6| Ruined
Standing face to face with the one person I'd gladly toss out a window, every muscle in my body is as tense as fucking tightrope. My fists clench at my sides while alcohol and the look on Millie's face flood my mind.
Why should you care?
I'm not sure I know the answer to that. I'm not even sure I do care. I was just close by and the second I saw him grab her wrist, I saw red and my body acted on instinct. Now here I am, getting myself involved in something that has jack shit to do with me. I don't even know why she was running from him, to begin with.
"Move, Sean," Jackson says through clenched teeth, his eyes flicking past me every couple of seconds.
Holding my ground, I glance over my shoulder just long enough to confirm that Millie is gone. But though I don't see her, I doubt she's had a chance to get far. Not yet anyway.
Turning back to Jackson, I shake my head. "Not happening."
His nostrils flare as he tries to sidestep me without success.
"Just let her go," I say, my patience already running thin.
"Fuck off! This has nothing to do with you!"
Don't I fucking know it.
But I've had too much alcohol tonight, gotten too close to Millie, and had too many bad run-ins with this asshole to let him get his way and chase her down.
If we couldn't stand each other as teammates years ago, then our hatred for each has only grown since I quit the team. He got everything he wanted, the captain spot, the girl, the popularity, all of it. Yet I still catch him watching me with the same envious look he has had since we were kids. He's also pissed I gave everything up and didn't fall flat on my face like he wanted. And as for me, I just can't stand the rich prick, his ego, his bragging, or the way he looks down on me and my cousins.
Or the fact he got Millie.
I shake off that last thought, both surprised and irritated that I had it at all.
"What's the problem, huh?" I ask, ready to end this shit. "Couldn't get it up or did you call her another girl's name?"
Jackson's head jerks back. "What? No!"
"Then it can't be that bad. Give her the night and shit'll blow over by the morning."
Or not.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He shakes his head and steps back, trying to figure out a way around me.
He might have money and an ego the size of the fucking moon, but he's not a fighter. If he can get by without having to raise a fist, he will.
I'm about seconds from just letting him go, hoping that Millie is long gone by now when the tension in the room thickens like a dark fog. Sounds of soft gasps and sucked-in breaths travel through the crowd of half-drunk partiers. The soft sudden noises are quickly followed by whispers that wash over the room and begin to grow louder.
Jackson and I both look around but no one is even sending a sideways glance our way anymore. The party's attention has been stolen with all eyes gazing up in the same direction.
Following their line of sight, I turn to the grand staircase and spot an all-too-familiar redhead at the top of the stairs. The reason for the room's shock is pretty fucking clear as she stands there in a pair of shorts and a bra, her hair wild like someone's hands have been tangled in the strands all evening. Someone who wasn't me considering I gave up keeping track of her hours ago. But she pays no attention to the looks sent her way, her hazel eyes narrowed on me as she slips her shirt back on.
He wasn't up there with Millie... He was up there with Andrea... And Millie caught him.
Using the distraction, Jackson pushes past me, slamming his shoulder into mine for good measure and setting off a bomb I didn't know was counting down.
"You son of a bitch," I growl so low no one hears me.
A stormy red haze falls over my vision as I whip around and snatch him by the arm. Yanking him back, I cock my other fist back before punching him square in the jaw and letting him fall to the expensive tiled floor.
"Sean!" Andrea shrieks from the top of the stairs but it's too late.
I'm on top of him before I know what I'm doing, one hand keeping him on the ground while the other delivers blow after blow. My eyes focus on nothing, seeing nothing but red as raging flames burn me from the inside out.
"You piece of shit! Fucking, why? Why her?" Images flash in my mind, two years' worth of watching Millie with this bastard, the final one being the tear-stained look on her face tonight. "Why her, you son of a bitch?"
Music somewhere in the distance dies down, giving way to the uproar of mixed murmurs before someone grabs the back of my leather jacket and tries to pull me off of Jackson. But before they can bring me to my feet, Jackson flashes a bloody grin, pushes himself off the floor just enough to get closer, and says so low only I can hear, "Because you wanted her first."
"Mother fucker!" I seeth and lunge for him again only to feel a second pair of hands wrap around one of my arms and keep me back. "You're gonna fucking pay for this!"
"Sean, stop. We gotta go before you get in serious shit," one of my leash-holders says, letting go of my arm to stand in front of me, pushing me back.
"Jun?" My brows pinch as my senses slowly start coming back to me.
