Chapter Twenty Four // Find Me
Johnny and I quickly pulled away, scrambling to opposite sides of the bed. I covered my face in shame, unable to look up. My palms began to sweat.
"What the hell was that?" screamed the voice. He must have knocked something over, because I heard something hit the floor. My breathe hitched.
Slowly, I raised my head to see who had walked in on us.
Standing in the doorway was Dally, and he looked furious.
Dally's hair was sticking up in every direction, the blond tufts everywhere. His cold eyes were glaring at me, and his face was bright red, with sweat dripping down the side of his temples. His hands were also clenched in fists at his sides.
"Ain't one of you gonna answer me?" he shouted, clearly annoyed by our silence. I glanced at Johnny quickly.
Johnny looked absolutely petrified. His usually tanned skin looked as white as ever, and his eyes weren't sparkling like they were a few minutes ago. His lips were red, and with every breathe he took, his shoulders shook.
"It wasn't what it looks like-," started Johnny, before being completely cut off.
"What the fuck do you mean it wasn't what it looked like?" Dally began. I could see fire in his eyes. "'Cause to me, it looked like y'all were having a make out session, man!"
"It really wasn't anything Dal, I swear it wasn't!" I exclaimed suddenly, not wanting to hear him yell at Johnny.
Dallas gave me a wicked smile.
"Don't you start in on me, kid! You have no rights to be yellin' back at me, y'hear?" he breathed, before looking back at Johnny. "This is between me and your lover, not me and you!"
My mouth fell open, in shock and in fear. I decided not to say anything, not wanting to get clobbered on top of the head.
"I'm sorry, Dallas," whispered Johnny under his breathe. Dally just looked back at him.
"You know where to find me when you want to talk about this," he stated, not taking his eyes off him.
Suddenly, he swiftly turned around, slamming the door behind him. I could swear that I heard a part of the wall crumble inside due to his force.
I slowly turned my head, looking at Johnny's scared face.
"I'll be right back," he mumbled, getting up.
Johnny slowly walked out of the room, leaving me alone.
I felt tears run down my face.
Johnny's POV
I ran out of the Curtis house as fast as I could, desperate to find Dally. I already knew where he would be, and I didn't want to waste any time.
I sprinted down the road to Buck's house, where I knew he would be waiting for me.
Besides Ponyboy, Dallas Tucker Winston was my best friend, and I didn't want to loose our relationship.
When I got to the door, I shoved myself in, not caring that it wasn't my house. I had every right to be here, and I was desperate.
I ran up the stairs quickly, hearing Buck yell obscene things to me. I just ignored him, and carried on upwards.
I stopped outside of the door that I knew Dallas would be behind, trying to steady my breathing. I knew what I had to do.
I slowly pushed open the door, stepping in. I quickly took in my surroundings.
Dallas was lying on the bed, his arms and legs stretched out. His hair was covering his eyes, and he had no shirt on. He was oddly silent, and it send shivers down my spine.
"Dally?" I asked quietly, waiting for a response. He suddenly shot up.
"Johnny," he started, not looking at me. "I didn't hear you come in. Come, sit down next to me." He patted the bed.
I walked over to where he was, and cautiously sat down, facing Dallas. I heard him take a deep breathe.
There was an eerie silence before he began to speak. It filled up the whole room.
"Why on Earth did you pick Ponyboy Curtis to be your boyfriend?" he questioned, biting the inside of his cheek.
"I didn't ask him to be my boyfriend yet," I corrected, looking at a candle that was in front of my. The flame danced back and forth.
"Oh my, my! Excuse me, Mr Politcally Correct!" he exclaimed, before looking down again. "Fine, then tell me why you were going to pick Ponyboy."
I thought about his question for a second, before settling on an answer.
"He makes me feel special, like I'm different, like I'm important," I began, smiling to myself. "I think I love him, Dally."
I heard Dally take a breathe, his breathing uneasy.
He was going to disown me. I could feel it in my bones.
He was going to tell the whole gang, and I would get the tar beaten out of me.
He began to speak again.
"What about me?" he mumbled. I furrowed my brows.
"What about you?" I replied, confused. Dally suddenly looked up, looking into my eyes.
Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt Dally's hands on the sides of my face.
I suddenly felt his lips pressed against mine.
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