Chapter 13- Love's a bitch and freedom.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," I say as I grab Leah, and pull her into a bear hug.
"I'm gonna miss you too Nat," she says sadly. Leah was supposed to stay for another two days, but her dad got a call from his company, saying that they needed him at work. Therefore, they had to leave tonight.
"Ok, stop, seriously, I'm gonna cry," says Leah as she pulls away from my embrace. She smiles sadly at me, before making her way over to Brody, who is standing at the door, watching us. She whispers something in his ear, and Brody's eyes widen as he nods frantically.
Huh? What's that all about?
She then hugs Brody, and I feel an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
Yeah. It's called Jealousy. My inner voice says sarcastically.
What? No! Why would I be jealous?
Maybe because you like him....
What! No. I don't like him like that!
Yes, you do.
Would you just shut-
"Hello, earth to planet Natasha," Brody says as he vigorously waves his hands in front of my face.
"Huh, what," I ask confusedly.
"You okay, you kinda spaced out there," says Leah worriedly.
I smile at her as I form my reply, "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking about something." Leah doesn't look convinced as she asks, "Are you sure?"
I grab hold of her hands and smile brightly to reassure her. "I'm sure, stop worrying," I attemp to ease her worry. It works though, because the worried look immediately disappears from her face, and she visibly relaxes.
"Ok, if you say so. Remember what I said, if Cameron and Vanessa, and their gang of wannabe Bratz ever pick on you again, just ignore them. Be the bigger person, they'll eventually realise that it doesn't affect you, and they'll leave you alone. Ooh, and don't forget to call me, and-
Leah's rant is cut of by the sound of a car horn beeping. "Leah, it's time to go!" her dad shouts from the car.
I pull Leah into one last hug, "Bye Leah, don't miss me too much," I tell her, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
"I'll try," she replies as we pull away. She smiles warmly at both me and Brody, before making her way over to the car. She sits in the car, and sends me one last wave before she is gone from my sight.
Goodbye Leah.
"When you are little, your mom always tells you stories about the prince and the servant girl. About how one day, they accidentally bump into each other while doing their own things. Then the Prince notices the beauty and innocence of the servant girl, and he immediately takes a liking towards her. He tries everything, but she doesn't acknowledge him in fear that she won't fit into his world. But then, suddenly ,she realises that she doesn't care what anybody thinks, and decides that she won't refrain from loving him. And then they get married and live happily ever after. And due to these stories, you begin to believe that true love does exist, and that there's someone out there for you. But No. That's not how it works. Love is a backstabbing pain in the arse, a ruthless bitch, and it completely destroys you. Love doesn't exist, and if ever you do find love, it brings nothing but pain. Torture. It's better to know this beforehand, instead of learning it the hard way," Brody finishes. I high five him excitedly, and do a little happy dance.
"Brody, that's amazing, we are so gonna get an A!," I exclaim joyfully.
Brody and I had to write a speech on love for our English assignment, we had to give our opinions on it. Lucky for me, Brody and I both had the same opinion. We were so gonna ace this.
"That's the most work I've ever done," Brody explains proudly.
I bet it is.
I smile in triumph as does Brody.
"Hey Tasha," Brody begins.
"Yeah?" I answer, confused. "Erm...well.....I just wanted to.....well," he stammers nervously.
Why was he so anxious?
"Just say it Brody," I urge him to continue. He scratches the back of his head awkwardly, before saying, "Erm, well, do you, maybe want to go see a movie this Friday?," he finally manages to say.
That's it? That's why he was so nervous?
"Sure, I'd love to," I chirp happily.
"Really," he asks hopefully.
"Yes really. We've been out before, so why wouldn't I want to?" I assure him.
A huge smile graces his lips, before he happily announces, "Great, I'll pick you up at seven. Ok?"
I nod in confirmation, "Okay."
He then starts to get up as he says, "I've got to get going now, but I'll see you at school tomorrow, Kay."
