Chapter 13
She doesn't know the protocol for this. She doesn't know how to react in these kind of situations.
Call her a prude, but amidst studying to fulfill her parent's wish for her to become a doctor, she hadn't found time for partying or going to clubs or just having fun in general. The only thing she enjoyed, sketching and painting were done in secret too. When she was supposed to be studying, sketchbooks stuffed in-between thick textbooks and watercolors stuffed in the cracks between her desk and drawers.
So she she didn't exactly have first hand experience when it came to clubs.
Was she supposed to order? What was she supposed to order? Was she supposed to dance? How?
Questions and insecurities brewing in her mind, she clung tightly to Chaesuk's hand who seemed to fit right into the sweaty, wild and bright atmosphere of the club. His sharp face was enhanced by the brightly flashing lights and the general dim lighting that the club was blanketed in, making her anxiety rise.
But she kept her mouth shut.
Because she knew that Chaesuk wasn't going to listen to her. Also because she knew that she couldn't ask him to leave when he already looked so happy.
Wincing at Chaesuk;'s eager pace which was hard to keep up with her high heels she followed behind him like a lost puppy.
"Chaesuk!" A masculine voice yelled almost drowning between the booming music and almost immediately Cheasuk's hand wrenched itself from her's to raise his hand in greeting, leaving Sae in panic at the sudden loss of warmth and pseudo reassurance she had been accustomed to.
"Hey Kang hyung!" Chaesuk yelled out gleefully and Sae resisted the urge to hold to his shirt as he swept forward without a care in the world.
Sae pushed past the writhing bodies, trying to follow Chaesuk in his enthusiasm and ended up bumping into his back as he halted to a stop.
"Will you just look around before prancing around?" Chaesuk snarled lowly at her and she flinched at the sudden painful grip on her waist as he pulled her next to him.
"Its been a long time hyung," Chae greeted the other man with a side hug as Sae watched on with a wavering smile.
"It has." The man's seemed slimy and Sae looked away as his eyes roved over her form. "And who is this beautiful lady? Another one?"
Sae scrunched her eyebrows at the man's last question and looked at Chaesuk who seemed a bit frantic but covered it with a smile.
"Actually she's my girlfriend." Chaesuk said with a tight smile as the other man looked taken aback and did once over of Sae again.
"I see." The man grinned winking at Chae and invited them over to his table as Sae shifted uncomfortably at the unnecessary gesture.
"This is Kang lee Min, he used to be my sunbaenim before." Chae introduced the man
"So tell me about this beautiful lady," Kang started conversationally and Sae just smiled at him allowing Chae to speak for her as she didn't feel comfortable. The averagely short dress she had first worn because she felt pretty the way it fluttered just above her knees, felt too short. The lace neckline felt too constricting and revealing at the same time in the sweaty club.
"Why don't you speak?" Kang grinned leaning toward her and she immediately leaned back to create sopce between them making him laugh in response.
"You seem familiar..." Knag began again and this time Sae took over to just to get this introduction over with so she could go back to not socializing in peace.
"Sae Ra Ryu. Physiotherapist, Golden clinic." She said curtly and the man let out a surprised laugh.
"You hit the jackpot didn't you?" The man mumbled lowly to Chae, in a voice that evaded her ears.
"Honey, I'll get you a drink." Chae suddenly offered and the sudden warmth threw her into an internal panicked frenzy.
"W-why-" She started but Chae suddenly pecked her lips and winked at the other man and left toward the bartender leaving her alone with the man . She frowned at his actions as Kang seemed to shift toward her.
"So...Sae Ra," Kang breathed, inching closer and closer toward her until he was almost sitting right next to her.
"Excuse me but would you mind not getting into my personal space?" her voice came out soft and timid instead of the bold tone she had aimed for.
"But you like it..." Kang started again, this time with a hand on her thigh, "Don't you baby girl?"
Panic, swift and fast as spark of lighting struck her insides as she watched the man's hands slip up, up, up. With frantic eyes she searched for Chae but his familiar form was nowhere amongst the clustered people who were dancing and drinking their worries away.
"Stop." Her voice wobbled at the man's dark sinister smile which looked so in place with his clean cut features that it made bile rise up in her throat.
"Babe, just a night, c'mon" The man coaxed another trailing her jaw leaving her shivering in disgust. "Its not like you haven't slept with someone else before right?"
"Stop!" She yelled loudly, throat scratching at the shrillness in her own voice as she wrenched herself from the congested booth and ran for her life after slapping the man.
Pushing past the throng of temporary vagabonds, she found herself stumbling and flinching as elbows and shins grazed her unintentionally, cursing at the insistent amount of white stains that felt past her lash line and onto her rosy cheeks.
"Chae!" She yelled desperately, ignoring how her voice felt like inaudible frequency waves in the seemingly sonic booms of the music that blasted from all corners she continued to call for him. "Chae! Chaesuk!"
When she was at least sure she had rounded almost the entire length of the club including the washrooms and bar tables but with no availability of Chaesuk, she decided to step outside.
The teasing cold wind brushed past her ankles and knees, swirling around her limbs like a lover and making her shiver. Her tears had calmed down, the only telltale were the tear tracks and she prayed the moonless night would not throw spotlight to it despite the insistent city lights.
Heart cracking and lips trembling from fear of the other man finding her again, she walks towards the back exit of the bar as to call for Chae and wait for him so she could ask him to take them back home.
Stepping past the dumpster behind the back exit, phone already in her hand, chae's number on her fingertips when she is met with the sight of a couple kissing heatedly near the doors. Sae feels like an uncomfortable intruder and immediately glances away just catching a glimpse of them.
But in that glimpse, her eyes latch onto the familiar jacket and jeans the man was wearing, the familiar hands and hair that she woke upto every morning.
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