Chapter 1
My name is Lilly Thapa, I am in a secret agency. You probably think I kill the bad people and stop what they are doing. Well you thought wrong. My bestie and I do the opposite we sell drugs and dangerous weapons. My friends name is Victoria but I call her Vi or Vicky. I love my job I don't kill anyone during my mission only if they come to stop us. Vi and I are the best from the agency we go on most of the misions and never fail. Sometime they do come and stop us but my angecy is way better than the other. Vi and I have the best weapons because my father is the leader. Since Vi is my best friend my father treats her like a daughter. I used to be part of the other angecy that stops the bad guys. I was weak and I was a horrible fighter, but now I am stronger and fights really good. I could beat 10 guys that are armed. I don't miss my old family I love working as a bad guy. If I come face to face with my old friends on a mission they won't know it's me because I changed a lot. Vi is my partner and if she is not there then Nick is my partner.(If you don't understand it or what's going on you probably understand it later)
Let's go back from the beginning and see how I got from the good side to the bad side. LET'S GO!!!!
"Hurry up Lilly or we are going to be late." Mia shouted from downstairs. Mia is my best friend (Well she was)
I love her as a sister. Right now we are going on a mission.
"Hurry the hell up Lilly we are going to be late because of you!" Chris shouted.
"Hold up losers I would have been ready if you guys told me sooner." I shouted back.
So basically I am in a group that stops bad guys. Mia is my best friend we are the only girls and there are 3 guys. Matt, Chris, and Nathan they are around my age. Matt is 19 he has been in the agency for more than 10 years. Chris is 20 he has been in the agency longer than Matt. Well Nathan is 18 he's only been here for 6 years. Mia is 17 she been here for 8 years like me but I am a year younger. I am the youngest from them.
We go on easy missions well they were easy to me. Right now we are going to a big mission. We have to stop a drug dealers and there leader. We didn't know it was my father because I never met my father.
"Let's go." Matt says and we all go to the car. Chris always drives because he doesn't trust us. Chris has always been like a big brother to me.
"Do you think they know we are coming." Mia says I wasn't really listening.
"Umm..... I don't think so we haven't even tried attacking them." I said I wasn't really sure about my answer.
"Are you okay Lilly you seem really nervous." Nathan says I forgot he was here because he really never talks.
"Ya I am fine you don't need to worry about me ok." I sounded annoyed and I was.
"OK whatever" he responded.
"Are we almost there because I am getting really bored and annoyed?" I ask .
"Yes just a few more minutes." Chris said
"We're here get all your gadgets now we don't have all day." Chris whispered shouted for no one could hear us. I got out of the car and went to the trunk of the car. I got my bag out and put two guns on my jeans and three knives. I also put a knife in my bra just in case they take all my gagdets they won't check there. All of us knew that this mission would take longer than others. We all know what we are going against. We are the best agents from the agency. Chris of course is the number 1 the highest. Matt is the second I am the third, Mia is the fourth and Nathan is the last one. We don't know who the leader is but we do know he has a girl who helps him and she is around our age and her name is Veronica. They say she has been around since she was twelve and she is 17 like me. We heard she gets most of the cool weapons and that she is one of the best agents. Yes they are agents but the cruel kind they sell drugs and weapons. I will never want to work like that or so I thought.
"Are you all ready?" Chris asks we all nod our heads at the same time.
"Good and remember don't get yourself killed got it."
"Got it." We all said in unision and we started to walk to the back of the building. We only knew the leader is a powerful man. We heard muffles from the other side of the door but couldn't understand what they were saying.
"Ready on the count of three 1... 2... 3... and we all ran different directions. Chris always counts to make sure we pay attention. I was running to my left and stopped at a door because I heard talking.
"How are we going to get her?" I heard a deep voice ask.
"How in the world would I know I am not the boss." I heard a girls voice I am guessing that it may be Veronica. Who in the world are they trying to get? I though in my mind.
"We need to make sure we are ready when they attack we need to train and train because, I am positive they will send her group in." The same voice said. Who are they talking about. I am guessing my group but who would they want they said she and the only girls are Mia and me. I decided to hear more of the conversation but I heard footsteps getting farther and farther so they probably left. I turned around and saw a guy I almost bumped into.
"Long time no seen Lilly." He said
"Well if it isn't the one and only Mike the biggest jerk in your stupid agency." I spat at him he just smirked at me.
"You better watch your language remeber I am much more trained then you are." He just said camly he was right he was in his agency for like 15 years. But I needed to show I wasn't scared at all.
"You think I am scared of you ha you wish. You know Chris could knock you out with one punch." I just smirked because he knew it was true. Even tho Mike has been longer in his stupid agency Chris is still a stronger than him. Mike isn't the strongest from his agency.
"Ohh so you didn't come alone let me guess your whole group is here." I just smirked at him." Well guess what here you are alone right now and it's 6 against 1." He said with a fake frown.
"What are you taking about?" I asked I was confused because he was only by himself and only me. Then I saw other five people come from the bushes with guns and Mike just smirked at me again knowing he has won this time.
"Ohh Mike I am not scared of any of you shoot me let's see if you have the guts." I said confidently.
"Oh Lilly I would but the boss wants you alive if he didn't I would have killed you ages ago." He just said with a evil smile I knew he wasn't lying.
"Why does your boss want to see me I don't want anything with him." I wanted to sound confident not scared. I am still kind weak even when I am in a agency. He still had that evil smile on him.
"Oh you will see." He sounded really creepy and he put a cloth on my mouth a noise and I only heard his muffles. I tried to scream but then everything went all black.
Hey guys so Lilly is started from the beginning from when they first tried to you know kidnapped her. So she is explain her past. Sorry for grammar error I am not the best speller so sorry and please vote a comment. Also if you would love if I did a differnt P.O.V.?
Thank you and enjoy the book
Love Liz😘😘
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