Chapter 6
2 hours later
We are here we stopped at a gas station and got food a few minutes ago. Now we are in front of a house that really huge.
"Yay we are finally here it took so long." Vi said I nodded while we were driving we took turns. She drove for 1 hour and I did the other half.
"I know let's go see our rooms and then we could start getting ready to find the guy." I said we grabbed the bag full of drugs and the weapons that only we have. I went inside it was huge. Much more bigger then our room back at home.
"Hey when is Nick going to join us?" Asked Vi I shrugged I didn't really know.
"I don't know I will call dad later and see when he comes." I said she nodded and went upstairs I was right behind her. She went in a room it was perfect for her I took the one next to hers. My room was black hers was really dark blue.
"Li it's 1 am do you want to get some sleep or you want to do out until school starts?" Vi asked I wanted to go out k have school Mias group will go to sleep.
"Let's go out unless you want to sleep?" I asked she looked at me and smiled.
"Let's go." She kinda screamed we got the e drug and our weapons to be safe. We went to the bar didn't drink to much but drank. When we got him it was 7 and school is at 8.
"Vi lets be early to get our school schedule." She nodded got ready in 5 minutes so did I. I wore a lether jacket and some black jeans I wore all black same with Vi. We didn't eat and left to school we got there at 7:30.
"Where do you think they e office is?" I asked Vi.
"Let's asked someone." She said I nodded and walked up to someone.
"Hey you where's the office?" I asked kinda rude but that's how I am. She didn't answer I hate when people do that.
"Hello she was talking to you bitch." Vi said she pushed her to. She looked our way with her friends. I was guessing she was consider popular I don't know because I don't go to school. People were watching I guess because nobody stood up to her.
"Excuse me do you know who I am and who is my father." Her voice hurt my ears ugh.
"Do you know where the office is that was our question." I said she looked at me.
"Excuse me bit don't talk back to me because I could make you life horrible here." She was threatening me I don't like that.
"Watch you stupid big mouth I am the one with the gun bitch." I showed her my gun she showed fear I smiled.
"Uhh.... I ... am sor....ry." She mumbled.
"What was that I could hear you." I said even tho I did.
" I am sorry okay." After she ran away and her friends follow.
"Li I know you don't like it when people threaten you so are you ok?" She asked I nodded.
"We need to still ask someone where that stupid office is." I said she nodded and we started to walk.
"Hey you right there with the glasses where is the office?" Vi asked he looked scared everyone kids did I think they saw what happened. He pointed that way. We nodded and he ran away." I love it when people show fear." Vi said I nodded.
"It makes me feel more powerful it will be interesting and those reds might ruined it. I already hate this school even if are scared of us." Is said.
"Ya either way we will beat there ass they won't know who we are it been years since they last saw me or notice me they probably won't notice you." She said I nodded. We went to the office.
"Hello can I help you two?" She asked her voice sounded annoyed.
"We are new students here." Vi said she also sounded annoyed I would have to everyone is annoying her even teachers.
"OK what are your names?" She asked.
"Vicky Summer." She said "and this is Li Summer." The teacher nodded.
"OK here are your schedule and I hope you like it."She said I nodded and left. I was looking at my schedule I also hers.
"Okay we have 6 classes together out of 7 and we are looking for a guy that in high school." I said.
"How are we going to find him if we have most of the classes together?" She asked I shrugged.
"We will miss most of out classes selling the drugs ok." I told Vi she nodded. "We will only come to 2-3 of our classes." I said.
"Okay so we have all classes together the last one is the one we don't." She was right the very last one was different.
"OK now we know whitch one we are definitely skipping." I told her she nodded and we went to our first class. We intruduce ourselves to every single class.
The end of the school
"Did you see him anywhere?" Vi asked me I shoot my head.
"Did you find him?" I asked her she shook her head.
"No but I didn't hear about him." She I looked at her.
"What did you hear?" I asked.
"Well he is in baseball and he is popular." She said.
"OK once Nick gets here we will trap him and make Nick take him back because we still need to sell this drug." I said she nodded. She knew my dad hates it if we come back with drugs back even if there was a little bit left.
"When is Nick coming?" She asked I will I tell her he won't be here soon.
"They said he is coming in a few weeks." I told her her faced dropped.
"WHAT NO I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE IS HORRIBLE SCHOOL FOR WEEKS!!" She yelled at her top of her lungs.
