
He smirks and kisses my cheek. Then he flies off to find his sister. I smile, but then feel someone sniffing my neck from behind. Heavy breathes drop onto me. I feel uneasy.
"Poor.....Wounded bat. Good bat. I take bat."A voice says
I feel some sharp teeth gently lift me up. I see the ground start moving below me. I glance up and see a wolf carrying me in their mouth away. The wolf seems happy and even was smiling.
"ENCRE!"I hear Fallacy shout
"No, bad bats coming. We leave."The wolf says, then starts running
I look around and see Fallacy getting farther and farther behind the wolf with Felicia. I squeak in shock and a bit of fear. Ok. A lot of fear.
"Don't worry bat. I protect you from bad bats."The wolf says
The wolf runs until I could not see them anymore. The wolf sets me down.
"Welcome to my pack's home! You will be safe here from bad bats! All scents that come here get hidden! Now! I help your hurt."The wolf says
The wolf takes some leaves and rub it on my wounded wing. It stops bleeding and the wound closes. But not enough to try flying.
"Good bat stay here."The wolf says
I look at the wolf confusedly.
"Me tell pack before you come into safe clan area. You be safe outside scent disguise area."The wolf says
Then the wolf disappears behind some bushes. I sit there, lost and a bit scared.
"There you are, sweetheart!"I hear a voice say
I look up, seeing Felicia flying down to me as a bat. She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back, shaking.
"You're safe, Encre. It's okay, dear."She says, comforting me
I smile, feeling safer.
"Besides, your love will probably kill anything to protect you."She says with a wink
I feel my face burn a bit.
"Does he know yet? I mean you marked him but he could be so clueless sometimes."She says
I shake my head.
"Awww, well he should figure it out soon."She says
"ENCRE!"Fallacy shouts
"Here he comes now!"She says, then backs up
I get tackled to the ground and see Fallacy on me as a bat. He smiles, curling his wings around me and holding me close.
"I got you.....I got you.....It's okay now.....It's okay....."He huffs
Then he gets a smirk that says he is up to something. He leans in and starts kissing me by my neck. My face burns and I let out yelps and squeaks of surprise as he does it. He gets all around my neck, making me a blushing mess when he was done.
"Those squeaks are so adorable."He says
He nuzzles his head along my neck, as if looking for something. I feel him nuzzle where he marked me. He goes all in kissing me there, making me squeak and jolt. My face burns, soul racing.
"Bro, I think he's flustered enough. Why don't we get him out of here?"Felicia says
She is a life saver!
"Aww, okay."He says
He gives me a look that said this was not over. He picks me up, flying back home. He flies really high up while Felicia flies below him in case I fall. A weird cloud floats around he flies under it but I get in it as a result. I feel Fallacy's hold fade. I look around and see a strange new place. It's a big white space with strings overhead. I look around, but see nobody around. Then someone appears. They spot me and take a dagger out, as well as a syringe with a strange chemical. No! I don't trust this person!
I try to get away but they toss something, making a circle of fire around me. I get scared, the fire closing in. The smoke starts getting thicker, making me cough and shake. I feel something get injected into me. I yelp in pain, then choke on the smoke I'm inhaling. I start feeling shaky as the fire gets closer to me. I look behind me and see through the tall flames is this stranger. They have a name tag on their white jacket saying SERRAM.
I look around and see the mysteriously mist that got me here on the other side of the flames. I run and hop through. I find myself back in the forest, falling through the sky. I feel weaker. I could not move. I could not speak. I just prepare to hit the ground. But instead, I get swooped into someone's arms. I look up and see it's Fallacy.....At least I think it is. I curl up in his arms and smile.
But I was a fool.
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