Chapter Twenty Two // Out
I walked around my room, panicking. Today was the day Johnny said he would take me out, and I had exactly two hours to get ready. I had absolutely no idea what to do, besides shower, which I already did.
I was probably getting my hopes up, though. He probably wasn't taking me out on a date.
I continued to pace, when someone barged into my room.
It was Steve and Two Bit.
"Aw man, what the hell are you guys doing?" I asked, a bit annoyed. I didn't want to be distracted. The two of them just snickered.
"We could hear you pacing, and we wanted to see what's up!" exclaimed Two Bit. I felt my cheeks go bright read.
They could hear me stressing from downstairs?
"I'm not stressed!" I defended, not believing myself. They both burst out laughing.
"Hey, it's okay kid! What's getting you down?" questioned Steve. I swallowed.
"I have to meet someone, and I don't know what to wear or what to do to get ready," I stated. Two Bit started to clap his hands.
"Well, who's the date with? Is Ponyboy becoming a ladies man?" laughed Two Bit. I just blinked, staying silent.
I didn't say anything out of fear for my life.
Both the boys seemed to notice my silence, because they glanced at each other.
"Ponyboy, what's wrong?" asked Steve, sitting on the bed next to me. He grabbed my hand.
It's time, I thought to myself. I have to tell someone before I burst.
"Guys," I started, feeling their eyes on me. "I'm g- gay."
Both of the boys looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.
"Ponyboy! Oh my god! We thought that you were bisexual since seventh grade!" roared Two Bit, rolling on the floor in laughter. My eyes popped out of my head.
"You guys knew back then and you didn't tell me?" I yelled in disbelief, Steve smacked my back lightly.
"We wanted you to figure it out yourself, plus we didn't want you to have a mental breakdown or anything over it," stated Steve. I put my face in my hands.
"What made you know?" I asked. I didn't know how they knew I was gay before I even knew I was gay. I thought I did a good job at hiding it!
Steve and Two Bit shared a knowing look.
"Well, first of all, you'd always be staring at boys, and you never really had any crushes on girls that we could remember," stated Steve. I sighed.
"Plus," Two Bit added on, "there was this boy that we both knew you wanted."
My ears perked up when he said that. Who the hell were they talking about?
"Who do you think I'm interested in?" I asked, not sure who'd they say. I was beyond scared.
"Oh, c'mon Ponyboy! We know that you've been in love with Johnny for a long time!" exclaimed Steve. I heaved.
"Yeah! Y'all are just so gay for each other that it physically pains me because y'all won't just get together already!" shouted Two Bit. Steve nodded in agreement.
"So you guys are okay with me being gay?" I asked. Both of them nodded.
"Yeah, but we're the only ones who know. We never talked about it with the rest of the gang, and as far as we know, they think you're straight," said Steve. I sighed, knowing that eventually I'd have to come out to the rest of the gang, too.
I began to cry a bit.
"T- thanks you guys," I stuttered through my tears. They both put there arms around me. "I'm so happy that you both accept me."
"It ain't a problem, Ponyboy," started Two Bit. "By the way, who are you seeing tonight, anyways? You said that you were getting ready to meet someone."
I pulled away from both of them and sighed.
"Johnny said that he was going to come and pick me up at 5:30," I started. They both squealed like little girls. "It's probably not a date, though."
"Of course it's a date!" yelled Two Bit. Steve whooped.
"Yeah, man! It's a date, and we got to get you lookin' hot for Johnnycakes!" he exclaimed. I laughed at their enthusiasm.
"I don't even know what to wear," I said. They both grinned.
"Oh, don't worry. We'll get that covered," they both stated at the same time, before going to my dresser.
They began throwing every item of clothing I owned on the floor, looking for the perfect clothes.
I took a look at myself in the mirror, and I audibly gasped.
I was wearing a white dress shirt with a grey sweater on top, as well as a pair of dark blue jeans. My white converse were also on my feet, and my hair was greased back a bit.
"Do you like the clothes we picked out for you?" asked Steve. I nodded quickly.
"I look-" I started. I was almost instantly cut off.
"You look fantastic, and damn, Johnny sure is going to love your ass in those jeans!" exclaimed Two Bit. I felt my face go bright red.
"You guys are the best," I thanked, feeling a lot better about myself already.
The doorbell suddenly rang.
"Oh my god! It's him!" yelled Steve.
I felt my heart beat out of my chest.
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