I stand up to match his height, before speaking, "Kay, Drive safe."
He gives me a quick hug, before turning on his heel to leave. "I will," he says before closing the door, as he leaves the room. I watch from out of my window as he gets into his car, and drives away.
"The Midnight Murderer's game may just be coming to an end. The vicious Assasin who is well known for being Westbrook's most wanted criminal, could be meeting their end. The recent murder of Amelia Harding, did not go unnoticed. There was in fact, one witness, who reportedly saw the murderer break into Amelia Harding's home. They described the killer as, "quite tall, wore a black hoodie, and a black face mask". Due to this, they couldn't see the face of the killer, or identify the gender, but for the WBPD, this is enough. This could be the break we were waiting so eagerly for. Could it be? Will Westbrook finally be free of a serial killer? Will there finally be peace? We don't know. But we sincerely hope that this is the case. This is Melissa Hill reporting to you live from Fox Studios. Goodnight."
I turn off the TV, and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. I was really glad to hear this news. I mean, even though the killer hasn't exactly been caught yet, it doesn't matter really. At least they're getting closer. Maybe, Westbrook can get it's peace back.
"Whyyyy!!! Oh why!" I cry out to the TV as Spencer and Caleb begin to make out.
Yeah. I watch Pretty Little Liars. So what?
"Toby's the one, not Caleb!," I shout to the screen. I decide that I can't watch this monstrosity anymore, so I close the tab, and shut down my laptop. I am officially grossed out. I mean, who dates their best friend's ex? Thats just against the laws of friendship.
Ending my rant, I get up to go to the toilet, and brush my teeth. I showered earlier on, so that was already sorted. I get changed into my bunny pyjamas, and walk towards my bed. As I am about to lie down, my door begins to creak open. My mom wasn't home till later on, so it couldn't be her. I slowly take small steps towards my door. Terror takes over me as I fear the worst. This is it. I'm done. They're gonna kill me. I haven't even graduated. I haven't even lived yet. I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS!
The door is almost fully open, and I clasp my eyes shut. I stand there, awaiting the moment my head is thrown against the wall, and then my neck is snapped. Harsh, I know. But I only know what I've seen in movies.
I continue to wait, but nothing happens.
Where's the murderer?
I slowly begin to reopen my eyes, to find Brody standing there infront of me, giving me a weird look. "You Okay," he asks amusedly.
He just scared the living crap out of me, and he wants to know if I'm OKAY??
"Yea, sorry bout that," he says apologetically, and it makes it hard for me to stay mad at him.
I relax a little, "It's ok," I forgive him. "How did you get in anyway?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, your mom let me in," he shrugs.
Okay, maybe she came home a little earlier than expected.
"Oh, okay," I reply.
"Why are you here anyway, it's late."
He smiles awkwardly, and says, "Erm, well, I was hoping I could sleep over tonight?," he questions nervously.
I scrunch my face up in confusion. "Why?," I question.
"Erm, well, I had an argument with my parents, and I just can't see them right now. I already asked your mom, she said it was fine, but only if you said yes though," he answers.
Mom let him. Wow. She must really like him then.
"Erm sure, but you're sleeping on the couch," I tell him.
"Usually, the host offers the guest their bed," he says mockingly.
"You think I'm gonna give up my bed?," I laugh. "Yeah, no. That's not happening."
Brody pouts adorably, and huffs in mock annoyance as he says, "Fine. I'll sleep on the couch then. Where's the bathroom?" I point to the door towards the left of my room, "Over there."
Nodding to me, Brody says, "Okay. Thanks," before disappearing to the bathroom. I yawn as my eyes begin to get droopy. Tiredly, I go to my bed, and snuggle up in the duvet. The last thing I remember is something soft and feathery touch my forehead, and somebody saying, "Good Night Beautiful."
And then I'm out.
Woo! Who does everyone think the murderer is? I want to know your opinions.
Thanks for reading!!
Ari x
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