Chapter 3 ✔
Edited: 11/05/17
It had been two weeks since the incident at the quidditch world cup and it was now my birthday. Hagrid and Dumbledore had stopped by to congratulate me. I was also getting all of my school equipment for the next day when Hogwarts began for the students.
"Hello, Katheryn, dear. Happy 17th birthday!" Albus greeted as he walked through the door. He handed me a box wrapped in a cute white bow. I took it gratefully and thanked him in return.
"Hey, Kat. Haven' seen yer for a while." Hagrid said, passing me a large, poorly wrapped present, but I took took it with a big smile. It's the thought that counts.
"Hello, Professor, Hagrid. It has been a long time hasn't it? Severus is in the living room if you'd like to join him. I'll make us some tea." I beamed as I basically skipped into the kitchen. I absolutely loved my birthday.
Once the tea was done, I brought it in on a tray and placed it on the coffee table in the living room, beside my presents. Snape and Dumbledore were having a conversation about something, but stopped when I had walked in. All three of them smiled at me as I took a seat beside Hagrid. Albus was the first to speak.
"I hope you've had a good birthday so far, Katheryn. Why don't you open your presents? You'll find that most of the things you'll need we've already bought for you, so there's no need to worry."
I smiled and nodded as I reached for the first gift. Unwrapping the the green cover, it revealed two books.
Standard book of spells, grade 6.
Defensive magical theory.
After unwrapping a few more I had a noticeable pile of things:
A Pewter, crystal, telescope, brass scales, three sets of black robes, a pointed hat, one pair of protective gloves and a winter cloak.
There were three presents left to open. There was one with a white bow, a black one -obviously from Snape- and a large, messily wrapped one. I opened Hagrid's first, there were sounds coming from inside and I was curious. When the paper wrapping was gone, it allowed me to see the barn owl in a cage.
"I shall call her Barney." I declared with a wide grin as I peered at the adults in front of me. Hagrid started chuckling, as did Albus.
"A strange choice fer a female barn owl. Bit childish too." Hagrid laughed.
I just smiled: "Thank you, Hagrid. She's a great gift."
Severus' present was next. It was quite hard to get rid of the wrapping, so I used my wandless magic. What? It was a shortcut. After I successfully dismissed the paper, my eyes lay upon a notebook and quill and I looked at Snape questioningly.
"You can enchant the quill to write notes for you in lessons. It'll be useful when your exams start." He answered.
"Thank you, Severus. I shall use it as much as possible."
Finally, I got to the last gift. The one with the white bow, Dumbledore's of course. I slowly pulled on the bow and it came undone. Then, I lifted the lid to reveal a necklace and picked it up in my hand, discovering everything about it.
"It's a time turner, my dear. You can use it to be on time for your lessons. You'll need it to catch up with everyone else in your year." Albus explains.
"Yes, it will be quite helpful. Thanks, professor."
I was still looking at it when Hagrid spoke up.
"Right, c'mon. Off we go professor, it's gettin' late. Early day tomorrow." He said as he got up and went to the door.
After Hagrid and Dumbledore had left, Severus went to his office, going through papers. He hadn't really spoken to me since I came back from the world cup. I knew he knew I was there when the dark mark was placed in the sky by that man.
"Severus, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I didn't wait for his reply, I just went straight to my room and went to bed.
◙ ◙ ◙
About half an hour later there was a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it with my wandless magic, still laying in my bed and Severus walked in with a letter.
I sat up in my bed whilst he sat on the edge of it. He handed me the letter and I examined the writing on the front.
To my little Katheryn.
I opened it up and started to read the content.
Dear, my sweet little girl.
I bet you're wondering who wrote this letter you are reading right at this moment. And I shall answer it for you, I am your mother.
I hope that Snape has followed what I had asked of him. To give this letter to you the day you turn seventeen. I also hope that he showed you my other letter which was for him. If not, I shall give a basic description.
You have not been able to go to school for the past seventeen years because I begged him to keep you hidden. You have great power, more than you will ever know. And there was evil in this world that could've taken it from you.