My cousin offers a strained smile, and steps closer to keep me blocked. I look behind me to find Eric too, his hands holding me back by the shoulders.
"I'm good," I try to tell them, but fail to keep my tone in check.
Jun nods sarcastically. "Yeah, sure you are."
"Good try," Eric adds, his grip tightening.
But before any of us can say or do anything else, a scream pierces the room, and a raging blonde storms through the front doors.
"Shit!" Jun curses and takes off to stop her while Eric keeps his hold on me.
Elsie's fast though, reaching her target before Jun can get her and sending a swift kick to Jackson's junk. Jackson, still lying on the floor, doubles over on his side and howls in pain.
"Cheating fucking bastard!" She shouts at him just as Jun grabs hold of her.
Jun doesn't give her a chance to argue with him, lifting her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder. As he carries her back out the front doors, she continues to shout more curses at Jackson's crumbled form.
"Come on, you too, Rocky," Eric says, using his hold on my jacket to force me through the crowd and outside.
The second the cool air hits my face, the fire low in my gut begins to lower to a simmer. Jun sets Elsie back on her feet at the end of the walkway while I shrug off Eric's hold and walk toward them.
"Where is she?"
Elsie turns to me, her gaze still fiery and looking for a fight. "Why? So you can make her feel worse?"
"Why would I do that?" I nearly shout.
Eric's already at my back again, his hand on my shoulder with a small warning while Elsie shrugs.
"Why the hell you think I just fucked up pretty boy's face? Who'd I do that for?"
Elsie's face relaxes, her stare turning soft but unsure. "For your girlfriend?"
My head jerks back.
She hadn't even crossed my mind since I tore my eyes from her. But now... well now I know I still have more shit to handle tonight. But not before I make sure Millie is okay.
Dumbass, stop worrying about her!
Raking my hands through my hair, I ignore the annoying voice in the back of my mind and try my best to stay calm as I ask Elsie again, "Where's Millie?"
Oddly enough, she looks at Jun for some kind of assurance, nervously chewing on her bottom lip. When Jun gives her a nod, she sighs heavily and points down the road.
"Tally took her back to my Jeep."
"Did they leave already?"
"Tally isn't drinking and driving, is she?" Eric asks next, stepping forward with worry pinching his features.
Elsie shakes her head. "Tally hasn't drank anything. She's the D.D. tonight but they're waiting for me."
I take a relieved breath and nod. "I wanna talk to her. I wanna—"
Make sure she's okay? See her with my own eyes?
"Just showed me where you parked, okay?" I ask, already hating how desperate my voice sounds.
One night of getting close to her and I'm already falling down that black hole again. Pathetic. Weak. But maybe if I can just check on her, just this once, I can go back to being angry as hell and ignore her after tonight.
Elsie rolls her eyes but nods before turning to walk down the sidewalk. The three of us follow her but we barely reach the end of the yard before we're stopped by someone shouting into the night.
Elsie, Jun, and Eric all stop to look at me; Elsie with a look that says she's ready to kick some ass again while Eric and Jun both cringe.
"I swear to God, Sean Sun, if you walk away from me now we're... we're done!"
Anger slithers around my body like a cold snake and my hands ball into fists at my sides.
"Go on," I say, nodding to the others but the looks on my cousins' faces say they're not sure if they should leave me like this. "Seriously, I'll handle this and meet you guys in a minute. Just... don't go anywhere till I get there."
They nod, reluctantly, but continue on. I watch just long enough to see what direction they're heading before turning around to face the fiery redhead that's standing in the middle of the front yard, surrounded by drunken on-lookers and party trash.
"We're done?" I ask, my voice so cold it could freeze hell. "Andrea, we're already done."
Andrea's hazel eyes, glossy either from the threat of tears or from drinking, widen and her jaw drops just a fraction. "You don't mean that."
A short laugh flies from my mouth. "You just fucked another dude, so hell yeah, I mean that."
Her bottom lip trembles as if she's so fucking heartbroken. And maybe she is, but she only has herself to blame for that.
Don't lie, you're not that choked up over this.
Maybe that's true, but I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Not after Andrea just finished sleeping with another guy, and one that I would consider an actual enemy too.
With my face pinched in disgust, I try to turn and walk away. I take one step but Andrea's slender fingers quickly grab onto the sleeve of my jacket.
"I did this for you!"
Turning back, I raise a brow that calls "bullshit" without me having to say it.
