Chapter 10:Remember and Go
STEP 1:Gramma and Suave
For weeks, Suave and Gramma would be two sides of the same coin with Fallacy. Gramma would whack and snap things at Fallacy. It ticked him off but he knows to respect the elders, no matter how annoying they are. He wonders where she even came from, but she is close with his friends so he deals with it. And Gramma allowed her whacking buds to join in on it too. Suave would follow up these surprise attacks on his friend and lord by taking Fallacy to the library and showing all the memories he documented. Fallacy was confused as heck but he started to get this faint feeling that he knew the weird skeleton staying in a guest room down the hall.
"You're just telling tales, Suave."He'd say
"M'Lord, if it was just a tale, how come everyone you know can recall it as an experience? And how would Encre be marked if you never marked him?"Suave would ask
They got him questioning things. But only temporarily.
Step 2:Fibi and Charlos' tricks
Fibi has set up a special room for @Errorink_4_Life to stay in and do whatever they wish.
Charlos has set up a room full of drawings he found in Fallacy's room or notes. He stuck these things all over a room, thinking the giant collage would spark something. He locked Fallacy in the room. It took four hours for Fallacy to get back out, but he still had no memories. And Suave had to clean the mess up.
"Jeez, he has one stubborn mind."Gramma says
"Yep."The rest of them say
"It's just step two, though. We can do it!"Charlos says, not taking defeat or no for an answer
They nod.
"Jasper, kiddo. You're up!"Gramma says
"Yesss!"Jasper says
Suave sighs, just imagining the mess he will have to clean with a shake of head.
"What? It won't be that bad!"Jasper says
"Whatever you say, M'Lord."Suave says
Step 3: Jasper's tricks
Jasper sneaks into his father's room. He finds his father's journal and opens it. He reads it quietly. He takes it to his room and waits. But he left a little gift for his father on the floor.
A few hours later, his father yells.
"JASPER!"He yells
"Yes, Father?"He says innocently
His father comes in.
"Why is there a rainbow painted out of ink on my floor in my bedroom? You did it didn't you?"He says
"Maybe I did.~ I just wanted to remind you and warn you of the sweet rainbow you're scaring away. Unless you know to get another Ink as nice as him."Jasper says
"What are you talking about?"He asks
"Encre. Our friend. Your love. Or adorable little rainbow."Jasper says
"I've never met that guy in my life!"He snaps
"Funny, your journal tells a different story. I never knew you wrote fiction, Father."Jasper says, showing the journal
"Gimme that!"He snaps, taking it
He flips through it, reading the pages.
"No....This can't be true."He says
"Keep denying it, Father. Keep being stubborn. Go ahead and see what it costs you, because there is nobody like Encre."Jasper says
Jasper kept these tricks up for weeks, annoying his father and seeing how much he can poke the bear. But soon he ran out of ideas to mess with his father. And his father still refuses to think and remember anything. He still sees Encre as a stranger.
Step 4:Poussière and Jealousy
He filled Encre in on the jealousy plan and Encre reluctantly agreed to it.
"If it brings his memories back, I'm okay with it. He isn't nice without them."Encre says
"What do you mean?"He asks
"Try and catch him when he's alone with me, you'll see what I mean."Encre says
One night, he went to check on Encre outside. He looks around for the poor little painter. But he couldn't find Encre anywhere though. He goes to the other side of Fallacy's castle and finds Encre being held tightly by Fallacy. At first he got happy, thinking that Fallacy regained his memories, but saw their expressions and heard what was being said.
"What makes you so special? You're just a skeleton who draws. You're nothing special!"Fallacy snaps
"F-Fallacy....."Encre stutters, already in tears
"I don't know what the hell they see in you to keep you around!"Fallacy says
"That's enough, Fallacy!"He snaps, flying down
He pulls Encre from Fallacy's hold.
"You better start being nice to Encre! You're being the bad guy here, not him! And I'd hate to see the one who saved us and you multiple times get mistreated! There may be huge consequences if you don't! Besides, everyone marks someone for a reason, you better recall what that memory is. He doesn't deserve your harsh comments."He says, then kisses Encre on the head
"He.....Saved us? Saved me? Hey! Get away from him! Don't kiss him! I marked him!"Fallacy snaps
He could see memories spark in his friend, but only temporarily.
