Chapter 27- Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor.
*~*~Brody's P.O.V~*~*
I stroll through the desolate alley, my hands tucked into my jeans front pockets. My head is bowed down as I stare at my converse, a frown permanently etched onto my features. It has been for a few days. Since the incident with Natasha.
Every day since it had happened she had avoided me. At school. Out of school. She just wouldn't talk to me. Hell, she wouldn't even look at me properly. She wouldn't answer my calls or texts. It's as if I'm the plague and she'll get infected of she gets too close.
And it's kiling me.
But, technically speaking, it was really my fault. If i hadn't lied to her, and if I hadn't kissed her, and if I hadn't told her it was a mistake afterwards; then everything would have been fine. Just like before. But no. Being the dick I am I absolutely destroyed everything. And I have no one to blame but myself.
I don't know. I just don't know. I have no clue why I kissed her. Well, obviously because I like her. But, in that moment, I just had to. I don't know why, but I felt the need to feel her plump pink lips against mine. I wanted her to run her cute little hands through my hair as I gripped her waist tightly. It was as if she was luring me in, her eyes entrancing me. And I couldn't pull back. I tried, so, so hard to resist.
But I couldn't. I just couldn't.
And to top it all off, I said all those horrible things to her. I don't know what got into me. I guess I just had to come up with a good enough excuse for kissing her. But, because I'm so stupid, instead of making things better, I made them worse. I went there to apologize, but ended up giving myself another reason to say sorry. I hurt Natasha.
And I hate myself for it.
But I had to do it. In order to protect her. And that's what's keeping me sane. Knowing that I am doing all of this for her happiness.
Even if I'm hurting her in the process.
I want so desperately to be able to call her mine. To be able to kiss her whenever I wanted to. But that wasn't possible. Not with my Psychopathic ex after me.
Amelia. That bitch.
She was the reason I told Natasha it was a mistake. I remebered what she said, and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let Natasha get hurt because of me. I would never be able to forgive myself. So, I take it back. I blame Amelia too.
But, seriously speaking. Why did she kiss me back? She didn't like me like that. I was sure of it.
But then why did she kiss me? I really don't know. I can only assume. It was probably just a 'spur of the moment thing'.
Yes. That's what it was. It had to be.
That's how it has to remain.
Snapping me out of my thoughts, is the sound of a car horn being projected very loudly. Repeatedly. I look to my right to find the source of the ruckus, to find a suave black Mercedes parked on the side of the curb. The door opens and a feminine leg is thrown out of the car. With an extremely fake tan. She looks like she rolled out of a cheetos bag. And I'm not quite sure that she's actually wearing any shorts. Or a skirt. Or whatever could possibly be that short.
That is an extremely familiar looking car.
Please don't be her.
Please don't be her.
Please don't be her.
"Brody! Hey babe!" Screams an overly sweet, high pitched, girly voice.
Amelia strolls towards me quickly, adding an extra sway to her hips.
"How's my baby", she coos as she throws her arms around my neck, and crashes her red stained lips onto mine; kissing me fiercly.
I push her off of me almost immediately; scrunching my face up in disgust. Realistically, being a teenage dude, I should be enjoying this, but no.
She wasn't Natasha.
"Go away, Amelia. I'm not in the mood for your games." I tell her exasperatedly.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Now now Brody. That's no way to talk to your girlfriend", she shakes her head as she scolds me; putting emphasis on the word 'girlfriend'.
Girlfriend. I prefer the term, 'Ex girlfriend from hell'. Suits her better.
I smile at her a little too sweetly, the intensity of my fake smile was just unreal. "What are you doing here Amelia?" I ask boredly.
I can't deal with her right now.
"What? I can't come visit my baby?" She questions flirtatiously as she moves closer towards me, her eyes piercing into me.
She just won't give up.
"No. I mean how did you find me? Here." I question with my teeth gritted; my jaw clenching tightly.
"Oh, I just saw you as I was driving past", she replies apprehensively, suddenly alert.
"Oh. Really now. You just found me. Here. Driving past. Totally not intentionally. Coincidentally." I say, very unconvinced, my eyebrows raised higher than the Eiffel tower.
Okay, not that high. But you get the point.
"Yes." She manages to say, nervously.
"You sure about that" I push on, causing her to gulp anxiously.
Any minute now.
"Ok fine. So I followed you here. Big deal." She says cockily.
"That's what I thought." I tell her calmly. See. Isn't that hard to admit you're a psychopathic stalker.
"But, there's nothing wrong in that. I wanted to see my boyfriend." She seductively purrs as she trails a finger down my chest, digging her fingernails into my skin harshly; once again putting emphasis on the word 'boyfriend'.
More like possesion.
"This relationship isn't real Amelia. It's forced. Don't forget, I'm not doing this willingly. So stop acting like we're the perfect couple. I would hardly even call us a couple." I remind her, running my hands through my hair as I push her off of me.
She's so clingy.
"No. You love me. Get it." She tells me angrily through gritted teeth.
"No. I don't", I argue back.
So now she decides who I love?
"No. I don't. Stop being so delusional Amelia. You can force me to be your boyfriend. You can force me to kiss you back. You can force me to do anything. Whatever you like. But you won't ever, and I mean never, make me fall in love with you again. Get it. I made that mistake once and I refuse to make it again. Do whatever you want. I'll keep up this relationship for as long as I have to, because I don't want your filthy self anywhere near Natasha. I won't let you hurt her. I don't care if that means I have to stay trapped with you forever. Forever is worth Natasha." I spit at her harshly.
