Chapter 13
Our surrounding were spinning over and over again until I grew dizzy. It was then I realised the cup was a Portkey, only it wasn't meant to be. When we landed, we were in a total different area that I didn't know. But that was to be expected as I never got out of the cottage before I started school. harry, Cedric and I were spread out on the floor and the cup had tumbled off into a different direction to us.
We stood up slowly when Cedric asked us: "Are you two okay?"
Cedric didn't reply, only got up and questioned: "Where are we?"
It was then I noticed what was surrounding us. Graves were everywhere and the fog was thick, hard to see through. Harry walked up to a large grave with a grim reaper statue as I wondered around a bit.
"I've been here before." Harry breathed. Just then I saw Cedric crouch down above the cup and state, "It's a Portkey. Harry, Katheryn, the cup is a Portkey."
"Well done Cedric, it's not like we didn't figure that out when we were transported to a whole new different location." I sassed at him. I couldn't help it. When I was stressed, I'd get extremely sarcastic. Cedric shut up for a bit, which only made Harry's words louder.
"I've been here before, in a dream."
From where I was, I could faintly see Harry stretch his arm out before shouting: "Cedric! Katheryn! We have to get back to the cup. Now!"
"What are you talking about?" Cedric asked the same time I said: "What is it, Harry?"
A large creaking noise could be heard and a figure came out of a tombs' door. As soon as I saw the man resembling a rat, Harry grasped his forehead in pain. I didn't notice it at first, but as Cedric held onto my arms, I realised that I was scratching at my golden eyes in agony. They felt like they were on fire, like they were burning me from the inside. As Harry collapsed to the floor, so did I and Cedric came to my aid once more.
"Katheryn! Harry! What is it?"
"Get back to the cup!" Harry cried, desperately trying to get us to leave. But I knew neither Cedric or I would budge. I glanced at the rat-man again. He was holding a creature, small but incredibly terrifying. Cedric pulled me backwards a bit, but I wouldn't move. The pain in my eyes were too much. Ced got up with his wan pointed out, ready for any danger.
"Who are you? What do you want?" He demanded, holding his wand firmly.
"Kill the spare!" The thing demanded in a raspy voice. My eyes grew wide and I quickly jumped into action.
"Avada Kedavra!" The green beam shot from his wand and directly towards Cedric.
"No! Cedric!" I pushed him down, the killing curse hitting the both of us as we fell to the floor. The thing in rat-man's arms leaned forwards a little when he saw me go down too and he glared at his carrier.
"You idiot, not her!"
From where I lay, Cedric was blinking and looking at me with a sad smile and he mouthed 'I'm sorry.' I don't know how, but I crawled over to him, even though I should've been dead. I was afraid Cedric was too, but I checked his pulse and found out he was just unconscious. I didn't want them to know that though, so I screamed: "Cedric, No! You killed him!"
"You're lucky she's not dead wormtail. It would have cost your life."
The rat-man, or as I now knew- wormtail- came at both Harry and I, so I quickly moved away from the unconscious Hufflepuff. There was no way I wanted to find out he was still alive, even if it cost my life. His wand pointed at the both of us and we flew backwards, getting locked into the grip of a statue.
"Do it! Now!" The tiny creature shouted. There was a cauldron that was bubbling and wormtail dropped the migit being into the boiling liquid. Rat-man levitated a large bone with his wand as he chanted: "Bone of the father...unwillingly given." he dropped it into the mixture and it caught flames before it submerged. He put his wand away in his breast pocket and took out a dagger. "Flesh of the servant...willingly sacrificed."
"Oh my God!" I screamed as he cut off his own hand and it fell into the cauldron. He turned around and drew his attention on me.
"The blood of the daughter and enemy...forcibly taken." Rat-man cut a line down both mine and Harry's wrists that had us wriggling to escape. He walked back over and flicked the mixture of blood into the thick concoction. "The Dark Lord shall rise...again."
The whole cauldron burst into flames midair and transformed into a creature that seemed to be evolving relatively quickly. It sunk back down, feet now touching the ground and facing away from us. Harry was still giving out sounds of pain, but they stopped once the transformation was done.
The figure gave out a laugh and walked up to rat-man. "My wand, Wormtail." He took the wand from rat-mans shaking hand and kept breathing in heavily. "Hold out your arm."
"Master. Thank you, master."
"The other arm, Wormtail." The bold man sneered. I couldn't see what was happening, but not long after that man did something, the dark mark appeared in the sky. I then came to the conclusion that the mysterious creature was non other than Voldemort himself. And then I got to thinking...Blood of the daughter? What was that supposed to mean?
I had no time to continue my thinking as multiple black smokes became people right in front of my eyes. Just like the night of the Quidditch world cup.
"Welcome, my friends." Voldemort greeted, turning around to face them all one at a time. "thirteen years it's been, and you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself...disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me. Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle!"
He pulled off their masks one by one and they sank to the floor. "Not even you...Lucius."
I gasped as Lucius Malfoy collapsed to his knees right in my view. I knew he was evil, but not that evil.
"My Lord, had I detected any sign, a whisper of your whereabouts--"
"There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers."
"I assure you, my Lord, I have never renounced the old ways." Lucius pulled off his hat and stared at the dark lord's face. "The face I have been obliged to present each day since you absence..." He then stood up to his full height and continued: "...that is my true mask."
