I woke up this morning to the feeling of being shaken. I open my eyes and see JG shaking me slightly. "Hi JG!" I say quietly, but excitedly. He smiles and hugs me. We jump out of bed and we head downstairs. Sean, Anti, Kara, Mark and Dark were all sitting at the table speaking. They look at us and smile.
"Morning guys, did you both sleep well?" Anti asks. I nod and JG takes my hand. We smile at each other and go sit on the couch, as we do this Mark walks over with Dark and Anti trailing behind.
"Hey kiddo's, Dark, Anti, Sean and I are heading out for a little while. Okay? " He says, JG and I nod and go back to what we were doing.
"Kara will be watching you two!" Mark yells as the group of four walked out the door. Kara walks over and asks us what we would like to do. JG and I think it over and say.
"Play board games!" Smiling we all walk over to the area where Mark kept his board games. We pick out (any game), and begin to play it.
Mark POV
We left to go to the home of Wilford Warfstache and The Host, Raspy Hill, Dark's old home. I couldn't tell (Y/N) I was going there. She would be so upset with me. I sadden thinking about her and the reason why we are going there. We are not going to go to the house itself, but the area around it. There is no way to get out of here unless you are teleported, that is why Dark is taking us.
When we get there we begin to look around and see what we can find. Any signs of life or Jess and her counter part. I love her, I want her to be alive, something tells me she is, just not where she is.
Anti starts sweeping the area for them and we split up, Sean and Anti, Dark and I. Dark is also very nervous, his girlfriend is somewhere around here. He just wants her back and for things to go back to normal. I hear him sigh.
"You alright Dark?" I ask, he looks at me and nods. A sign I take as a no, but he is trying to hide the way he is feeling. I smile and begin to keep a better eye out. We continue on our way, watching and listening. Where are those two.
Jess POV
I didn't want to fall asleep, but I did. I frown, but notice that Desiree is still asleep, I shake her slightly and wake her up.
"Hey we should keep moving, I can see you still don't have enough energy to get us home." She nods and gets up, slightly wobbly, we both head on a different path from last time. At this point I think that we should head towards the house. The creatures appear to stay away from there. We would be a lot safer than where we are now. We go in that general direction.
After two hours of walking, and a couple of times that we had to run, we made it to the house. "Why are we here again?" Des asks looking at me slightly confused why we came here.
"It's safer here, the creatures tend to stray away from here." She nods and we look for a safe place to stay by, but not be noticed when one of the guys would come out.
It has been a couple of hours, we thought we heard voices that sounded familiar but, we are being careful. We look over our hiding spot, standing slightly, we see Mark, Dark, Anti, and Sean. I become really happy, but then I notice that Host and Wilford are both there. We watch but crouch down a little. We watch as the group of four dash away and hide. I just hope that nothing goes wrong. We sit down in our spot as quietly as we can. I get nervous thinking what if they get caught.
We hear foot steps coming from the side of the house we were on. There were multiple pairs. 'Please don't let it be the mannequins.' I thought. The footsteps stopped in front of us, I looked up and saw that face of Mark I smile, jump up and hug him. He chuckles and holds me close. "Let's go home." Looking past Mark I see Dark and Desiree hugging each other. She is tearing up a little, smiles at him and he is saying its okay and I love you. Everyone is just happy we are able to go home.
Next thing I know I am back home with smiling children and a happy friend. "We couldn't get home as quickly." I chuckle and (Y/N) runs up and hugs me.
"You're Home!" She shouts. After she lets go she hugs Des, and Kara gives me a hug.
"Glad you're safe." I am smiling so much my face hurts. "Everyone is home and safe.
We are all sitting in the living room all together. Kara and Anti, Dark and Des, Jess and Mark, JG and I are sitting on the floor with our toys. Sean is by himself on the arm chair. Sean sighs very loudly and has a look on his face. "Sean are you alright?" I ask, giving him a look of curiosity. He smiles and I walk over to him, he nods and picks me up, then gives me a hug. I smile and hug him back, I like his hugs they make me happy. He lets go and I get down, I sit next to JG again. Everyone is just quiet but, they all have the same look of happy and sad. I smile and JG and I lay down and hold onto each other. We are both tired, so I begin to fall asleep, while JG hugs me keeping me warm. I fall asleep happily.
Mark POV
Now that the kids are sleeping I wanted to talk to everyone here for a little bit. I clear my throat and everyone looks at me. "Obviously there is an elephant in the room we must acknowledge." Sean looks at me and says. "And that is." I nod and continue to speak. "When do you have to go back home? Like you said, Signe will be moving in with you." He nods and smiles.
"Yeah, we plan on leaving in 2 days, making this stay two weeks long. I already stayed here over the amount of time planned, so I should go home." Anti decides to speak up.
"Do you want me to take JG home with me this time?" Sean nods.
"Yeah it would be a good idea, I don't want him to be upset with me, because I will be trying to help Signe move in. Instead of spending time with him." I nod my head understanding where he is coming from with the statement. Moving on from Sean I look at Anti.
"I don't mind you staying because, as soon as you leave JG leaves too. (Y/N) wont be very happy, he is her first best friend." Anti takes a moment to think and then says.
"We can stay 4 more days so they can spend some time together." I nod and look back at Sean.
"Alright buddy, we should probably do something together before you leave. How does everyone feel about going out for dinner altogether?" They all nod. (Y/N) and JG are still sleeping on the floor together, I get up and shake them awake.
"Hey little guys, you need to wake up." They begin to stir slightly, taking their time to wake up and move around. "We are going out in a little, Okay?"
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