Chapter 12:Encre is Where?
2 hours later, Fallacy's POV
"That's a great plan!"Jasper says
"That's just where I know he'd be from what he said."Azure says
It took two hours for him to explain because people like Charlos or Jasper would interrupt with questions or comments. Or Azure's head would hurt when he tries to remember it, still recovering from the experinece. But of course Poussière was there beside him to help him.
Now he explains the actual plan. And that only took a half hour.
"Like I said, a great plan!"Jasper says
Azure smiles.
"Good ideas, Azure. Now, you've gotta recover."Poussière says
"And?"Azure says
"Stay here and rest. We'll handle it."He says
"Okay...Thank you guys for saving me..."Azure says
Everyone was humble and said it was no biggie for a friend and stuff, including me.
"Anything for you, Azure."Poussière says, then kisses Azure on the head
Both of them blushed, yet Azure seemed to like it since he smiled.
(image above)
But instantly afterwards, Poussière got hit in the back of the head with a chancla.
"There will be none of that until you pass the test!"Aure's gramma says
"Okay, the answer is:Yes I find him very adorable."Poussière says cleverly
He gets whacked again.
"That might have passed Encre's gramma's test but not mine!"She says
"You grandmothers have some interesting ways to choose a lover for your grandsons."Suave says
"Hey, great minds think alike. Azula and I just think alike and value our good grandsons very much."Encre's grandmother says
"And what's her test?"Suave asks while Azure holds his grandma away from Poussière after he tried to take Azure and go to avoid the test
"A bubble test."She replies
"Should we stop her before she kills Poussière?"Suave wonders
"Nah, Azula is harmless."She says
Poussière gets knocked out by the chancla right after she said that.
"Or not...."She says
I couldn't help but chuckle at this timing. Azula was about to continue but Azure hugged Poussière protectively, getting his grandma to stop.
"Man, and I thought the cane was bad."I say with a shake of my head
"What did ya say?"She snaps, lifting her cane
"Nothing."I say
She smiles.
"Now let's head out!"She cheers
Azure places Poussière in bed while he sat beside him.
We all head out and smile. We search every place that Azure told us and at the 6th, we found Charles.
"Bitch we got you surrounded. Hand over the antidote and maybe we will go easy on you!"Rufous shouts
Charles was so shocked that we found him, I could smell his fear and shock, though can't see him.
"NEVER!"He shouts to us
"The fun way it is."Jasper says
"CHARGE!"Encre's gramma shouts, running and busting the door down
Every day I find another reason not to mess with that grandmother. Everyone rushed in and by the time I got to the front steps, they were dragging Charles out.
"I got it, M'Lord!"Suave says, lifting up a syringe in his hand
"Let's get back."I say, wanting to help Encre ASAP
"You guys are smarter than ya looked."Charles mutters before coughing out some blood
He gets whacked on the head with a cane.
"Ya and you better not forget it."Encre's grandma says
We make it back and go to Encre's room. Jasper and Rufous brought Charles to watch his "plan fall to pieces". Suave injects Encre with the antidote, but nothing happened. I feel his hand and hold it gently.
I feel him squeeze it. But that was all.
"He's still there....."I mutter
"Strange, he should be awake now."Charles says, even he is surprised
"Your dumb antidote did not work?!"Jasper snaps
"Probably because a new factor was introduced. Would he have happened to be marked?"Charles says
I glance at Encre. Could I have screwed things up?
"Yes."Suave says
"Well then you guys fucked up big time. That makes the antidote useless. I matched it up with his exact self, but the new detail of a mark throws everything off. You won't be seeing him for a while."Charles says
I sink to my knees.
"Encre......"I whisper
He squeezes my hand again.
"Oh look! Here comes the sunrise! The best part! Say goodbye to him!"Charles says
I do not say goodbye. None of us do. The sun rises and Encre disappears into thin air.
