Chapter 28- Mystery.
"If you can't get somebody off your mind, maybe they're supposed to be there".
*~*~Natasha's P.O.V~*~*
The future is untold.
You can never know for sure what's going to happen in life. One day, you could be chilling on a beach somewhere is Santa Monico, and the next, facing the harsh weather conditions of the dangerous Mount Everest.
Well. That's what I have learnt.
Because all it took was one day to destroy mine and Brody's friendship. One day for me to lose my first real friend. The first guy I ever liked. Like, really liked.
One day.
I don't understand what had gotten into him. He apologized for being a dick, and then he was an even bigger dick afterwards. He kissed me, told me it was a mistake, and then he had the nerve to tell me I wasn't up to his standards.
Okay. So he didn't actually say it. But he heavily implied it.
I just can't believe him. It's like his relationship is changing him. Into a dick. A huge one. This wasn't the Brody I liked. This was someone else. The Brody I liked would never say anything like that to me. He would never intentionally hurt my feelings.
I don't really have much hope left for me and Brody. Before, there was a tiny glimmer. A ray. Something. But now there's nothing. He clearly likes Amelia very much and wants to be with her.
So who am I to stop him?
I'd just have to accept the reality and move on in life. Brody Dallas doesn't like me. Never has. Never will. This is my reality.
I have to embrace it.
It's the only way I'll make it out alright.
The only way.
"Natasha! Somebody's here to see you!" My mom shouts from the kitchen; causing me to trail away from my thoughts.
I stand up off of my bed and walk lazily towards my bedroom door.
"Who is it!" I question loudly; my voice tired and bored.
I hear some rustling and discreet whispering before my mom finally replies to my query.
"Its Leah!" She answers; a little hesitantly if I might say so myself.
It's Leah?
"It's Leah?" I repeat, unconvinced at her words; my eyebrows raised, even though she can't actually see me.
"Yes, it's Leah. Now hurry up and get down here", she sighs, getting very agitated. She never did like to repeat herself.
"Are you s-
"Yes! It's Leah! Now hurry up and get down here this instance, before I come up there and drag you downstairs myself!" She exasparatedly interrupts what I was about to say, cutting me off mid sentence.
Geez. Chill your beans.
I sigh.
"Fine" I answer tiredly as I walk lazily and unenergetically down the stairs.
As I reach the bottom of the staircase, I find my mom standing there; her hands on her hips.
"Finally." She says exasparatedly.
Looking away from my mom, I begin to find Leah.
If it even is her.
"Mom, I don't see Leah anywhere. Where is she?" I questions as I furrow my eyebrows in bewilderment.
My mom has a guilty expression on her face, mixed with amusement. Her eyes have a hint of mischievous in them, her lips curving up into a cheeky grin.
"I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself", she says as she shrugs her shoulders; placing a piece of paper in my hand and scurrying off towards the stairs, making her way over to her bedroom.
What the Jalapeños?
"Mom! Wait!" I shout as I run up the stairs, chasing after my mom. I reach her bedroom door, but it's too late. She rapidly sprints inside her room, and closes the door behind her powerfully; locking it behind her.
"Mom!" I whine childishly.
My mom laughs loudly, her voice a little muffled because of the door. "Read the note, Natasha." She says amusedly, and then I hear her retreating steps moving away from the door.
I look down at the crumpled note in my palm, confusion taking over me. Being extremely careful not to rip it, I open up the crumpled piece of paper, to find some words written onto it in fancy handwriting. I squint my eyes; attempting to read it.
There's the light from the ceiling. The light from the sun. But there's no light, that can shine as bright as you.
Find it.
What? Is that supposed to be some sort of riddle?
I shut my eyes tightly, concentrating intensely; trying to find an answer.
What light?
"Aha!" I shout victoriously as a lightbulb appears in my brain, showing me the answer to the riddle.
Turning on my heel, I jog over to my bedroom across the corridor; unlocking the door as I run inside. I hurriedly sprint over to my lampshade located on my bedside table; fiddling around with it as I reach it.
I look around to see if there is anything there. Lifting it up; I see another note sitting underneath.
