Chapter 4
Your POV
It was rather chilly for a summer night. The streets were filled with pedestrians but the park seemed completely empty.
I looked up and saw the night sky which looked like a black ocean dotted with stars,but the main attractions were the eyes that stared into it. I watched Jack as his eyes looked up into the black sea above,the shimmer of the stars twinkling in the reflection. Perhaps that's how his eyes got that shine in them. Maybe the stars themselves soaked into him,giving his crystal blue sea a more mysterious depth.
"I'm not always happy." He states simply,bringing his attention to the dull sidewalk in head of us. "Remember that night that we were on the rooftop?"
How could I forget. "Yes." I reply.
"I was up there for the same reason you were."
His words took me by surprise.
"I....had had enough." His voice had a hint of pain,"The point in life was missing and....I didn't understand why."
"Jack..."I whispered.
"And when I saw you there I-I knew I had to be strong. That the reason I'm alive is because I have a purpose. And I feel like..." His voice drifted off into a softer tone.
"Feel like what?" I ask.
"I feel like you are my purpose." We stop walking and he turns to me,"Y/N,I love you."
I knew exactly what he wanted me to say. Exactly how I should feel. And,deep inside me,I know how I feel. But I can't say it. What if he's lying? What if he wants something from me? I don't want to get hurt again and,more so,I don't want to hurt him.
I've got to tell him. It's the same concept of greater good. Jack would never hurt me,or leave me. Right?
"Jack....I..." Come on Y/N,say it. "I too."
My eyes brimmed with tears. Where they happy? Sad? Painful? I don't know. I just have too many mixed feelings and memories. Jack's facial expression changed from joyful to confused.
"What's wrong,little one?" He asked,cupping my face in his hand and wiping away my tears with his thumbs. I didn't expect him to understand how hard it is to say those three simple words.
"I'm....I'm fine." I reply. And strangely,I wasn't lying. I wasn't dying but I wasn't completely happy either. I'm doing fine. A smile spread across my face and Jack leaned in and kissed me. It was rougher than before. Passionate. I felt fireworks shooting off inside me and Jack pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me.
The make-out session continued until we were both out of breath. I pulled away and looked into Jack's ocean blue eyes. Emotions seemed to flow through them like the tide of the ocean. I could never get tired of looking into them.
Jack's phone rang suddenly and he let go of me to answer it.
"Top of the morning to ya." Jack said,grinning happily,"Oh. Ok. Cool! What room?" There was a pause,"Alrighty then,we'll be right there." And he hung up.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"The man at the apartment. His name is Nathaniel and I had asked him to call me after he got settled in. Let's go visit him!" Jack answered cheerily.
I looked down at my clothes. White t-shirt,boy's shorts. I didn't look good enough to go. Jack must have noticed because he frowned and said,"Y/N,you look great. Beautiful as always." I blushed but didn't believe him. Jack caressed my cheek and then took my hand and we walked to the hospital,which was only a few blocks away. I would have insisted on going back to change into something else but,1) I didn't have anything better,and 2) I would be getting in the way by going the opposite direction of where we were going.
"He said room 209." Jack said to himself. I followed him down a maze of hallways until we stopped in front of one and Jack walked it. I hesitated but followed.
"Hey,Sean!" Nathaniel said in a welcoming voice,much different from the one he had earlier today.
"Hey Nathana-" Jack began.
"No,please,call me Nat." Nat insisted. I managed to contain my laughter. Nat? Like the bug?
"How are you doing,Nat?" Jack asked in a serious tone,taking a seat in Nat's hospital room. I sat down in a chair next to Jack's. I saw Nat's mouth move but no noise came out,and the same with Jack. I zoned out and stared at the wall and,what only felt like a few minutes later,Jack waved his hand in front of my face.
"Y/N," he said sweetly,"It's time to go. It's like 1am." I came back to reality,only to be sucked back into my fantasy world when I looked into Jack's eyes. He smiled and helped me up out of the chair and we said goodbye to Nat.
"Ouch.." Jack muttered as we walked out of the room. I turned around and he had his hand on his side.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing. I think I just hit my side on something." He laughed.
It was 1:30am when we got back to Jack's,actually, our apartment. Jack went through the cabinets to get something to eat and I went to our room to change. I found Jack's pants,but they were way to big so instead I put on a pair of his boxers and blue hoodie that smelt like him. As soon I crawled into bed Jack walked in.
He hesitantly got in bed with me. I didn't mind but I thought it was cute that he was nervous. When he pulled the covers up I knew he saw what I was wearing because he blushed and avoided making eye contact.
"Hey,Jack." I whispered. He looked up at me,"You don't gotta sleep in those clothes. I know it isn't comfortable." His blush becomes more visible in the moonlit room.
"I-I just uh...didn't want to make you feel u-uncomfortable." He stammered. I giggled and scooted closer to him. A smile tugged at his lips and I pulled his shirt off and he took off his jeans. Not in a sexual way,but I could see that Jack was getting slightly flustered.
I snuggled against his bare chest and he gasped at the sudden physical contact. After a moment I felt his arms wrap around me protectively. He kissed my forehead and our legs intertwined. I never wanted this moment to end.
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