4| Bad Boy Appeal
🔥🔥🔥Warning❗️Mini Fire Alarm scene coming your way!😏😉😘
It's not much really, just a little taste of what's to come.
"Fuck, Millie, you taste so damn good."
The sensual words from a familiar voice, husky and rough with lust, has my insides tightening. Their hands travel all over my body as if they're trying to map every inch of me. And with their exploration, my body shivers with desire.
"Why'd it take us this long?" He asks.
His warm breath fans across the sensitive skin below my ear before his lips are there, kissing and sucking like a man who can't get enough.
A moan escapes from my mouth while my hands fight to hold onto him, fisting his t-shirt between my fingers. But I can't see a thing. The room is so dark. Or maybe my eyes are closed and I'm just too lust-drunk to open them. Either way, the second my back hits a solid wall, my hands find their way to the hem of his shirt. I don't hesitate to let them crawl underneath and run along his abs, enjoying the way his body shakes from my touch.
But like everything else, this situation feels... off somehow. A voice I know well yet can't ever remember hearing in this way, wanton and needy for me. A body I've seen but never touched before. The only other person I've felt like this is clearly not the man with me now.
He's not mine. Mine isn't here.
No, Jackson's voice is different, not in a bad way but it doesn't do things to me the way this voice does. And though Jackson works hard for his body, bulkier and thicker, the toned lean muscles of this body call to me, tempting me like I've never felt before.
That temptation only grows as his body pushes against mine. His hard jean-covered dick presses into me, just as eager as the rest of him, and another moan falls from my lips.
"You want me, baby?" He whispers in my ear, creating an outbreak of goosebumps across my skin.
"And this?" He lifts my leg and grinds his length where I need him most.
"Fuck yes," I moan into this room of forever darkness.
"How bad?"
I struggle to find the words as my body does everything it can to show him what I can't say. My hips rock against him, pushing the barriers of our clothing as far they'll go. My reward is his rugged groan and a curse whispered beneath his breath.
One of his hands reaches around to grab a fist full of my ass, yanking my hips closer to him while his other dives into my hair.
"That bad, huh?" His short laugh is sexy, but there's another layer just beneath the surface that has me nervous. "In that case, just do one thing for me."
I don't know what he wants but my body has already decided we'll pay the price. I'll do anything to keep him here with me.
He's so close now I can practically taste his breath along my lips. And just when I think he's going to finally close the gap and give me a small piece of what I'm craving, the darkness slowly fades. A head full of midnight black hair lifts in front of my face and cold dark eyes meet mine.
"Say my name, Millie," he instructs before his grip on my hair tightens and he drives into me again.
My head falls back with another, louder moan as my nails dig into his skin. "Sean!"
I jolt awake, sitting upright before I can even open my eyes. Heavy breaths wrack my body and my bed sheets cling to my sweaty skin.
This has got to stop.
I've been home less than a day and already my old dreams are back in full force. I thought for sure it'd take some time before they returned. But I'm shit for luck, as usual.
Taking a deep breath, I push damp strands of hair out of my face before throwing the covers back and climbing out of bed. The second I step into the beam of sunlight shining through my window, I pause.
I don't remember leaving the curtains open but then again, I was dead tired last night. Chances are Mom had opened them while I was gone. That or the housekeeper she forces Dad to pay for.
I chance a look out the window, my eyes instantly falling on the one next door, directly across from mine. Black curtains are pulled back and tangled in the matching bedding is the same body from my dream, shirtless and breathing soundly with sleep.
And holy hell what a body that is.
My eyes open wide with my thoughts before I grab my light blue curtains and quickly pull them closed. I don't need or want any more dream fuel from him.
Collecting my phone from its charger on my desk, I find four messages already waiting for me. One from Elsie and Tally each reminding me to be at Elsie's later to get ready for tonight's party. But the last two are the ones that take my already rough morning and make it that much worse.
Mom: Sorry I missed you yesterday. Tony took me out on his yacht. There's plenty of food in the kitchen for you and Cookie, Martha is coming to clean today, and I already dropped some extra money in your account. Be back in a few days. Love you!
My response is an easy one with plenty of sarcasm to go with it, even if she doesn't notice.
Millie: 👍
I'm not even sure who Tony is but I don't think that was the name of her last date. Pretty sure the last one was Josh or John or something. I simply referred to the one before that as Mr. Piggy-Bank after he flew Mom to Vegas for their first date. The others are all just blurry memories now like the current one will be in a few weeks...months if he's lucky.
The final message is the one I'm dreading most. Just the name listed in my notification bar sends a stab of guilt through the center of my chest.