I watch as her eyes turn dark, a furious expression taking over her heavily made up features.
But I don't care what she thinks. I said what I had to say. And if she doesn't like it, then, tough shit.
I spin on my heels; walking away from her onto the main street, my head held high.
She can control me. She can't control my feelings.
I roll my eyes at the sound of Amelia's annoying voice. So much, I'm actually surprised that they don't roll back into my brain.
"Brody! Get into the car." She commands fiercely.
Not happening.
I ignore her as I continue to walk away from her boldly.
"Brody. Get in the car. NOW!" She shouts even louder, anger radiating off of her, I don't even need to look at her to see it. I can feel it.
I continue to ignore her; strolling towards the main street.
"Nine Rockthorn Avenue." She shouts. I could just hear the smugness in her voice.
Suddenly, I stop in my tracks and turn to look at her confusedly, my brows furrowed greatly.
"What?" I question loudly, walking slowly and unwillingly in her direction.
"Nine Rockthorn Avenue. Your precious little Natasha's home address. You want her safe, huh? Get in the car." She tells me as she crosses her arms over her chest, a sly smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.
I close my eyes, counting to ten under my breath; trying to calm the raging storm within me. I so desperately want to punch her right now. But I won't. I can't. For Two reasons.
A: She'll hurt Natasha.
B: I don't want to get arrested for animal abuse.
Opening my eyes, a lot more relaxed now, I walk over to Amelia's sleek black Mercedes, completely ignoring the victorious look on her face.
Yeah. She wins again.
As I reach the passengers side, I open the door, annoyed, and reluctantly take a seat inside. I slam the door shut extra hard afterwards, trying to get my point across.
I despise the bitch.
It's only a few seconds before Amelia approaches the car, also taking a seat in the driver's side. This is so ironic right now.
She's controlling the car, while I'm sat in the passengers seat. Just like she's controlling my life.
She sits down in the driver's seat; gripping the steering wheel tighlty as she puts the keys into the ignition.
Ok then. Don't put on your seatbelt. Watch out ladies, safe driver coming through.
She holds onto the keys; turning them quickly as she begins to rev the engine, but she suddenly stops mid-way.
She drops her hands from the steering wheel so they fall into her lap. She rests her head against the car seat; closing her eyes as she sighs exhaustedly.
There is silence for a few minutes, Amelia lost in her own world, and me just thinking about what she's actually doing. Until I decide to speak.
"Amelia, wha-
"I love you." She intervenes, cutting off my query.
That was a bit 'out of the blue'.
"What?" I question, bewildered, my forehead creasing.
"I love you." She repeats as she slowly opens her eyes and turns to face me.
I sigh antagonized as I run both of my hands through my hair. Not this again.
Love? She doesn't even know the meaning of the word.
"Amelia, you-
"No. Not today Brody. Not today. Today, it's my turn to speak, and you'll listen. Get it." She demands.
"Amelia, th-
"No. Listen to me." She tells me, annoyed, as she interrupts me.
I nod my head halfheartedly, indicating that I was willing to listen to whatever she had to say. Even if I really didn't want to.
She takes a few deep breaths, relaxing herself before she begins to speak. "Brody. I....I.....I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Ok. I know I messed up. And I know I hurt you. I hurt myself too. I mean, look at me. I'm a slut. Always looking for attention. And I know that you hate me. And I get it, really. I hate me too. But I can't accept it. I refuse to accept it. I refuse to accept that there I no longer an 'us'. I refuse to let you go. And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I want you. I need you, Brody. You're my oxygen. And I know that I'm hurting you, and I know that it's destroying you, but I won't stop. I've been selfless all my life. It's time I be selfish. It's time I get what I want. And what I want is you, Brody. Because I love you. So, fucking much." She finishes in a croaky voice, letting a lone tear slip down her face.
Is it bad that I don't believe a word she's saying?
I scoff loudly at her words, a humourless chuckle escaping my lips. "Love. You don't know the meaning of the word. If you did you wouldn't be doing this." I spit angrily.
She loves me? Bullshit.
She shakes her head vigorously, a few stray strands of her hair coming out of her messy bun.
"No. No. I do. I do love you. Love, it's a beautiful feeling. It's an amazing feeling. When you love someone, they're all you think about. All that's ever on your mind. You can't stop thinking about them, or their words, or those special times you had with them. You close your eyes, and you see them. You just want to feel their lips against yours every second of every minute of every day. All year round. You always want to be with them. When they leave, you're sad. And when they come back, you can't control your happiness. You feel like if they go, you won't be able to manage. They're your oxygen. The one thing keeping you going. And that's what I feel for you, Brody. I always think about you. About us. About what could have been if-
I space out from this moment on, blocking out Amelia. I close my eyes and search. Search for a face. I can hear Amelia talking in the background, but I don't pay any heed. Her words aren't truthful as it is. I continue to search, and it isn't long before I see it. A face. The face of an angel. Her face.
Natasha's face.
I remember all of our good times, and all of those times I couldn't get her off my mind. How I was sad wherever she left, and how I couldn't control my excitement whenever she walked out of her house towards my car every morning. How it felt so amazing to have her lips against mine, and how my lips felt cold and deprived when her lips were detatched from mine. How I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, or the thought of her getting hurt when Amelia threatened her.
And then it hit me.
Like a brick.
I'm that moment, while Amelia waffled on with her lies, I realized one thing.
Something that I should have realized a long time ago.
I, Brody Dallas, was in love with Natasha Pearson.
Truly, deeply, madly.
And there was no denying it now.
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