Requested by MinariHan29
It wasn't like the members to fight. They'd had their fair share of arguments over the years, some worse than others, but they never got so bad to the point of no return. As they had grown and matured they'd learned to talk about their differences and misunderstandings in order to keep fights at a minimum. They knew they were a lot less productive if they were mad at eachother.
It'd been a long time since they'd gotten into a fight this bad. It's been an especially long time since Jungkook was the cause of it. A video came out of , supposedly Jungkook, stumbling around town one night after everyone had gone to bed. The video was taken by fans and he appeared to be extremely intoxicated. Jungkook fought tooth and nail trying to convince them it was not him in this video.
"I don't even drink like that! I'm not an idiot! Why the hell would I sneak out and do that?!" Jungkook screamed. All of his hyungs were standing in front of him while he sat on their living room couch. They had called a meeting to reprimand him.
"It's obviously you! How can you lie and say this isn't you?!?" Jimin screamed while holding up the video in front of him.
"Those are your clothes, that's your body frame, that's literally your face!" Jin yelled at him.
"And now our manager is pissed at ME for not keeping better track of you!" Namjoon yelled at him. He had a lot of weight on his shoulders as the leader of BTS. Usually when a member messed up their manager always pointed his finger at Namjoon telling him he needs to "Control this team."
"It's someone dressed like me! And the date and timestamp on it..I was sleeping! I'm telling you it's not me!" Jungkook's face was red and hot with tears. He didn't know who the video was of, but he knew it couldn't have possibly been him.
"You really expect us to believe that? You can't fake this kind of evidence or lie your way out of it! Just admit what you did!" Taehyung yelled. Hobi was standing there speechless. Wondering why none of them were aware of Jungkook apparently having some kind of drinking problem. He found it weird considering there really were no secrets in the house. So when the hell did Jungkook start drinking?
"I'm not faking anything! The video is fake! Maybe someone programmed some kind of edit! I don't know!" Jungkook screamed.
"This video is all over the internet now and now everyone thinks that one, you're out of control, and two, we apparently don't care about you because we just let you walk the streets drunk and alone at night!" Yoongi yelled. He was extremely stressed out by the things popping up online.
Jungkook angrily jumped to his feet, "It.Wasn't.Me." He spoke sternly.
Jimin gave him a small shove, "You know what maknae? If you're going to sit here and lie to our faces like you really don't care to tell us the truth, why don't you just disappear?! We don't want you in this fuckin band anyway!"
The members all looked between Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook stood there in shock for a moment and without saying anything turned and ran to his room in tears. Everyone threw their hands up in surrender. It was late and they were tired.
"We'll deal with him again tomorrow," Hobi spoke up. The members decided to go to bed. Unfortunately Jimin shared his room with Jungkook but when he made his way in the maknae was curled up under his blanket facing the wall crying. Jimin was too angry to give him a second glance.
The next morning, Jimin woke up to the sound of plates and cups clanking in the kitchen. He turned in his bed and where Jungkook's bed was supposed to be was a desk and chair set up.
What the hell?
He jumped to his feet and ran into the kitchen, "Where did Jungkook go?" Jimin asked everyone confused.
"What do you mean? I swear if he's out walking around drunk again I'm going to kill him!" Jin yelled.
"His bed is gone," Jimin told the members. They all looked equally as confused.
"What do you mean his bed is gone?" Taehyung asked as everyone made their way into the bedroom. They didn't understand why there was a desk and chair in the room. Upon further inspection, they realized that all of Jungkook's stuff was gone. Nothing he owned was anywhere in sight.
"This doesn't make sense. No way would he have packed up everything he owns, including his bed, and disappear in the middle of the night. Especially not without Jimin waking up," Yoongi said. Namjoon took out his phone to call Jungkook and was surprised to see his maknae's number wasn't in his contact list anymore. The members all checked their phones and their maknae wasn't in any of their contact lists. Thankfully they still remembered his phone number, but when Taehyung tried to call it they got some woman who claimed to have no idea who Jungkook was.
"What the hell is going on?!" Jimin cried. He was getting anxiety. Why is he missing?!
"Maybe it's a prank," Namjoon turned to Jimin, " You did tell him last night we didn't even want him in the band. Maybe this is just a prank?"
