Hey guys. I hope you all are doing well. Here is another chapter, four or five more to go including the epilogue.
This chapter is all about Amir and Haya mostly.
Also, please read Khalifa by @growingupinsane and it's sequel also, because I finished it in literally one day and it's been ages since I read such a story. It's beautiful, it's so so good. Adam and Noura have my heart ❤️ honestly it even inspired me to write a little more.
Loved it.
Also, I have decided to finish golden first and then focus on completing atsh. Sorry for my indecisive nature 😩
Anyway, here you go
@Haya : on going 🖌️
"Haya, what are you doing now?"
The Crown Prince was somewhere in Jordan, thankful that he hadn't bumped into Prince Hunain this time. There was a conference that his brother Waleed was supposed to attend initially but due to the attendance of the Saudi Crown Prince, Amir felt obligated to go as well.
He bonded well with his Saudi counterpart, despite his disagreements with the man on several occasions, he was appreciative of the way he was trying to empower women in his country. It gave Maraaish a chance to do the same as well. Not to mention, how supportive the man had been during his difficult marriage period. He was constantly telling Amir to remain steadfast in his decision to marry Haya, even when everyone was against the Prince marring a foreigner.
So now here he was, in Jordan. He had been so glad when he didn't see Hunain around. Either the Prince was on national duty some place else or he just wanted to avoid Amir. Honestly, Amir didn't really care.
It wasn't that Hunain was not a good man, because he was.
It was just the fact that Hunain had been intimate with his wife. And even though Haya had not kept contact with any other man she had been with intimately, Prince Hunain was an exception.
Sometimes, he would even find Haya, Hunain and Aaliyah on video calls. The Prince gossiped like an old wife but Haya liked to have him as a friend so even when Amir disliked it, he had to tolerate it. For Haya's sake.
He had just got some time away, so he decided to call his wife.
His pregnant wife, a blessing that he had been begging God for a very long time.
He couldn't still forget the day Haya revealed her pregnancy. It had been two months since that day, two months of him and Haya walking on eggshells because they didn't want anything bad to happen.
It was only when this third month started that both Haya and Amir felt more confident, more content infact.
"I'm painting." He heard his wife's response to his earlier question, Amir hummed on the line...pleased.
"Finally my wife has started to paint properly. What are you painting today?"
Haya had been on and off when it came to painting, and even during her pregnancy so far, she would doodle or swipe the brushes and then just throw it all away, claiming that she just wasn't feeling it.
But today, she sounded more confident.
"We're painting something out of my imagination, so far I've only painted the sky, some marble aesthetic, some gold. I don't know..it's quite messed up."
She replied, unsure but confident that she would definitely finish the painting this time.
"Okay. Did you eat yet?" Amir enquired, even though he knew that Haya was making sure she ate the correct food portions and the healthiest options available.
She pouted, then nodded even though her man could not see her.
"I had lunch and then I thought I'll paint a bit, but I felt hungry again so I had two brownies. I feel fat."
She complained, since she had just felt the tightness of her pants around her belly and even one of her nighties felt tighter.
"You don't look fat, don't worry." Amir answered, distracted as one of his assistants knocked and entered his room, placing a file on the table.
The Prince gestured him to leave the room as he spoke to his wife.
"Are you saying it's gonna be worrisome if I start looking fat? How mean!"
Haya exclaimed, Amir let out a soft groan.
"I thought feminist Haya was bad but pregnant feminist Haya is even worse."
He retorted, Haya gasped putting the brush on the table as she spoke next.
"Amir, if you were in front of me I would have thrown something in your direction by now."
"You wouldn't dare. I'm your husband." Amir responded.
"And I am your wife and the mother of your child and future heir. Don't provoke me." She threatened playfully, using the mother card.
"I wouldn't dare, your highness. I do apologise for my slip of tongue earlier." The Crown Prince said, his tone playful and a teasing smile on his lips.
Haya mumbled, a chuckle escaping her mouth.
"So it's been two months and I have not heard a curse word. Mashallah, wouldn't you call it a beautiful change?"
Upon hearing the words, Haya frowned as she didn't think Amir had noticed her not cursing anymore.
She had stopped rolling curse words out of her mouth since the day she found out she's pregnant.