"I returned." Wormtail piped up, raising his one hand. He cowered down as Voldemort glided over to him.
"Out of fear, not loyalty." He accused, rat-man was left gasping for what to say next. "Still, you have proved yourself these past few months, Wormtail." With a swipe of his wand, he grew Wormtail's hand back out of thin air. It wasn't like his old hand, in a way it was more...metallic.
"Thank you, master. Thank you."
Voldemort walked over to Cedric and I began to panic. Determined not to let him kill him, I used my wandless magic to keep Cedric's eyes open and slow his heartbeat down.
"Oh, such a handsome boy." The snake-like man tutted, his foot resting on Cedric's face.
"Don't touch him!" Harry and I screamed. Suddenly, Voldemort looked up in our direction, seeming to only just notice us.
"Katheryn. Harry. I'd almost forgotten you were here." He gasped somewhat happily. "Standing on the bones of my father and Katheryn's grandfather."
"Grandfather?" I asked, craning my neck to look at the name behind me.
Thomas Riddle.
"That's right, Katheryn. I am your father. Evangeline was such an innocent soul, so easily...manipulated. And Harry, I'd introduce you to him...but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. And the girl with no last name. Although, I've heard Severus has taken you under his wing Katheryn. I must thank him for that."
"He's a better father than you would be any day. You killed my mother didn't you!" I said with gritted teeth.
"Yes, that is true. Though I will admit that I did feel guilt at one point. But it was gone as soon as I looked into her cold dead eyes. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago, Harry? shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I? It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son...she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed."
Voldemort ran forward and placed one single finger on Harry's forehead. He screamed in pain and I shrank back as far as I could away from him. His pain was affecting me in ways I didn't want to admit.
"I can touch!" Voldemort began to give out satisfied groans before saying: "Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, eh, Harry?"
As soon as the dark lord turned away, the stone beam that was holding Harry and I dropped and we fell to the floor.
"Pick up your wand, Potter. I said, pick it up! Get up! Get up!"
Harry scrambled to his wand and I ran over to Cedric's limp body, now breathing steadily and with his eyes closed. I was still prepared to cast the same spell as before if anyone were to get too close. Luckily, no-one did, they just kept their eye on me as I cradled his body.
"You've been taught how to duel, I presume, yes?" Voldemort questioned, he still had his wand out as Harry stood up. "First, we bow to each other. Come on, now, Harry. The niceties must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, would he? I said, bow."
Harry was forced to bow by Voldemort's wand and e grunted in discomfort. "That's better. And now..."
He ran forward and Harry was pushed to the ground by an invisible force.
Harry twitched in pain and I would have gone to him, if Cedric's hand hadn't suddenly grabbed my own.
"Don't do." He whispered. I held his face in my hands and looked him in the eyes as I said back to him: "I won't, but you have to pretend to be dead." He nodded in reply and instantly closed his eyes, leaning his head into my hands. I had missed a bit of the duel when I was whispering to Cedric and now they were speaking about something completely different.
"Expelliar--" Harry began, but Voldemort deflected it with one blow.
"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. And then, I'm going to kill my daughter. I'm going to destroy you both." He promised, looking back over to me with an evil smile. Voldemort then crouched beside Harry as he said: "After tonight, no-one will ever question my powers. After tonight, if they speak of you...they'll speak only of how you...begged for death. And I, being a merciful Lord...obliged."
His hand struck forwards in a sudden movement, which lifted Harry off of the ground. "Get up!"
Harry made a run for it and hid behind some tombstones as the dark lord shouted: "Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you! I want to see the light leave your eyes! Just like they did with Katheryn's mother!"
I began to tear up and Cedric squeezed my hand discreetly with his eyes still closed. Unexpectedly, Harry came walking out in a strong stance. His face was hard and he was set on winning this duel either way.
"Have it your way." Harry sighed. "Expelliarmus"
"Avada Kedavra!"
Their wand met with flying sparks of green and red. It looked as though Harry began to lose, so I kissed Cedric on the head with a quiet 'sorry' and ran over to stand beside the boy who lived. Taking out my wand, I didn't even have to shout out a spell when the usual bright green light shot out from it and joined into to collision. With both hands on our wands, Harry and I seemed to be able to push back Voldemort's magic.
His minions were going to come in and help, but he stopped them. "Do nothing! They're mine to finish! They're mine!"
The collision of magic became more powerful and even more lights appeared around us. An old man, a middle aged woman and a couple appeared in front of us, out of Voldemort's wand.
"Harry, when the connection is broken, you must get to the Portkey. We can linger for a moment to give you some time...but only a moment. Do you understand?" The man from the couple demanded. I guessed it was Harry's father.
"My sweet little Katheryn..." The middle aged woman began to me. I looked at her and I saw myself in her eyes. She was my mother.
"Yes?" I asked, tears now streaming down my face. She was beautiful.
"Tell Severus I loved him back. And I didn't mean to hurt him by leaving."
"Let go." Lily Potter said to us. "Sweethearts, you're ready. Let go. Let go."
We snapped off the connection with the wands and the ghosts went flying towards Voldemort. We ran towards Cedric, who was now sat up and jumped to grab a hold of him as Harry shouted: "Accio!"
The cup came crashing towards us and we disappeared into thin air.
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