JG and I were playing in the backyard. Mark and Anti came out and told us that lunch was ready. We got up and came into the house, everything was nice. Jess and Mark had made lunch, Anti and Kara just got home from a date. They wanted a little private time to talk about grown up stuff. I didn't question it and just decided to go and play out back. JG soon had joined me in the back yard after that, up until now.
Heading inside, we sat down at the dining room table. While sitting there, we began to get antsy waiting for our food. Soon enough, Mark and Jess came out to the table, and set out sandwiches. The sandwiches we're cut up into four sets, and there we're cookies, and a tea set. With little tea cups. Everyone sits down and I take notice. Jess and Kara are wearing, sun dresses while getting dressed this morning I didn't notice, but I am in a little sun dress. The boys don't appear to be too dressed up, just non dirty clothes. They put together a tea party for all of us. Well, maybe not all since Dark, Light, Desiree and Lena, aren't here. The thought of everyone not here, makes me a little sad. Jack isn't here either. At least JG and Anti are still here.
Mark stars it off, He speaks in a very posh voice, and puckers his lips to take a sip of tea. These are my favorite little teacups, they are white and have little flowers painted on them. Mark brought them for me when I first got here. He thought they would be perfect. I would say they are.
"I do say, this tea is absolutely lovely!" Jess says in a mock posh voice. It makes me giggle.
"Don't forget dear, pinky out." Mark says sticking his own out while drinking his cup of tea. I stick out my pinky and take a sip of the tea.
"This is really good!" I say to the best of my ability mocking a posh voice. This causes all the adults to chuckle. I laugh along with them, because laughter is contagious.
After our fun times with the tea party JG and I decided we were going to ask Mark and Jess if we could all go to the beach together. As we walk up to Mark and Jess, while they are sitting on the couch cuddling and watching TV, we clasp our hands together as tight as possible.
"Jessi, Marki?" I ask in my unbeatable pouty face.
"Yes? What is it?" They pause their show and look at us.
"Could we all go to the beach today or tomorrow, please??" I ask, doing a pouty lip. They looked at each other and appeared to be having a silent conversation with each other
"Sure, why not! I believe it would be a lot of fun. We can go tomorrow morning!" Jessi announces. JG and I cheer and jump on top of them giving them hugs.
We walk away from the cuddling couple, and go to my room. We decide to just sit on the ground and stare at each other.
"Wanna have a staring contest." I shrugged and spoke.
"I guess, but what do you do?" I ask curious on the subject.
"You stare at the other person, and you can't blink. Basically, you just stare at me until one of us blinks." I nod now understanding this little games he would like to play.
"Sounds fun, let's do it." I say, and then pump my fist in the air. We both sit there, staring. It's so intense. Who will blink first. I am sitting criss cross applesauce on my carpet, with my hands on my knees. I look at him harder. He does the same. We both seem to do this until we hear laughing in the background, and take notice to the fact that we are forehead, to forehead. We both lean back away from each other. Then I stand up and walk over to Jessi, whom picks me up when I make the signal of grabby hands. She chuckles and holds me up. I am then handed over to Mark, who holds me out, then begins to sing the lion king theme. Jessi starts laughing and then I start laughing.
Mark POV
I can't wait for tomorrow, it will be so nice. Jessi, (Y/N), JG and i are taking one car then Anti and Kara will meet us later. Dark doesn't like the beach, so he obviously turned down the offer I gave him. Desiree rejected as well. Those two love birds have been spending so much time together.
"Marki, can you and Jessi come play hide and seek with JG and I? Pleasseeee?" (Y/N) asks in a voice I cannot deny. I smile and nod at her pouting face. She cheers and starts jumping around. So adorable.
"I'll count first you three hide." I say and I hear them all snicker and scamper away from me. I chuckle and begin to count "20, 19, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. READY OR NOT HEAR I COME!!! I yell through out my humble abode. I begin to lurk around and when I hear little giggles come from (Y/N)'s room, I head towards it. I begin to stomp and I laugh deeply and almost evil like. All the sudden a stuffed animal falls from the pile in the corner. I make my way over and start to take off one stuffed animal at a time. As I take off the last one that will reveal which person it is they pop out and start laughing. It made me jump but I laugh and pick her up. It was little (Y/N), she is the perfect size for that spot.
"Do you know where JG is?" I whisper to her, she just zips her mouth shut, locks it and throws away the keys. This is something that Jess taught her. She likes doing when she is trying to keep a secret. I nod and turn away realizing she will be of no help.
I walk out of her room and into the hallway. I suddenly hear a louder pair of footsteps run behind me. I turn and look I saw no one, so i decided to walk into the one room. It's the guest room. There is a dresser, queen sized bed, and a closet. I heard a bump in the closet and make my way towards it, I open it and see foot, it has Jess' favorite color sock on it. Getting the slightest idea of who it is. I poke at her foot. She goes to pull it back and starts giggling, but I grabbed it already. At this point (Y/N) is now looking at the pile with me.
"I wonder whose foot this is." The kind pile of clothing replies.
"I don't know." Then I decide to just pull her out. I then throw Jess over my shoulder and run down the hallway with (Y/N) hot on my tail. We are all laughing and then I realize I haven't found JG. Surveying the living room, I see the familiar green footsie JG wears inside of (Y/N)'s little tent. I stalk over there and pull back the little curtain.
"Found all of you!~ I say in a sing song voice. This causes Jess to burst out laughing, which creates a chain reaction of laughing between JG, (Y/N), Jess, and I. I love these guys so much.
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