Jackson: Sorry you can't make it to the party tonight. I'll be thinking about you the whole time babe. I'll catch you as soon as you get home tomorrow. Love you.
Millie: Love you too.
Another wave of guilt hits me as I press send.
You really love him, huh? Is that why you're always dreaming about getting nasty with the boy next door?
My eyes flick to the curtains I just closed as if I can see through to the boy on the other side.
It's not my fault I have these dreams. It's not like I wish for them and conjure them into being while I'm fast asleep.
But knowing this doesn't make me feel any better, and deep down I know there's a part of me that doesn't want the dreams to stop. I feel worse about that more than anything. Especially after I saw him come home last night and that part of me acted on its own, stupidly attempting to wave to the boy I gave up. I shouldn't have waved, and I shouldn't have been so disappointed when he didn't wave back.
But the way Sean's eyes held mine in the darkness before he went inside still sends a shiver down my spine. I'm not sure if it's the good kind or the bad kind of shiver and maybe that's messed up too. Maybe I'm to the point now where I'd take either one, starved for whatever scraps I can find after two years of keeping my distance.
Yeah, Mill, you might have some issues. Stuck between the boy you always wanted and the one you have.
Jackson deserves better... but at least I can say I do care for him. It's not like I don't have any feelings for him. He's been by my side for some tough moments and those kinds of things do create a bond.
He was there for me when my dad caught my mom with another man. When that situation turned into a divorce that left my dad in shambles for a long while. Jackson saw my pain firsthand and didn't get freaked out or shy away. He understood my new fears of being put through something like that, of turning out like my dad, broken and embarrassed because he gave his heart fully to someone. And Jackson's been patient with me, knowing these fears are part of the reason I struggle to take our relationship to the next level.
But you have no problem moving to that level with Sean in your dreams.
"Ugh!" I toss my phone back onto my desk, already frustrated with my worst critic... myself.
The rest of the day goes by easily enough though. It's a relief really, to have just a normal day back home. I spend all my time with Cookie, binge-watching reality trash TV and taking pictures of him with the new camera my dad gave me. Outside of Tally and Elsie, Cookie is my best model. Mom had given me the little pomsky back when she and dad first split, her way of apologizing for fucking up our family without having to actually say it. It didn't lessen my anger but I still love Cookie. It's not his fault she's selfish.
After yet another dinner eaten alone, I begin cleaning up as the sun dips outside. By the time I have the dishwasher loaded, there's a knock at the front door. Cookie gives a small bark from his comfy spot on the couch as I pass and shake my head at him.
"Some guard dog you are."
Opening the door, I'm not surprised to find Tally and Elsie standing there; Tally with her giant makeup kit in hand and Elsie with several garment bags draped over her arm.
"You two do realize I have makeup and clothes right?"
"Not this much makeup," Tally says, shaking the kit as she walks past me and into the living room.
Elsie walks in after, stopping in front of me to hold up her arm of clothing. "And not clothes like these. These are Elsie Cook originals."
"Well, excuse me," I tease, shutting the door behind them.
The three of us head upstairs with Cookie padding behind us the whole time. The second we reach my room, they begin setting up shop like a well-oiled machine. Elsie lays out each garment bag side by side on my bed while Tally takes a seat at my vanity to start unloading all the makeup in a neat and orderly fashion. This is the reason why they're normally the models and I'm the one behind the camera. It's not that I don't know how to doll myself up, I think I do a pretty decent job of that actually, but they're the experts.
Tally could actually go into modeling if she wanted to with her tiny frame, long jet black hair, and gorgeous tiny features, the exception being her big beautiful dark brown eyes. But Tally is more interested in making others look glam. She's always watching new hair and makeup tutorials online and using Elsie and me as guinea pigs.
With golden blonde hair, soft chocolate brown eyes, and to-die-for dimples that accentuate her full voluptuous features, Elsie could be a model too, in my opinion, but she's also too proud of her curves to ever let some fashion company tell her to skip meals in order to walk a runway. It's one of the reasons she prefers to make her own clothes, and clothes for others. She believes the clothes should be made to fit the person and not the other way around, and I couldn't agree more.
If we could, the three of us would take on the world. With Tally's beautician skills, Elsie's clothing designs, and my photographs, we could be a force of nature. We would just need more models besides Elsie and Tally...and Cookie.
"So, please tell me you haven't spilled the beans to Jackson and told him you were coming tonight," Elsie says as she unzips the bags.
I shake my head and sit on the tiny space left at the bottom of my bed. "Nope, haven't said a thing."
She shoots me a proud smile. "Good job."
