Chapter 12
The past few weeks after the second task had been a bit hectic. Cedric seemed to be avoiding me for some reason -though I could have just been paranoid- Rosie was busy studying, Ash was too busy watching Rosie study and Snape had been on the hunt for whoever kept stealing rare ingredients from his cupboard. I was terribly bored, but that seemed to pass the time fairly quickly. Before I knew it, the third task had arrived and a large crowd was gathering by a maze. The champions and I were getting pep talks. Cedric from his father -whom I had yet to meet- the other three with others I didn't know. I, however, was fortunate enough to get Severus.
"Whatever happens in there you'll be careful, won't you Katheryn."
"Yes, Severus." I replied. He sighed and then said to me: "Call me dad, just this once. You could get seriously hurt and you would've never said it if not now."
"I promise I'll be safe...Dad. Besides, I promised Rosie I wouldn't leave her alone and I plan on keeping it."
He seemed satisfied with my answer and pulled me into a rare hug. "Good. I'll see you later then."
The music began and I came to the middle after Cedric, Fleur and Viktor where everyone was crowding around. Harry was right behind me and he didn't look very confident, so Dumbledore spoke to him. Once he was done, Albus walked onto his podium and started his speech. It seemed like it was all he ever did. He called for silence and then began.
"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory..."
Cheers interrupted and Cedric's arm got pulled up by his father. I was moved over to an opening of the maze that had a green flag. Fog was seeping through the gap and it was quite intimidating.
"...and Mr. Potter are tied for first position...they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Miss Snape, Mr. Krum and then Miss Delacour."
Once again the cheers grew loud and Dumbledore had to raise his voice. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task...he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands."
Albus then got off his podium and walked closer to us. "Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!"
We hurried to get over to the professor and he placed his hands on Krum's and Fleur's shoulders. He began to whisper to us: "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way." He left us with that and directed to the audience once more.
"Champions, prepare yourselves!"
We walked back over to our designated places as the cheers grew louder again. I looked over to Snape and he nodded his head at me. It was the best I would get at that moment. He wasn't one for public affection, so I took what I got.
"On the count of three. One--"
The cannon shot off and the music began again to which Dumbledore sighed. He nodded to Harry and Cedric, so they took it as a go and walked into the maze. After they got a bit further away, The entrance they went in closed up and they could no longer go back the way they came.
◙ ◙ ◙
I was sent in not long after and the more I walked into the maze, the more on edge I began to feel. All I could hear was the rustling of the tall hedge walls and in the distance there was the sound of them shifting and moving. It was obvious that they were enchanted to change to make it more difficult on us to find the cup.
I could hear running footsteps and my body tensed. Turning the corner, I smacked right into Fleur. Her face was panicked, like every little noise scared her. She got straight back up and ran away. Not long after, I heard her scream and I sprinted in her direction with my wand in hand.
I spotted her body lying limp on the floor and I was about to run over to her, but then I saw a figure. It was Krum, but it wasn't Krum. His eyes were glazed over and I thought back to what Dumbledore said about losing ourselves in the maze. I quickly hid behind a corner before he saw me, but I knew he did. He didn't approach me though, he just ignored me and stared at Fleur on the ground. It was clear that he had been the one to do that to her and now she was being dragged under the hedge by vines, giving out weak whimpers.
He left soon after Fleur's body began disappeared and I followed him as stealthily as I could. I didn't want what happened to Fleur happen to me if I wasn't careful. He came out an opening and then suddenly pointed his wand in a direction. From where I was I couldn't see, so I walked out a little more with my wand pointed out in front and Harry came into my sights. I sighed in relief and lowered my wand. Viktor was long gone by the time I came up to him and I wondered why he didn't attack Harry or myself. I knew he saw me before when I hid, but for some reason he didn't attack.
"Katheryn! Are you yourself? Did you see Viktor's eyes?!" He asked me frantically.
"Yeah, I'm me Harry. And I did see his eyes, he's been possessed." I breathed out, trying to calm my abnormal heartbeat. "He attacked Fleur, her bodies being dragged under the maze as we speak."
