i. New Beginnings
one new beginnings
𝘒𝘌𝘠: 𝘈𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘤𝘩 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩!
LUCY LUNETTE was part of the tiny percent of the population that actually liked to get up in the early hours of the morning. She'd always felt like a day was wasted if she didn't - and so made sure she was up bright and early everyday, whether she had lessons or not.
Today was no exception. The blonde sat up in her large bed, shaking off her silky blue sheets with a yawn and a stretch. Her roommate, Fleur, was still sound asleep across the room, even if the sun was shining through the sheer curtain covering the broad glass window on the right side of the room. Lucy smiled, rubbed her eyes and jumped up, rushing over to undraw the curtain. The gleam of light brightened.
Fleur squinted, and a muffled mumble sounded from her pillow, as the girl woke up.
"Morning, sunshine!" said Lucy cheerfully. Fleur groaned.
"Good morning," she murmured, trying her best to sound lively through her sleepy voice. "Why do you always have to get up so early?"
"Because! The day has started, meaning so have I,"
"Lucy Lunette, my little early bird," Fleur said sarcastically, sitting up. "Couldn't you have at least waited a short while before opening the curtains?"
Her blonde hair was tied back into a knot which would have been quite neat before she'd fallen asleep - in contrast to Lucy's long locks, which had been let down to sleep and were now quite messy.
"No! I'm excited,"
The two girls were definitely a lot more chirpy today than any other morning - because they couldn't contain their excitement for what was to come in the day ahead of them.
Fleur and Lucy, along with two other of their friends, had been chosen to be apart of the lucky lot at Beauxbatons able to go to the British wizarding school, Hogwarts, for the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
It was no surprise that Fleur had been chosen - she was in her seventh year and had extremely good grades and fantastic attitude - it was more of a struggle to think of a reason for her to not go.
Lucy was one of, if not, the youngest in her year, her birthday being at the very end of August. This made her wonder whether Madame Maxime might be reluctant to take her due to how young she was - but she was still seventeen, like the other seventh years. Plus, taking her to Hogwarts wouldn't be a waste, for she was extremely enthusiastic about the idea of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and ticked off all the boxes for the qualities of a desired champion. She was hardworking, ambitious and cunning. Why shouldn't she be able to go?
But Madame Maxime didn't think twice before giving Lucy the opportunity to go - she knew her student well, and the Tri-Wizard Tournament was right up her street.
Since they were visiting somewhere they'd never been before, Madame Maxime had insisted they looked their best. This resulted in those picked to go to Hogwarts having to wear some kind of 'travelling outfit' which was much more formal and pretty (in Lucy's opinion) than their everyday school uniform.
The formal attire was still the school's signature blue colour, and consisted of a fine silk above a knee length dress, topped with a light blue cape and ribbon fastening. The only party Lucy wasn't fond of was the slightly pointed blue hat made out of knit felt. She felt like an idiot wearing it, and it gave her serious hat hair.
They were to have their first meal before leaving to go to Britain, and so the two blondes linked arms and made their way down to the Dining Chamber. It was visibly obvious who was to be leaving Beauxbatons that day, for those who weren't were sitting in their everyday uniform with a normal day of lessons ahead of them. Lucy was so glad she was born at a time where she'd later have the opportunity of this particular school trip.
The Beauxbatons boys soon to be attending Hogwarts were wearing light blue button up classic collared shirts under light blue blazers, with a white trimming on the edges, dark blue neckties, light blue trousers and dark blue and grey shoes. Lucy was extremely annoyed at the fact they didn't have to wear the stupid pointy hats like the girls did.
The two girls found their friends sitting and eating breakfast, and sat down opposite them, all four of them exchanging glances of excitement.
"Hey," A girl with toffee blonde hair smiled. Misty was a sweet girl and a close friend of Lucy's, as the two had been assigned to sit together in their charms class in their third year. Misty had joined Lucy and Fleur's duo and brought her other friend Verity with her - that was how Lucy's group of four had formed.
Luckily, the two other girls had also managed to place a spot on the trip to Hogwarts.
Misty wasn't planning on entering the tournament, she was more passionate about cheering for whoever was chosen and getting to learn more about the foreign boarding school. She obviously hadn't told that little detail to the headmistress. Considering her high grades and excellent attitude to learning, Misty couldn't really have been denied an opportunity on the school trip. She was what any teacher would call an ideal student, keeping out of trouble, being polite to her teachers and peers, getting on with her work and always seeming to be in a positive mood.
Verity, on the other hand, was one of those students who somehow managed to get away with almost everything, as she had good grades - mainly because she'd copy off all her friends' hard work and not get caught - and the fact that the teachers all loved her. This was of an advantage to her, because it always made her get what she wanted, whether she deserved it or not.