"Oh! He did but it's not like you'll believe me. And why should I? You said he was nothing special in your opinion. And your opinion isn't everyone's."He says
Encre holds him tightly, crying and burying his face in his chest.
"You see what I mean, right?"Encre says
"Yes. I don't think you should stay here, Encre. I'll tell Azure to take you somewhere else. You deserve better."He whispers
"What about mon amour?"Encre says
"Hey! Encre! Poussière should not be your amour! I marked you!"Fallacy snaps
He facepalms. His friend has no idea what damage he's causing.
"We'll be going now, Fallacy. Maybe learn some memories and kindness before you speak to my friend again."He says, then flies off with Encre
He takes Encre to a clearing to sketch with his grandma. Then he flies back to pull the last straw with Fallacy.
"His grandmother, that lady you yelled at the other day, took away your blessing and gave it to me by the way. Mark him all you want but I'm the only one allowed to get him. He loved you, dude. More than you'll ever know."He says
It was a lie. He was never given the blessing and Fallacy still has the blessing, but that may do the trick. And using Fallacy's words against him would help a bit.
Fallacy looks at him, angry with the spark growing.
"He's mine."Fallacy says
"Funny, you should have thought that before you broke him. Rethink your actions, cause you're gonna lose him. And I never knew that people who are yours aren't special. I sure thought that your son was special. Your servant and friend was special. Your apprentice was special. I, your friend was special to you. What makes him yours but not special? It's either he's special and all of us are or he isn't and none of us are. Pick wisely, each have heavy consequences."He says, then leaves to pick up Encre and his grandma
He left Fallacy to think.
Step 5:Azure Taking Encre away
Fallacy knocks on Encre's door.
"Oui?"Encre says
He opens the door.
"Oh, bonjour Fallacy. Come to yell at me again?"Encre says
A bunch of piles of broken paintings and sketches lay on the floor from what Fallacy did.
"No, actually. I think I forgot something and was wondering-Wait are you packing?"Fallacy says
"Well clearly you don't want me here so Azure and I are gonna go. Don't worry, he says we won't come back. And something doesn't even begin to describe what your memory lost. And I'm not gonna stick around to get yelled at by you until you do."Encre says, packing a bag
"What? B-B-But-"He begins
"And don't worry about the mark. Suave made something special for that."Encre says
He pours a vial on his hand and rubs it across the mark on his neck. The mark disappears.
"See? Almost like it never was there. Kinda like your memory of me."Encre says, tears coming to his eyes
"Encre?"Fallacy says
He wipes his tears.
"Silly me. Crying over you. I had it coming. If the people in the village don't accept me, why would you? It's okay, Fallacy. I am gonna leave and you will finally be happy."Encre says
He hands Fallacy the flower crown.
"You can take this back."He says
"I don't understand."Fallacy says
"I don't expect you to."Encre says
"But I won't let him stay and be disrespected and undervalued! We're going. Come on, Encre. Let's leave this bad monster."Azure says
"I thought he was a good one......"Encre says
They leave and then it finally hit him. Fallacy went to his room and it hit him, knocking him out.
Step 1:Guilt and Gone
But he was woken up by a cane to the head.
"OW!"He yells
"That's for the wrongs you did! Jerks like you don't deserve peaceful sleep!"Gramma says
"Wait....Encre's Grandma.....What are you talking about? And don't be so loud, you'll wake Encre up."He says
"Can't wake up someone who isn't here."She replies
He looks and sees the space Encre would lay was empty. He bolted from his bed, running around the place to find Encre. But it was too late. He was nowhere to be found. He and Azure found an abandoned wagon and rode it away hours ago.
"Son, do you know where my love is?"Fallacy asks
"Oh, so now he's that. I thought he was someone you never met in your entire life."Jasper says, ticked off
Jasper did not like how his father acted without his memories.
"What?"Fallacy says
"Hey Poussière! Guess who has their memories back!"Jasper shouts
Poussière comes in and looks at Fallacy.
"You've got to be kidding me."Poussière says
"Guys? Where is Encre?"Fallacy asks
"Gone."Poussière says
Fallacy looks lost and confused.
"He left. You lost him."Jasper says
"We warned you."Poussière says
"We all did."Charlos says
"But you would not listen."Jasper says
Suave comes over.
"Suave?"Fallacy says
"They are right. You were a funking jerk to Encre. Don't believe me? Check the mess you left in his art room. I am not cleaning that up."Suave says
Fallacy gets another whack on the head.
