""Never go in search of love, go in search of life, and life will find you the love you seek."
On facetime with Desmond with her phone propped up against the bathroom counter. Amelia was in the middle of preparing for bed by applying an overnight face mask on and tying her hair up, while slowly dancing to Girls Need Love by Summer Walker that was playing from her tv on Pandora.
This song had recently became one her favorites and she couldn't stop listening to it, the song made her feel sexy, confident and wanted whenever she played it. She felt the song held a lot of meaning to it, girls need love, which they do but in her own mind and words she felt that not only did girls need love from a man or people around them, but girls needed love within' themselves as well.
The song had to grow on Desmond, but he learned to love it after he saw the way it affected Amelia in the best way. The smile on her face whenever she sung the song to him was always a beautiful sight to see since seeing her smile was something he aimed to see out of her everyday.
During the first two months of them talking, Amelia was an emotional wreck and cried all the time. She was really broken and damaged from all that Jay has done to her, she didn't talk much, she flinched from the slightest movements he would make around her. It was sad to see and Desmond was there through it all and he witnessed the big change within' Amelia and although he knew she still had such a long journey to go, he was still proud to see her smile and laugh as much as she does now.
It was the first of the five nights here in Texas and like she promised, she called him before she went to bed since she knew during the day she would be mostly busy handling business with Lamar.
Watching her with an amused smirk on his face, he laughed when she started whining her hips childishly and then tried to do the back roll thing that the carribean girls be doing. Shaking his head, he put his hand over his mouth trying not to bust out laughing at her failed attempt of trying to be sexy. "Girl sitcho ass down, you embarrassing the both of us." He joked.
Flipping her hair, she rolled her eyes. "Boy don't even play like I wasn't just killing that shit."
"Yeah, you was killing it alright,"
Braiding up the last piece of her hair, she held her middle finger up and flicked him off. "You're such a hater, you know these dance moves get you excited. But I see you got a fresh cut, lookin' all daddyish and shit, I see you."
Moving his head to give her different angles, he laughed. "Damn you notice everything, but you know how I do can't rock the waves with a fucked up edge line. Plus, you know the ladies be checking for ya boy so I gotta stay fresh at all times, ya feel me?"
"Hmm, what females you tryna look cute for?"
"The girl I'm talking too on the other side of the screen," He smirked.
"Yeah, her name Bianca, she just some bad hispanic chick I been fucking around with. Ya know, nothing major."
Amelia's smiled immediately dropped causing Desmond to bust out laughing. "Did I miss the joke? Cause I'm not laughing."
Laughing harder, he covered his mouth so he wouldn't wake up Taylor who was sleep in the next room. "You a big ass baby forreal, you know this all for you. Lighten up mamas."
Rolling her eyes, she stuck her tongue out at him before stepping away from the phone to grab her bonnet that was inside her bag of hair products.
When she came back into view, he was in the process of tying his durag on his head. When they both were done wrapping up their heads for the night, she grabbed her phone and walked out of the bathroom and laid down in her bed being sure to prop up her phone so he could see her better.
Removing his shirt and sweats that he wore, leaving him in just his boxers. Amelia watched his every move not even realizing she was staring until he laughed. "Damn creep ass always staring, but what time yo ass going to bed?"
She shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not tired and it's almost twelve in the morning here and I know its only ten there."
"I'm not tired either, but ight since we got time, tell me how it feel to be back in ya home state? I know its only been a day, but I just wanna see where ya head at mentally with all of this." He asked genuinely concerned.
Smiling at his words, she let out a deep sigh before expressing how she felt. "It's a weird feeling because I only expected or thought that I would only be back in this state the day me and my family fixed our issues and knowing that I'm only four hours away from them and they have no clue nor do they probably care, its nerve wrecking. Because apart of me wants to go down there and just see what is up, then of course that other part is telling me no, but I really do miss my family."
He nodded, "I personally feel that you should wait since right now you are still in the process of healing from everything with Jay. Your emotional state isn't strong and if you don't get the reaction that you are hoping for that will hurt you in the worst way and I don't want to see you like that. I feel you should go see them when you are mentally and emotionally strong enough to handle whatever outcome. Get what I'm saying?"
"Yeah, I understand what you mean. Well, the day I do decide to come down here .. would you come with me?"
