I wasn't sure what we were going to be doing, but I'm in if JG is! JG and I get up and run to our room, and play while Sean picks out JG's outfit for dinner, and Jess picks out mine. When they are done Sean takes JG out of the room. Jess looks at me and says.
"Time to get dressed." I smile and stand up, walking over she changes me into a (F/C) shirt and a white skirt, with black leggings, and a pair of what looks like very small (F/C) converse, is what Jess calls them. She smiles at me and shows me what I look like in my wall mirror.
"What do you think?" I get excited.
"I love it!" I high five her and we leave the room. Upon entering the living room I see JG, he is wearing a t-shirt with a tuxedo printed, on it and black jeans, with green converse.
We all go out to the cars when everyone is done getting ready. Piling in we head to the restaurant. We go in and get a big table for all of us and sit down, JG and I are in the kids chairs so we can reach the table. We are right next to each other. We keep just looking at each other, I wish he could stay forever.
"Now everyone we should talk for a bit. As everyone knows it has been a very eventful four weeks." Mark says smiling at us all. "Jack is leaving very soon, he has things at home he needs to take care of. Anti and JG are staying for 4 more days. We went out to dinner tonight, because Sean is leaving tomorrow. He wants to make it home before Signe gets there. We will miss you buddy." He says and pats Sean on the back.
"I would like to thank you, Jess and, little (Y/N) for letting me stay. It was so much fun! Even though some things did happen that were unplanned." Smiling I speak up.
"We had fun too Sean! I'm going to miss you!" I give him the biggest brightest smile I could. Afterwards the waitress comes over and takes our orders.
After a dinner full of laughs, and memorable conversations, we all headed home. As the late time of day would have it, JG and I fell asleep in the car on the way home.
I woke up for a couple of minutes, someone was taking me out of my car seat. I looked up and saw red hair and knew it was Mark. Knowing I was safe, I fell back to sleep.
Mark POV
We all headed back home after dinner. Relatively quickly (Y/N) and JG fell asleep in the car. Sean and I sat in the front, while Jess volunteered to sit in the back with the kids. I felt bad sticking her back there, but she is the smallest. While in the car Sean and I spoke about all the videos we had put up. I have made some great memories with these people and I love them all like family.
When we got home we saw that both of the kids were still asleep, so I got (Y/N) and Sean took JG and took them in side. Before we put them to bed, they were changed into their pajamas. After that Sean took his leave to go to sleep. Anti, Kara, Dark and Desiree pulled into the driveway soon after we did. Jess is already in the bedroom, much like I am she was very tired. I bid the group of couples goodnight and went to my bed room, and laid down with Jess, falling asleep very quickly.
I awoke in the middle of the night because of a very scary nightmare. I roll out of bed and run down to Marks room. I start to shake him and he turns over and looks at me. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He says drowsily. I look at with a few tears ready to fall. He sits up in bed and picks me up, and places me in his lap and just hugs me. "What's wrong? Did you have a scary dream?" He asks in a raspy tired voice.
I must've been a little loud with my sniffling, because Jess woke up. "Hey, what's going on, did something happen?" She asks yawning and stretching. "I'm s-sorry fo-or waking y-you Jess-i." I say hiccuping all through out the sentence. She sits up against the head board of the bed, and I crawl in between her and Mark.
Mark looks at his phone and groans slightly. "Its 5:00 in the morning." He stats and yawns, causing me to yawn and then Jessi as well.I realize that I don't remember the dream or what it was about. Not only that, but I stopped crying.
"We have to get up in two hours, to take Sean to the airport. We should get back to sleep. (Y/N) do you want to stay in here with us, or go back with JG?" Mark asks me, while looking at me with half lidded eyes.
"I'll stay here, I don't want to have another scary dream." I says this, because I would always come in here and lay down with Mark and fall asleep. I lay down in between them and, they both say goodnight and lay down as well.
Mark POV
After the fiasco with (Y/N) and her bad dream, we went back to sleep. I just woke up an hour ago I drink my hot cup of coffee and I see Jess come out of the room and grab a cup as well putting in a little french vanilla creamer, and sipping occasionally. I put down my cup down and hug her from behind. "Morning sleepy head." I say in my raspy morning voice. She turns and looks at me. "Morning babe." She them ruffles my already messy red colored hair, then proceeds to walks over to the couch.
Deciding it was time I walked down the hall and to the door of the guest room. I knock hear a groan from inside. I open the door to see Sean wrapped up like a cocoon in his blankets, one eye partially open looking at me. "I guess its time?" I nod and he gets up and I walk out of the room while he gets dressed.
Soon enough everyone except Kara, Anti, Dark, and Desiree are awake. The little ones wanted to be there to send off Sean. Although drowsy and still in their pajamas they came with and sat in he back with Sean. Happily chatting away with the loud Irishman. I will miss him, he is a very good friend, but he has a girlfriend and wants to be ready.
We pulled into the airports parking lot, it is now 8 am, ten minutes till Sean boards his plane. We all say our goodbyes before he is sent off, and we get all sentimental.
"Thank you again for letting me stay here." He kneels down to (Y/N)'s level and hugs her and says. "It was wonderful to meet you. You have a great role model there." He engulfs her in a hug and she hugs back and says goodbye, threatening to shed some tears. JG waves goodbye to his brother, they'll see each other in two weeks when Singe is all moved in, and JG can meet her finally.
Although this is a sad day, we had a great time these past few weeks. I hope to do it again.
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