Chapter 9- Charming? I think not.
I stretch my arms out, and let out a yawn, as I awaken from my sleep.I check the time on my alarm clock, to see that is is nearly midday. Ah. Don't you just love the weekends. Deciding that I didn't want to spend my whole Saturday sleeping, I get up from my bed, and Walk towards my wardrobe. I was feeling extra girly today. So I picked out a plain white crop top, With a black high waisted skirt, and my favourite black bag. I grab my clothes, and make my way to the bathroom.
As usual, I do my morning routine. I brush my teeth, and shower, before getting dressed, and going to my dressing table. I contemplate what I want to do with my hair, and finally decide to put it into a French plait. Once I am done, I put all the daily necessities, my phone, earphones and chap stick, into my bag. I then go downstairs.
I couldn't wait, I was going out with Brody today. We were going out to see a movie, and then we were going to stop by at McDonalds,to grab a bite to eat.
Once I had my breakfast, I went to the living room, and sat down onto the couch beside my mom.
"Good Morning sweetheart," she greets.
"Morning Mom," I reply happily.
"You're a lot happier than usual this morning, any particular reason?,"she questions me.
"No, can't I be happy for no reason?" I reply cheekily.
"Well, you can," she begins, "But it's very unlikely. So tell me, what has gotten my daughter so happy today?," she persists.
"Nothing mom, it's just, Brody and I are hanging out today. I've never had a real friend before, so I'm really excited," I tell her joyfully.
"Ah, I see. Well, have fun then. But sweetie, make sure to be careful. With all these murders going on, I shouldn't even be letting you go," she says, worriedly.
"Mom, I'll be fine. The police are getting closer and closer to this person, I'm sure they'll be caught soon anyway. You don't need to worry about me," I reassure her.
"Pinky Promise." I laugh at my moms childishness. I lift up my hand, and wrap my pinky finger around hers.
"Pinky Promise," I tell her. I then pull my mother into a tight hug to assure her further.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sound of a car horn causes me to pull away from her.
"That's Brody, I have to get going Mom, bye," I tell her as I stand up.
"Bye Baby, have fun, but stay safe," she tells me, a little relaxed now. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, before sprinting out of my front door, and over to Brody's car.
"Hey." I greet, once I am seated in the passenger seat of Brody's car.
"Hey Beautiful," he replies calmly. My cheeks start to turn a deep shade of pink, and I look away so that Brody doesn't notice. He chuckles deeply beside me.
"I can still see you blushing, you know," he states, with humour laced in his tone.
"Ugh, shut up and drive Brody," I whine playfully. Brody shakes his head, clearly amused.
Glad to see my embarrassment amuses him.
He then starts the car, and begins to drive towards our destination.
"Seriously?" I ask Brody, annoyed.
"Yes, seriously," he answers with a smug smile on his face." We had arrived at the movie theatre, and Brody had finally told me what we were going to watch.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Like, is he being for real?? I had never watched any of the Star Wars films before. How did he expect me to know what was going on?
"No! We're watching something else," I say defiantly.
"No!, we're watching Star Wars," Brody replies, stubbornly. After half an hour of arguing, I finally give into Brody.
He pulled that adorable puppy face that I just couldn't say no to.
Once we grab our popcorn and coke, we make our way inside the theatre, and get the good seats. The film begins five minutes after we take our seats. Just in time.
"It was okay, I guess," I utter as Brody and I exit the theatre, and stride towards his car.
"Okay?? Okay??? That was AMAZING!!" Brody literally shouts down my ear.
"Are you trying to deafen me? Bare in mind that I haven't even seen the first few Star Wars films," I articulate.
"I still can't believe that, how can you not like Star Wars?," Brody asks me.
"How can you not like Twilight," I question back.
Ha. Two can play at this game.
We both continue our bickering, until we reach the car. I slide into the passenger seat, and does Brody in the drivers seat. He then proceeds to drive to McDonald's.
"Hey," Brody says as he stuffs another fry in his mouth.
"Yeah", I respond, glancing at him through my lashes.
"You see that girl over there?" he questions as he points to a girl sat on her own, at a table across the room. I look her up and down. She's quite pretty. Long brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin.
Naturally beautiful.
"Yea, I see her," I tell Brody, confused.
"I'm gonna get her number," he says, smugly.
Egotistical little twank.
"Oh yea?," I challenge him.
"Yea, follow me, and watch," he instructs me. He marches over to her table, and I follow closely behind.
Once we get to her table, he taps the tabletop, and she looks up.
Wow. She's even more beautiful up close.
"Yes," she asks, bewildered.