"And I'll be here everyday to remind you what you did wrong to my grandson until you man up and make up for it!"Gramma says
"What did I do?"He asks
"Hmmm, that's a long answer."Gramma says
"You said he didn't belong here."Suave says
"You said he should leave and never return, which is what he's doing."Charlos says
"You called him stupid and worthless to you. That he serves no purpose or you don't have a reason for him to be here. He only stayed because we allowed him to."Jasper says
"You said he was nothing special."Poussière says
They go around, naming thing after thing, word after word. Regret after regret. Fallacy couldn't take it.
"Okay, okay stop! I get it."He says
"Oh, we were only 1/3 of the way done."Suave says
That made Fallacy feel even worse. Just like it should.
"We planned for weeks how to get your memory back but we haven't started on how to fix the damage you made. We didn't expect you to do so much."Jasper says
"Yeah, so once you're done cleaning the art room, here's the schedule of meetings that YOU MUST JOIN to figure out how YOU WILL FIX IT!"Gramma says
Fallacy nods, getting shoved to the art room. His soul sank at the sight of damage he made. He cleans it up but tries to fix it too, putting pieces together like puzzles.
"I hope to never see you act like that again, Father. With or without memories."Jasper says from the doorway
"I'm sorry."He says sincerely and honestly
"Thanks, but I'm not the one to apologize to and you know that."Jasper says, shutting the door
Fallacy sighs.
"I do."He mutters
He shifts through the broken artwork.
"I messed up....And now he is never coming back...."He mutters
Meanwhile the others are planning Encre's secret visits right now. Encre didn't want to leave completely, so they will visit each other. Encre just doesn't feel ready to see Fallacy again.
"Now, I have one last trick to do on my Father."Jasper says
There's a bang, like a door getting kicked down.
"Who filled him in on what happened?"Poussière asks
"I did!"Charlos says
"3rd door on the right, second floor."Suave answers Rufous
Rufous gave Fallacy a piece of his mind in his two known languages:Verbal and with action. Yeah, he does more than smelt weapons. Once he was done, he shook hands with each of them.
"Thank you for being good to my friends."He says
He glances at Poussière.
"You're the thief Azure is dealing with, aren't ya?"He says
"Theif? How do you know?"Poussière asks
"You're wearing a shoulder pad I made for him. I'm Rufous, their blacksmith friend. Don't worry, you're not on a hook for now. Azure speaks nicely of you. But don't you dare follow in your king's footsteps or we're gonna have some problems."Rufous says, then slides down the railing and leaves
Jasper checks on his father to find him beaten unconscious. Yeah, don't mess with Rufous and his friends. Jasper sprinkles something onto his father.
"M'Lord, what did you do?"Suave asks
"Gave him some motivation."Jasper says
Jasper:Those were nightmare sprinkles. They can last for weeks or even months. They will basically turn dreams for him that he drew in his journal like this:
Into nightmares like this that he drew in the journal:
So surely he will get motivated!
The next day was the first meeting.
"So, what now?"Fallacy asks
They all looked at him.
They all had this face: T-T
A cricket chirps in the corner of the room.
"You let him go. He needs some space. No searches, no going after him, none of that. If you love him, ya gotta let him go, M'Lord."Suave says
He sighs.
"Besides that?"He asks
"You do that, then we'll talk."Gramma says
They left him there at the meeting table.
Meanwhile, with Encre and Azure, Encre's POV
We ride the wagon through an open road, the bags beside us.
"The village I found does not belong to a king or any ruler but the people are nice so we should be safe there."He says
"Thanks, Azure. You rock."I say
We reach the village and hop off the wagon. He hugs me, kissing me on the head.
We settle into a house and spend weeks just hanging out there. We make friends here and over the weeks, get to know things. We even went back to visit our friends from time to time. They gladly welcomed me each time, very quietly hanging out against a windowless side of the place so Fallacy couldn't see or bother us.
"He got his memories back."Jasper says
"And we're working on him to give ya space or to let you go until you're ready."Suave says
"He was hella confused when you were gone. He didn't recall anything he did until he got his memories back. We reminded him though. And he seemed very guilty when he heard what he did. Very regretful."Charlos says
"Ah....I see."I say
"How have you been doing?"Gramma asks
"Better....I just am at the questioning stage now."I say
"What questions do you have? I'll interrogate him for the answers and tell you."Gramma says
"Would he have acted like that if another situation like this occurred? What made it hard for him to remember or to accept the memories he lost? And does he remember everything? Ask him about his plan on the ship before it sank."I say
She takes note of it and nods.
