CH 7 New Day
Sorry for not updating sooner I've been working on my school grades.
Reread chapter 6 I added more to it, so reread it so that it makes more sense in other chapters!!!
Spring's POV
"Mmph, God damn, where is that coming from?" I say as I slowly get up out of bed.
"Bonnie!" I shouted down the hallway.
"Mmm, yeah bro..." I hear my brother groan in response.
"Do you know where all that noise is coming from?", I ask, not wanting to bug him for much longer.
"No, but I want it too stop as much as you do, like seriously who the fuck plays hard rock at 7:30 in the morning?!", Bonnie screeches through his pillow.
"One I don't know, two Language!", I state somewhat pissed because if the lack of sleep.
"I'm sorry, Whom, the fuck play rock ar 7:30 in the morning?!", Bonnie declared, angrily.
"You know that's not what I meant by language, but it's the morning, so I don't give two shits.", I said tiredly, legit I was up till 11:28 last night trying to figure out a recipe for apple pie, and it still escapes me. Ugh, curse my want to make my brother happy. "Hey Bon, what's your favorite dessert again?", I ask, hoping I wasn't up all night for nothing.
"Apple pie, why?", He asked curiously.
"Oh, no reason I was just making sure I hadn't forgotten, that's all.", I say trying to give a reasonable answer. Ugh, good job Spring, you just made it painfully obvious! I screamed in my head.
"Hey, Spring?",
"Wanna go see what the Fazbro's are doing?", Bonnie asked knowing what my answer would be. "Fine, only because I think they're interesting, capche." I said, and Bonnie visibly lighting up, he grab his phone, grabbed me and we were out the
door in a matter of seconds.
First thing I see is the two brothers chasing eachother, screaming something about ramen, while both have knives of sorts in their hands.
After the brothers had calmed down, we chated for a bit and properly exchanged number and information.
Afterward, the brothers said their good byes, and went inside to eat breakfast, while me and Bon were just standing there in our pajamas staring at were the brothers once stood.
"Man those two are crazy!", I exclaim, maybe those two are going to be a little bit more of a handful than I originally expected. "Yeah, but you have to admit, watching those two chase eachother up and down the streets is hilarious!" Bonnie says laughing at the memory. I laugh," I wish I had seen Golden's face when Freddy finally caught him!", I really do wish I had seen it. "Yeah, now that would have been funny!" Bonnie managed to wheeze out.
Man those to definitely did a number in the humor section. "But seriously, they were running and screaming for what, ten minutes straight, (not for long~ 0w0)
without any breaks, like seriously how in shape are they?!", Bonnie said bewildered, at the two brothers energy span. "Now that you mention it, they were running quite a bit, and even after they got up from The Tackle they didn't seem to be even the least bit out of breath.", I say eyes widening as I thought about how much energy the two had in amazement, 'Like seriously how much energy do those two have?!' I thought, shaking my head in pure bewilderment. "Well, they must not be organic beings, to have that kind of stamina!", I say still shaking my head a bit.
"I don't know, but I do know one thing, this neighborhood is about to be a lot more interesting.", Bonnie says smiling mischievously.
"Oh, by the way, while you were explaining to the other neighbors, I got both the brothers numbers and before you say anything, yes I gave them our numbers as well.", Bonnie explains, once I had heard that he had given them our numbers, I immediately told him he shouldn't have done that without my permission.
But he reassured me that it was alright, considering that they'll be going to our school, so we'll see them anyways.
I took a deep breath, exhaled and pinch the bridge of my nose, "Fuck you.",that was all I had to say to tell my brother that I'm now too tired to make breakfast.
"I see let's go head to McDonald's and get some breakfast, then we can talk about the whole situation." Bonnie said cool headedly, as we walked through out the streets of our neighborhood.
Le time skip brought to you by, ERroR tHE CrABbY GlITCh, "I'M, nOT A GlITCh, YoU AbOmINaTIOn!"
Once we had placed our order we took our seats, and began talking amongst ourselves. "So Bonnie, why did you think it was a good idea to give them our numbers?", I question my brother quietly.
"Well they are around our age for one and they go to the same school is us, plus they're our neighbors, so it would be convenient to have our numbers, just in case something happened to the house while we're not there." Bonnie says, listing out the benefits of two strangers having our numbers.
Just then someone calls the number for our order, I stand up and go to get it, "Two McGriddles, two orange juices, and hash browns correct?" The cashier asked me.
"Yes that is correct thank you." I say as politely as possible, I mean it took 10 minutes to get the order so can exactly blame me for being grumpy.
"Bonnie I got the food, you ordered a McGriddle correct?" "Yah, now gimmie!" Bonnie declared like a an excited child. "Okay, okay, hold your horses!", I say laughing at my brother's demeanor.
"Okay Bon, I think I see the point you were making with a whole numbers, but that still didn't give you any right to do that without my permission." I say seriously, after all it is my number.
"Okay I won't do it again but I have the Brothers numbers too, if it makes it any better." Bonnie says rubbing the back of his neck.
I sigh and reassure him that it is fine, just not to give people my number without permission again.
After that we head to the grocery store, and go home after picking up everything that we need.
Sorry. That was short guys and that it took me so long to update it but I had a lot of school work that needed to be done so I hope you enjoyed it
Paint signing off ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖
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