But you're safe now. He can no longer hurt you, for your power has grown too much for him. I know you want answers, but I'm afraid that no-one can give them. I would give them to you, but by now I've been dead for years. Most likely a few hours after I gave you away.
You're safe now, but never let your guard down. There is a chance he could still come after you.
Love, your mother.
By the time I had finished reading, tears had fallen down my cheeks and onto the letter, leaving small damp spots. Snape had been watching me read and pulled me into a gentle hug as I cried.
After a few minutes, he reached for the letter and read it himself.
"Eva..." He whispered as he hugged me more tightly. I fell asleep after my tears had dried.
◙ ◙ ◙
The next day, I had gotten up bright and early. I wanted to see the students arrive up close. I'd only ever been able to watch from afar, but now it was different. I was a student too. Hagrid had come to get me and we were walking outside when he spotted some people he knew. We walked closer and I realised it was the golden trio.
"'ello Harry, Hermione, Ron. This is Kate, she's starting today. I want you to look after her until she's sorted into a house." He introduced, they waved at me and I waved back.
"Of course, Hagrid. We don't mind, we've actually met her before, at the world cup. She saved Harry's life." Hermione responded and Hagrid turned to me.
"You never told me that, Kat. It's good t' hear yer meetin' people."
Hagrid then left me with the three and Harry was the first to speak.
"I never got to thank you for basically saving my life." He said and I shook my head.
"You don't need to thank me, Harry. It's the least I could do after what you did for the whole school."
"Can we ask you something?" Harry asked as we all started to walk towards the balcony, where they'd meet up with the twins and Ginny.
"Of course." I replied. They all turned to each other in a silent conversation and Hermione nodded.
"Why were you with the Malfoy's that day at the cup?" She questioned, all three of them waiting for my answer.
"They owed my father a favour and I really wanted to go." I answered as if it was the easiest thing on Earth. Ron then butted in.
"Who's your father then? Some rich guy in the wizarding world?"
"Oh god no. And he's not actually my father, I'm adopted. Apparently my mother, Evangeline she was called, left me on his doorstep when I was a baby. You all know him, he's a professor here at Hogwarts." I explained.
"If he's a professor, why haven't you been going here? Surely it would be easy if he works here." Hermione insisted.
"I wasn't allowed to. Professor Dumbledore himself said it was too dangerous for me. Something about great evil and what not out to get me until I came of age. It also said so in the letters I was found with." I told them.
"Well that's rubbish! So where have you been living then?" Ron asked.
"Oh, I live in a cottage at the edge of the enchanted forest with Severus Snape." I answered, not realising what I had just let slip out my mouth. All three of them had stopped walking.
"Snape?!" They all asked at the same time and I laughed.
"Yes, Snape. Did I not tell you he was my parental guardian? I thought I did." I questioned, lifting an eyebrow.
"Wait, so professor Snape is your dad?! Your name is Kate Snape?! How have you been living, aren't you miserable? Imagine having Snape as a dad, no fun at all!" Ron ranted and I laughed at him.
"It's not all bad. And my full name is just Katheryn. I don't really have his last name, I mean I didn't actually have one in the first place. I found out my mother's name, but I have no clue who my real father is." I rambled.
"We're here." Harry announced as we came up to a gathering of students. All of them were waiting for the two other schools to arrive and so were we.
"There's the twins and Ginny." Hermione pointed and we made our way over.
"Who's this then?" One of the twins asked. I had no clue which one though.
"This is Katheryn Snape. She's starting today, don't know which grade though." Ron introduced, pointing to me.
"Sixth." I added.
"Snape has a daughter? Since when?" Ginny asked.
"First, I'm adopted and second, since sixteen years ago." I replied.
"Right, well come on you lot. The schools are about to arrive." The other twin announced and he pointed to a carriage in the sky, being pulled by Pegasus.
"Clear the runway!" I heard Hagrid shout. The carriage was coming in fast and Hagrid had to jump out of the way.The school that had arrived was Beauxbatons.
"Well, there's something you don't see everyday." The twin in red mused. He laughed with his brother.
A large ship, almost like a pirates started emerging from the water. It was Durmstrang, the school Viktor Krum went to. They dropped their flag down as they came up.
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