"Father is coming, you should go unless you wanna talk to him...."Jasper says
I nod. Azure and I hop in a wagon. Azure steers while I sit in the wagon, hidden from sight. I look at them. They smile and wave. I see Fallacy land and look at them confusedly. He looks in my direction but I duck out of view. We ride for a few hours, then get home.
A few months pass.
I was walking down a street when I hear a struggle. I go to investigate and chase a robber from a neighbor of mine. They look at me, then smile. They pin me against a wall, kissing me.
I was more confused than anything.
"Thank you, sir. Now, take this drink I'm selling as a thank you. For you, it is free."He says, handing me a cup
Dazed and confused, I nod, taking a sip. I walk home but start feeling dizzy. I check the drink with a chemical Suave gave me and it turns purple-positive for chemicals or a potion. My dizziness increases until I pass out.
It must have been hours that I was out.
I finally start waking up. I find myself smaller on the doorstep.
I hear footsteps and turn to see Azure coming over. I smile at him.
"Hello, little child. Who are you and what are you doing here?"he says
"Fwend! Bonjour Fwend!"I say
"Encre? Is that you?"He asks
I nod.
"Fwend! Fwend!"I cheer
"Oh dear...."He says
I get up and try to walk. I trip. It's like I've never walked before. I get up and waddle, but still trip. I resort to crawling to him. I crawl into his lap and hug him.
"What happened to you?"He asks
I point to the neighbor's house.
"Give dwink."I say, then point to the cup
"Oh dear...."He says
"I am awight tho."I say
"At nightfall we are going to visit again."He says
The sun goes down and he puts me in the wagon. We ride off. They all come out.
"We have a situation. One of our neighbors gave Encre a drink with a chemical in it. And now....."Azure says
He picks me up and puts me on the ground. I look around and smile at them.
"Fwends!"I say
"Awww!"Charlos, Jasper, Fibi and Suave say
"Cute."Poussière says
I look at him and smirk.
"What?"He asks
"I bet he is trying to figure out if you meant he is cute or Azure is cute. Hard to tell, since you say that about Azure so-"Jasper says, catching on
"Shut up kid."He says, his face burning
Azure didn't hear since he was trying to keep the horses calm and get them to stay again.
"Aww, Encre! Come to Gramma!"Gramma says
I get up and waddle over to her. She hugs me and smiles.
"I asked him and he said the right answers for all of them. He would not have repeated his actions, he swears on his life. He thinks he just has a stubborn head and will work on his memory. He says he remembers mostly everything. Though he said he will only talk to you about the events on the ship."She whispers to me
I nod.
"Okay....merci Granny."I say
"Anything for my grandson."She says
"What do we do? We can't keep him like this."Azure says
"Keep who like what?"A voice booms
I look up to see on the top of a roof stand Fallacy, gazing down at us.
"What's with this secret meeting spot?"He asks, flying down
Granny holds me close, carrying me over to Azure.
"Who is the kid?"Fallacy asks, coming closer
"None of your concern. Now, are you done with the chalkboard?"Granny asks
"All 800 sentences on all 4 of them."Fallacy says
Suave comes over.
"I'll work on a way to turn you to normal. May need to do some test doses though."He whispers
I nod.
He runs inside and everyone begins to talk. The horses have laid down and fallen asleep, so we didn't feel like waking them up to leave. Fallacy keeps watching me. That is, he keeps watching while Gramma held him at a distance with her cane.
"Who is that kid? He looks familiar!"Fallacy says
"Just someone we're helping."Gramma says, narrowing her eyes at him
"And what about Encre? Any news about him?"He asks
"I told you. Stop asking."Gramma says
"I just want to ensure that my love is ok."He says
"I told you, he's fine. You gotta let him go. I know that if I tell you where he has been, you will fly there and bother him. We all do. If you love him, you let him go. It's his choice to come back. If he does, he's yours. But if he doesn't, tough luck."She says
He sighs.
"Right..."He says
I look at Azure.
He sees the look in my eyes.
"You sure? We will be leaving soon."He says
I nod.
I gotta face him at some point, don't I? And he's given me plenty of space and time.