"Calm down Vi the reds hadn't been form we are here yet so we are fine. But don't worry if we sell these drugs quick we could take him ourselves." I said she nodded.
"Will we have other missions to do while we are on one?" She asked this has happened before.
"I don't know my dad said we will call me if we did but they will be easier than this one." I said I don't know how this is hard we just sell the drugs and kidnap someone who escaped who is only 18. I am 18 to Vi is 19. We got in the car and drove home.
Mias P.O.V
It's been 2 years since we got Holly she is my best friend but she gets mad quickly.
"Mia our boss is callng us toeet him as his office tell the others." She yelled she gets every single information. Chris is still the best but the boss trusts her more than any of us. " I will meet you al there." She yelled.
"OK bye Holly." I yelled back. We always get in trouble because Holly always goes there on time and we late because she doesn't inform us until she is ready. "Guys Holly said out boss wants us at his office Holly already left tho." I told them they get mad when Holly does that.
"What ugh the boss is going to yell at us again." Chris said
"And it's all because of Holly." Nathan added.
"Ugh why does she hate us." Matt agreed.
"I don't know just get ready or we will get more in trouble." I told them they nodded and went to get ready. I was waiting for them at the car Chris got in a drove to his office. We went in and Holly was talking to our boss.
"You are always late just hurry up you all have a mission." He said I sat next to Holly. "Okay you all 5 have to stop these drug dealers they sell drugs and weapons." He said. " Holly is in charged ok." We all groaned.
"Why is she in charge I am always in charge." Chris groaned.
"You are only in charge in small missions because what happened in the other 2 big ones." He said ugh I don't remember any of the last big mission we had was about 2 years ago after that we weren't aloud anymore.
" Why what happened did they mess up." Holly said ugh I sometimes hate her so much.
"That's none of your business Holly okay." Chris snapped at her Matt, Nathan, just stared at her.
"No I think she should know because what all did was wrong." Our boss said then I remeber the 2 years ago one but not the other one.
"What did they do." Holly was now serious.
"Well two years ago they was a girl name Lilly Thapa she died on a mission. Well these idiots were going to sell her for freedom but she escaped then the trapped her and she was shot. It's not the first time there was another girl she was the best I loved her as a daughter. But stupid Chris sold her for freedom and they accepted I haven't found her and we believe she died a couple years ago."
"Well we needed to be free." Matt said.
"Well now I have a reason to fuckin hate you all more idiots who knew you were this cruel. I though you Mia that you were kind and sweet but you agreed to sell your own best friend your all mosnters." She yelled ugh I hated her out boss agreed.
"She wasn't my friend she was stupid." I yelled at her she always has a good comeback doesn't she.
"Oh you are still calling her things and she is fuckin dead you all should go to hell." She yelled.
"Shut the fuck up Holly." Chris yelled.
"CHRIS NO BAD WORDS OK NOW ALL OF YOU SHUT UP." Our boss yelled. Chris didn't argued about Holly saying bad words and he didn't say anything but she was her favorite.
"Who are the people that are selling the drugs?" Holly asked.
"They are two girls." He said we laughed but Holly she never had humor. We all stopped laughing when we saw he was serious.
"Wait you acually serious?" I asked.
"What do you mean your a fuckin girl that fights she is a girl that sells drugs no difference idiot." Holly said damn I hate that she is always right.
"She has a point guys now pay attention." Our boss said "these girls are the best from there agency I don't know there names I think this one is Vicky Sumer and Li Summer not sure. They are at a high school where there sellng drugs you job is to stop them." He finished.
"That sounds like a job for a kid." Matt said we all agreed.
"You don't understand something about these girls that you will see when you fail to stop them." He said very seriously he already knew we are going to fail. And we never fail on missions.
"Fail how halarious." Chris said laughing we all did." I have nevered fail a mission and two stupid girls won't stop me where are they from what gang?" Chris asked and our boss face turned into fear I only see his face when he mentioned oh no.
"They are not in a gang." He said.
"Then from where?" Nathan asked.
"They are from the other angecy that robbed Lilly." He said.
"What no they are the hardest to stop." Matt said.
"They are just girl they are much easier to beat up." Chris said
"Oh but these are not just any they are the best and remeber when you went to help Lilly those men they were just beggners and these girls are the best there." He said.
"We could still do it we won't give up." Holly said but she never met them.
"Good you leave in 1 hour go get ready and we left his office.
I hoped you enjoyed it now this one is the longest one. Please vote and comment. I will fix the errors ok.
Liz 😘 😘
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