"There's no way he could pull something like this off.." Jimin pouted.
"Uh...guys?" Hobi started while scrolling through his phone, "Who the hell is XPC?"
The members all said they have no idea. Hobi turned his phone around and showed them a twitter account for a band called XPC, and Jungkook was in their group photo. Jungkook was in all of their group photos, even ones that were posted from years ago. Jungkook was the maknae of another group.
"This isn't real. This can't be real right? He's been with us for 10 years. Where the hell did all those photos come from?" Yoongi asked nervously. Upon checking their phones, any pictures they had of or with Jungkook ceased to exist. It was as if he truly was never part of BTS.
"We have to find him!" Namjoon screamed. The members were freaking out the rest of the morning trying to figure out how to find Jungkook and get him back. They had regretted the fight from the night before, and Jimin was crying over the comment he had made. If this was a prank, the members hated it. The reality of Jungkook not being the maknae of their band was something they very quickly realized they didn't want. They felt like they were nothing without him. After some online stalking, Jin found out that XPC had a photoshoot and live performance that night at a venue they were familiar with. Namjoon called their manager and asked if they could do a small photoshoot at the same time and place so that they had a reason to be there and wouldn't get stopped by security. He also mentioned Jungkook and their manager had no idea who that was.
That evening once they arrived at the venue, they walked in to see XPC taking their photos. And there was Jungkook. Looking exactly the same as he did yesterday. The members waited around behind the cameras and when the other group was done and Jungkook was off by himself Taehyung ran over and grabbed him, "What the hell is going on? What are you doing?!"
Jungkook backed out of his grip with terror in his eyes, "What?"
"Jungkookie what the hell is going on? What are you doing with this group? Why is your bed not in your room?" The rest of the members had also surrounded him.
Jungkook looked even more confused than the rest of them, "I don't..uh..do I know you?" He looked around at all of them to study their faces. They looked kind of familiar and he guessed he'd seen them on a magazine somewhere.
"What do you mean do you know us?! This isn't funny!" Yoongi yelled, "You're our maknae incase you forgot! Can this prank just be over now?"
Jungkook tried backing away, the members were freaking him out. He thought they were being crazy and they had to have been on drugs or something, "I'm not your maknae.." Jin grabbed Jungkook's arm to keep him from disappearing.
"Let go of me!" Jungkook screamed, "Or I'll yell for hyungs!"
"We are your hyungs!" Hobi cried.
"I don't even know you!" Jungkook yelled back.
Jimin started crying, "Jungkookie please. I'm sorry about what I said last night. I didn't mean it when I said we didn't want you in the band. Please just forgive us and come home. I was just angry but this prank or whatever this is, is really starting to scare us. Please just come home."
Just then, one of the older members of XPC came over and pulled Jungkook away, "What's going on? Are these guys bothering you?" the guy asked Jungkook.
"Give us our maknae back!" Namjoon yelled at the guy.
"Your maknae? Last I checked he belonged to us." The older member turned to Jungkook, "Do you even know these guys?" Jungkook frantically shook his head no as he kept backing away. All the BTS members were releasing tears of frustration. They just wanted Jungkook home, why was that becoming so hard?
"Maknae please..." Jin cried.
"He has work to do. I suggest you leave him alone before I have security escort you out of here. Freaks," The older member grabbed Jungkook's wrist and dragged him away back towards their photoshoot. Taehyung dropped to the floor in a fit of tears and Yoongi squatted down and rubbed his back.
"This is all our fault!" Hobi cried, "If we hadn't had fought with him last night this would have never happened!"
"We have to figure out how to get him back!" Jin cried. While on his phone, the video of Jungkook stumbling around drunk at night was still on twitter. He was confused.
"How does this video still even exist if nothing else does?!" Jin screamed angrily.
"Because Jungkook still exists," Namjoon mentioned. Yoongi stood up and took Jin's phone, "See who twitter is saying it is. Are they saying it's Jungkook from.. XPC?" Yoongi scrolled to find that although the video existed, no articles existed saying that it was Jungkook. However, a lot of articles said that the video greatly resembled Jungkook but that a fan had already confessed to editing a video of him from a backstage episode where they had to act out characters and she had formatted it to make it look like he was stumbling around at night.
