3| Close Call
~~Two Years Later~~
From the corner of my eyes, broken street poles, graffitied brick, and parked cars blur together the faster I run. My feet pounding against the freshly damp road match the steps of my accomplices like a perfectly tuned song, in sync and harmonizing with the sounds of the city around us. At least...normally.
Tonight we move as one but the distant sounds of downtown are hard to hear over the annoying as shit siren a block away.
"This way!" Jun, calls from a few feet away.
My head jerks and I instantly spot him near the entrance of a small alley, eyes wide and gloved hands frantically waving us over. But there's no missing the smile on his face. The same one I know is on mine as well.
Glancing back, I lock eyes with Eric, who nods without me having to say a word and sprints past me. He already knows I'll want to bring up the rear and keep the two of them in my sights. We might enjoy the rush but that doesn't mean I want them getting caught. I'll go down first, always.
Once they enter the dark alley, I stop and look down the street just as red and blue lights turn the corner. It bathes the buildings around me with an ominous glow that has my heart racing faster. I wish I could say it's fear that has my blood pumping a mile a minute, but it's not. Not entirely anyway.
"Sean!" Eric shouts from the shadows, snatching my attention and reigniting the need to run.
I take off after them, following their lead past overflowing dumpsters and God knows what else. There could be a dead body back here and I wouldn't be able to see it, either from the lack of light or our need to keep moving. I can barely even notice the stench of trash and rotting food before passing by the source of each smell.
Keeping pace with Eric, the muscles in my legs burn and strain with a sweet kind of pain. But a sudden cramp tips me up and sends me flying for the wet concrete. I miss busting my face by a mere inch thanks to the two sets of hands that catch me.
I look up to meet Jun and Eric's eyes with a smile of thanks that wipes away their worried looks. Their own crazed grins return as they help me to my feet.
"Hey, you!"
The three of us turn in time to see a dark silhouette hidden behind the blaring beam of a flashlight.
"Stop right there!"
Once again, it's as if the three of us share one mind. We take off, pushing ourselves to move faster than before. When we hit a tall chain-linked fence, we don't hesitate to leap at it, our hands roughly grabbing hold before climbing to the top as we've done several times before.
Jun's the first to jump over, followed by me and Eric. We land in a crouch on the other side just as the fence shakes from a new impact.
"I said stop!"
We all glance back with adrenaline-fueled laughter and find an angry chubby face behind the metal fencing. The cop practically growls at us with beady eyes before we sprint out of the alley. I listen for the sound of rattling metal, a sign of someone climbing to follow us. It never comes though, unsurprisingly. That dude was too big to climb like us, to keep up with us.
With our lead, we keep up the pattern. Street, alley, street, ally; over and over with the only variation being a couple more fences to climb.
Eventually, the scene shifts from the busy buildings of Southport's shopping district to the abandoned and crumbling warehouse row. I'm not even sure when we lose our trail or the sound of the siren but we don't slow down until we see a lopsided and chipped sign with the engraved words "Bang Distillery".
"That was a close one," Eric says through deep breaths as we cross the empty street, a wide smile splitting his face.
Jun nods. "No shit. I don't think we've had a night like this in a while."
Guilt slices through me for a second but when I glance at the two of them from the corner of my eyes, I don't see blame or anger pointed back at me. Instead, they laugh, patting each other on the back before looking at me to see how I'm doing.
Letting the guilt fade, I smile back, nodding to let them know I'm okay.
Well...as okay as I'm ever going to be. The rush from tonight has done miracles in covering the anger and pain I keep buried deep down, at least for now. Later when I'm alone again, it'll come back in spades. But at this moment, I can breathe easy knowing I'm with my cousins, and that even if we almost got ourselves into some serious shit, at least we were together.
It might sound crazy and maybe it is, but it's all we got. Enjoying all the moments we can, good or bad. At least, what most would consider bad. To us, it's just another good time. A necessary time, something we have to do in order to survive, but fun nonetheless.