That little cheeky weiner.
I speedily grab the piece of paper, and start to open it gently. Excitement bubbles up inside of me as the paper is nearly unfolded.
I always did like treasure hunts.
As I undo the last fold, some more neat handwriting comes into view.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Daffodils are yellow. And these are just gardening facts.
Locate them.
I tap my fingers against my chin; staring into space as I think of the answer.
Rushing out of my bedroom, I rapidly run down the staircase, and make my way over to the book cabinet in the living room.
Panting heavily, I skim through the books until I find the one I am looking for. Five minutes and a shitload of books later, I find the right one. My mom's book of gardening facts.
Quickly, I grab the book and pull it out of the book cabinet. I then proceed to position it in my hands; skimming through the pages quickly. I almost don't notice when another white piece of paper falls out of the book onto the floor.
Placing the book back in its place on the shelf; I rush over to the piece of paper; leaning down in order to pick it up.
As I pick it up, I go back to my standing position, the note resting in the palm of my hand. Excitedly, I unfold the piece of paper to reveal more pretty handwriting.
Life is like a big of chocolates. You can never really know for sure what you are going to get.
What's in yours?
I close my eyes as I concentrate, thinking long and hard for this one.
C'mon. C'mon brain.
Suddenly, as if I was just awoken from a deep slumber, the solution pops into my head. At least I think it's the solution.
Now truly intrigued and interested in what was actually going on, I hurriedly stride over to the kitchen, making my way over to the treats cabinet.
Yes. We have a treats cabinet. So what?
Opening the cabinet door, I stretch my arms as I reach up to the top shelf and pull out a box of Quality Street Chocolates. Opening the box, I can't say I'm surprised when another note lies on top of the heaps of colourful chocolates.
I put the box on the table and grab the note from the top. I quickly open the box of goodies, to find, once again, another riddle written in nice handwriting.
If stars can't shine without Darkness, then why are you still inside.
Join the stars.
I dont need to think long for this; maybe a few seconds. It doesn't take me long to figure it out; the answer literally leaping into my brain.
Leaving the note on the counter top, I speed walk towards the back door in the kitchen, and run to my backyard.
As I step outside, I am blinded by eternal darkness. I look up to the night sky; the stars lighting up the black blanket. Each one has it's own unique shine; some bright and some brighter. Nevertheless, all equally beautiful.
The stars entrance me, pulling me towards them. It's as if I'm being hypnotized and I can't stop myself. Due to this, I almost fail to notice when my backyard lights up, the bright light taking over me.
Turning away from the sky, I look around to spot every corner, every bush, every tree, even the trampoline decorated with cute little fairy lights. There are balloons shaped like lovehearts dotted around the entire grass floor, swaying around due to the intensity of the blowing wind.
As I turn to see who has done all of this, I spot a lit up sign hanging from the window of my room.
I squint my eyes in order to read what it says.
Confusion takes over me as I try to piece together the puzzle. And it has so many damn pieces.
What is going on?
Then, out of nowhere, a beautiful and heavenly voice diverts my attention.
I look around to find Brody, sat on a stool, strumming away at his guitar as he sings in his amazing voice.
Give me a second I,
I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom
Getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she's waiting for me
Just across the bar
My seat's been taken by some sunglasses
Asking about a scar and...
I smile brightly at his gesture, his voice luring me in.
I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're trying to forget
But between the drinks and suddle things
The holes in my apologies
You know, I'm trying hard to take it back
So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home
We are young;
So let's set the world on fire,
we can burn brighter,
Than the sun
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter,
Than the sun
Now I know that I'm not
All that you got
I guess that I
I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let's raise a cup
Cause I found someone to carry me home
My smile only gets wider and tears of happiness begin to roll down my cheeks.
He did all this for me.
We are young
So let's the set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight
The world is on my side
I have no reason to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
The angels never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me home
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun
So, if by the time
the bar closes,
and you feel like falling down,
I'll you home
As the song comes to an end, Brody puts his guitar down onto the floor beside him; getting up off the stool as he strolls towards me.
