Chapter 26- You don't own me.
"If you love someone, let them go. If they truly love you, they will find a way back to you."
Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far the truest type of love."
~*~*Natasha's P.O.V*~*~
At 2:53 am, I hear knocking on my window.
My eyes flutter open slowly as the knocking continues. Fear takes over me as I come to terms with the realization of what is actually happening. I fearfully lift the duvet off of my body, carefully and apprehensively standing up. I hesitantly begin to walk towards my window, grabbing the lampshade, from my bedside table on the way there. I near the window at a leisurely pace, sweat trickling down my forehead.
What if it's a rapist?
It's a rapist.
I'm doomed.
There is a pin drop silence as I painstakingly lift the curtains away from my windows. My breathing rate exceeds as I look up to find the source of the knocking. My breath hitches in my throat as I spot a hooded figure sitting on the branch on the tree right next to my window. I step back in fear; getting my weapon ready to attack as the hooded figure moves closer and closer to the window. I start to breath heavily, my body numb with distress. They lift their hands up to pull the hood down from their head, uncovering their face. My eyes widen more than saucers as the figure steps into the light; revealing their face.
He holds onto the same branch as before as he begins to frantically knock on the window. I see his lips move as he speaks, but I have no clue as to what he is saying; the glass window blocking his voice.
For a few moments, I just stand near the window; looking incredibly lost, trying to understand what just happened. And then, it dawns on me. I snap out of it and realize the situation.
Oh shit. It's Brody.
As if all of the gears in my brain suddenly start working, I hurriedly move to the window; unlocking it to give Brody access to my room.
He grabs the edge of the window sill and pulls his body inside; landing on the floor with a thump. He groans loudly as his Butt makes immediate contact with the floor. Very hard.
Ouch. That's gotta hurt.
I begin to giggle quietly, but stop when I hear the sound of my Mom coming from outside my door. "Natasha, are you OK sweetie? What was that noise?" I can hear the evident worry in her voice.
I struggle to form any coherent words, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Brody chuckles beside me, clutching his stomach as he bursts into a fit of silent laughter. I send a glare in his direction, forgetting that I hadn't answered my Mom yet.
"Natasha! I'm coming in!" She shouts, and I can hear her jiggling the door handle in an attempt to enter my room.
"No!" I say as I run towards the door, and grab the door handle; stopping her from entering.
It's me and Brody, alone in a room. My bedroom to be specific. That doesn't look good, does it?
"Er....I....em.....", I stutter, gulping nervously.
What do I say? What do I say?
"You what?" My mom questions.
Come on. Come on. Think brain!
"I erm, I.....I tripped on my way to the toilet." I finally answer.
"You....tripped?" She asks, clearly unconvinced.
"Yes. I tripped over my.....bag. Yea. My bag." I say anxiously.
There is silence for a second before she replies. "Oh. Ok. Be more careful in the future." She says, and I hear her retreating steps from outside my door.
That was close.
"I will." I shout. I then turn around and come face to face with Brody. He has a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips, his eyes twinkling in amusement.
"You tripped. That's the best you could do?" He asks, finding this particular situation very entertaining.
Turd bucket.
"Excuse me. You're the one who snook into my room at two in the morning! I nearly shit myself! I thought you were a rapist!" I whisper scream in a hushed tone, all at once.
He looks at me with a sheepish expression; scratching the back of his neck nervously "Erm, yeah. Sorry about that." He whispers guiltily.
You better be sorry.
I look towards his face, a solemn expression graces his features. He sounds so sad, and I almost want to forgive him. Almost.
I sigh exasperatedly. "What do you want ,Brody?" I question in a tone a lot harsher than I had originally intended.
He looks up to make eye contact with me, his expression getting more and more pained by the minute.
"Natasha. Look. I'm really sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have lied to you, and-
"Brody. Just let it go." I run my hands through my long, brunette, bed hair, as I sigh even more exasperatedly.