Shoving damp strands of dark hair out of my face, I follow Eric and Jun around the side of the distillery. Warehouse Row sits on the edge of Southport, the last barrier before the hustle and bustle of city life changes to the quiet neighborhoods of South Shore County. In South Shore, the wealthy and upper-class are in charge of everything and everyone from the trailer parks to the gated communities. In the row, we're the ones who rule like kings, and Bang Distillery is our castle. The three-building warehouse takes up most of the block with a seven-foot-tall chain-linked fence wrapped around all sides. It's a fortress among crumbling bricks and broken glass but it feels like home on most days.
Jun finds the broken piece of fencing along the side of the main building without even looking. While he holds it back, Eric and I slip through before Jun follows after, allowing the fence to fall back into place. We tread over rubble in the dark, our feet automatically finding the safe spots to walk as we make our way to the fire escape in the back. After climbing the rickety steps to the top floor, I pull out my key to the padlock we placed on the door years ago, kicking on the generator once I'm inside.
"I'm starving," Jun announces, darting for his stash of snacks and water next to the busted couch we brought in here last year
The back top half of the main distillery building has been our hideout for the last year and a half. At first, it was just a place for us to get away but it quickly became more. Almost a necessity in each of our lives. Hence the need for the generator and the beat-up furniture.
Picking up his guitar from beside the TV and plopping down next to Jun on the couch, Eric glances in my direction. "You cool?"
I chew on the inside of my cheek a moment before finally pointing a finger at Jun. "Call Ritchie and tell him we're not taking any more fucking jobs in the shopping district."
With a mouth full of chips, Jun nods and slips his phone from his pocket.
"Shopping district has the best rides," Eric quickly says, dark brows pinched with confusion beneath strands of dyed gray hair.
"I know." I nod and fall into my usual armchair. "It's also the most risky. We can boost cars from anywhere else in Southport and South Shore and it would be safer than the shopping district. If he wants rides from there, he can get some other clowns to do it for him."
"Come on, like you didn't just have a fucking blast out there," Eric says, grinning from ear to ear.
I can't deny it, not with a similar smile on my face. But this time was different and I can't deny that either. Thrilling cop chase aside, I don't like risking their safety. If we had gotten caught tonight, it would've been my fault. I fucked up. We've done jobs like this so many times but triggering the alarm was a rookie move, and leaving our tools behind was even worse. My only source of comfort is that we all got away safely and that we never handle tools without gloves on.
But still...it was a close call, and if either of my cousins had gotten caught, it would be on me. My fault for fucking up and my fault for getting them into this work, to begin with. No matter how much they've enjoyed the ride.
Jun's typing on his phone, the only sound other than Eric's plucking of guitar strings, pauses as he slowly lifts his head. "Other clowns...what does that make us?"
I roll my eyes and grab my phone from the pocket of my hoodie while Eric answers, "First choice clowns, of course."
Brief chuckles fill the room as we settle into our usual spots and try to catch our breaths. Once Jun finishes his message to Ritchie, he turns on the television, connecting the smart TV to his phone and finding some random show to stream. And while he and Eric chow down on chips and snack cakes, I turn my attention to my phone.
I'm not surprised to find a dozen text messages and five missed calls once I swipe the lock screen away. I haven't touched my phone since we left for the shopping district for this exact reason. If I'm not in sight, my phone is blowing up.
Andrea: Hey baby
Andrea: what are you up to?
Andrea: There's a party tomorrow. Did you wanna go?
Andrea: I know tomorrow is...a personal day, but please think about it!
Andrea: Sean?
Andrea: Why won't you answer me?
Andrea: where are you at?
Andrea: seriously?
Andrea: What the hell Sean?! You can't just ignore me like this! I'm your girlfriend damn it! I deserve an answer!
I don't bother reading the others, already knowing it'll be more of the same.
Is she right about being my girlfriend? Yes. Does she deserve a message back? Probably. Am I gonna do it? Not likely.
Our relationship is rocky on its best day, and the on-again, off-again thing seems to be a trend for us. Chances are we're due for another "break" soon but I can't find it in me to worry about that tonight. It's not fair and I know it. I care about her but...
Shaking off the direction that thought is going, I avoid doing the boyfriend thing and open up my social media feed. The screen instantly floods with pictures of classmates enjoying the last weekend before summer break ends. Smiling faces at parties, beaches, and concerts stare back at me. It makes me sick with envy.