"Why didn't you mention that you were keeping track?" Haya answered back with a question of her own.
"I didn't want to jinx it. Any particular reason?" Amir asked, even though he is as happy she had not used those ugly words.
They didn't belong to a woman's mouth, or even a man's. especially a royal.
"I don't want to use bad words while I have a blessing in my womb, it would be wrong." Haya stated honestly, continuing because she didn't want Amir thinking she had gone soft completely.
"I mean I'm gonna teach her everything myself once she grows of age but I don't want her coming out of me yelling the F word, morally wrong." She rambled, a little embarrassed because she was being decent for once?
Haya already knew what he was about to say.
"I'm serious, Amir. I can feel it's a her." Even though it had only been two months, both of them had surprisingly different preferences.
"I have been praying for a Prince of my own but you know I would just be happy as long as it's a healthy baby."
The Prince replied, Haya rolled her eyes.
"Your diplomacy wouldn't work here, Prince. You have a preference."
"Or maybe you're just a typical Royal chauvinist who believes you need a boy to boost that you have the new heir." She added, knowing it wasn't true but she wanted to hit a nerve anyway.
"Hmm, maybe I am. It took you long enough to realise that, Princess. Now what can you do about it? Can't even leave me considering you love my dimples too much." Amir teased, Haya let out a laugh.
"Bringing out the big guns I see,"
She picked up her brush again, as she heard Amir take a deep breath.
"But in all seriousness, I'm just-"
"I'm glad about this, Haya. I'm glad that you decided not to curse anymore. you realised it all on your own without anyone's interference."
He appreciated, she hummed again.
"Not to curse until the baby is born, yes."
"We will see about that." Amir affirmed, as both of them fell silent for a few seconds.
The Prince had just picked up the file and was skimming through it when he heard Haya's soft whisper of his name.
"Hmm?"he mumbled a little distracted as he was still reading from the file.
"I think I know what I'm painting but I don't think it exists."
Haya said with hesitance, Amir frowned and put the file away for a moment.
"What, Haya?"
"I think I'm painting a mosque."
"You are?"
Amir's smile couldn't have been wider.
@Haya : my husband sends me little notes every now and then, I wanted to share this one with all of you. Even if you are not a good muslim, just your utter faith that God exists within you can make miracles happen.
"Mom, I know that I haven't visited and I'm really sorry about that but I feel scared everytime I think of travelling by air, Is that normal?"
The Queen was a little taken back by Haya's vulnerable confession. She sounded insecure and scared, a little paranoid even.
"Why do you feel scared, Haya? Didn't the doctor tell you that it's safe for now?" Queen Beyza enquired,causing her daughter to only sigh and nod at her.
"She did," Haya mumbled, continuing so she could explain herself better.
It felt like ever since she became pregnant, she had started to feel this weird change within herself.
"But it's like, these days I feel so guilty for not even trying to be good towards God that I feel like he's gonna take away the thing I'm attached to with most, these days I feel so freaked out that something bad will happen to me or Amir or the baby. It's not normal, right?"
Haya enquired, explaining her feelings to her mother and questioning whether this was an issue.
"My daughter, instead of taking this in the wrong way and thinking that it's not normal..why don't you think that maybe this is God's plan for you? Maybe God is putting these thoughts within you so you do better? Religiously?"
Haya heard her mother answer. The Queen sounded logical, infact, she sounded more logical tyan ever when Haya thought of it.
"You think so? What do you think I should do? Should I do some charity? Or maybe open a food shelter here?"
She asked in a rush, thinking of all the things she could possibly do.
"Maybe I can open an islamic art centre? But there's so many in Maraaish already!" She exclaimed, hand on her head as she heard her voice echo this time.
She understood her mother had put the speaker on.
"Haya, you're on speaker. Your father's listening now too," Queen Beyza still informed, so Haya would refrain from saying something silly. Even though she could say whatever, whenever.
"Dad, what do you think I should do? Should I ask Ayesha to like distribute food and clothes among the poor?"
She asked her father for advice, but before the King could even reply, Haya was back to rambling more ideas.
"Maybe I can open another orphanage under Amir's name here or the baby's? I mean we already know what the name is gonna be!" She said, excited and frightened all at the same time.
The King smiled, looking at Queen Beyza as he spoke to his daughter.