"What did you do? Where is he?"I snap
"Hell if I knew. Now if you don't mind, I'll be going now. Have fun if you can.~"Charles says, then disappears as well
"He teleported unlike Encre."Jasper says
"That's a lot of magic..."Rufous says
"What do we do?"Jasper asks
"I....I dunno....."Suave and I answer
Weeks go by.
Azure has stayed with us to recover and Poussière has been there for him every step of the way. Jasper and I have been brainstorming with Rufous and Suave on where Encre could be and how to decipher what Charles said. Classique has been coming and going, trying to travel and see what news he hears. Anything that could give us a lead. But we've got nothing. Poussière has been trying to take the bubble test for days now, only problem is that it is very long. Azula wants to see how determined he is to do it, that way she could measure how loyal he is to Azure or the chances of him just leaving Azure, causing heartbreak. Sure, I know he would not even have a chance of that with how he is with Azure, but it never hurts for family to check.
One day, Classique returned with somewhat interesting news.
"I've heard tales of new vampire sightings in the Black Forest."Classique said one night when he returned at dinner
"There haven't been vampires in that forest for years, though a reason is not clear....."Suave says
"Didn't they mysteriously disappear?"Jasper asks
Suave nods.
"What about these sightings? Any details?"Azure asks curiously
"The sightings were mostly peaceful. They've seen the vampire flying, walking around the forest, protecting a baby or painting. The vampire has only attacked if that person attacked them. And they say when fighting that vampire, it's as if he could see what they were gonna do ahead of time. One even noted a bite mark on the vampire's neck before fleeing from the fight."Classique explains
"That sounds like Encre! He described that fighting ability to me after the ambush! And he only fights if someone else attacks! He is a painter!"Jasper says
I process this info, but two details did not match up. Flying. Vampire.
"But he cannot fly. Unless someone is carrying him."Suave says
"Or in Father's case, dropping him."Jasper chuckles
"Hey! I didn't drop him everytime we flew together."I say
"Plus, Encre was not a vampire."Suave says
"But what if he is?"Rufous says
"What are you suggesting?"I ask
"Charles said that the bite mark threw everything off with the antidote and that he matched it with Encre's exact self. The antidote might have tried to adapt to the change, by changing Encre. That way, it works but not the way Charles intended. And it might have sent him away. Charles said we won't see himfor a while, not that we won't ever see him again."Rufous explains
"Wait, why would he be seen with a baby?"Azula wonders
Everyone looks to me.
I feel my face burn up.
Encre's grandma glares at me.
"You were doing something behind those iron doors."Classique says
"I did nothing!"I say
"We heard him shout."Rufous says
"All I did was kiss him and mark him! Nothing more! Nothing like that!"I say
"Okay....So you didn't try that with my grandson."The grandma says
"Try what?"Jasper asks confusedly
"Nothing, M'Lord. Guys, who is to say it is even Encre's baby? People have been known to abandon unwanted babies and kids in that forest all the time."Suave says
"Okay. Someone should go check it out soon then."Azure says
"Before that vampire, if it is Encre, repeats the mysterious history of the forest."Azula says
"I'll go once I finish this page."Poussière says, working on the bubble test
"What page are you on?"I ask
"20."He replies
"Azula, how many are there?"Suave asks
"23. He's nearly there. I think he will like the ending question."Azula says
"Pfft! Sure, a question!"Encre's grandma says
"May I see? You got me curious."Suave says
Azula nods, handing him the last page of the test
He looks at it.
"That's not a question, that's a dare."He says
"Sssh! Don't tell either of them! It's a surprise!"Azula says
"Memaw what are you planning now?"Azure asks, his face burning up a bit
"Nothing, sweetie."Azula says
Poussière keeps working, but glances up at Azure across the table. He smirks and winks at Azure. Azure's face lights up but he just focuses on eating his food.
All I do is wonder if Encre could be out there or be that vampire.
Meanwhile, Encre's POV
I fly through the forest, my wings flapping and I search the ground for anyone to help. Strangely, a lot of people go missing here. But others are put here. Like me.