As he comes to a stop infront of me, he grabs hold of both of my hands; a sad smile gracing his features. He looks into my green orbs as he begins to speak.
"Natasha, I know I'm probably so delusional for thinking so, but I have to say this. I have to fix what I ruined. I'm sorry, Tasha. So, so sorry. Instead of apologising, I just had to go and hurt you even more. I'm so sorry. I kissed you, and then said it was a mistake. And I'm sorry Natasha, I shouldn't have kissed you if I didn't feel anything for you. I know I was in the wrong. And honestly, I don't know, it was in the heat of the moment. I forgot where I was and who I was with. And I ended up hurting you. And I know that you don't feel anything like that for me, and it's fine, because I love Amelia. And I hope that we can just forget about that kiss and move on. Because I don't want to lose the bestest friend I ever had. You stood by me everytime, and I want you to continue doing that. I'm sorry Natasha, and I know that sorry isn't enough for what I have done. But I just hope that you can find it in you to forgive me." He finishes, a tear slipping down his face.
I take a moment to absorb everything he said.
He doesn't like you Natasha.
He likes Amelia.
He's happy with Amelia.
If you really liked him, you'd be happy that he's happy.
That voice in my mind tries to encourage me.
It's true though.
If I like him, I should be happy for him.
I should celebrate for him.
I'd have to give up my happiness for his happiness.
That's exactly what I'm going to do.
My decison officially made, I lean forward and wrap my arms around Brody's neck, pulling him towards me.
He reacts immediately as his arms wrap around me waist, his head resting in my shoulder.
"It's ok", I begin to speak, "I'm not mad Brody. Really. I forgive you. And I also hope that we can move on from this. That kiss, it was just in the moment. It happens, it's nothing to be ashamed about. You're with Amelia, and I'm so happy for you. I'm sure that you guys will be a great couple, infact, I ship it." I tell him, surprised that my voice didn't crack till the end. I'm glad he didn't notice that.
I just can't stay mad at him when he's so damn cute.
Brody chuckles lightly at my words, his trip loosening on my waist. I pull away from him; looking into his eyes as he begins to talk.
"Thank you, Tasha. I promise I won't ever hurt you again." He tells me as he wipes away a few tears from his face, a genuine smile now on his features.
I don't stop my smile from widening further, if thats even possible, as I reply.
"I know."
We both smile as we stare into each others eyes.
"Finally!" My mom exclaims as she pops her head out of her bedroom window, causing Brody and I to look away from each other, towards her.
I chuckle wholeheartedly at my mother's childish antics.
"Mom. What are you doing?" I question amusedly.
"I'm celebrating. You guys fighting was so not cool. Nuh uh." She says in a kind of 'gangster' voice; clicking her fingers intront of her face sassily.
Ok then.
"Mom. You're so not cool." I say mischeviously.
My mom pouts playfully and puts a hand on her heart in mock hurt. "That one hurt. Right here", she replies as she starts to vigorously point at her chest. Jabbing herself. She pretends to wipe away a fake tear from her face, her pout still intact.
I laugh loudly at her- quite amazing (may I add)- acting skills. She should so be an actress, I think she could win an Oscar. Hopefully she won't have to wait two decades for it like Leo.
My mom joins in my laughter, amused at herself. Once we both calm down, she begins to speak.
"Ok. Funny time's over. You two had better get going. Wouldn't want it to get too late." She says enthusiastically.
I furrow my eyebrows and my forehead wrinkles up as bewlidermement takes over me. "What? Who's going where?" I question confusedly.
"We're going out to eat." Brody answers from as he comes into view from behind me.
"We are?" I ask.
"Yep. You are. Now", my mom replies from the window.
"So you better get going." She continues.
I turn back around to look at Brody as he starts to talk.
"Shall we." He asks as he holds out his hand; bowing in friendly manner.
I laugh as I place my hand in his palm."We shall." I say.
Brody and I both chuckle as he wraps his fingers around my hand; dragging me out towards the front entrance, where his car is parked.
"Have fun!" My mom shouts as she pops her head inside the window, now out of view.