"Haya, these are such big things with such small impact when it comes to you. You know what I think you should do?"
"I think you should pray."
"Can you stop?" Haya smacked Amir's hand away but it was back to the her chin in a few seconds.
"What did I even do?" Amir asked his wife, pulling at her cheeks and chin again. He found her adorable today.
She had her hair up in a bun, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were swollen, not because of lack of sleepy but because of sleeping too much, her face was more chubby now, since it was her fourth month of pregnancy. Overall, Amir found her way too cute today.
"You're pulling at my double chin, knowing how much I hate it." Haya grumbled, pouting at her man.
"It's cute," he mentioned, Haya only rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, safe for you to say. You have a sharp jawline."
"I'm serious here, Amir. It took me so many years to get rid of my family gifted double chin, including two jaw treatments. Now it's all back."
She had already done two small treatments, had gone on all water diets and what not, just so she didn't have to deal with the freaking double chin but here it was, in all its glory now.
"But baby, you look better like this. All warm and snuggly, soft skin. You're like a newborn to me." Amir told her, kissing her neck once, twice, thrice.
"Shut up," Haya mumbled, inhaling a deep breath because just great, now she was also horny.
"My love, you can't say such words to your husband. Not appropriate." Amir reprimanded, she groaned.
"And it's okay for him to be pulling at my double chin?" She cross questioned, Amir only sighed and let out a grin at her.
"It's not even a double chin, I like to squeeze your cheeks more. It's the equivalent to you being obsessed with my dimples."
He elaborated, his wife only shrugged and let him do it all over again.
"Okay, Amir. Whatever."
She felt him place a kiss over her cheek, as he distanced himself from her.
"I'll take a shower and have breakfast with you, then I'll leave for work." He informed her of today's plan, he hadn't really been home for any of the meals in the past three days.
Haya hadn't complained because she was at the Palace twice in the past three days and then some meetings with Nadia took a lot of her time.
"Should I feel honored? Crown Prince himself has offered to eat with his wife today? Ya Allah!"
Haya exclaimed out loud,as she taunted her man playfully.
"You know you're turning into a typical Maraaishi wife that taunts her husband even when he's doing something good?" Amir told her, she gasped out loud.
"Take it back!" She yelled, the Crown Prince only walked further away towards the shower.
"Amir! Come back here."
All Haya could hear was the hearty laugh of her man.
@Haya : يوسف, you are one of the most loving and kind souls that I've come across in my entire life. You have been a guiding light in my life and a brother that I've been proud of since a very long time. Your tireless efforts to serve the country everyday as it's future heir and your commitment to your family proves how wonderful you are. I am honored to call myself your sister, and so happy that my best friend is married to you. Thank you to God, to you and Aaliyah for making me an aunt for the first time. I can not wait to meet my beautiful nephew.
Aunty حياء ❤️
"You have to stop. Haya, that's enough."
Amir took the phone away from his wife, basically smacking it away as Haya was acting more crazy than usual today.
"I should be there, Amir. Can we ask the doctor again?" Haya enquired, trying to take the phone back.
The Prince raised his eyes at her, shaking his head as a no.
"Haya, you already called her ten times!" He exclaimed out loud, a little frustrated himself by now.
"You don't understand! It's my brother, it's Yusuf. He had a baby, Aaliyah had a baby and I'm not there." She pointed out, instantly thinking about the last conversation she had with her best friend and how much she was crying due to the pain.
Amir put a hand on her forehead, seeing the slight beads of sweat that had formed due to the worry.
"I can understand, I know you feel that and the first thing we do is visit them once you deliver, okay?" He tried to put her at ease, Haya sniffed.
"So for the next four and a half months, I can't travel anywhere? I can't see my family?" She asked him, Amir shook his head.
"Haya, they can come visit you. Right? And they will, you know this. Enough now." He tried.
Honestly, he had never dealt with any pregnant woman before. And Haya was harder to deal with when she wasn't pregnant, now..she was a whole new human being with enhanced old habits.
"No, Amir. You know how long it's been since I saw Shahid? And now Yusuf had a baby! Not to mention, I don't know what the hell is going on with Illyas! He has been so distant since he got married to your sister."
Haya accused, stressing on the your sister part of her words. Amir stared at her.