Smiling at her question, he nodded. "Of course, you know I would. Plus I'd love to see ya hometown, we'd turn that trip into a mini vacation or some shit,"
"Sounds like a plan to me,"
He nodded, "Just say the word and its set,"
"You always say that, why everything gotta be on me and what I want?" She questioned curious.
Sitting up so his back was up against the headboard, he pulled at his goatee. "This your world, and I just want to do whatever you're comfortable with doing and ready for."
"That's sweet and thoughtful,"
He smirked, "Yeah, I know."
Things got silent between the two and they just simply stared at each other through the screen not in a weird uncomfortable way, but just really staring at each other in an admiring way. "I never met a female who looks beautiful with a damn face mask on and their hair tied up. This must be witch craft," He joked, still never once taking his eyes off her.
Rolling her eyes she sat up to turn her lamp off. "I hate when you look at me like that, it makes me nervous."
"How you think I feel when you be staring at me?" He laughed.
Getting comfortable under her covers, she pulled them over her mouth and nose so only her eyes were visible now. "Are you saying that I, Amelia Carters, make you Desmond Jones nervous? You be feeling butterflies in your stomach when I'm around boo?" She teased.
Laughing, he tried to keep from smiling but was failing. "Chill with that shit, my nervousness and your nervousness is too different things .. trust me."
Catching onto what he meant, she stopped laughing. "Oh.."
"Yeah oh, but anyways whatchu wanna talk about?"
"I feel like we talk about me a lot, and not enough about you. So tell me more about yourself, what was your childhood like? Just tell me anything about you .. I guess." She shrugged.
Scratching his head, he laughed knowing he had an interesting upbringing. "Uh.. My childhood was lit, grew up in a two-parent home with successful ass parents along with two older brothers that were like the best role models to ever have. We was the type of family that went on family trips a lot, so I've been damn near to every part of the world since our parents wanted us to experience that."
"Uh, but in school .. I was just the cool around the way guy. I wasn't popular, but I was known due to me playing sports and how I stayed getting in trouble. I guess you could say I was the bad apple of the family though, but I was smart as hell so my intelligence made up for my dumb decision making."
"Bad apple of the family? Why do you say that?"
"Trouble was my middle name and I always found myself in some shit, I was that kid that hated being told that I couldn't do something and I would have prove to people that I could do it, but I grew out of that when I hit my junior year and girls became a main focus. I saw that getting in trouble shit wasn't cute to girls so I started focusing on school and my grades and my nerd side of me began to show which attracted more girls so the change was kind of a win-win situation for me." He laughed.
"But my parents they really helped me mold into the person I am today, most of my childhood I was lost not sure on what I wanted to be or where I wanted to go and they literally supported every crazy and impossible dream I had and that is one of the many things I love about them. I remember saying how I wanted to be the first black president, but Obama ole lightskin ass kinda killed my dreams of that happening, but they supported that little dream of mine and many others that came to mind. They believed in us aiming high for the stars and doing whatever we truly loved, and I made a promise to raise my beautiful princess the exact same way."
Amelia smiled, "How did you parents feel about you having a baby in high school? Where they upset? Happy?"
"I'ma go with pissed and disappointed, one reason being because they hated Tiffany and knew she was nothing but trouble, but see I was in love and young. Tiffany was that girl in school all the dudes wanted and I was one of the guys, she was a cheerleader and I was a basketball player so I just felt like me and her would be the perfect match. At first, shit between us started off real cool and I was really feeling her .. until she wanted to have sex and shit and due to me not having any experience whatsoever I wasn't down with it, nor was I really ready .. but she pressured my young ass into sleeping with her, making threats and shit saying that she was gonna leave me and fuck someone else and like a dumb ass I slept with her and over time I got the hang of it and got better at it. If I could go back in time, I would have waited and left her ass."
"But the only good thing that came out of our relationship was my baby girl Taylor. She was the highlight of my life man, even though I was only eighteen years old still a damn kid myself, I was excited and ready to be a daddy. But Tiffany, not so much. The real side of Tiffany didn't show until she found out she was pregnant and we broke up probably two months later, due to arguing and her getting on my nerves, but it was like my mama knew from day one that Tiffany was that type of girl who didn't care about no one but herself. I should have just listened because that whole pregnancy was hell dealing with her."