"Don't worry Miss Pearson. We will. I'll make sure she does." Brody shouts, but I highly doubt my mom actually heard.
"Yeah, I don't think she heard that." I tease as Brody unlocks his car with his keys; opening the door to the passenger side as he gestures for me to take a seat.
"But you did. So remember that." He tells me as I take a seat in the passengers side; shutting the door behind me.
He then proceeds to walk over to the other side of the car; taking a seat in the driver's.
"Well. Then I expect good things." I say playfully as Brody puts the keys into the ignition and starts the car.
"You should." He tells me excitedly; adding a wink.
I nod at his words; chuckling quietly to myself as I look away from Brody; turning to face the front.
Brody places his foot on the pedal and starts to drive; backing out of the driveway of my house.
He drives onto the main road, directing the car to wherever he was taking me.
This should be fun.
"Ok. We're here." Brody says as he removes the blindfold from my eyes; revealing his chosen destination.
It takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light, which there shouldn't really be any of, considering it is dark outside.
As my eyes begin to see clearly, I finally take in the beauty of the location Brody chose.
It's the same place he took me to a few weeks ago, the one with the beautiful view of the city.
Only, this time, it's alot more beautiful. Really. I didn't think it was even possible for a place to be this breathtaking.
The whole area is decorated the same as my backyard was decorated. Infact, even better.
Fairy lights lie on the branches of every single tree, bush, even on some rocks. Roses were planted into the floor, where there used to be no nature at all.
And, near the edge of the cliff, at a safe distance, sits a picnic mat, decorated with candles. It has some food placed on top of it. Though, I'm not quite sure what it is, because I can't see from all the way over here.
"Wow. This is quite extraordinary." I say as I turn to face Brody, who has a smug smirk on his face.
"Well. What else do you expect when Brody Dalllas plans something? It obviously has to be fabulous." He tells me; his tone has a hint of cockiness in it. Scratch that. It has a whole lot of cockiness in it.
Show off.
"Haha. Very funny." I tell him sarcastically as I laugh humorously.
He plays along with my joke, watching his nails in a 'I'm amazing, I know, but I don't care' manner. The kind a mean girl would do when she's being eye raped by the entire football team.
"Yeah. Totes." I tell him with an added eye roll.
"Anyways", Brody claps his hands in excitement, "follow me." He tells me as he walks over to the picnic, gesturing for me to follow behind him. So I do exactly that. I trail behind Brody as he leads the way. Eventually we come to a stop at the picnic.
"Now, I will reveal my ultimate surprise." He says as he kneels down beside the basket, his hands on the top cover.
He looks at me expectantly. "Ready?" He questions, raising his brows.
I smile at him encouragingly, excited to see what he had gotten. "Ready as I'll ever be." I say.
"Ok. Close your eyes. And open them on three." He instructs.
I nod quickly, and close my eyes shut.
"Okay. One. Two. Three."
It's not even a millisecond after Brody says three that I open my eyes, to find something that I wasn't really expecting.
Like. Really really?
"You have got to be having me a giggle" I say incredulously, my eyes wide as I look at the meal infront of me.
He got McDonald's.
I turn to look at Brody who is now clutching his stomach as he doubles over in laughter.
"This was your epicly extraordinary surprise? McDonald's. Really?" I say as I begin to laugh along with him.
"Yeah. Why? Don't like it." Brody asks as he begins to calm down his laughing fit, a sad look in his eyes.
Now I just feel guilty.
"No! No, I love it." I tell him hurriedly, a huge smile on my face.
It's true. I did love it. You'd be stupid not to appreciate a Big Mac with fries and a coke.
"No. You don't." He says, upset.
"I do! Really! See! I'm smiling! I'm so happy!" I exclaim as I kneel down beside him, literally shoving my face in his as I try to show him my smile.
Creepy. I know.
He gives me a weird look, before it is once again replaced with sorrow. "That's not a real smile. You don't like it. It's fine. I guess all of my hard work and pla-
"I lOVE IT!" I cut Brody off mid sentence as I grab the Big Mac out of it's box, and shove it into my mouth.
