✯ 8 ✯
donghyuck had left the canteen a few minutes before the others.
he had forgotten to pick his maths copybook inside his locker this morning, and he knew that his teacher punished students who didn't have their stuff with them.
that's how donghyuck ended up alone, inside the school's corridors, to get a maths copybook.
he arrived in front of the lockers pretty quickly, but that's when he remembered an important detail: he was too short to reach the things inside his locker.
usually, it was jaemin who was picking his stuff for him, because the boy was way taller than him. but he wasn't there right now, and donghyck absolutely needed his copybook.
donghyuck sighed before pulling his key out of his pocket and opening the padlock with some difficulty.
once the padlock was opened, donghyuck pushed the locker open and tried to reach for the red copybook.
the boy was cursing at himself for looking so stupid in the middle of the corridor.
he was on his tippy toes, trying to reach for something that he knew he wouldn't be able to touch.
he tried for long minutes, trying to ignore his surroundings.
his arm was hurting because of being stretched up for so long, and he hadn't even managed to touch the corner of the copy book once!
donghyuck was about to give up on this shitty copybook when he felt a presence behind his back.
before he could do anything, an arm appeared next to his and grabbed the copybook he had been trying to reach for so long.
he thanked the gods above that he had tall friends like jisung or jaemin.
"here you are, beautiful."
donghyuck immediately tensed after hearing this voice.
this wasn't jaemin's voice. and it wasn't jisung's either.
and this boy had called him beautiful.
the boy slowly turned around, getting ready to face any stranger that had been kind enough to help him.
as soon as he lifted his head to thank the boy, he was hit in the face by his handsomeness.
the male was slightly taller than him, and his raven hair was sticking in every direction, giving him a mysterious look.
he had beautiful features, especially his high cheekbones that were enlightened by his bright smile – a smile that seemed to be disappearing with every second passing.
"h-huh... t-thanks...?" donghyuck answered nervously, his cheeks colouring a crimson colour despite his will.
"w-welcome." the handsome man stuttered – his eyes wide – before disappearing at the end of the corridor, confusing donghyuck.
the boy stayed glued in the middle of the corridor, the red copybook in his arm, and his eyes fixed on the end of the corridor, where this handsome man had disappeared from his sight.
"hyuck? what are you doing here?" jisung asked, seeing his friend alone in the middle of the corridor.
"i just saw a very handsome boy..." donghyuck told dreamily.
"jaemin told me to come and help you get your copybook because you're too short, but you managed to take it alone." jisung stated, noticing the red copybook that donghyuck was holding in his arms.
"yeah..." donghyuck nodded.
one thing was sure now, he'll never be cursing at his maths copybook ever again.
and he would never come here with jaemin or jisung again if it means that a handsome boy would pick it up for him.
"mark! where had you been?" jeno asked, seeing his best friend running towards him, his boyfriend, and chenle.
"we need to talk!" the canadian exclaimed, pulling jeno away from his boyfriend. "privately."
"without us?" chenle asked.
"boys talk." mark stated before dashing away holding jeno's hand firmly.
"and what are we...?" renjun huffed, knowing that they wouldn't hear him. "goldfishes?"
"jeno, something bad just happened to me!" mark exclaimed as soon as the two boys had entered the boy's bathrooms.
"why the bathrooms, mark?" jeno asked, looking around.
"it's important!" mark yelled.
"yeah, yeah. tell me." jeno rolled his eyes.
"okay, so. i was checking girls out in front of the lockers, because i wanted to start conversing with one." mark explained.
"i can already imagine that you didn't even manage to talk to any of them..."
"listen to me!" mark whined. "i saw one with a gorgeous body, like bouncy butt, thick thighs, honey curls..."
"great." jeno told. "did you man up?"
"i did. i helped them picking their copybook in their locker." mark continued. "but you'll never guess what happened after."
jeno sighed.
"her boyfriend hit you in the face?" he asked.
"she kissed you?"
"she asked you out?"
"look, we need to go to class, so- "
"it wasn't a fucking girl!"
jeno's eyes widened as he looked at mark in the eye.
"what did you just say?" he asked,
"it was a boy. a fucking boy, with a dick and everything." mark groaned, pulling on his hair.
"you found a boy hot." jeno stated.
"no! i thought that he had a beautiful body, but for a girl! not for a guy!" mark exclaimed.
"did he have the visuals, then?" jeno asked, resting his hands on his hips.
mark thought about the scene that had happened a few minutes ago.
he remembered how beautiful and feminine the curves were.
and then, he remembered the face of the boy.
his doe eyes, looking at mark as if he was his saviour.
his pinkish lips slightly parted.
his long eyelashes, moving as he blinked in confusion.
even his visuals could have been a girl's.
he was undeniably pretty.
but mark lee still had a bit of pride.
"no." he said.
"no?" jeno repeated. "you took awfully long to answer."
"he didn't have the visuals, jen. i'm not gay." mark repeated.
"okay then. you'll need to show him to me someday."
"hyuckie wanna see daddy..."
jisung and jaemin walked around the house, somehow ignoring donghyuck who had slipped into little space a few hours ago, and had been repeating this same sentence over and over again since then.
"hyuckie wanna see daddy..."
jaemin rolled his eyes before approaching the little that was starting to cry because of something that wasn't given to him.
"hyuckie, i already told you that you can't see daddy..." jaemin sighed, wiping the tears off donghyuck's eyes.
"why...? hyuckie wanna see daddy..."
"your daddy is dead hyuckie. you know it..." jaemin tried to stay the calmest possible.
both jisung and him were stressed at the moment.
they were leaving to go to the trip to the mountains the next morning, and so, tonight was the last day to prepare their stuff and prepare donghyuck's special stuff.
and the fact that donghyuck was currently crying in the middle of the living room for his father to come didn't help at all.
"hyuckie saw daddy!" donghyuck started yelling. "hyuckie wanna see daddy!"
jaemin rolled his eyes, walking away from donghyuck.
he had been trying to explain to donghyuck for more than an hour now that his father wasn't part of this earth anymore.
but the little didn't seem to understand.
"jisung..." the pink-haired sighed. "i can't with him anymore. give him his paci."
"yeah, i'm on it." jisung nodded.
"i don't get why is obsessed over his father now, when he knows that he died when he was 3."
jaemin got back to putting donghyuck's stuff into his bag.
he really hoped that everything would be alright during the trip to the mountains.
and he really hoped that no one would discover his secret.
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