"So I will say I guess my mom was the most upset because she wanted better for me, not me being a father at only eighteen but after a week or so she got over it and prepared herself to be a grandmother and she loves Taylor to death. But I'll never forget one day she had came in my room after I had got home from my second job and just sat at the end of my bed and looked me dead in my eyes and told me that no matter what happens that I was going to be there to raise Taylor, and how she was not raising no deadbeat sons then slapped me for being careless but then hugged me for stepping up and getting two jobs to help take care of Taylor. The moment was small and simple, but meant a lot to me."
"Your mom seems amazing, my mama would have probably slapped me too if I had gotten pregnant in high school. She liked Jay, but only because I liked him .. deep down I knew she didn't care much for him and that's probably part of the reason why she was so mad that I was leaving, because I was leaving with him."
Smiling at the thought of his crazy mother, he nodded agreeing with her. "She really is, you two would love each other. That woman is probably one of the strongest women alive, that I know. Raising three bad ass boys along with my father, I don't know how they did it since we all different but they did a pretty good job since we all became something in life. But enough about me, tell me about you .. what was your childhood like?"
"I had a good childhood .. my family was real close. We didn't have much money, but we were stable and always had whatever we wanted. Growing up in Longview, had its share of ups and downs. The violence was a major problem and we lived like a block away from a popular block that was known for gang violence and murders called Twelfth St. My family tried to keep us away from it as much as possible, but sometimes we still witnessed a lot."
"In high school, I was the girl who stayed to herself but still managed to be known. Like I played no sports, I wasn't in any clubs or anything special but somehow people knew me. But things took a turn when my father got real sick and that was when our family fell apart, instead of coming together and being strong for him we fell out and his death was just the icing on the cake to destroy us." She shrugged not really wanting to discuss her sad life anymore.
"But anyways, are you and your brothers close?" She decided to change the subject since she knew the topic was about to alter her mood, and she didn't want to kill the vibe.
Going along with what she did, since he knew the topic was still something that hurts her he decided to drop it too. "Yeah, them my niggas forreal. I know if nobody in this world got my back them two niggas will. My oldest brother Latrell, sacrificed a lot for me. He had dropped his football scholarship from Oregon State and came back home to help me take care of Taylor one year when Tiffany just went ghost on us. I was upset that he did that for a while, but I was grateful since taking care of a two year old at the age of twenty was hard as hell." He chuckled thinking back to that time in his life.
"But I managed to master this fatherhood shit within' the last six years and I'm proud of my change and growth as a person. Taylor changed me and she continues to do so everyday. I just really want to be the best example of what a man should look like and act like for her."
Feeling her eyes start to burn, she blinked a few times which made a few tears fall. Reaching her hand out from under the cover, she wiped her eyes and sniffled alittle causing Desmond to frown and grow confused at what was happening with her.
"Mel, whatchu crying for mamas? Did I say something wrong?"
Shaking her head no, she continued to wipe her eyes to get herself together before she spoke. Once she had calmed herself down, she sniffled one last time before speaking. "It's just, you remind me so much of my dad and I know I talk about him alot and I know it probably annoys you .. but it just makes me really emotional at how much you remind me of him. I really wish you could have met him,"
"I'm positive from all the amazing stories you have told me about that man that he was a good man forreal and I don't mind hearing you talk about things that make you happy Mel, so don't ever think you're annoying me." He told her and she nodded.
"I love you,"
Smiling, he blew her a kiss. "I love you too crybaby,"
"You are strong enough to face it all even if it does not seem that way. Don't give up!"
Walking out of the hotel building with Amelia by his side, the guards around them blocked them and covered them from the cameras and millions of people trying to get info out of the two. This was Amelia's first trip and first time ever being out with Lamar like this and she was not liking the attention from tbe media.
They were annoying and overbearing as hell, they even assumed she was a new love interest in his life but she immediately shut that shit down, not wanting anybody to suspect anything especially Desmond.
But what annoyed her the most was how they were all tryna push their way to get to at them, it was weird in her eyes, and made her wonder on why they cared so much about a person's life, when in reality they needed to get a life of their own.
Escorting Amelia to the car and opening the door for her, she quickly got inside and let out a breath of relief. Getting in after her, Lamar quickly shut the door behind him and rolled his eyes. "This shit is starting to get old," He stated out loud, but wasn't speaking to anybody in particular.
"Is everything okay Lamar?"