"Hey gorgeous, I'm Brody, and this is my sister, Natasha," he replies.
His sister. Seriously. We don't even look alike! He's hot, and I'm just........not.
"Okay, nice to know," she answers back, clearly not interested in Brody at all. I stifle a laugh as I watch the scene in front of me. She's so not interested.
"I was just wondering if I could get your number," he flirtatiously tells her. Before she can even respond, a masculine voice speaks up from behind her.
"Oh, do you now?" Brody turns around so fast, I'm surprised he doesn't get whiplash. Behind her, there is a tall, extremely well built boy, who looks to be the same age as us.
"And who may you be," Brody asks him confidently.
"He's my boyfriend," the girl answers for him. Brody's face drops, and all colour is drained from his face as fear suddenly takes over him.
Not so confident now, are we?
I struggle to contain my laughter at Brody's expression. He sends a glare in my direction, before turning back to face the man. He looks horrified as he manages to stutter out, "I.....I.......I'm sorry, I didn't know, my sister over here dared me to do it, and I never back down from a dare."
My Mouth drops open in shock, as I take in his now smug expression.
Oh no he didn't. He did not just go there. That traitor.
"I....well....erm," I struggle to form a reply, as the couple stare at me accusingly.
"Oh would you look at the time, I best be going home now," I lie, before running out of the restaurant and making my great escape.
Phew. That was close.
As I reach Brody's car, I turn around to find him casually strolling towards me. He smirks victoriously at me, and I glare at him. Furiously, I walk over to him, and grab the car keys from his hands. I then walk back over to his car, unlock it, and sit in the front. Not even five seconds later, Brody gets into the drivers seat.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," he tries to talk to me, but I ignore him and look away.
"Tasha, pleaseeeeeeee, I said I'm
sorry," he begs playfully.
No response. He continues with his attempts to talk to me, but I continue to ignore.
Oh Brody. You don't have a clue how good I am at the silent treatment.
"Nooooo! Stop! Brody, I'm serious! Stop," I shout fearfully.
I had given Brody the silent treatment for a long time. Seriously. Thirty seven minutes exactly. But then, he bribed me with Ben and Jerry's, and I let my passion for ice cream take over.
After that, we decided to go and chill in the park for a while, and Brody had decided that he would push me so high up on the swings, that I would get dizzy.
That brings us to my current situation. I think I'm going to fall off if he doesn't slow down.
"Brody!! Pleaseee, stop!" I plead.
"Why should I?," he asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. For a moment, I stop and think of a good reason.
" love me?," I say, but it comes out as more of a question. Brody chuckles deeply, before answering,
"I do, but that isn't a reason for me to stop."
Grr. That cheeky little bastard.
"Pleaseee, I'll do anything!," I beg him.
"Anything?" Brody questions vexatiously.
This doesn't sound good.
Ugh. I'm probably going to regret this. But I don't care. As long as I get off this death trap.
"Yes! Anything!," I tell him. And then the swing stops.
Phew. I survived.
"Okay," Brody says.
I stand there in anticipation. Waiting to see what he wants me to do. But he doesn't speak.
"Well?," I begin, "what do I have to do?"
Brody gives me a cheeky lopsided smile, before saying, "Oh, I'm not gonna use that now. I'm gonna save it for later."
The evil little banana.
"Fine," I tell him, annoyed. Brody is about to say something, until the ringing of his phone stops him.
"My mom," Brody says, before answering the phone. Once he's finished, he turns to me and speaks, "Fancy dining with me and my family this evening?"
Woah. Say what now?
"Excuse me," I ask him, utterly confused.
"My mom is cooking dinner today, since she doesn't have to work, so would you like to join us?," he inquires hopefully.
As much as I really don't want to, I don't want to say no to Brody. I mean, it's just dinner with his family. What could possibly go wrong? Right?
It doesn't take me long to make up my mind.
"Sure, I'd love to," I respond joyfully. His eyes light up in excitement.
"Okay, come on then, let's go," he tells me happily. He then grabs my hand, and leads me towards his car. I can't help the tingles that shoot up my spine. His hand feels so warm and soft, and my small hand fits in it perfectly.
Ooh la la. Tingles eh.
Ugh. Stupid brain. Would you just shut up!
I was just saying.
Well don't.
The sound of a door clicking open brings me away from my argument with my internal self. I look ahead to see Brody holding the car door open for me. I smile at him warmly, before sliding into the seat. Once Brody is sat in his seat, he buckles up his seatbelt. He then starts the car, and begins to drive to his house. This should be a good dinner. I think to myself.
But little did I know, this was going to be the most awkward dinner ever.
The link to Natasha's outfit:
Ari x
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