I had shut my eyes and thought happy thoughts like Suave told me to. Hours later I felt Fallacy holding my hand. I could tell it was him since he kept whispering things and I felt the shape of the hand that only his hand has. I recall squeezing it and something getting injected into me, then everything changed. I just woke up in this forest but felt different. Some people passed by me when I stood up and screamed vampire. I was so confused, but then I felt my back, finding wings like my vampire friends folded there. Plus I could feel fangs in my mouth. I turned into this? How? I still had the mark on my neck. Then Charles appeared.
"Ya, the antidote didn't work as planned. You're lucky to be alive. But if I find out you returned to Fallacy or any of your friends, you and them are dead."He said
"Says the one who looks to have just had a bad time."I said
He frowns.
"How about you leave us alone and you'll live?"I suggested, coming closer to him
He got scared. I could smell it.
"I'll think about it."He said, then disappeared
I've been wandering around the forest ever since. I've fought any vampire killers that cross my path, but most people stay too far away from fear to give me problems. But I'm not completely alone in this forest. People are stupid, abandoning kids or babies in this forest. I've met plenty of them, most of them are too young to realize that society believes vampires are bad. So when I come to them, they happily talk or hang with me. They LOVE flying with me, finding the experience so much fun. But the forest isn't right for them, so I fly to different towns and find them proper homes, looking like a normal skeleton in the day. Most of the families are happy to adopt the kids or on rare cases, babies.
Kids don't deserve that kind of treatment. They deserve love and good family.
I smile as I fly, but then I see a baby wrapped in a blanket with a bruise on their forehead. It's a skeleton baby wearing glasses. He looks familiar. Then it hit me. Gradient!
I swoop down and scoop him up. On the blanket is a note in red ink saying: PLAN 1,120 Fail
(Try and guess who left Gradient with that note.)
Poor kid. Getting used and tested on. He is such a good kid, he doesn't deserve that. I try to think of some way to help. He had a friend.....Maybe wait until that friend comes through the weird hole or something that Shino used!
Gradient starts waking up and looks at me.
"Hey, lil guy. It's me, Encre. Don't worry. You're safe. I'll protect you."I say
He looks up at me with a look of wonder in his eyes.
"Nobody will use you for plans or run tests on you. Who left you here?"I say
"Da...."He says
That's wrong!
"Well, I'll take care of you until your friend comes."I say
He smiles.
"Now hold on."I say
He grips onto me with a tiny hand.
I fly to a house hooked to a tree. It's a lot like a bird house, but a very big one. It has a ledge for me to land on and a swing. It's home made just for me. A giant made it for me when I got a deer out of his foot, which to him felt like a bunch of splinters. I land on the ledge and go inside.
"What did your grandma say about giving great grandkids, Encre?"A voice says
I turn to my left and see my grandpa floating there.
"Grandpa! It's not what ya think!"I say
He comes over, looking at Gradient.
"Then who's he?"He asks
"A friend of mine that was tested on and abandoned here."I say
"So....He's not supposed to be a baby?"He asks
I shake my head.
"And what are you doing with him?"He asks
"Taking care of him until his friend arrives."I say
"Ah alright. Just checking. Do you plan on visiting your friends soon?"He asks
I hesitate.
"That Charles guy won't come back for a while. Or ever if I have anything to say about it."He says
I sigh.
"I might soon...."I say
He smiles, then fades away.
By sunrise, a hole in the house appears. In walks Bluescreen, Gradient's friend.
"Gradient? Gradient? Where are you?"Bluescreen says
"Ah! Ah!"Gradient cheers, reaching out
"Hello there."I say
Bluescreen looks over at me.
"Oh!"He says
"You're his friend, right?"I say
He nods. I hand Gradient over.
"Gradient, my friend. I am so glad you're okay!"He cheers
I take the note off.