"Yeah, it'll be so much more romantic to surprise him," Tally adds, lining up tubes of lipstick.
I don't know if "romantic" is really my goal but Jackson loves a good surprise, something I've never been able to pull off with him.
"He'll be so fucking ecstatic when he sees you," Elsie says with more confidence than I feel. "Especially after we're done dressing you up. Boy's jaw will hit the floor."
Tally nods enthusiastically.
Picking at my fingernail cuticles, I look down and shrug. "I guess. Honestly... he's been a little distant this summer."
"That's normal. Distance is hard on any couple," Tally explains, shutting her makeup kit and turning around, her eyes widening instantly as she reaches over to lightly smack my hands. "Stop doing that, it's not good for your nails."
"I'm just nervous. He's always been so great at answering texts and phone calls. I feel like I barely got to talk to him at my dad's. We only video-chatted like twice, 'cause he was always so busy with the team."
Tally shrugs and shakes her head. "Basketball players, what're you gonna do?"
"Smack some sense into them," Elsie answers quickly.
Tally lightly kicks Elsie's ass. "Shush you. You just don't like them."
"Cause they're all assholes," Elsie responds before shooting me an apologetic look. "No offence."
I shrug, unable to disagree with her. I might be with Jackson but his friends on the team act like asshats. Each one of them has made some kind of asshole remark about me to Jackson, always trying to convince him that he can do better. I don't disagree with them either, but it's still fucked up.
He really could do so much better than the school's newspaper photographer who dreams about someone else.
"Not all of them are assholes," Tally says softly, her eyes flicking to my window and its closed curtains.
Elsie shakes her head. "He doesn't count. He quit the team a long time ago."
"And he has no problem being an asshole," I add. "Trust me."
"Still can't bear to look at him?" Tally asks, nodding towards the curtains.
I shrug, not willing to admit anything.
Elsie walks over to the window and peeks her head behind the curtains to look outside. "Think his cousins are there?"
"Which one?" Tally asks and giggles.
A smile creeps across my face. "You know she's looking for Jun."
"Think they all change together too? Like we could look out this window one day and just see all three of them half-naked next door?" Elsie asks, ignoring us for a moment as we laugh at her thirstiness only to pop back into the room a second later and narrow her eyes at Tally. "You have no room to talk, Ms. Drools-Over-Eric-All-The-Damn-Time."
Tally doesn't deny it, shrugging as she turns back to the vanity. "Come on ladies, we need to get to work while the night is still young."
The party is crazier than I could've imagined as people try to finish off their summer with a bang. Kids spill from the double-door entrance to join the red solo cups that litter the green-manicured lawn. The living room is jam-packed with bodies wiggling and shaking against each other to the bass-pounding music. The dining room has been converted into a beer pong tournament while the kitchen hosts a makeshift slip-and-slide contest and a small group of half-naked people keep trying to ride a surfboard down the grand staircase. Only thing this place is missing is a few zoo animals and someone hanging from the foyer's chandelier.
The only rooms in the house that are off-limits to partygoers are Jackson's room, his dad's home theater in the basement, and the indoor pool room attached to the back of the house. They aren't guarded and anyone could enter if they dared, but the last person who did wound up plastic-wrapped to the school flag pole in their underwear the following week. Since then, no one's needed to be told or reminded about the no-no zones in Jackson St. James' home.
However, as his girlfriend, I get a VIP pass to any room here, and I'm two seconds from using that pass to go find my boyfriend. Elsie, Tally, and I got here over an hour ago and I have yet to see any sign of Jackson.
"Have you checked the bathroom?" Tally asks as she pours the three of us drinks in the corner of the kitchen.
"Yup, all three of them on the main floor and the one in the basement."
"You haven't looked upstairs?" Elsie asks next with a shocked look on her face. "It's his place, if I was him and needed to go to the restroom, I'd use the one attached to my room, if I had such a setup."
Jackson does have such a setup. His parents are rolling in dough and they like to make sure people know it, hence the massive house and extensive car and boat collection. Jackson's room could fit three of mine in it and his ensuite could fit at least one and a half.
"Already did," I answer.
Tally hands me a cup, her big eyes getting that far away look as if she's working something out in her head before she asks, "when did you check his room?"
"When we first got here, and I saw he wasn't with the team."
"Well, Mill, this house is gigantic," Tally says with a wide smile, a hand waving around to show off the spacious kitchen as an example. "He could've been in any of the other bazillion rooms then but if it's been over an hour and you still haven't found him, you should check his room again."
She has a point.
I take a sip of my drink and nod. "Yeah, your right. I should go do that."
