Cheering was the only thing heard once the three teenagers had returned. Katheryn had landed on top of Cedric as they lay on the floor in a heap. The music began and people ran up to the three remaining champions, lifting them off of the ground. However, Harry, Cedric and Katheryn all held horrified expressions on their faces from what had happened previously and the noise died down quickly.
"What happened?!" Dumbledore demanded, when Katheryn had pushed away from the people hugging her. Tears falling from her eyes.
"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry screamed. No-one noticed Katheryn as she fell to the floor unconscious. All the recent events had suddenly caught up with her and she had passed out. Cedric was the first to crouch beside her after hugging his father and witnessing her fall to the floor. No time to cushion her fall. Snape was the second to crouch down and he lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the nurse.
All while Katheryn was asleep, Harry Potter had figured out Professor Moody was actually Barty Crouch Jr. And that he was the reason Harry and Katheryn's names were put into the Goblet of Fire. Harry had also told Severus what Evangeline had told Katheryn on her behalf and Severus was very grateful to know that Evangeline had loved him back.
Katheryn had gotten many visits over the few hours she'd been unconscious. Rosie had stopped by with Ash, Snape and the golden trio had visited too. The final visitor had been Cedric and he was still there when she woke up, holding onto his hand.
"Hey..." Katheryn whispered, smiling at Cedric weakly.
"How are you?" Cedric asked concerned.
"Better now that I'm with you. How long have I been out?"
"A few hours. Everyone was worried bout you. I was worried about you."
"Oh well we can't have that now can we?" Kate mused, sitting up from the bed and closer to Cedric. They leaned towards each other, lips almost touching when the doors swung open unexpectedly. The pair flew apart and Professor Dumbledore walked in.
"Harry told me you had some news for me from the graveyard."
"Yes." Katheryn admitted. She hadn't really wanted to talk about it so soon, but it was for the best.
"Well what was it?"
"When we were in the graveyard...there was something Voldemort had said. He said that...I was his daughter. Did you know anything about this professor?" The girl confessed.
"I'm afraid not Katheryn, otherwise I would have told you to keep you safe. But, now that we know we can be prepared for anything in the future." Dumbledore replied.
"Yeah. Do you know where Severus is?"
"He's just outside. I'll send for him, now have some rest. You've been through alot. You too Cedric. If it weren't for Katheryn you would have died, so I was told by Mr Potter."
"Yes, Professor."
"Very well. Goodbye Miss Snape, Mister Diggory."
"He's right you know." Cedric spoke up once Albus had left. Kate turned to him with a confused expression. "About me being dead if it weren't for you. And...It got me thinking."
"Thinking what?"
"That I should tell you before it's too late. God know what will happen next year at this school."
"And what's that?"
"I love you Katheryn Evangeline Snape." Cedric admitted, leaning forwards for the second time. Katheryn did the same.
"I love you too Cedric. Ever since I met you, I have loved you. You were my Hufflepuff crush."
Their lips had finally met for the first time over a whole year and it was literally magical. They knew there were many years ahead of them full of love and magic between the both of them.
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