"What number?"He asks without looking
"1,120."I reply
"Stupid destroyer.....Well, you look adorable, Gradient."Bluescreen says
Gradient's face lit up.
"Aww, you two are so sweet together. I can tell you're good friends."I say
He nods.
"Thank you for keeping him safe! We'll be going now!"He says
"If you ever need anything, I'll be happy to help you kiddos."I say
He smiles and nods. He walks through the hole and he disappears. The hole closes on itself.
A few more weeks pass and I start to stay home. I swing on my little swing happily. I start to hum a little tune.
I look up at the beautiful stars above and make up some constellations. It's nice and peaceful.
I see a shooting star go by, so I make a wish. And that wish is.......
Sike! I ain't telling nothing or nobody!
Soon, I start hearing a voice.
"Hello? Anyone out here?"A voice shouts
At first I don't recognize it. I keep swinging.
"Any vampires?"It calls
Ugh, just another hunter....
"Encre? Someone? Hello? Is anyone out here? Please come out!"It calls
Then I hear a flap of wings following it. I recognize the voice now that it's louder.
I get up, unfolding my wings and flying to his voice. I fly very quickly and spot him. I nearly knocked into him.
"Oops! Sorry, still learning how to control my flying. Nice to see you again, Poussière!"I say
He looks at me in absolute shock.
"How the hell are you a vampire?!"He says
"I dunno, something about an antidote."I say
"Rufous was right?!"He says
"I dunno, I guess. I dunno what he said."I say
"Holy shit....."He mutters
I chuckle.
"Suave is gonna spray you for that."I say
"Sorry, it's just so amazing to see you!"He says
"Hehe, same to you!"I say
"You gotta come back with me! Jasper will be so happy!"He says
I notice he focused on Jasper's joy in that statement. I shrug it off.
"It's safe?"I ask
"Yeah! We killed Charles the other day!"He says
(And that's how he ended up in Reborntale.)
"How have things been with them?"I ask
"Well.....Fallacy has been knocked out for a month."He says
I sigh.
"What did my gramma do?"I ask, shaking my hand
"Nothing. Someone delivered a chocolate bar and Fallacy ate it before Suave even knew about it or checked it. He's been knocked out ever since. Suave tested the wrapper and he says it had poison in the chocolate. The Snow White poison according to him when he explained it to Jasper. And strangely, more vampires have come to visit their king the past month. COMPLETE STRANGERS. All of them trying to wake Fallacy up and pissing Jasper off. He does not like strangers kicking him out of his father's room only to fail at waking him. Plus I think Jasper only wants you to be able to kiss his dad. Heh."He explains, then chuckles at the last sentence
Other people are trying to kiss and take Fallacy? Annoying Jasper? Not gonna happen.
"Lead the way."I say
He takes my hand and flies me to their home. He gets an idea and decides to just grab me and toss me in through an open window to Fallacy's room. I roll and tumble across the floor a bit until I caught myself. I shift, my wings closing. I find myself right beside Fallacy's resting body on the floor. I hear laughter outside the window.
"Not funny."I snap at Poussière
He keeps laughing.
"Have you gotten the bubble test?"I ask
"Shoot! I gotta do the last question! Now I gotta find Azure!"He says, then flies off
Ooo, Azure is in for a surprise. I smile and chuckle to myself, knowing the bubble test quite well. Azure's grandma had me check all the pages to see if they were the right questions, since I am Azure's friend. I know that bubble test like the back of my hand now.
I look at Fallacy resting and smile. I lift him into my lap gently, wrapping my arms around him.
"Wakie wakie, mon amour. A month seems like plenty of sleep to me."I say
He does not respond.
I lean in and kiss him. He jolts, his hand raising before dropping again.
I pull back and smile. I see his face start turning yellow.
If that worked.....He may wake up soon. I wonder if there are other vampires coming to visit their king......Hmmmm, how can I show that he is my love?
I feel my neck where he marked me.