"What?" Brody question, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"I get it. You have a girlfriend now, and you have to spend time with her. You won't have any time for me. And I totally get it, I don't mind being lonely. I was lonely before, and-
"Whoa. Hold the phone." Brody exclaims confusedly as he picks himself up off of the floor, trudging towards me quickly.
"What are you talking about?", he asks cluelessly as he comes to a stop in front of me.
"What's there not to get? You have a girlfriend, you don't need me anymore, I-
"Natasha. Stop", he says softly; cupping my face in his rough hands gently as he cuts me off. " Don't ever say that again. Understand. Hey, look at me" he whispers, his breath fanning my face as he lifts my chin to face him with his thumb and forefinger.
I look up to make contact with his gorgeous chocolate brown orbs. The rich brown color immediately entices me, effectively entrancing me. It's as if he has me under some sort of spell, that can't be broken. "I will always need you, No matter what. Doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend. I'll always need you", he says in a hushed tone, his hot breath blowing onto my face.
Mmm. He smells minty.
"You understand. You'll always come first." Brody's face inches closer to mine, our noses colliding as our lips barely touch. His top lip brushes against mine, teasing me as it doesn't move any further.
Do it already.
Slowly, yet quickly at the same time, Brody presses his lips against mine, as I inhale in his sweet scent. Our lips move in sync, flawlessly dancing together as his minty taste takes over my mouth. His hand moves to the back of my neck, and his other hand moves down to my waist; pulling me closer to him.
This is so wrong. But it feels so right.
Unconsciously, my hands move up his back; tangling themselves into his hair. Brody grips my waist tighter, pulling me even closer to him, if that's even possible. He bites my bottom lip, deepening the kiss, asking for entrance, which I gladly give. Just as I give him entrance, Brody suddenly pulls away from me, gasping for air as he pants heavily. I mimic his actions, desperately trying to catch my breath.
Brody lifts his face up to look at me, a look of self condemnation crossing his features. "I.....I.....I'm sorry." he says, burying his face in his hands.
I furrow my brows in bewilderment, "What?" I question.
"I'm sorry. That never happened. I shouldn't have done that. I.....I....It was a mistake." He says, his expression getting more and more guilty by the second.
It didn't mean anything to him.
Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them back.
I'm not weak.
"Erm.....Yea. It was...a mistake", I stutter out shakily, my voice beginning to crack.
"Yep. Mistake. Accident. Never should of happened." he says confidently.
He doesn't like me.
"Yeah", I whisper solemnly in a quiet voice.
"I mean, why would I want to kiss you anyway", he comments, a slight harshness hinting at his tone.
I frown sadly, "Why? What's wrong with me?", I question defensively.
I'm not that undateable, Am I?
"Oh no! I didn't mean it like that. I mean, Amelia's so much better than you, and-
"Excuse me?" I ask , annoyance laced in my tone.
How dare he kiss me so willingly, tell me it was a mistake and then actually have the nerve to say that kind of shit to me?
"Well, she is, and I like h-
"What!", I screech, anger bubbling up inside of me.
How is he saying all this so casually?
"Well, I mean-
"OUT!", I scream, but not too loud.
"Pardon me?", he says, disorientated.
"I SAID OUT! GET OUT!", I make my point more clear, getting more and more infuriated.
The nerve of this guy.
As if he just got thrown against a wall, and realized exactly what he was saying, Brody's eyes widen, and his mouth drops open as he begins to shake his head frantically.
"No! I didn't mean anything by it! I-
"Brody, please. Just go." I say quietly, my voice getting weaker and weaker by the second.
I just can't be bothered anymore.
"Natasha, please, I-
"Just go Brody.", I cut him off, too tired to argue any further.
I just want to be alone.
"Please", he begs, sulking heavily.
"Brody. Just leave. Go." I push him away from me.
Brody finally gives in as he understands that I'm no longer in the mood, and walks towards the door dejectingly, a sad emotion in his eyes.
He brought it on himself.
"Wait", I say, causing him to stop in his tracks.
He spins on his heel, looking at me with a hopeful expression. "Yeah?" he asks.
"Leave from the window, Can't let my Mom see", I deadpan, making that hopeful gleam disappear from his eyes, a sulking expression taking over his features.
