Dark POV
We are fixing the place up for a surprise. Anti hasn't seen Kara in a long time, and wishes to see her again. Jack took him out so they could spend some time together, while we fix up the place for Kara to come over. Jess bought plane tickets so that Kara could fly in to see her and Anti.
I am glad I can help, but I am getting that feeling of blood lust again. I got it last year as well. I have to go to Light before I do something I regret. He always helps me with this. We are surprising Anti with this so he can be happier.
The kids seem to keep him happy but, only for so long. I hate to see him sad. It makes me want to kill, seeing people I love like family broken down and hurt. I finish unpacking the confetti poppers.
Jess and Kara walk in. I am glad Jess is already friends with Kara, due to the fact that she already knows about what we really are and everything. Meaning Anti and I can look how we usually do with out having to worry about scaring her off. I turn away from the finished work I have done.
"Hey Kara! Haven't seen you in awhile!" I say with a signature smile of mine. Kara smiles and gives me a hug. "Hey Dark! How are you?" She asks looking at me. "I am good, How about your self?" I as gesturing a hand toward her. "I am good excited to see Anti again!" She states excitedly.
Jess walks next to me. "Hey Kara How about I show you to your room for the week?" She asks politely, handing Kara a bag. I smile and go back to what I was doing before, and then go into the kitchen deciding to make food.
JG and I are in the car with Mark, he just dropped off Sean and Anti some where. Not sure where, but I hope they have fun. I smile and look at JG as they leave the car. "Marki where are we going next?" I ask. "We are going to the store to pick up some sweet food and things!" He says looking in the rear view mirror looking at us, then looks back at the road. We pull into a store. JG and I hop out of our car seats and, hold hands as I also grip onto Marks hand as we go into the store. Mar grabs one of the carts with a car front to it, JG and I climb in and pretend to race in the aisles of the stores.
We get back into the car and begin the drive home, I look out my window and see lots of people walking around and smile at them, some wave while some give me funny looks. I wish more people were happy. Mark looks back at me in the rear view mirror again. "What are you looking at outside?" He asks, "The people, clouds, trees, birds, what ever I spot that is cool!" I say to him.
We pull into the driveway of our home, and get out of the car. Mark opens up the trunk and then hands me the gallon of milk, then hands JG two bags of groceries. I struggle walking and holding this heavy stuff, but make it to the door with the milk.
Dark comes to the door and helps me bring in the milk. "Its heavier than you thought eh' kid?" Dark asks me smiling. "Yeah it was." I say looking at Dark as he continues to make food. {{I've turned Dark into a house wife oops!:T}}
I run to my little tent in the living room and sit in it, thinking for a moment. Then I shout "Who wants to play hide and seek?" "I do!" I a mixture of voices from around the room. Jessi is standing next to a girl who looks really pretty.
"Who are you?" I say curious of who this is. She crouches down and says. "My name is Kara. What's yours?" She asks me. "My name is (Y/N)." I say. Jess looks at me "She is my friend that came to visit Anti and the group. Its a surprise so shh." She puts her finger to her lips at the very end.
JG comes over. "Still want to play hide and seek friend?" JG asks me. I smile and look at the group around me. Mark walks over. "Dark and I will look, while you all go and hide. They cover their eyes and start to count. Jess and Kara run off and we follow them closely. JG and I hide under the bed again, this time we are laying in a line facing towards each other. Jess is still looking for a hiding spot. Kara found one in the closet so she hides there while Jess is frantically looking around. Dark and Mark are still counting down. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5..."
She dives into the tall pile of stuffed animals, and hides herself as they finish as she is in her hiding spot. JG and I hold onto each other preparing to be found right away. Mark walks in "Some one was being very loud in here." He says creepily. He looks around. I breathe in heavily by accident sneezing. Mark drops down and looks under the bed. "Found you!" He says pulling us out and we scream and laugh due to him tickling JG and I. We get up and stand by the door waiting to see if he finds the girls. Dark walks in. "Found them already?" He says chuckling and smiling. "Yeah they were under the bed like last time. Mark walks over to the pile of stuffed animals in the corner, while Dark goes to the closet. Mark puts his hands into the pile and pulls a laughing Jess out by her waist. I hear a scream coming from the closet, Kara comes out with Dark howling with laughter. We start to walk out to the living room and I am picked up along with JG. Mark speeds down the hallway, while I am screaming and laughing. He jumps into the couch and puts me down. I feel JG land next to me. Mark walks into his recording room and starts doing things. Its still early after noon so he will be busy until Anti and Sean come home. I fall asleep snuggling with JG on the couch happy, but tired out.
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