Chapter 10: Suspicion
Lisa leaned weakly on the walls, reaching a hand out to straighten herself. The pounding in her head had only become worse after she decided to take a walk to clear her head.
It was a free period for her and while some classes were going on around her, Lisa decided to wander the deserted hallways in hopes for a break from the constant headaches. Her legs had mindlessly brought her to this exact spot where she now stood - outside of one of her classrooms.
Just one day ago, she had exited those doors, leaving her class and found her friends waiting for her. Lisa had met up with Jisoo last week, but her other friends had gone on trips abroad and it was the first time she had physically seen them all summer. They had greeted her with hugs and kisses and then whisked her away to their shared flat - they'd barely made it to school on time so the girls hadn't been able to run into each other at their new home.
Lisa lowered herself onto the floor, getting into a cross-legged position. The nausea had subsided but she feared any more movement would leave her unable to carry on. She rested her head on the wall and closed her eyes, controlling her breaths.
The professor dismissed them early today.
There was still minutes until the bell would ring but he had said something about 'important plans' and rushed out the hall, hardly keeping his papers together.
Jungkook was the first to leave the class. He took this class on his own, his friends having quit it out of disinterest. Stepping out the doors, Jungkook recalled the blonde girl he had seen yesterday that had gone out these exact doors. He hadn't seen her after that, having been stuck with his friends the previous night. The picture of her, embedded under his eyelids, bothered him, leaving him unable to solely focus on anything.
His friends had noticed.
If he didn't know any better, he would have called it worry. The looks they shared each time he zoned out could have been simply out of concern. But he knew them. He knew them well enough.
The first time, Jungkook's suspicion had only heightened when he caught his friends subtly shifting their screens out of his line of vision. He had gotten curious but had dismissed it, assuming nothing.
The second time, it was during their dinner last night. When he had announced that he would be leaving to the restroom, Taehyung had jumped out of his seat, saying the same. That had sparked some curiousity but Jungkook shrugged it off. Taehyung did not need the restroom. He waited outside; Jungkook caught him anxiously examining the crowd, hastily typing into his phone which he shoved into his pocket when he noticed Jungkook's presence, smiling innocently.
The third time was this morning. Six of them had classes during first period, all but Yoongi. Jungkook, whose class started the latest, was startled as he rushed out of the door, finding Yoongi all ready by the door, offering to accompany him to class. That had been the turning point.
Jungkook had confirmed his own suspicions. They were hiding something. He had only begun to contemplate what it could be-
And then there she was.
Quiet. Alone. And looking like she was asleep.
Jungkook quickened his steps. There was only so much time before his friends would arrive, ready to escort him back. He wanted to talk to her. Just this once.
She stirred awake, disturbed by the loudening noise of footsteps. The bell had rung.
Someone came to a stop before her sitting figure. Lisa looked up.
Her friend reached out and pulled Lisa up, dusting her pants off.
'What were you doing on the floor?'
Lisa shrugged. 'I felt like it. I was just walking around a bit.'
Chaeyoung laughed. 'I will never understand you, Lisa.' She ruffled her hair. 'Why here, of all places?'
It only dawned on Chaeyoung, what may have happened when she noticed a shadow behind Lisa. Only metres away, a boy stood quietly, watching them.
She had a lot to say to that boy. A lot to do to him.
But for now, for the safety of her friend, she could only yell at his friends.
Insufferable bastards. They had ONE job.
Lisa began to look confused. 'Chaeyoung?'
She smiled, smoothy stepping between Lisa and Jungkook, blocking his path and linked her arms with the blonde. 'Let's go, Jen and Ji are waiting.'
Lisa pulled Chaeyoung along, skipping down the hallway.
Jungkook only watched from afar, as his chance flew away. Again.
He was right.
That was her name. And his friends were keeping him away from her.
And it looks like they weren't the only ones.
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