"It's true," she shouts, drawing looks from kids slowly making their way outside to enjoy the show. "I did this to get your attention. Can't you see that?"
I yank my arm from her grip. "Cut the shit, Andrea."
With a flip of her red hair, she actually stomps her foot. "I'm serious, Sean. We might be together, but you don't act like it. Not really. You don't treat me the way I should be treated or show me any true affection. I feel like I'm dating a ghost most of the time."
My mouth clamps closed, my lips thinning, because... I don't really know what to say to that. Especially when I know she isn't wrong, not about that anyway.
Taking my silence as a sign to keep going, Andrea continues, drawing more and more attention as she goes. "You're always with your cousins, and you never tell me where you're going or what you're doing. You disappear for days and I don't hear a word from you until you're ready to come out of hiding. This isn't what I signed up for, this isn't what I wanted."
"Then what the hell did you want, Andrea?"
"I wanted the Sean I've crushed on since Junior High. The basketball star, the good student, the nice guy!"
I roll my eyes at that. "People change."
"Yeah," she wets her lips and nods. "But I didn't think you would, not like this. And it pisses me off 'cause it's all her fault!"
Neither of us has to say who she's talking about. We both know. She was there that day when I got that text from Millie after all.
"She deserves this as much as you do," Andrea spits, her words cold and laced with venom.
"I thought you just said you did this for me? To get my attention?"
Andrea crosses her arms and lifts her head high. "I did, but maybe I also did it to get back at her. Destroy her relationship like she did mine."
My jaw clenches, anger for... all of it just burning through my veins. Andrea's reasoning is bullshit. I don't give a fuck what she says, no one deserves this.
"That doesn't even make sen—"
"She ruined you!" Andrea shouts so loud I swear everyone in South Shore can hear her. The people at this party for sure do. It's like all of them have finally found their way outside, watching as Andrea airs out our dirty laundry for all to see. The fact she's doing this so publicly just pisses me off more.
"She. Ruined. You," Andrea repeats. "And I didn't realize until it was too late and I was too head over heels to back out."
"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about that anymore, right?" I ask with a tip of my head, my eyes narrowed on her. "You're finally free."
"I don't want to be free! I want you to wake the hell up and see what's in front of your eyes! If you don't, someone else will!"
"They can have you," I sneer and begin to back away.
Andrea growls, her temper rising, making her face almost match her hair. "Why are you so pissed about this? You sleep with other girls all the fucking time!"
That one strikes a nerve, a deep one.
"When we're on breaks!" I shout back. "I've never slept with anyone when we're together and you fucking know it! I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a cheater. Don't you dare put that shit on me!"
She steps back, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as a tear escapes from the corner of her eye.
"You're the only one who's done that," I say, attempting to reign myself in as more tears fall down her face. "It's a line I'll never cross and it's sure as fuck not one I'll accept from you. So like I said, we're done."
A sob breaks from her lips but I don't let it distract me. Not this time. Instead, I turn my back on her and all the entertained partiers and head down the street. I can't even begin to process everything Andrea's said right now. Not when all my thoughts keep turning to Millie.
A whole neighborhood block of walking later, I finally find Elsie's Jeep parked on the side of the road. Elsie, Tally, Jun, and Eric are all hanging out by the back bumper in silence, each one looking more somber than the last.
"What's going on?" I ask, looking around to see if Millie's inside the vehicle. "Where's Millie?"
Tally points toward the front of the Jeep and my eyes travel in that direction until I see a small frame sitting on the curb.
"She says she wants to be left alone right now," Tally explains softly. "Told us to go ahead and go, and she'd catch an Uber."
Well, that's not fucking happening.
Elsie pushes up from her seat on the bumper. "I'm not leaving her. She either gets her ass in this Jeep, or we'll follow the damn Uber all the way to her house."
Tally nods her agreement and I try to hold back a smile.
I'm not surprised. If anyone is gonna fight harder for Millie than she will herself, it's Tally and Elsie. At least when Millie cut me out of her life, I had some assurance she'd be in good hands. Even if I knew I shouldn't care anymore.
But right now, I need to take that spot... even if just for tonight, I need to make sure she's okay. It's a stupid fucking urge I can't deny and will definitely regret in the morning, but maybe by then, I can blame it on the alcohol still pumping through my system.
Or her lavender scent still invading my senses.
Taking a deep breath, I glance at Millie's small figure huddled together as I tell the others, "Go ahead. I'll make sure she gets home."