"Now nobody else could take you. That mark on your neck is basically a STAY AWAY sign...."He had said that about marking me......That seems to be what will work....And I'm a vampire so I can do it.
I lower the collar of his cloak, looking at his neck as carefully as he did with mine. Then I bite down in a good spot. I dig in like he did and hold it there as long as he did with me, maybe even a second or two longer for good measure. Now, I don't know if it was vampire instincts or what, but his blood tasted nice as I cleaned it off him the way he did with me. I hold my hand there for a few moments. I hear a gasp from the closet.
"Who's there?"I whisper
Jasper peeks out.
"Jasper!"I exclaim, feeling my face burn up at being caught doing that
"Encre! You just marked my father!"He cheers happily
"Ssssshhhhhh! Quiet! Don't force him awake with your yelling! He can peacefully wake up!"I say
I hear a scream.
I look around.
"Did you hear that?"I ask
"Hear what?"He asks
I can hear screaming. I recognize it.
"I gotta go."I say, then fly out the window
I find Classique in the forest I've been in. He's getting chased by hunters. I scoop him up, placing him on a branch. I pick up the sword he dropped and boomerang it off of the trees, knocking each hunter down. I shake the blood off it once I catch it and hand it back to him.
"Hey, Classique. You alright?"I ask
Before he could answer, I see his arm is bleeding. I tear my sleeve and bandage it.
"Come on, I'll take you somewhere safe."I say, flying him to my home
Back to Fallacy's POV
I slowly wake up and shake my head. I get up from the floor, unaware to why I was asleep there. I go out of my room and even yawn, stretching.
"Oh! M'Lord! You've awaken!"Suave says in surprise
I nod.
"How long was I out?"I ask
"A month."Rufous says
"What?"I say in surprise
"Yeah, you got poisoned. But we located an antidote."Poussière says with Azure passed out in his arms
"What happened to Azure?"Rufous asks
"I did the last question. I kissed him."Poussière says proudly
"Bout time you reached it."Azula says
"What antidote did ya find?"Suave asks
"Father's prince came and woke him up! Just like in the fairytale you explained and compared the situation to, Suave!"Jasper says, dropping down out of nowhere
"What?"I say
"As you can see, HE IS NOT DEAD!"Charlos cheers, flying by my shoulder and pointing at my neck
I look at him. He smiles and flies off.
"Okay, Black Panther."Jasper chuckles
"Who?"Azula says
"Shino showed me some comics."He says
"You're welcome."Poussière says
I look at him in confusion. Everyone looks at him in shock.
"Ewww!"Charlos says
"Don't get the wrong idea people. I did not do it. I brought his lil prince as Jasper said."Poussière says
"Who? Many have come claiming to be that."Rufous says
"His love, duh."Poussière says
"Encre was here?!"I say
"Yep and telling by how you're awake, he kissed ya."He says
"That's not all he did.~"Jasper chuckles
I feel my face burn up a bit.
"And yes, Rufous was right. He is a vampire now. The antidote changed him and he was the vampire that was spotted in the Black Forest."Poussière explains
"What was that supposed to mean, Jasper?"Charlos asks
Jasper whispers something to him.
"Oooh! So that's where that thing came from. I never knew he could get that."Charlos says
I look at the two boys confusedly.
"Oh! Oh wow....M'Lord.....Is your neck sore?"Suave says
"No, why would it be? Besides sleeping on the floor."I say
"You have a mark. Someone marked you."Suave says
"And don't you dare try to remove it!"Jasper says
"What? Why not?"Suave asks
"Because Encre marked Father! I saw it with my own eyes!"Jasper says
"How the heck did you witness that?"Suave asks
"I'm tired of strangers kicking me out to spend alone time with my sleeping father. So I hid in the closet. It just so happened that tonight Encre came with Poussière. Since I was in the closet, I saw the whole thing. Father probably didn't hear me because Encre told me to be quiet and let him wake up on his own."Jasper explains
My face burns up. I feel my neck and feel the greatest thing ever to me:Encre's fresh mark on my neck. My soul races. I wish I was awake for that.....