"What? Then why didn't he attack me?!"
"I don't know Harry, he didn't attack me either. There must be a reason."
"We have to get her help." Harry urged. I nodded and then we ran to where Fleur was dissapearing. I lifted my wand up into the sky, ready to shout the spell.
"Periculum!" I shouted and a large read beam of light shot into the air. Fleur would now get the help she needed. Not long after, a strong breeze came crashing through the maze and it nearly knocked me off of my feet. Harry grabbed my hand and we began running away from where the wind originated. The area we were in began to close off and we had to run as fast as our legs could carry us to get away.
Luckily, we got to safety and straight down the path was the cup in all its glowing glory. But the way to it was began to close and just as we got to a cross road, shouting stopped us in our tracks. On our left was the possessed Viktor and on our right was Cedric, both had their wands pointed to one another.
"Get down!" Cedric shouted, just as Viktor sent a bolt at at him. We ducked down just enough to miss the spell and Cedric dodged it. "Get down!"
"Expelliarmus!" He exclaimed and it sent Viktor crashing to the floor unconscious. Bot Harry and I were on the floor when Cedric ran to Viktor and knocked his wand out of his hand with his foot. Cedric was about to cast a spell on him, but I ran up and forced his arm down. Harry got up too and joined in.
"No, don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!"
"Get off me!" He shouted to Harry and I as he pushed us off. He held such aggression in his voice that I coward away. Never once had Cedric shouted at me with that much anger. He'd never shouted at me at all actually.
"He's bewitched!" Harry continued, whilst I just stared at the boy I had a crush on. His tone had hurt me so much that there was pain in my heart and I fought back tears.
Cedric began to run away, not even glancing at me, and Harry soon followed after pulling me with him. I followed behind them as they fought to get in front to get to the cup first. It came into sight after a few corners.
"Yes." Harry breathed.
All of us once again started running to the cup, but this time roots were coming up from the floor trying to grab us. I had successfully deflected them off of me with my wandless magic, when Cedric went tumbling to the floor. I came to an abrupt stop to help him, which was a huge mistake. As soon as I stopped, roots tangled themselves around my legs and I collapsed next to Cedric. This caused him to look at me, and I to him with a sad smile. I could have gotten out anytime, but if he was out, I would get out to. It didn't matter if he wasn't talking to me for some reason. this was the only way to show him that I cared.
Harry was still running to the cup, but when he realised we weren't there anymore, he stopped and looked back. We were struggling not to be dragged away and it was very painful the way the roots were gripping us.
"Harry!" Cedric screamed in desperation and I joined in too. I had to concentrate to use my wandless magic and because this was so painful, I had no concentration. Also, I had dropped my wand when Cedric pushed ne away earlier and I had no time to pick it up.
We continued to scream his name and he finally made up his mind and came to our aid. he pointed his wand towards us and shouted: "Reducto!"
The roots became weaker and I took this opportunity to force them off. They went flying away from both Cedric and I. We scrambled to our feet and rushed over to Harry. Both Cedric and I were covered in cuts and bruises from the roots and blood was trailing down Cedric's cheek.
"Thanks." He said to Harry and I. Harry because he saved us, and me because I tried before and also got the roots off.
"No problem."
"You know, for a moment there, I thought you were gonna let it get us." I said to Harry out of breath from fighting the plants.
"For a moment, so did I." Harry replied honestly.
"Some game huh?"
"Some game." I said in unison with Harry.
We had no time to say anymore as the hedges behind us began to close up. The wind picked up again and we made a dash in the cup's direction.
"Go!" Cedric screamed, pushing Harry forward and grabbing my hand. It seemed everyone liked grabbing my hand in the maze. We stopped in front of the cup and began a little debate on who should get it.
"Go on, take it." Cedric demanded to Harry.
"You saved us Harry, take it!" I agreed.
"Together. One, two..."
"Three!" We all shouted and grabbed the cup at the same time.
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