Chapter 8
Mias P.O.V
"So these two girls have been on this mission for more than a week?" Matt asked Holly nodded.
"Why did we just get inform now those people are dangerous?" Nathan asked.
"Because I takes a while to get the information we need to stop them, idiots." Holly said in a annoyed voice I just rolled my eyes." There names are Vicky Summer and Lilly Summer." Holly said we all nodded
"Hurry up we are leaving." Chris yelled and I grabbed my phone and bag where I had everything I needed.
Chris P.O.V
The name Lilly Summer sounded familiar not the last name but the name but from where. Oh right the boss mention someone with a name Lilly but who. Oh right it's the same name with the girl that got killed because of us.
"Hurry up we are leaving." I yelled these people take forever. When everyone was in the car I drove off where the house was. "We are here." I said Holly and Mia jumped up and went running inside to find there rooms. I hate Holly so much because she think she is the best from all of us. Wel she is one of the best she is close to me and I only like being the best.
"Mia I chose this room fist GET OUT!!!" Holly yelled from upstairs.
"NO I WAS HERE FIRST YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE TO GET OUT!!!" Mia yelled I already knew who will win this battle.
"IF ITS YOUR ROOM WHY ARE YOU THE ONE GETTING KICKED OUT HUH!!!" Holly yelled and with that I heard a thump and Mia was falling off he stairs. I just started to laugh she glared at me.
"Why did you fight with her you know you don't stand a chance against her right." I said she nodded I went to the kitchen while laughing I checked the news.
"Yesterday 11 people were murder 6 were teenagers and 5 were older men. People say they heard the shooting and called 911. They said there were 7 teenagers but one of them were not there. All of them died and the 2 who killed them escaped with one of the teenagers. We don't know his last name but his first name was Mark. We are looking for the two murders right now so be careful. We couldn't see the faces because they wore a mask thank you." And the screen off. Oh my gosh who would kill 11 people who could they be.
"Guys come to the kitchen now like now." I yelled everyone came.
"What is it Chris that you can't wait till later." Holly said I rolled my eyes.
"Yes it's important I heard on the news." They looked confused.
"Well what is it we don't have all day." Mia said she is never rude like that it usually Holly.
"Well 11 people were murder yesterday." I said.
"And what about it lots a people die in the world." Mia said ugh now she is annoying me.
"No thy were killed yesterday by 2 people." I said.
"What how could 11 people die by 2 people." Matt said.
"Ya but they also all had guns." I said that when there eyes widen.
"But who will kill 11 people." Asked Holly.
"I don't know but they took one of the teenagers with them." I said.
"Damn they are probably way more better than us. That includes you Rick." Mia said while laughing I glared at her.
"What if it was them the two girls we need to stop." Nathan said.
"We're not sure they had mask on so they couldn't see their faces." I said.
"Well we need to be careful because if it's them we need to train and get some sleep because we have school tomorrow." I said they all groaned." I know you don't want to go but we don't have a choice." I shrugged and went to my room and went to sleep.
Lillys P.O.V
Right now Vi and I are going to go check on Mark. He has been down there for 5 hours so we are bringing him food.
"Hi Mark how you doing?" Vi asked he scowled at her.
"Leave me go. Why are you guys taking me back?" He asked he sounded nervous and he looked scared.
"Mark you know exactly why we're taking you back. Plus my father is just going to 'talk' to you." I laughed because it was funny so did Vi.
"We just cane here to bring you food not to chit chat Nick will be here soon to take you back." Vi started after I stopped laughing. We gave him the food and went back up.
"Ugh Li we should go to sleep because we have fuckin' school tomorrow to sell the drugs." She said I nodded and went straight to my room. Usually we skip classes we just go to like 2 of them and the rest we are outside smoking or bad stuff.
"Li fuckin' wake up you idiot!" I heard Vi yelled. I groaned.
"Ugh... What time is it?" I asked her.
"It's six but we need to be early because we need to sell the drugs before school." She explained.
"OK get out I need to change." I told her she nodded and left my room. I grabbed a black tank top three at says "Birch get away from me" and some black shorts. I went to the shower and after I put one my clothes and some make up. I just pit on some mascara and lipstick.
"Vi I will be down in 10 minutes I need to check if we have any informatio." I told Vi
"OK just hurry up." She yelled. I grabbed my laptop and signed in. There was a vidoe and I clicked on it.
"Hi Veronica and Lilly, the boss told me to tell you guys that Mias team has been informed. They will be at school today with you guys. You know how they look so you will know who they are. They don't know how you guys look tho they just know you names. Be careful and you guys have one more week to sell that drug or you will have several consequences. Oh and I will be there to get Mark tonight bye." Nick said.
"Fuck Vi!" I yelled while going down to the kitchen.
"What do you want Li and hurry up?" She asked me.
"Mias group has been informed and we have 1 more week to sell the drugs." I said more quietly.
"OK it's just 6:20 and schools starts at 8 we have plenty of time now. If we sell it all today we won't see the stupid bitches." She said I nodded I grabbed my helmet and my keys. I went to my motorcycle so did Vi and we left.
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