"Um...what?" Elsie asks, blinking several times with confusion. "Why would we leave her with you?"
Without turning, my gaze simply meets hers, holding contact as I try my best to send her a look that says how much I need this. That she can trust me with her friend. Or maybe my eyes still hold too much anger left over from my run-ins with Jackson and Andrea, but after a minute Elsie lets out a huff as her shoulders drop with acceptance.
"Fine." Elsie nods. "But I swear, Sean, you better not make her feel worse, or else I'll give your family jewels the same attention I did Jackson's. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am." I might be pushing my luck with these girls but I go ahead and add, "Think you could give Eric and Jun a lift too?"
"Dude, we can find our own rides," Eric says, trying to hide the way his eyes light up as he glances at Tally.
Tally stands up beside Elsie, shooting a quick look at Eric before nodding to me. "We can give them a ride. No problem."
With her agreement, Eric's protests die in the blink of an eye. Jun's not complaining either, sliding up to Elsie with a smirk already on his face.
Elsie tries to hide her returning grin as she says, "Fine, boys in the back though."
"Aw, come on Els," Jun whines as the four of them climb inside the Jeep.
Once they're all loaded up and Tally starts the engine, I'm about to walk away when Tally rolls down her window. A soft smile settles on her face as she says, "By the way, Sean, thanks for what you did in there."
"Yeah...thank you," Elsie reluctantly echos from the passenger seat.
A tightness coils in my chest but I keep my face blank, unyielding as I hold eye contact.
I don't know what to say to either of them. For some reason, "you're welcome" just doesn't fit. It doesn't feel right when I know I still carry so much anger towards their friend and will most likely go back to using that anger tomorrow. So instead of saying anything, my lips thin, sealed shut as I nod just before they pull off, Eric and Jun waving like a couple of excited kids in the back seat.
The second the Jeep disappears at the end of the road, I fill my lungs with fresh air and turn around. My slow steps carry me down the street until I'm just a few feet from the girl hugging her knees to her chest on the curb.
Waves of dark hair fly back as her slender face lifts to watch me.
"S-Sean?" She weakly calls, her voice strained and ragged as she looks to where the Jeep was once parked. "Why didn't you go with the others?"
I'm surprised she's so willing to accept them leaving. She should know they'd put up a fight, they always will when it comes to her. Or maybe she's just too upset to even question it right now.
Yet she's aware enough to question you.
I don't know if that's a good sign or not but I can't let it get to my head. My mind's already swimming with her. If I keep going down this road, I'm gonna regret it. I might already regret it.
"You really think that they...that I'd just leave you out here on your fucking own?"
She shrugs, hugging her knees tighter.
I can't fight the frigid chill that pumps through my veins as every muscle in my body tenses. "Geez, Millie, I'm not that much of an asshole. Friends or not, I'm sure as fuck not gonna risk something happening to you 'cause you stupidly pushed everyone away to catch a ride, on your own, in the middle of the fucking night."
"Well... nice to know you care," she says sarcastically, dropping her head as she wipes her nose and sniffs back tears.
An uneasy feeling settles in my chest from both her words and the way she said them. It's a feeling that shouldn't be there, that I shouldn't have. But like the rest of this night, it's just one more thing to try and screw with me no matter how much I fight it.
And I do. I fight the discomfort and the old memories of a boy and a girl who used to be best friends. Yet even with fighting it, doing my best to push it deep down and lock it away like I've done so many times before, I still wind up saying something I know I shouldn't thanks to the large dose of liquid stupid.
"I punched Jackson."
Millie slowly tips her head back to look up at me. Her ocean-blue eyes glow in the street lights shining above, analyzing me as if I'm some kind of Rubix cube. Or maybe she's just waiting for me to tip over as I struggle to stay standing straight.
"I might've punched him a few times actually," I add, mentally cursing myself for not keeping my mouth shut.
"Because he slept with Andrea?"
No...because he hurt you.
I suck in a sharp breath at my own thoughts before quickly clamping my mouth shut and shaking the words from my mind.
Hey dumbass, this is why drinking's bad. It digs up old wounds. Note to self; no more drinking straight from the bottle.
Once I'm sure I won't say something stupid, I shrug and step back. "Doesn't matter. I'm done with her. She can fuck whoever she wants now."
She drops her head, freeing me from her gaze as it glosses over with fresh tears. "Yeah... I guess Jackson and I are done too."
My head jerks back. "You guess?"