"Alright. Go ahead."He says
I nod. I go over to Gramma. I tug at her sleeve. She glances at me.
"May I pwease tawk to him?"I ask
"Of course sweetie."She says
She whacks Fallacy on the head.
"Try anything stupid and I will whack you away, got it?"She says
"Got it."He says
Gramma goes to chat with Jasper.
Fallacy looks at me.
I step closer and look up at him.
"Hewwo, Falwacy. How have you been?"I say
His eyes tell me he made the connection now.
"Encre?"He says
"You weally wememba me?"I ask
"Of course I do!"He says
I grip my arm. He makes it sound so easy, but it took so much for him to remember.....
"That...was worded wrong."He says
Suave comes over to me.
"Try this."He says
I nod and sip the vial he gave me. Instantly I grew to normal.
"You're all good now."He says
Then he goes to talk with Charlos.
"Love, come here."He says
I come over. He feels my neck.
"You really did get rid of my mark....."He says, sounding hurt
"Yeah...Didn't want to reminded of someone who forgot me and called me worthless to them. Am I all those things you called me?"I ask
"Love, I am so sorry I acted or talked to you like that! I had no right or reason! I am so sorry! But I promise you, everything I said or did to you is not true! I swear on my life I won't ever get like that again, even if all my memories are gone!"He says, wrapping his arms around me
He keeps talking and talking, apologizing and apologizing. I grip him tightly.
"Shut up."I say
"Huh?"He says
"Shut up. It's in the past......It's okay."I say
"How can you forgive so easily?"He asks
"It's bad to hold grudges. Plus I've had plenty of time to recover and work on forgiving you. And then there's what I said on the ship before it sank. Do you remember what you got me to say with your little plan?"I explain
"That part is fuzzy, probably since it was closest to the attack where my mind went blank."He says
"Do you r-r-remember any of it?"I ask, pretty nervous about him remembering my confession
"I remember what I did to you.....How cute you looked with that rainbow on your face.....And you said some stuff in French.....One thing was....was.....Y-You...."He says, his face burning up
"I will always love you, my love."I whisper
"Y-Yeah, but then it get fuzzy after that. All a blur."He says
So my confession is in that blur.
I feel both a relief and pain. That's a win and lose. I bow my head.
"Love? What's wrong?"He asks
I look up at him.
"Nothing! I am ok."I say
He kisses me on the head.
"If you need more time-"He begins
"Fallacy, you're forgiven. It's okay."I say
"Encre, we're all set and ready to go back!"Azure says
"Alright, be right there."I say
I look up at Fallacy. His gaze is pleading me to stay, he doesn't have to say it.
"Won't you stay?"He asks
"Father, take small steps. The plan is to take small steps. Your behavior has just started to be consistent, so we're gonna see if now that you've seen Encre again wether or not your consistency continues and go from there."Jasper says
"I'll visit."I say
He sighs, then smiles.
"Alright....See you soon, Encre?"He says
I nod. He hugs me before I hop into the wagon. We ride our way back to town. But we get stopped midway.
"There you guys are!"Rufous says, a bunch of bags on his back
"Hey, Rufous! What are you doing?"We ask
"I was coming to find you guys and join ya! I got my blacksmith tools too!"He says
We smile at him. He smiles back.
"Well hop on!"Azure says
I take his bags and load them onto the wagon. Then I help him onto the wagon. Azure gets the horses to trot again.
A few weeks pass and Rufous has settled into the town, becoming this town's blacksmith. He was happy, getting more work here and more appreciation for it.
Summer comes and everything seems alright. But one day I get this eerie feeling. Like spookie Halloween kind of eerie. That feeling you get when something is wrong. I look around and freeze.
Charles is back.
You've got to be kidding me. Who is he after now?
I see Azure chatting with a neighbor. Charles is heading for Azure.
Oh hell no!
Azure glances over to me. I signal him to come in quickly. He says bye to the neighbor and comes inside. I lock the door and windows.
"What's wrong, Encre?"He asks
"Ya remember when you asked what happened to my soul?"I respond
"Yeah."He says
"Well the culprit is back. And he was coming for you!"I say
He shudders.
"What's his name again?"He asks
"Charles. Stay away from him in any way you can."I say
He looks through the window.
"Which one is he?"He asks
I point him out.
"Oh.....What do we do?"He asks
"Avoid him."I say
"Should we tell Rufous?"He asks
"Yeah, so Charles can't trick him either."I say
"Let me find my sword."He says
I nod.