Glancing over at her, he shrugged. "When is anything ever okay in life? It's always something right? But I'll be fine, can't let personal issues and problems get in the way of what we came down here for."
She nodded, understanding. She of course saw everything the media was putting out there about him and she felt for him. But she was shocked to find out what she did, since she would have never thought he'd be on drugs and was a recovering alcoholic. He carried himself so well that you would assume his life was perfect, but just seeing and hearing all of that just showed that no matter how much money a person could have doesn't exactly mean their happy behind closed doors.
Lamar knew Amelia had saw what the media had put out there, but they have yet to discuss it since he was sorta embarrassed behind it all. He wasn't sure if she was judging him like the rest of world was and he really didn't want to find out either.
"Okay, so for the meeting today with Mr. Kingston we're basically tryna get a deal with him to sponsor one of my schools here in Texas. I just need you to jot down anything he says far as what he wants like percentage wise, any ideas he may want to add far as the school and other things of that sort. The meeting shouldn't be that long, I would give it thirty minutes at most. But then right after that I have to run over and have lunch with another potential sponsor and clear up a few things, but while I am gone James will take you to go get a dress for the fundraiser tomorrow, don't worry about expenses it is all on me. Our color scheme is black and red, so just get anything that goes with that." He explained and she nodded.
"Okay, and what do you want me to do at the fundraiser?"
"You will be my date, but you will also be there to help raise money for the recreational center I have here in Houston and Dallas. We need to improve some areas in the building and the board commitee is wanting to add a few extra activities for the kids when they sign up. So your job is to persuade people to donate, you basically just gotta sell it the best you can and tell them benefits of what their money will do for the program. I'll give you the guest list of people that are coming so you can see who to target the most and things of that sort."
Nodding her head, she smiled seeing that this was going to be easy. "Okay, I got it."
"Good, and I personally want to apologize for the media and everything that comes along with working as my assistant. I know you've only been here three months and you have done an amazing job so far might I add, but this is only the first of many trips to come and I hope this doesn't become too much for you."
"I kind of already had an idea of what to expect when I took the job, so I'm not too shocked and I'm sure eventually I will get the hang of it and get used to everything. It's overwhelming at times, but I tolerate it."
The rest of the ride was silent, while Amelia replied to emails and text messages regarding Lamar with people wanting to set up appointments with him. Lamar was on his laptop making sure everything for the fundraiser tomorrow was in order so he wouldn't have any setbacks this week while they were here.
He had so much to do in so little time and he was becoming stressed. He just hoped and prayed that everything went good this week, and hoped that he could change the look that the media has on him right now.
When they pulled up to the building, Lamar got out then held his hand out for Amelia to grab. They had beat the media there and they were honestly relieved so it was nothing for them to be easily escorted inside the building together and lead to the conference room where they would be meeting the man at.
When they entered the room the guy they were meeting was already in there and Amelia was shocked to see that he was black. Rising from his seat, he shook both of their hands then motioned for them to have a seat.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet with you Lamar, heard many things about you but .. now I'm wondering why you of all people want to meet me? I'm nobody compared to you." He boosted.
"I came here to discuss a business proposition deal with you,"
Sitting back in his office chair, he pulled at his chin hair and nodded before motioning his hand around. "I'm listening."
"The Hughes Art and Science program is a program solely based on the arts and the many forms of arts along with the many forms of science. I've came across many talented children in those electives and I wanted to create a summer and after school program for children starting in primary school up to high school. I have noticed in my years of traveling to different schools that school curriculmns do not focus on the arts that alot of children have embedded in them to actually pursue a career in. We live in a society where they try to mold children into something they are not and I created the Hughes Art and Science Institute directly for those children who believe that the beauty of art or science can get them far in life."
"Now what makes my institute different and successful is that each teacher and educator I hire actually will take the time to get to know the children, they talk to the children and listen to their opinions and ideas. We focus on all of the different learning styles to target each student and we have gained such a success from that alone. More than half of the children that do attend this program has an IQ score over 125, and their ACT and SAT scores are higher than an average kid and these are including kids from lower-income families, and single-parent home students."
"Now my goal is to make this institution a world wide thing, and after seeing the outcome in the students around California I would like to see this change around the world as well but I know this can't be done alone, a progect and vision like this involves a team and Mr. Kingston, I want you on my team. I feel this can go so far and help kids in the future." He explained laying his plan out on the table in hopes that he would at least consider donating and joining the programs committee.