"Oh my God," Hobi cried, "The video was never fuckin real was it?"
Anger and guilt shot through everyone's chests. Now not only were they missing their maknae, they were missing him for absolutely no reason. The video wasn't real. He had been telling them the truth the entire time and this is what they got. The members were caught off guard by Jimin dropping to the ground and wailing into his knees, "It's all my fault! I'm the one who basically told him to get lost! And now look! He IS lost!"
Taehyung hugged him, "It's not all your fault. We're all to blame. We all accused him.." The members felt in shock. They didn't know what to do to get their maknae back. They knew if they kept harassing him at the photoshoot they'd end up kicked out. They came up with a plan to stay for the other bands live performance and then try to talk to their maknae again afterwards.
At the performance show, the members could tell that Jungkook was trying his best to avoid them. They knew that if Jungkook really didn't know who they were then it was understandable as to why he'd think they were super weird. They watched XPC perform and they couldn't help but think it was the weirdest thing ever. The group did a great job and Jungkook was as great as he always was which didn't make them feel any better. It hurt seeing him enjoy being with other people.
Once the group was done, the BTS members snuck backstage. They needed to get Jungkook alone so they could try talking to him again. They found him coming out of a dressing room and Taehyung was the first to grab him and push him right back into it. All of the members went in and closed the door behind them. Jungkook stared at them frozen with fear.
"I know this looks weird but I promise we aren't here to hurt you or anything," Yoongi started, "We just want to talk to you."
Jungkook took a step back when he saw Jimin and Taehyung start crying. Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a tight hug and started crying about how badly he misses his maknae and wants him back. Jimin hugged him too and cried about how he never meant what he said and he was so so sorry.
"Please let me go.." Jungkook's voice was shaky. He was nervous.
"The video.." Namjoon said to Jungkook.
"What video?" Jungkook asked while being squeezed between his previous two maknae's.
"The one we accused of being you.." Jin replied.
"I'm lost?" Jungkook replied while trying to break free from the grip of the other two.
Hobi started frantically explaining what happened the past 24 hours and how they had fought with him, accused him of being in the video, how Jimin woke up and he was missing and was weirdly part of some other band.
"We're so sorry!" Yoongi cried. Yoongi walked over and gripped Jungkook's cheeks, turning his head to make eye contact with him, "We know it wasn't you in that video. We know you were telling the truth. And we're sorry."
Just then everything turned black for all of them. It was like they had all been knocked out at once. Within seconds, Jimin had woken back up in his bed. He immediately turned over in a panic and his heart burst when he saw his maknae fast asleep in his bed. Before he could even get up or say anything the rest of the members had already come running into the bedroom in a panic as well and they all froze when they saw Jungkook.
"He's back! He's back!!" Taehyung screamed. Jungkook woke up to the six of them pulling him out of bed and tightening their grips around him. He couldn't breathe because they had him so smothered.
"Oh my God you're back!" Jimin cried. Jungkook looked at them with concern, "What's going on? Back from where?" Then it hit him that maybe the members thought he had wandered off again, "I didn't go anywhere I swear I was in my bed the whole time! Hyungs I didn't go out at night!"
"Yeah yeah yeah we know. We believe you!" Namjoon cried while clutching Jungkook's head to his chest.
"Why are you all crying?" Jungkook's voice was muffled by Namjoon's chest. Namjoon grabbed his maknae's arms and pulled him to face him, "Never ever do that to us again!"
"What did I do now?!" Jungkook cried. He couldn't see how he could have possibly gotten into any more trouble after simply going to bed last night.
Jimin stole him from Namjoon and hugged him tightly, "No you didn't do anything. We know that now! We know it wasn't you in that video Jungkookie! We know you were telling the truth! We're so sorry!"
"What happened?" The maknae asked. It was obvious the members were upset about something else that had to have happened within the past 12 hours after he had gone to bed because they were acting crazy. Taehyung let out a loud sigh of relief after checking his phone and finding all evidence of Jungkook being his maknae.
Jin and Hobi tried explaining everything that happened to them while trying to keep from panicking all over again. The thought alone was enough to scare them. The members wouldn't let Jungkook go, they all had him wrapped in a tight hug that they never wanted to end.
"Hyungs?" Jungkook started with a smile,
"You guys have some weird dreams."
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