"You know what this means, right Father? You're Encre's!"Jasper says
"I guess he didn't like hearing about others kissing you, Fallacy. We know how the story goes with Snow White and the poisoned apple. Or in your case, Fallacy and the poisoned chocolate bar."Poussière teases
"I do not mind being his."I say, feeling my face burn
"Where is Encre?"Suave asks
"He heard something I didn't and said he had to go."Jasper says
I sigh. I was even happier at the thought of seeing him again. Jasper peeks into my room.
"Father, you should really shut your window."He says with a sneaky grin
"Okay?"I say
"I'll get it."Suave says
"No, you won't. Father will."Jasper says, holding Suave back
I go in and see my window open, a breeze blowing in. I go to the window and hear Jasper shut the door behind me. He even locked it. That sneaky son of mine is up to something.....
I reach to shut the window but a hand grabs mine, stopping me. I actually jolted from surprise.
"Hmmm.....That's his hand...."A voice says
"H-Huh?"I say
I mentally slap myself. Why did I stutter?!
A face peeks in from below.
"Bout time you woke up."He says
"E-Encre, h-h-h-how?"I stutter
Stop stuttering!
He lifts himself up, making two magnificent vampire wings come into sight. They flap so gracefully and gently. He smiles at me, holding my hand.
"Antidote malfunction. Like Azure says, there are crazy and then there's crazy stupid. Charles is crazy stupid."He says
"D-D-Did you k-k-kiss-"I begin
"Kiss you? Why yes, yes I did. You had enough sleep."He says smoothly, kissing my hand and winking
My face burns up. My soul skips a beat.
"And I would do it again, mon amour."He says
I feel the mark on my neck.
"D-D-D-Did y-you really-?"I begin
"Mark you? Yes. If I'm your Encre, you're my love. Only fair to show others that about you since you make that a point with me."He says with a smirk
I can see his fangs. They shine a bit in the light of the room.
"Oh, guess I was too quick. It's starting to bleed. Let me finalize it please."He says
"S-Sure."I say
He climbs inside, shutting the window. Then he grabs me and pulls me close. His fangs dig in to where he marked me. I never felt anything like it.
"Aaah! E-E-Encre!"I shout
"Sssh, don't be so loud."He says, then licks my neck
My soul is racing, my face burning. Is this how he feels when I do it?
"Now, you seem to be stuttering more or stumbling with your words. Is everything okay?"He asks
"Y-Yeah...."I say
He feels me from my shoulders down.
"You're very tense....But I can change that.~ Just like you have."He says
"W-W-What does that me-AHH!"I begin, but yelp when he starts kissing my neck
My soul keeps skipping beats, I could not control myself. He kisses all around my neck, especially in places that I've kissed at his neck. My body relaxes. No, it did more then relax. It straight up went weak on me, weaker than twigs. I drop to the floor and he kneels right down with me. His wings curl around me, protecting my head from hitting the floor softly. He smiles at me.
"Wow, that really relaxed you."He says with a smirk
My face must be on fire now.
He rests his head on my chest.
"Now this is a melody I like."He says, listening to my soul beating
I feel him relax and nuzzle his head on me. I take this as a chance. His element of surprise is gone. I take some deep breaths. I reach to him, cupping his cheeks. Instantly his face burns up in a rainbow.
"F-Fallacy?"He stutters
I lift his face so we are face to face. I smile, then lean in and kiss him. He relaxes quickly and gives in. He holds my arms gently, then his hands slip onto my cheeks, cupping them around my cheeks as he kisses back. I loved every moment. But decided to get revenge. I pull back, wrapping my arms around him so he can't escape.
"W-W-W-What are you doing, Fallacy?"He asks nervously
His blushing rainbow face is so cute. I lean in close and kiss his neck like he did to me.
"F-F-Fallacy! A-Aah! Mmh!"He exclaims
"You had this coming, Love.~"I say, then kiss the back of his neck
He grips me tightly.