Mr. Kingston, let all that he said marinate in his head as he thought it all over. Glancing over at Amelia, who was already staring at him with her pen ready to write down anything he had tp say, he smiled. "What are your personal thoughts on this?"
Catching her off guard, she cleared her throat and glanced over at Lamar watching him give her the okay to speak. "Well, I personally feel this program is perfect and will not only benefit kids, but society as a whole. Kids these days lack guidance and I personally feel this program can give them that. This would really be a good look for you sir, to get behind something that will change so many lives will only bring positivity and more success in your life."
Lamar smiled at her answer, before focusing back on Mr. Kingston who held a smirk on his face liking her answer. "Good answer; but I'm sad to say that I cannot get behind this. And my reason being is because right now things with you Lamar is not so hot. It won't be a good look for me to be sponsoring a school that a recovering drug and alcoholic runs. I would personally love to help, but I can't man."
Lamar sat there mentally shocked, but he didn't show his anger. He simply stood from his seat and reached his hand out to shake. "I understand and thank you for your time."
Motioning for Amelia to leave, she sat there stunned with her mouth partially opened. Standing to her feet, she gathered her things and followed behind Lamar but stopped right when she reached the door and turned on her heels.
"People like you is what's wrong with society today, judging a man based off his past is wrong! You and I both know that he is not that man he was back then today, we are all human and we all make bad mistakes, but why should he be punished for making a mistake that most human's tend to make? Is it because he's rich and famous? All this man wants to do is change the people around him lives for the better and make this cruel world a better place, and he has been doing that for years, but its like the whole world has forgotten all that he has done and only focuses on this and that is wrong! But I hope you continue to have a good day Mr. Kingston,"
Leaving out, she grabbed Lamar by the arm and lead them back to the front completely over everything at this point. She hated the way these people looked at him and treated him now all because of something he did in the past.
When they reached outside, of course the media and tabloids where out there snapping pictures. Looking up at Lamar, he gave her a sympathetic smile and snapped his fingers for his guards to lead the way.
Reaching the car, James was already standing by the car with the door open. Helping Amelia inside, Lamar slipped in after her and shut the door behind him.
Letting out a deep sigh Lamar threw his head back, frustrated. "Thank you for what you did back there, you didn't have to do that but I appreciate it."
"I just hate how the media is reacting to all of this and how people are acting towards you. It's like they just completely disregarded all the good you have done and only care about the bad. It's not fair and you don't deserve that Lamar." She spoke honestly.
"You and me both, but hey I knew the media would have eventually found out about the shit. I'm just confused as to how since only a few people actually knew about it." He shrugged.
"Do you have any idea on who could have possibly leaked it?"
"Nope, but don't worry. I'll handle it." He told her brushing it off, as they finally pulled off away from the building, but Amelia knew that him being rejected by so many people behind all of this was bothering him.
"Why did you do it?"
Letting out a small laugh, he looked out the window. "It's a long story that I gotta tell another day."
"I understand, well can I at least ask how you deal with all of this? Like I know you have to remain calm and cool in the eye of the public, but how do you tend to manage it?"
Glancing over at her, he stared at her for a minute getting lost in her eyes before turning away. "It's hard at times, hell sometimes the shit that I see online makes me want to cry .. but I can't let it get to me. It doesn't matter how good you are to the public, people will always look for the bad and once they find it that is all that they will care about. My father always told me to remain strong through the toughest situations and to never let anyone see me fold because that is what they want to see the most. I know eventually this will blow over, and until then I just have to continue to do what I do best and that is make the ones around me happy and continue to bless the less fortunate."
After that his phone continued to ring off continously so she decided to leave him alone, but a part of her really wished he had opened up to her. She knew this was all taking a toll on him and he wasn't voicing it, but she knew she couldn't forced out of him either especially since they weren't even that close to be sharing secrets.
As she stared out the window, with her head laid up against it. Lamar was in the middle of a phone call, but found himself glancing over at her occasionally. The way she stood up for him without a second thought and defended him to Mr. Kingston made his respect towards her grow and he really appreciated her as a person.
And in the back of his mind, he knew he had to do something special for her to show his appreciation.
Thanks for the love & support
- Denise 💋
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