Sometimes Lucy had wished Misty hadn't brought Verity into their group - she felt bad for thinking it, as she was supposed to be a close friend, but the two didn't always seem eye to eye, and Verity always wanted to make everything a competition, or for everyone to have the same opinion as her. She was very difficult at times, but because she was so charismatic and carried an extremely friendly exterior, everyone else loved her, so it was just easier to stick being friends with her.
Lucy knew she was being a bit snaky for being friends with Verity even though she didn't like her much - it was commonly labelled as being 'fake'. But she didn't want to be fake, or be a bitch - she just hated arguing with her friends and since everyone practically bowed at Verity's knees, she kept quiet, for if she fell out with Verity, she strongly believed she'd lose all her other friends, too. (Whether she was right about that theory or not, she'd never know, because she kept her secret dislike for Verity quiet.)
Lucy cared about Fleur and Misty too much and couldn't stand the idea of losing them, so she made the sacrifice to have to put up with Verity being in their circle of friends.
Although, the girl would make a few snarky comments towards her every now and then if she did something Lucy wasn't a fan of - she couldn't help it, okay? She couldn't do nothing if whatever it was deserved to be called out - it wouldn't sit right with her, otherwise.
"I'm so excited!" Lucy said with a squeal, picking up two pain au chocolats.
"You're so lucky you're English," Misty said. "You'll be able to understand all the Hogwarts students,"
"You'll have to be our personal translator," Fleur grinned.
"Yeah," Verity nodded. "You'll have to set me up with one of those English boys as well, while you're at it."
Lucy frowned a little, but kept the smile on her face. Meeting a boy was the last thing on her mind about going to Hogwarts. They were going there for a tournament - sure, making friends couldn't hurt. But what was the point in sparking a romance if you were going to go back to France at the end and probably have to break up? It seemed like a waste of time, in her opinion.
Still, if her friends wanted to, she'd happily help them. Plus, being a 'personal translator' as Fleur has jokingly called it sounded fun - Lucy'd get to know the ins and outs of everything, for sure. And she had to admit, she was a bit more nosey than she probably should be at times. Nobody's perfect, okay?
Lucy had only ever had one proper romantic relationship in her life, and that was in her fifth year with a boy in the year above, who'd thankfully left Beauxbatons, now. Long story short, he was nice at first but turned into quite a control freak and got funny with her if she chose to hang out with her friends over him, or spoke about or to any of the other boys. Near the end of their relationship, Verity had gotten quite comfortable around him and he used to talk to her quite a lot instead of Lucy, which was very hypocritical and obviously frustrated her - she cut him off not long after that. She wasn't dealing with any of that negativity, no sir.
The thing that frustrated her even more, though, was the fact that after she'd broken up with the boy, Verity cut him off, too, and backed her friend instead. Lucy knew she should be grateful, but she couldn't help but think 'pick a side' because Verity's massive swings between being a good and bad friend was giving her whiplash.
"You have to teach me some more English," Fleur said enthusiastically. Fleur'd always had a thing about learning the English language - that was probably why she and Lucy had become best friends.
Moving to France at the age of nine due to her mother's business meant Lucy would already be fluent in English, but have to learn French as well, while she was at it. It was difficult at first, but she eventually got the hang of it. She'd still sometimes forget the words for different things in French, and have to try and explain the thing to her friends so they could tell her - they didn't mind, they found it quite funny, most of the time.
But it wasn't as funny as Lucy trying to teach them (or mainly Fleur) English, though - that was really complicated.
After breakfast, the four girls retreated to Misty and Verity's room, chatting and making sure they had everything ready for Hogwarts. Time was going by way too slow and Lucy was waiting impatiently for the girls to be called to the humongous carriage outside, which would be taking them to the school.
Finally, the time came for them to leave, and they carried their trunks with straight backs and fine posture as they passed their headmistress, who scanned them as they entered, making sure they were all presentable for the arrival at Hogwarts.
"Lunette, straighten your skirt!" Maxime had told Lucy, who'd flashed her a wide smile as her palms flattened out the creases. "You all look very graceful in your travel attire," she added, nodding at the four girls as they filed themselves into the carriage. Madame Maxime was obviously a huge fan of the formal uniform - Lucy couldn't blame her, it was indeed much more pretty.
Everyone bustled around and the bubble of chatter was filled with tones of excitement as everyone spoke to their friends with bright expressions and smiles, keen for the huge carriage and the dozen Axbrans pulling it to take off. The students of Beauxbatons were eager to get to Hogwarts and see how much alike or different it was to their own school.
And then finally, they were in the air, watching their school fade in the distance as they ascended further and further into the sky, the wonderful Palace of Beauxbatons fading behind the clouds and thick October mist.
New beginnings were on the way.
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