"I mean it's not like I told him so, I was too busy trying to get the hell out of there. But yeah... we are. I just...I feel so stupid," she spits the last word with a heavy dose of anger as she wipes at tears that haven't escaped yet.
"If being cheated on makes you stupid then I guess I am too."
"Oh yeah? Did you make her promise never to do that to you?" She shoves up from the curb and wobbles, making me wonder how much she's had to drink. When I consider reaching out to steady her, she does it herself and looks up at me. "'Cause I did. I made him promise not to do that to me. To not make me feel like a fool, like a jackass for trusting him. To at least let me go first if he wanted someone else. To save me the humiliation and the reputation of being that girl. The one whose popular jock boyfriend cheated on because she wasn't worth it anymore!"
Her eyes hold mine, a single tear finally falling down her cheek as her tiny frame shakes from the onslaught of pain.
I get it. I've been there. But hearing her talk about herself like that cuts me deep. It shouldn't but it does and I'm not sure how to handle that. I want to pull her close and tell her she deserves so much better, and at the same time, push her away to avoid reopening my own wounds. I might also want to go fuck up Jackson's face some more.
"You and I are not the same," she says, her voice softer than it was a second ago. "Other guys will give you looks of solidarity and understanding, maybe even envy in some ways. You'll have girls flocking to fill Andrea's place come Monday morning, just like all the times before when you two would split."
I try not to think too much about the fact she paid attention to those moments, that she kept track of them.
"But me? I'll be looked at differently. Girls will talk behind my back about how I couldn't make him happy and guys will only get close to see if they can sample whatever the basketball captain was once interested in. I'll be considered damaged goods and he'll be praised and worshiped like a god."
My hands twitch with the need to grab her and tuck her against my chest. I step forward, ready to give in and just do it. Fuck the consequences and how much I'll beat myself up about it later. But before I can, she steps back and takes a deep breath, a stream of tears breaking like a dam.
"You wanna know the worst part?" She asks, her lips beginning to tremble as she tries to hold back her emotions. "The last thing I ever wanted was to wind up like my parents. To be as self-centered as my mom or...to be the idiot who blindly trusted their partner only to wind up alone and ruined like my dad. Jackson knew that and yet he did it anyway...h-he turned me into my dad."
A sob breaks free as Millie drops to her knees and buries her face in her hands. It's not the kind of cry that screams heartbreak and longing though. It's angry, frustrated, and it makes something deep down inside of me crack like glass.
Don't do it. Don't fucking do it.
I roll my eyes, already pissed at myself as I crouch in front of her. Pulling her hands away from her damp cheeks, I catch her chin with a curled finger and force her to look at me.
"You're not your dad, and you're not your mom. And fuck Jackson for what he did," I add with a surprising edge in my voice, holding her deep blue gaze with mine as a familiar flicker of anger burns low in my gut. "He doesn't deserve this kind of reaction from you so don't give it to him."
Her bottom lip wobbles while a few tears fall onto my hand. "I want him to hurt, Sean. I want Jackson to feel everything I'm feeling. To ruin him. That's what he deserves."
"Fucking right he does. So do it. Make him pay. Get even."
I hadn't thought of that exactly but I go with the first thing that pops into my head.
"I don't know...go hook up with someone. Maybe a couple of someones," I answer, hating the bitter taste the words leave in my mouth.
Her brows pinch together but she doesn't say anything. The only sign I get that my words hit her at all is the sight of her eyes slowly drying.
The thought of taking back that idea hits me hard but I resist the urge. If Millie wants to sleep with the whole school to get back at Jackson, then... that's her right.
Even if it does make my stomach turn.
So instead of putting my foot in my mouth more than I already have, I keep my lips sealed, hoping she can't see the mix of emotions on my face. When I think she might actually be okay for a moment, I stand back up and pull out my cell. The sooner I get her home and away from me the better. I've already fallen down this black hole more than I should have tonight.
"What are you doing?" Millie asks, straightening back up to her full short height.
"Getting us a ride."
I look at her without lifting my face from my phone. "Yeah, us. We live next door to each other. There's no point in getting separate rides and you don't got your phone on you anyway."
With a nod, she walks over to the light pole, leaning her head against it as she gazes at the road. Since the crying has seemed to stop, I don't bother her. She stays right there and I stay right here, a few feet away while I browse through my phone until our ride shows up.