"I'll go speak with him now."I say
I go out and head to the blacksmith's place. Rufous sees me coming and smiles.
"Heya bud!"He says
"Hey...."I say
"Something wrong? Someone giving you problems? I'll get them!"He says
"Remember that Charles guy I told you about?"I ask
"The one who messed with your soul?"He asks
I nod.
"He's here. I just wanted to warn you since I don't know how much trouble he is capable of."I say
"He won't get any help from me."He says
"Don't even stay around him. If he wants to talk somewhere else or something, say no."I say
"Okay. Does Azure know?"He asks
"Yes. It seems Charles was going after Azure this time. But I'm taking no chances."I say
"Alright. How has your day been otherwise?"He asks
"Pretty good."I say
I feel a cold hand rub along my shoulder and neck.
"Hello, Encre. What a surprise it is to find you here.~"A voice says
I turn to see Charles there.
Ya, because you left me to die.
He's already getting way too touchy with me.
"Yeaaah, suuure. Get your hands off of me!"I snap
"Aww, but since you're still around, doesn't this mean there is a chance for this to work?"He asks
I could feel him reaching up my shirt. I grab his wrist and flip him over, slamming him into the ground.
"Wow, you got fighting skills. Cool."He says, then starts getting up to reach at me again
An anvil is dropped on him.
"Ooops! That was really heavy! I guess it slipped! But while that's holding you there, let's make something clear. Stay away from my friends or you'll regret it."Rufous says, stepping on the anvil that is now stuck on Charles chest
"Whatever."Charles says
Rufous pushes down on the anvil.
"Was that an okay, sir? I won't? I don't think I heard one."He says
"O-Okay! Sir, I won't!"He says
Rufous takes the anvil off of Charles.
"Good."He says
Charles walks past me.
"Not with you. Not today at least."He whispers
I glance at him.
"Your guard buddy on the other hand.~"He whispers
Then he runs off.
"Thank you, Rufous."I say
"No problem."He says
"But now he's going after Azure."I say
"Oh fucking hell no!"He snaps
He changes the sign to closed and grabs a newly smelted weapon. We run to my house and find Charles already inside. Azure was pinned to a wall with his own sword and Charles was holding his soul.
Rufous runs at Charles and swings at him, cutting Charles' arm while burning it since it was so new
Charles yells in pain and backs up. I kick him off his feet and get him to release Azure's soul. Rufous drags Charles out and then continues to teach the lesson. I go to Azure and get hi free of his sword. He drops down weakly to his knees on the floor, coughing and gagging. I kneel down. He looks at me.
"E-Encre?"He says
"I'm here, Azure. It's okay. He's gone now."I say
He hugs me and starts crying.
"It hurt.....It hurt so much. I've been a guard for years and never felt that kind of pain...."He says
"And you shouldn't have had to. It's over now, Azure. I got you. He didn't have the time to do as much damage as he did to me. And he won't get that chance, not if Rufous or I have anything to say about it."I assure him
He nods.
"Same to you."He says
I smile at him.
But really, neither of us knew if we could do that. Charles is a tricky one and unlike other people here, we can't tell what he is gonna do next. We go to the front steps and see Rufous did not hold back on Charles. But he let Charles crawl away after begging for mercy.
"He shouldn't be bothering you anytime soon."He says
We smile and nod, thanking him.
He was right. Charles didn't bother us anytime soon. But he sure did later.
Fall came in to end summer's fun. The air turns chilly with nightly howls. Cloudy skies became more frequent. The tree leaves turned from green to reds and browns, falling gently to the ground. It was still quite peaceful.
But one night, the peace is broken. Someone, guess who, broke into our house again. I get woken up by noises of a fight and came out to find Charles holding Azure in a choke hold. I ran at him but he stops me with a hand.
"Why hello, Encre. You both are coming with me, unless you want poor Azure to suffer."He says
I shake my head.
"Good. That's a good dear. You're quite cute, especially without a vampire mark on your neck. Now, the three of us are gonna have some fun.~"He says
I start shaking.
"Remember what I can do.~ Remember and go."He says, shoving me out
I start walking but he grabs me instead. He drags me and Azure away. Azure is unconscious but I hold him close to me to protect him. He throws us in a different wagon and rides off.
I do not have any good feelings.
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