Chapter 7
Jack's POV
"Thanks again." Y/N said,picking her books up again and getting in a check-out line. I followed her but winced with ever step. My side was in throbbing pain now,making it difficult to walk,but I won't worry her about that. I'm sure I'm fine.
I won't tell how much the books costed because the smile on her face was priceless. I wanted to hold her hand when we left the store but she insisted on carrying all the books herself and apparently she's pretty damn strong 'cause she managed to carry them all the way back to the apartment.
When we got inside she immediately went to our bedroom and put her books on my desk.
"Hey,Jack." She said when she came back to the living room. "Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack." She repeated excitedly while poking my arm.
"Yes,sweetie?" I answered patently.
"We need a bookshelf."
"No,you need a bookshelf. I'm don't read much." I shrugged.
She poked out her bottom lip said "But...but books,Jack. Please!"
I laughed and booped her on the nose "Haven't we spent enough money today?
"Still need a bookshelf." Y/N pouted,crossing her arms.
"I'll order one online." I sighed,rolling my eyes and heading in the direction of our bedroom. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and squeeze me in a hug.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank yooooou!" She squeaked. I gasped for air and pried her arms off me.
"Jesus Christ. Twice in one day? Let me breath!" I laughed,turning around and pecking her on the lips quickly.
As I was walking into our bedroom I hit my hip on the side of the doorframe and felt pain shoot through my body. I growled and clutched my side in agony. I managed to stumble over to the bed and didn't fall on the floor. I sat there for many minutes with my eyes squeezed shut,waiting for the pain to disappear.
"So I was thinking tacos for supper,what do you think?" I heard Y/N call from a distance.
"Sounds good." I called back,clenching my teeth. I can't let her know what's wrong,it would only worry her.
"Awesome!" She exclaimed "I'm gonna go pick some up." The next sounds I heard was her footsteps and the front door opening and closing.
"Good. She's gone." I muttered to myself,completely forgetting about what I was in there to do. I was feeling somewhat better so I got up and limped to the kitchen,leaning on the wall most of the way there. When I finally reached it I opened the medicine cabinet and tried to find the Ibuprofen pills.
Blinded by the unwelcome tears that had invaded my eyes,I grabbed a pill bottle that looked like the right one and poured two into my hand. I considered getting some water to wash it down but soon decided against it as another wave of pain shot through my body. I swallowed them both and started limping back to the bedroom.
It must have taken me a long time because when I finally sat down,Y/N was back.
"Jack!! I'm hoooome!" She called cheerily. I wanted to respond but my mouth was dry and the world around me was turning fuzzy.
"Were those the right pills?" I thought as darkness came over me.
When I woke up,not gonna lie,I expected to be in the hospital. But instead I was laying in bed with my head resting on a pillow and blanket laid across me. My side was still hurting but not nearly as much as before so I got out of bed and limped into the living room. When I saw Y/N I tried to walk normally.
"Hey there sleepyhead." She said cheerily. She was playing minecraft on my old Xbox360.
"Hey." I replied,sitting on the couch next to her. "How long was I out?"
"About a few hours,actually." She said,not taking her eyes off the TV screen.
"Oh yeah. Your tacos are on the counter. You're lucky I didn't eat them. I really wanted to." Y/N told me. I nodded in response and slowly got up. As I carefully made my way to the kitchen my side started hurting again. I ignored it as best as I could and saw one taco on the counter.
"Seriously. Just one." I said to her. She looked away from the screen to flash me a cheeky smile. I chuckled as I sat down on a wooden stool and watched her get killed by a creeper as I devoured the food.
"Oh my gooooosh whyyyyyy!" She screamed at the screen. I snorted and accidentally spit a piece of hamburger out of my mouth.
Y/N dropped the controller and stormed to the bedroom. I laughed and when I finished my food I limped in there to join her. "You ok?" I ask sweetly as I carefully sit on the edge of the bed. She turns her back to me and pouts. I try my best not to laugh as I rub her back. "It's ok."
"Stupid creepers..." She mutters. I lay down beside her and she turns around and cuddles me. I kiss the top of her head and soon she falls asleep in my arms and only moments later I join her.
Hey guys,Player here.
I know I promised you this chapter days ago but you know how lazy I am. I'm telling ya,if you want chapters you gotta remind me to get my arse up and write you one.
You got this chapter thanks to BBobiophile808
So thank her if you enjoyed this chapter. Also hit that vote button maybe. I haven't re-read it so if there's a few mistakes just forgive me
Or point them out and make me fix them. I know how this fandom is. You guys are a bunch of weirdos.
Anyway,thank you all so much for reading
And I will see YOU
In the next chapter
Bye bye!
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