I'm a bitch. I know.
"Oh. Erm. Sure." He tells me solemnly, moving towards the window to leave my room.
I keep my expression emotionless as Brody opens my window, and sets one foot outside. As he pulls his whole body outside, he turns around to look at me one last time, a sad smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"Goodnight. Bye Tasha." He tells me, sadness laced into his tone.
I don't reply as I turn away from him, my eyes beginning to water.
I hear the window click and I know then and there that he's gone. Wiping away some tears, I walk over to the window.
I look out as I see Brody's silhouette disappear into the darkness. I still feel his presence.
I really like this guy.
I swipe my face clean of tears; tiredly dragging myself over to my bed after I shut the window and close the curtain.
I cuddle up beneath the duvet, wrapping myself in it's warmth as I close my eyes. And, soon enough, exhaustion and fatigue get the best of me and it isn't long before I am asleep.
"Natasha! Sweetie wake up!"! I groan loudly into my pillow as I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I ignore her as I close my eyes and continue to sleep. Well. Attempt to.
"Natasha! It's nearly midday!" She shouts.
Sleep Natasha. Just sleep.
"I made pancakes!" She shouts, her voice teasing.
Oh my jalapeños.
Immediately, I shoot up from my spot on my bed, my mouth watering violently just from the name of my favourite breakfast.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yell as I hurriedly get out of bed, and begin to rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I had showered last night so there was no need to have one now.
Rapidly, I dry my face with a towel, and run out of the bathroom. I speedily sprint out of my room and down the stairs. I'll just change later, food is more important.
"I'm here! Bring out the grub!" I scream; quickly entering the kitchen, the mouth watering aroma of pancakes with Chocolate sauce taking over my nostrils.
I quickly take a seat on one of the stools at the counter top. I lean against my arms, which I rest on top of the counter; waiting impatiently for my food.
"Here you go." My mom strolls over towards me, a plate of delicious pancakes held in her hand.
Grubs up.
"Mmm", I moan in delight as I take a bite into the chocolatey goodness.
This is amazing.
"Someone's enjoying their breakfast", my mom comments; watching me scarf down the pancakes with an amusing glint in her eyes.
"Yep. Best. Food. Ever." I reply, earning a smack on the head for talking with my mouth full. My mom shakes her head at my childish antics, giggling lightly.
"Well. You mean like you enjoyed Brody's company last night?", she says mischeviously.
"Yep", I reply absentmindedly, the flavours of the pancake entrancing me.
I suddenly begin to choke strenuously on my food; my mom vigorously patting my back, attempting to calm me down.
"Here. Drink this", she says worriedly as I start to calm down; handing me a glass full of crystal clear water.
I gulp it all down in one go, the cool liquid flowing through my throat, taking my food with it. I then place the glass down on the table infront of me.
I turn to look at my mom; an incredulous expression on my face.
"How did you know?" I question guiltily. I felt bad for lying to her.
"I'm your Mom. I know everything", she begins, "Plus I saw him from my window", she adds, chuckling silently to herself.
Of course.
"I'm sorry", I apologise wholeheartedly.
"For what?" She questions, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"For lying to you." I answer, my voice guilt ridden.
"Oh sweetie. Its fine. I'm not even bothered." She tells me sincerely, a warm smile playing at her lips.
"Really?" I ask happily.
"Really really", she replies optimistically.
We both laugh at our childishness.
"Plus. I ship it. So I don't care what you two were doing in there. As long as you used protection." She adds cheekily in between her fit of giggles; adding a wink as she runs out of the kitchen.
My eyes widen and my mouth drops open as I take a minute to register what she just said.
"MOM!" I screech loudly; half hearteadly throwing my spoon at her as she exits the living room. But since my aim is terrible, it hits the door instead, effectively dinting it.
"You guys are adorable! Hashtag relationship goals!" She projects loudly from the top of the stairs, her loud voice ringing through the whole house.
I chuckle humorously at my Mothers ridiculous antics.
If only you knew Mom. If only you knew.
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