"Not before you dance with us first though," Elsie adds, wrapping an arm around mine. "Since we walked in the door, you've been looking for Jackson. Take a break, have fun with us, and then go search for him some more. Please?"
She gives me a look that reminds me of Cookie begging for some of my food, her eyes wide and hopeful with a pleading smile across her face. And when I don't answer right away, Tally slides up beside her, mirroring that look with one of her own.
"Please!" They say in unison.
God, I missed them.
Unable to hold back a smile, I playfully roll my eyes and nod. "Okay, okay. Let's dance."
"Yes!" Elsie shouts, fist-pumping the air like a lunatic.
While she stays linked to one arm, Tally loops her's with my other one, careful not to spill the drink held in the same hand. Elsie takes the lead of our little party parade, and creates a path through the crowd, dragging me and Tally behind her. There's even less room for us in the living room deemed dancing floor than in the kitchen, but she manages to squeeze us in, finding a spot in the middle with just enough space for the three of us.
Despite my initial urge to find Jackson first, I quickly loosen up and move to the music. The three of us face each other, creating our own personal dancing ring. Elsie's all blonde hair flying back and forth as she swings her hips, while Tally is more subdued but no less consumed by the music as she rolls to the rhythm. As for me, I'm not going to act like I'm some amazing dancer, but I'm not bad. I just let go and allow the music to take over, moving my body to its will.
After a couple sips of our drinks and a half dozen songs later, my skin begins to tingle with awareness. It's odd really, considering how many people are around. I'm sure someone at some point might've looked at us, but this feels different. Like someone's eyes are locked on me with an intensity I can feel in my bones. It drags my focus from the music, my movements slowing as I look around the room.
It doesn't take me long to find the culprit tucked into the darkest corner of the room, nearly black eyes watching my every movement.
He's decked out in black from his jeans and t-shirt to his leather jacket. It doesn't help that even his eyes and hair are just as dark, the strands of which hang just to his cheekbones, framing his sculpted face. He'd blend in completely with the shadows if it were for his fair complexion and the light brown Tims on his feet.
But it's those eyes that have my heart racing in my chest and chills sliding down my spine. There's a fire in them and a darkness that has nothing to do with color, a look that's only just developed over the last two years. We might not have said more than a word to each other over that time but this look... this is the look I sometimes catch him directing my way. It's filled with anger, pain, and something I can't quite put my finger on but die to figure out. Like mischief and something wild, always tempting me to come closer.
I never do but... that doesn't mean I don't want to.
My movements halt completely as Sean's gaze leaves mine just long enough to travel the length of my body. His swift inspection feels like a rough caress, an invisible force I can practically feel from the tips of my long brown hair hanging just past my chest—a length Jackson has always preferred over me cutting even an inch—to where my mini skirt ends at my thighs. When those eyes lock with mine again, I swear he gives a small nod as if permitting me to keep doing what I was doing.
Or maybe the alcohol has finally started to hit, making me imagine things I've only dreamed of.
Either way, the liquid courage fuels my veins and I begin to move again, rolling my body to the music. Sean tips his head to the side but doesn't look away and neither do I, both of us refusing to back down. It isn't until I really allow the music to take over, almost losing myself in it and his stare that his attention begins to waver. His eyes flick down to my body every so often, and each time they return to meet my gaze, there's a heated look that grows like a building wildfire.
"Oh my God, are you giving Sean a personal show?"
I instantly snap out of my trance and turn to Elsie. "What? No! Of course not!"
She tips her head and gives me a knowing look and smile. "Hey, I'm not judging."
Yeah, well I am. What the hell is wrong with me? I have a boyfriend! One I should be with right now.
I take a deep breath, followed by a sip of my drink as I run my hands through my newly damp hair.
"Relax," Tally coos, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "If anyone gets it, it's us."
She looks over her shoulder, and as she does, I finally realize that both Sean's cousins are standing on either side of him. My face heats with embarrassment at the idea that they just saw all of that too.
"There's something about them. No denying that," Tally says before looking back at me.
"It's the bad boy appeal." Elsie nods. "I don't care what anyone says, there's something hot about a guy who does wicked things. It makes you wonder what level of freaky he unleashes behind closed doors."
I glance back just long enough to see that Sean hasn't moved, still watching, only now a smirk tips the corners of his full lips as he takes a sip from his drink.
Is that what it is?
I mean, I agree Sean's no saint. Maybe years ago when he was top of the class, getting straight A's, captain of the basketball team, and the kind of guy any mother would be happy to have her daughter bring home. But he's not like that anymore. I have no idea what his grades are but I doubt they're great with how much he skips school. He had quit basketball shortly after his dad passed too, and he's always in and out of detention with his cousins. Rumors around school even say they've been arrested a few times.