Sure we have fun doing what we do but at the end of the day, it's something we have to do. We don't have a choice, so why not make the best of it? These kids, my peers, they get to enjoy themselves the normal way while my cousins and I are doing what's needed to survive. Life can be a cruel bitch sometimes but that's why we do what we can to make it our bitch.
Already bored of browsing through the lives of kids who don't know how easy they got it, I'm about to set my phone down and watch some trash TV when a freshly posted picture pops up. The face is one I recognize instantly and has me sitting up straight in my seat.
She's back.
Big blue eyes framed by long chocolate brown hair twinkle with genuine happiness. Her full lips are tipped into a bright grin and despite it being summer, her complexion is still pale as hell like some kind of porcelain doll. But it's those damn eyes that get me every time. Like they can see right through me, even from a picture on my phone.
And what exactly would she see now?
Words like "pathetic" and "weak" instantly cross my mind, sending a frosted chill through my veins. But I shake it off, pushing those words deep down where they belong. It's been a long time since I was that guy, and she knows it. Even if we don't talk anymore, she knows, she sees. Everyone does and that's exactly how I like it.
Still...I can't help the small spark of something softer...warmer while looking at her picture. I hate that almost as much as I hate the darker thoughts that fill my head when thinking back on those days.
Attempting to ignore the familiar girl on my screen, I scroll down only to have another image pop up. This one she's in the same outfit, same setting from the look of things but now she's not alone. On both sides of her are the happy faces of her best friends, Tally and Elsie. The caption above the image shows Elsie is the one who posted it along with the words, "Our girl is finally back after two months too long! @TallyYang @MilliePrice"
The name rings in my head as I stare at the picture longer than I should. It isn't until the clearing of someone's throat that I finally look up from my phone to find Eric and Jun staring at me with raised brows.
A smart-ass grin slithers across Eric's face. "Whatcha looking at?"
My gaze narrows. "Nothing."
Moving as one, Eric and Jun both lean forward in their seats, their eyes reading me like an open book. Normally I like when we're all in sync but in this case, sometimes knowing each other so well can backfire.
"Is it Andrea?" Eric asks with a quizzical tip of his head. "Is she blowing you up?"
"When isn't she?" I mumble and sit back in my seat.
Jun's smile spreads wider. "Okay...so what are you doing?"
I look back at my phone, my lips sealed into a straight line.
"You're not internet stalking Millie again are you?" He adds.
With wide eyes, I bolt upright in my chair. "I don't internet stalk her!"
Eric and Jun look at each other, exchanging small laughs before Eric says, "Twenty bucks says he's on her profile right now."
Jun shakes his head. "No way. Twenty he's checking out something Elsie or Tally posted."
"Deal." Eric nods and the two of them jump up from the couch.
I don't even get the chance to slide my phone back into my pocket before they cross the short distance, Eric snatching it from my hand.
"What the hell?" I snap, standing up.
But it's too late. Eric takes one look at my screen and his face drops like a kid who just lost his favorite toy. He gives me back my phone before pulling out his wallet and slapping a twenty in Jun's awaiting hand.
"Told you," Jun gloats with a sarcastic smirk.
Eric rolls his eyes and sits back on the couch, sliding his guitar across his lap once again. "Whatever, you probably saw Elsie's post beforehand."
"Doesn't matter." Jun shrugs, sitting next to him. "A wins a win."
The two of them continue bickering like an old married couple about what's fair and what's not when making bets but I tune them out pretty easily. Looking at my phone again, I can't help but wonder when Millie got back from her dad's. Since her parent's divorce, she's gone to her dad's every summer. It's a detail that's hard not to notice when living next door to each other.
"I think I'm gonna head home," I announce, putting my phone away and grabbing my jacket from the back of my chair.
Eric and Jun pause mid-argument and turn to me.
"You sure?" Jun asks first.
I nod and fish my keys out of my jacket pocket. "Yeah, I should probably get back home before Mom starts to worry. What are you guys gonna do?"
"I'm crashing here," Eric quickly answers, keeping his eyes down on his guitar.
I walk around the couch and towards the door but with my attention locked on the back of his head, worry bleeding into my thoughts. When my gaze meets Jun's I see those same worries mirrored back.
