Freddy and Bonnies POV
''God, where could they be?? They're both five minutes late to class. If they don't hurry they'll get detention on the first day!'' Freddy whispered to Bonnie, who happened to sit next to him.
(Yeahhh- it just so happened that your boyfriend is sitting right fucking next to you- *insert LENNY FACE*)
Suddenly a loud bang rang out from the classroom door, as their brother ran in armed with the most deadly device known to man. . . . a airhorn blaring loudly at the class and at the teacher as they quickly ran to their seats.
"Oh God no! He's doing it again!" Freddy whispered to Bonnie as he stared at they're brothers in horror.
"Wha-, again? This has happened before?!" Bonnie questioned the brown bear in shock. He wasn't suprised that his brother had done it but, it was still startling none the less.
"Yeah, It was in the second quarter of his 3rd year." Fred said nonchalantly, as he looked over at his brother's nonsense; shaking his head.
"Wait, 3rd year; both of our brothers are in the same class when they are at least a year older." Bonnie started, confused at the situation; Freddy raised a hand before he could finish though.
"I don't know about yours but my brother was held back due to the amount of pranks he pulled in the previous years. So that's why he's in the same class." Freddy stared bored tiredly into the bunny's eyes as he explained why his brother was here.
". . . Oh." Was all Bonnie could muster, in that moment of confusion and shock.
"Soooo, does that mean he's a bad student?" He questioned to clear some of the confusion.
"Huh-. Oh, no. Not at all, he's actually a pretty good student; so good in fact that he skipped a year or two of elementary. He just got in so much trouble for the pranks that he got held back." Freddy told the bunny quietly as to not disturb the teacher who was trying to send their brothers to the office.
"Oh okay, sorry if I was being intrusive. I was just curious about everything thing." Bonnie whispered to the other.
"It's fine, I get it. I mean I would be too." After that you could tell the conversation was over, fore the bear had now had his eyes glued to the teacher.
At lunch
Bonnie began looking around for his friends, spotting his brother with his friends the phantom crew, well known in the school for reeking havoc and running amok, with pleasure and even would do petty revenges for a fair price. All in all, not bad people just a little to chaotic for his taste. The members were called Mang, Chi, Fox, and then his brother Spring. Though there was this elementary schooler that liked to join in on the chaos from time to time, and it appears Freddy's brother Goldie may join the troupe as well.
The only two people from Spring's crew that Bonnie got along with very well was Mangle, also known as Mang; very sweet person and also known for climbing just about anything, and jumping down to scare him and his friend Tc.
(Yes Tc is short for Toy chica)
At that Bonnie left the lunch room to look for his friend not knowing the trouble he was about to get roped into.
Hey guys Paint here, its been awhile since I last updated and I was lacking inspiration for the series I'm currently working on, but I hope this short chapter suffices for now, I will be getting back to this book asap its will just take me awhile to post updates. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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