Yeah, I guess that would qualify for "bad boy" status. But I was drawn to him before that. Maybe that's grown a little since his transformation from saint to sinner, but it's always been there. From the moment we met in the second grade to when we started high school, glued at the hip and finishing each other's sentences. Back when he was my Sean.
And then you pushed him away.
He's not my Sean anymore though. He belongs to Andrea, someone I used to consider a friend until... well until she wasn't.
In fact...
I look around for any sign of the redhead, knowing she's hardly ever far from Sean at these kinds of events. She prefers to attach herself to his side like a leech and scare off any girl who'd even try to look his way. Which means, either she didn't come to the party or she's caught up somewhere in this house, 'cause if she had been nearby a moment ago, she'd be screeching like a banshee for all to hear.
"Yeah," Tally says, drawing my attention back. "Maybe it is the bad boy thing."
Elsie points at her and nods. "Definitely."
"Maybe," I shrug as the movement of a specific dark figure catches my attention from the corner of my eyes.
I turn around as Sean says something to his cousins and walks away. My eyes follow him like a beacon, watching as he snags some big ass bottle left on a table and stumbles through the french doors that lead to the pool room... one of the rooms no one is supposed to go into.
"I-I think I need to..." My words fail as I try to think of an excuse, both for myself and my friends.
"Need water?" Tally asks, flipping her wet bangs from her face.
"Bathroom?" Elsie suggests next.
"Yeah." I remove my attention from those doors long enough to give them a nod. "That...both."
"Okay." Elsie nods. "You want us to come with?"
I shake my head. "No. I'll be quick."
I don't bother sticking around to see if they nod or say anything else. I already know they won't mind. And I don't bother with hesitating either. My feet move on their own, weaving a path to the pool room.
Maybe it's 'cause I'm Jackson's girlfriend and feel responsible like I should chase anyone out of the off-limits areas. Maybe I'm just worried that Sean, drunk from the way he's walking, could fall into the pool and get hurt. Or, and most likely as bad as that sounds, I'm curious as to what Sean is up to and can't fight that need to know.
Along with all the layered looks I saw in his eyes a moment ago, there was also sadness. It's the anniversary of his dad's death after all. And just like last year on the first anniversary, I have this undeniable sense to check on him. I didn't do it then, as much as I wanted to, but I'm not going to pass on the opportunity this time. Even if he doesn't want to talk to me.
Hey, loves! Thank you so much for checking out chapter 4 of GGB! I'm happy to finally bring you all the first Millie chapter and looking forward to seeing what you all have to say about her. This chapter also got a little longer than I was hoping. Originally, the events between Millie and Sean in the next chapter were supposed to be in this one, but then I had hit that 3k word count and thought it was best to start that next chapter. In fact, I was hoping to keep the pacing of main events the same as the first draft but this new version of Millie and Sean's story has already become more than I expected, more complicated, emotional, and all that good stuff. It's a good thing really, but it means one of the main plot points is going to get pushed a little further back. Originally it started in chapter 5, but I don't see us hitting it until chapter 6 or 7 now due to the things that need to happen to lead into it. Anyway, enough of me rambling. On to the questions!
As I've said before, the beginning few chapters (ch. 1-8) are a complete rewrite so I have questions for those who have read the old version as well as new readers.
If you read the old version: What did you think of this newish version of Millie? Did the events in the previous chapter change your view of her? and if so, did this chapter help to change it again or give more insight for you? Did you like the addition of the steamy dream? Do you like seeing more of Millie's emotions and feelings towards Sean right away here? Did you feel like you still got a good sense of her life in this chapter? Did you enjoy the little dancing section? And finally, is there anything you missed this chapter that was in the old version or anything you preferred in this version over the old one?
If you're a new reader: What did you think of Millie? Did your view of Millie from the first few chapters change at all after reading from her POV? Did you enjoy the steamy dream? What do you think about Millie's feelings for both Jackson and Sean? Did you like Tally and Elsie? What do you think of Millie's home life so far? Did you enjoy the little dancing section or seeing Sean through Millie's eyes? And finally, is there just anything you really liked or disliked about this chapter?
As usual, leave your thoughts in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!
I normally post teasers for upcoming chapters on my Twitter and Instagram(I actually did post one for this chapter, but it was only posted a couple hours ago, lol!), so follow me there or here on Wattpad for any announcements. I'll do my best to have a teaser up before the release of chapter 5.
💜 xoxo
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