Silently mouthing the words, "I'll stay with him", Jun then speaks up. "Yeah me too. Too tired to drive back right now. We'll catch you tomorrow, Sean."
I nod, mouthing back a "thank you" before he shoots me a comforting wink.
"Alright, catch you guys later," I openly answer before slipping out the door.
If Jun couldn't stay, I would've. Eric likes to stay away from home as much as possible and neither of us blames him. His stepdad is a prick with a mean right hook that I've personally felt more than once when jumping in and defending my younger cousin. As the oldest, it's my job to look out for them. Even if I am only older by a few months each.
Confident Eric is good for the night with Jun at his side, I climb back down the fire escape and through the twists and turns of Bang Distillery. Only instead of coming out where we came in, I travel through the other two connecting buildings, popping out onto the street a block away, where I parked my beater of a car.
Once behind the wheel, I peel out and leave the ghost-filled warehouse row in my dust. The streets leading home are mostly empty at this time of night, making my drive feel faster than usual. That or it's just the fact that I can't help getting lost in thoughts that quickly turn darker and colder as I weave my way through the quiet neighborhoods of South Shore, ignoring the withering cross placed at the intersection of 5th and Main.
You'd think after two years someone would finally pull the damn thing from the ground and toss it in the trash. It's so dirty and misshapen now that it hardly resembles a cross at all. At least the flowers that once surrounded it have long died and flown away.
Maybe I'll throw it away myself tomorrow.
That would be a great way to kick off the anniversary of one of the worst days of my life, getting rid of one of the biggest reminders left. Of course, even I know it's not going to make tomorrow hurt any less. Last year, on the first anniversary of my dad's death, it was hell. Mom cried the whole day, especially when we went to the graveyard to replace the flowers by his headstone. And while Mom mourned, I shed a couple of tears myself. Some from sadness and some from anger. I'm not sure I'll ever stop being angry at him.
I'm expecting a replay of last year for tomorrow. Mom already requested her morning shift at the cafe off. She's still gonna go to her cleaning job in the evening but pretty sure she's planning a trip to the graveyard again. And like last year, I'll go with her, hold her hand and openly grieve as best I can while internally cursing Mark Sun to the high heavens. If he even went in that direction.
My hands grip the steering wheel tighter as I press harder on the gas. The sooner I get home, the sooner I can get tomorrow over with.
Once I finally pull into the driveway of my house, I quickly notice all the lights are off. It's not surprising for Mom to be in bed already. It is practically midnight after all and she's been working all day. But the darkness of my home only stands out thanks to the lights beaming through the windows at the neighbors.
Since Millie's been at her dad's, her home has looked abandoned. Her mom is hardly home, off running around with God knows who, constantly asking my mom if either of us can check in on Millie's dog in her absence. But now that nearly every light in the house is on, it only adds to the confirmation that she's back.
Irritation fills my body from head to toe as I slowly cross the front yard. But the girl next door and the anger I still feel towards her are only partly to blame for that irritation. The other part is due to the small amount of tension that fades from my bones at knowing she's back home, safe and sound.
Fuck her. Why should I give a damn if she's back, safe or not?
Yet as I drag my feet towards my front porch, I can't take my eyes off the beige two-story home with the maroon door. That is, until that same door opens, bathing the porch with light and laughter.
Instinctually and stupidly, I dart behind the one thick oak tree in the middle of my lawn. I could slap myself for hiding like I don't have every fucking right to be in my own yard right now. But I still don't move from the spot, other than to lean just enough to watch as Elsie, Tally, and Millie step out onto the porch.
"I'm so happy you're home," Tally gushes, giving Millie a tight hug.
In the dark, I can't make out the expressions on their faces all that well, but I can hear the smile in Millie's voice as she says, "Same. I missed you guys so much."
"We missed you too, sis," Elsie replies, going in for her own hug. "Have you seen Jackson yet?"
My lip curls and a fiery heat ignites the blood in my veins at the mention of Millie's boyfriend. It's a reaction that can't be helped. Dating Millie or not, I can't stand that asshole.