Brody has a look of horror on his face. Ha. He's probably thinking, 'How can such a small girl eat such a Big burger'. In one bite and all.
"See. Yummy." I say in between chews; bits off food flying out of my mouth.
Brody wrinkles his face up in disgust, his horiffic expression never facing. "Ewwwww. You're so gross, Tasha." He says as he moves away from me.
"That, I am." I agree as I swallow down the last bit of burger, and take a sip from my coke.
"But you love me anyway." I say extra sweetly, smiling cutely.
Ha. You wish.
"That. I do. Trust me." He answers as he moves back towards me and sits down onto the picnic mat. Next to me.
He then grabs his Burger, and shoves it into his mouth, immitating my actions.
"Mmm." He moans in delight in between chews, bits of burger flying out of his mouth.
I raise an eyebrow at his actions, amusement evident on my features.
"Now who's gross." I tease playfully.
He swallows the last bit of food in his mouth before he turns to face me, his eyes dancing mischeviously. He puts his hand on his chin, and looks to the sky, as if deep in thought. He then clicks his fingers, and looks back at me.
"Still you." He points an accusing finger at me, laughing silently to himself.
I angrily glare at him in return, but it isn't long before I too begin to laugh along with him.
The night consists of laughing, eating, terrible joking, extraordinary views, and to sum it all up, fun.
It was the best outing I had in a while.
And it was all thanks to Brody.
And as much as I didnt want it to, it had to end.
Currently, hand in hand, Brody and I were walking back over to his car so we could go home.
As we near the car, we walk straight past it, out onto the empty streets.
"Brody. Where are we going?" I question confusedly, my brows furrowing.
"Home." Brody answers as we continue to walk.
"But, what about your car?" I ask.
"What about it. I'll just get it in the morning. The weather is so nice. I thought we'd walk." He answers, smiling to me as he looks at me.
I nod my head in acceptance, tightening my hold on his hand as we walk out onto the desolate street.
If only we could do this everday.
"So." Brody says, attempting to start conversation.
"So." I repeat, also not knowing what to say.
Brody sighs as he laughs. "So. What do you want to do after high school?" He questions, his eyes trained on the road infront of us.
I shrug. "I dunno. Haven't really thought about it." I answer honestly.
"You?" I ask, turning to look at him.
"He shrugs just like I did, "Dunno. Maybe engineering. I don't know, haven't thought about it either." He says.
I nod at his words, smiling at him.
There's something we have in common.
For a few minutes, there is a comfortable silence, Brody and I contently walking hand in hand.
That is, Untill the sound of a defeaning scream causes us to divert our attention. Brody and I both look at each other, panic on both of our features as another scream is let out.
"Help! Help me!" Shouts a female voice.
Brody and I both look around, trying to find the source of the screaming, panic still on our features.
"Please! Somebody! Anybody!" The female voice continues to scream loudly.
Brody begins to move in the direction of the voice, dragging me along with him as he clasps my hand tightly.
"Please. They're gonna kill me!" The voice continues.
Brody carries on moving towards the voice, until I tug at his hand; stopping both of us. Brody looks at me, a confused expression on his face.
"Brody, I'm scared. Take me home." I whimper as tears begin to stream down my face.
"Natasha, we have to help her." He insists; attempting to convince me to help the woman.
"No. Please. I want to go home. I'm scared." Tears are now rolling vigorously down my cheeks, showing absolutely no signs of stopping.
Brody's expression softens a little as he takes in my disheveled and frightened state.
"Natasha. She needs help." He whispers, a little calmer now; still trying to convince me.
My head begins to spin as tears continue to fall out of my eyes. I try to answer Brody but no words come out. I move my mouth but I can't speak. It's as if I'm frozen.
Suddenly, I feel very dizzy, my head spinning out of control into a vortex of darkness. My eyes begins to flutter close as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion takes over me. I can hear Brody speaking in the distance, in the light. But I dont hear him clearly as I continue to get dragged towards the darkness. Then, I feel myself falling into somebody's arms, as the darkness devours me whole.
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