We get into the back of the little white car without a word spoken other than to confirm our destination with the driver. The space between us feels much bigger than just a foot or two. I'm not sure why but it feels like we're slowly retreating back into our roles of pretending we don't know each other. She doesn't even look my way, keeping her forehead against the window, watching the streets of South Shore fly by.
At least that's what I think until we're just a couple blocks from our houses.
"Did...did you see Andrea after everything?" she asks, her soft voice reaching me through the quiet darkness.
I consider not answering but nod anyway. "Yeah."
"Did she give you an explanation?"
With my eyes on the scenery outside the window, I wet my lips before answering, "She said she did it to get my attention. That I've changed into someone she never signed up to be with."
Refusing to tell her the rest, I bite my lip to keep the words back. She doesn't need to know Andrea blames her too. Not that I'm trying to spare her feelings any. I'd just rather her not know.
"She. Ruined. You!" Andrea's words echo in my mind.
Yeah, I'd rather Millie not know that. To give her that piece of Andrea's rant would be giving her too much power. She doesn't need to know she has that kind of effect on me if she doesn't already.
"She's not wrong," Millie whispers beside me.
I rest the back of my head against the seat, rolling it to the side to look at her. Those blue eyes hold mine, the color stuck in my memory as we sit in darkness.
"About you changing, not the other part," Millie adds. "The attention thing sounds like a crock of shit but... you have changed."
And why do you think that is, Junior?
But I don't bother to say that either. Instead, I sit here and stare at her, hoping she gets it. Hoping she knows that she had a part in making me this way.
I won't blame it all on her. Some of that is Dad's fault too, and the rest is mine. I have no problem admitting that.
"And how have I changed, Junior?" I finally ask, my voice cold.
She winces at the nickname but doesn't look away. "You're not the do-good golden boy anymore. You quit the basketball team, you're always getting into trouble, getting into fights, hooking up with random girls when you and Andrea take breaks. You stay out all night or don't come home for days—"
"You've been watching me, little Price?"
Her eyes light up with that nickname and I internally curse at myself.
I don't even mean to use it but it falls from my lips so easily as I stare into her eyes, hearing her list everything she's noticed. Admitting she's been paying attention. It's the name I used for her when we were close. Before I started calling her Junior just to get a rise out of her, or make sure she hasn't forgotten I exist.
But she hasn't forgotten, after all, has she?
Millie's gaze finally drops as she ignores my question and adds, "That whole thing in the pool room, that game you were playing... the old you wouldn't have done that either."
I try not to think about how I had her against the wall by the pool. How soft her skin felt beneath my fingers or the breathy way she spoke. How she trembled from my touch and had me fighting the urge to taste those full lips just one more time. For the most part, I want to blame that whole thing on the alcohol and the party fueling my actions. I want to believe I'm past all of that now.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Nothing." She shakes her head as our ride pulls up in front of her house. "I just agree with her, you have changed."
A small pain hits me in the chest as she reaches for the door handle.
Pushing it open, she looks back at me with a hint of a smile. "I'm not saying that's a bad thing though."
And just like that, she's gone, shutting the door behind her. That small sting slowly soothes as I sit here, and watch her. I watch until she's inside her house, too shocked to get out of the Uber and go to mine until she's out of sight.
Well...fuck me.
Hey everyone, thank you for checking out chapter 6 of GGB! Instead of updating an existing chapter with this one, I just went ahead and created a new one. That way the story will somewhat match up as far as comments go when the next chapter is posted if that makes sense. Also, apologies for this chapter being sooooo long. I honestly didn't think it would get this long but breaking it up just felt wrong and would only make the next chapter feel choppy once we jump back to Millie's POV. Anyway, with all of that said, I'm dying to know what you all think, so let's get to the questions!!
What did you think of how Sean reacted to finding out about Andrea and Jackson? What did you think of Jackson's response to the "why her" question? Who do you think Sean was talking about there? What do you think of Andrea's rant? If you read this before, do you find her more believable as a character than before? Do you think she had a point or a right to do what she did? What do you think of Sean's response to her? What do you think of Sean taking responsibility for Millie and letting everyone else go? What about Millie's words? Did you find her reaction and everything she said believable? Did her emotions come through for you? What did you think of Sean's advice to her? And finally, what do you think of their small conversation on the way home?
Leave your thoughts in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!
I normally post teasers for upcoming chapters on my Twitter and Instagram, so follow me there or here on Wattpad for any announcements. I'll do my best to have a teaser up before the release of chapter 7.
💜 xoxo
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