Millie shakes her head, the dark brown strands of her hair glowing brighter in the beam of light shining through the door behind her. "Not yet. I wasn't supposed to get back till Sunday, so I'm gonna surprise him tomorrow. I heard he's throwing a party at his place. Figure that should be the perfect chance."
"That sounds so romantic," Tally coos.
Elsie nods. "Agreed, and you know we'll be going with you."
"Thanks," Milly says softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I hate walking into parties alone."
"Don't even worry about it. We'll come over tomorrow and get ready together," Elsie tells her, taking charge as usual.
"Thanks, you guys are the best." Millie pulls the other two in for a group hug, one that lasts longer and seems to hold tighter even from here.
When she lets go, Tally and Elsie wave goodbye as they walk down the porch steps and head for Elsie's Jeep parked along the curb. Millie stands there, watching as they pull off, and doesn't move. Once they've disappeared, she lets out a long sigh and tips her head to the sky.
I don't have to see her face perfectly to know she's looking at the stars. Wouldn't be surprised if she's counting them too. It was always something she liked to do when we were kids. It's why I glued the glow-in-the-dark ones to her ceiling when we were ten. The ones she still stares at late into the night while she lays in bed, unaware that she left her window wide open, giving me a direct line of sight. Or...maybe she does know. Maybe she does it just to torture me some more. Remind me of what I lost.
Well...fuck her times two.
Tired of waiting for her to go back inside, and feeling dumber by the second for hiding behind this damn tree, I step out of the shadows and into the moonlight. Millie's head instantly jerks in my direction and though I can't see her eyes, I can feel them.
After all this time you still sense when I'm close, Junior?
Little pain in the ass probably even knew I was here all along. I wouldn't put it past her.
Allowing a small smirk to lift the side of my mouth, I turn away from her stare and walk the rest of the way to my porch, up the steps, and to my light yellow-painted front door. But before I head inside, I glance over to find her still watching me. Only this time, she's moved to where the light from inside her home can cast on her face.
Such a pretty face for such a spoiled princess.
But like earlier, it's those damn eyes that hold me in place. I can't see the color of them from here but I don't have to. My memory fills in the deep blue shade with gold flecks for me. The power they hold is stronger in person than when I saw her picture on my phone earlier, and it makes it harder to force my feet forward when she slowly lifts her hand in a small wave. Yet I manage to do it anyway, shoving my way through the front door and shutting it behind me.
I suck in a deep breath.
Get your shit together, Sean. Man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch.
I nod to myself and kick off my shoes. A small walk through the foyer and I peek into the living room to find Mom fast asleep on the couch, still in her green uniform. I clench my teeth to keep my emotions at bay and cross the room, covering her up with the throw blanket hanging on the back. And when I'm sure she's comfortable enough, I head upstairs.
Though before I can reach the top step, my phone pings in my pocket. I take it out once I reach my room and check the message that pops up.
Andrea: So...are you gonna go with me to the party tomorrow or not?
A light flicking off outside catches my attention and I lift my head, peering out my window and into the one next door as a familiar shadow crawls into Millie's bed.
Sean: Yeah, I'll meet you there.
Hey, loves! Thank you so much for checking out chapter 3 of GGB! I know we've had three straight chapters from Sean but I promise the next one will be Millie's and I can't wait to share her side of things now that we're getting further into this rewrite. Anway...
Now for some questions!
First off, what do you think of the new Sean? Are you surprised at all by him or what he's doing now to "survive"? Was the chase thrilling or interesting to you at all? What did you think now that you got to see a little more of Eric and Jun? Did you find it odd or concerning or even believable that Sean manages to enjoy this new life on some level? Were you surprised to find out Andrea is now Sean's girlfriend? Or if you read the old version, were you surprised at how their relationship differs from the original version? Did you like getting a deeper look into Sean's mind on his drive home? What do you think about his feelings towards Millie right now? Anything else about him and Millie that might've stood out to you? And finally, what do you think will happen at this party?
Leave your thoughts in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!
I normally post teasers for upcoming chapters on my Twitter and Instagram(I actually did post one for this chapter!), so follow me there or here on Wattpad for any announcements. I'll do my best to have a teaser up before the release of chapter 4.
💜 xoxo
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