"I-I-I know...."He says, resting his head on my shoulder
"So, you're giving in?"I say
"In your dreams."He says
Then I feel him kissing my neck again. This keeps me from kissing his. I start breathing harder and try to keep quiet this time.
"Y-You're quite sneaky, a-a-aren't you?"I stutter
"Learned from the best group of friends. Now, are you still gonna try to mess with me or what?"He says
I say nothing. I kiss his neck again since he paused.
"Guess not. Well, time for one of my secret attacks. I know your other weak spots, mon amour.~"He says with a teasing tone
"W-What?"I say, not expecting that
He holds me down with one hand. Then I feel him start to tickle my foot. I jolt and kick instinctively, trying to get my feet from his hand.
"H-Hey! Stop that! Who t-t-told you about t-t-that?"I ask, laughing out of control
"I cannot reveal my sources. Now, are you gonna give up?"He says
"I don't g-g-give u-u-up!"I say
"Fine, guess we have to level things up."He says
He straight up sit on me to hold me down. I'm not kidding you. He leans forward, his back to me. I feel one of his hands grab my ankles to hold them still.
"Don't you dare!"I say
He dared. He tickles both my feet. I couldn't stop laughing and I couldn't move to fight back. I try to think. I look at him, focusing. Where are his weak spots? What can I reach?
His feet were by my head. I grab his ankle, slipping the shoe and sock off.
"F-Fallacy!"He exclaims, realizing what I'm doing
"What?"I ask innocently
"I gotta go!"He says, getting off of me
He puts the sock and shoe back on quickly.
"Aww, but Love!~ The night is still young, isn't it?"I say
"It's nearly sunrise!"He says
I look and see light coming to the sky.
"Aww, okay. Wait, is this because you don't want to be tickled?"I ask with a smirk
"I left Classique in a tree."He says
"Well, I guess I will let you go. Come back soon, Love.~"I say
He nods, opening the window and shutting it behind him. He flies out of sight. I open the door, Jasper falling forward after being pressed against the door.
"Jasper!"I snap, my face still burning
"What?"He asks
"Were you-? I'm not even gonna ask that. It's obvious you did. But did you tell Encre that I was ticklish?"I ask
"Ticklish where?"He asks
"My feet."I say
"Oh, yes I did. But that's not all. I told about your every weakspot, since you seem to have found his weak spots."He says
"Only his neck."I say
"Ah, so I'm the all knowing tickle guide, huh? Because he has plenty more than that. We traded info."He says, then innocently walks away
I'm gonna find those spots over time. And I'm gonna surprise him when I do.
Classique's POV a few weeks later
I cling to Encre, feeling my wounds screaming and aching. I see his wounds bleed and his wings fold, torn and full of holes. He doesn't seem to care, glaring straight ahead and stabbing the ground with my sword as he holds me protectively. The monster hunters have got us pretty bad, we're well outnumbered and too wounded to take them on. Even he must know that.
So what does he do? Start ordering or trying to make deals!
"You guys better let him go or we're just gonna have more problems. I'll do whatever if he gets to go."He says
He wasn't dealing for himself, he knew there's no chance of that as a vampire. He was dealing for my escape.
"No! Encre! I won't go without you! I don't trust these idiots!"I say
He nudges me to shut me up.
"We're trying to keep this forest freak-free. So you have to come with us if you want us to spare that guy."One of the hunters say
"You know where to go, right? Where to run?"He whispers
I nod.
"Deal."He says
I get yanked away from Encre.
"Get out of here, stupid."They say, then circle around Encre
I see them cuff his wrists and ankles.
I nod.
I run as fast as I can, finding my horse that looked shocked to see me so wounded. I hop onto his back and grab the reins.
"Go to Fallacy and Rufous. Quickly."I say, pulling the reins
My horse quickly gallops off. I hold on tight.
Encre, I will get you help.
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