"My sister is the topic of conversation now? Do you really want to go there, Haya?"
They had completely avoided the topic of his sister because it would always end up in a fight. Haya hardly spoke a good word about her and no matter what Amir said or did, it never changed her opinion.
Now..she was also accusing Suhoor of changing Illyas.
As it the Prince was still not onto his old habits, jumping from one country to another and leaving his wife behind in Buredaan.
"I think it's about time. Don't you?"
"Okay, really..let's not go there." Amir dismissed, Haya stood up.
"No. Let us go there. I want to know what Suhoor did for my brother to be so distant with me. I am literally carrying his future niece and nephew and Illyas doesn't even bother to call."
She pointed out, Amir huffed.
"He calls me to make sure that you are doing okay." He excused, to which Haya nodded furiously.
"Exactly. When has he ever called you before?"
"Things are different now." Amir mumbled, she wiped a tear away.
"Yes, they are. And I don't like it." She whimpered, Amir put a hand on top of his head, staring at his wife with helplessness.
He couldn't even yell at her. He had hardly done it before, how could he do it now when she was carrying his heir?
Maybe he had spoiled her even further.
"Haya, I said that's enough! You're being dramatic to the core." He stated, seriousness laced in his tone.
"I don't care." Haya murmured, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I have a meeting. We will talk when I come back." The Crown Prince announced, the Princess formed a pout on her face.
"So you're leaving now too?" She enquired, and he saw her big big eyes, full of tears and vulnerability.
Amir couldn't help but cup her soft, swollen face.
"My baby," he whispered, placing a kiss on her pouty lips.
"I am not leaving, I have work. Please, Haya. Please." He whispered, his own patience at it's very end since he already had an exhausting day, he had another meeting and his wife was making him put way too much work.
"I don't even want to cry, I don't know why this is happening!"
She let go of his hold, moving away because she was crying more than ever, since the start of her pregnancy.
Amir saw the way how her face instantly got flushed, and how the tears did not stop.
He took two steps towards her.
"Hayati, come here." He pulled her into his arms, holding her tight.
Haya rested her head on his shoulder,still crying.
"Okay. Illyas might just be busy, you know? and I know your whole family is there and you are here but you are here because we are starting a new family that we prayed for, so it's not like you are here for something that's not worth it. Right?"
He explained, voice gentle and soft, like he would explain to a child.
"So we will just be patient for the next couple of months and you can go visit everyone, yeah?"
"And once Aaliyah is deemed fit to fly, we can request your brother to bring her and the little Prince here, to see his aunt." He suggested, kissing the top of her head now.
"Yes, I think they can come."
"Exactly. So just a little more patience, yeah? For now, you can be on the video calls all day. Hmm?"
"Good. Okay."
He tried to pull away from the hug but this time,his wife was the one who wasn't letting go.
"Can I go now?" He asked for permission.
"Yeah, just come back fast."
"I will run back to you, I promise." The Prince said, and Haya nodded still holding onto him..
"Can you leave me now?" He asked, looking at her.
"La." She mumbled a no in his language.
Amir let out a soft chuckle, staring at her.
"Haya, khalas. Let go."
He murmured, pulling away as his wife finally let go of him.
"I whine so much these days, I know."
Her tone was apologetic but she doesn't didn't apologise directly.
"Wouldn't have it another way. I love you." Amir said with a smile, showing her the dimples she constantly swooned over.
"I love you too."
Haya placed a kiss on his right dimple, wishing him a good day as he left the house.
@Haya : honored to inaugurate the first all women jewellery and watches exhibition in Maraaish. The jewels here are handcrafted by our lovely Maraaishi women ❤️
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to go out, people see things Haya and then they put the evil eye on you. That's why you are in pain."
"Put some more oil on her back, fast." The Queen snapped her fingers at the woman who had been massaging Haya, claiming that this was the best thing to do to tackle Haya's pain.
Ever since she had made a public appearance and a few photos had been published, she had been experiencing more pain than ever.
Amir never wanted Haya to go out, at all. At least not where the public could see her.
In their culture, a pregnant woman needed to stay home. No one had even known Princess Haya was pregnant. And while Haya had been wearing something extremely over sized, not a lot could make up for the sudden weight gain especially on her face.
The international Media had picked up on the photos and now her was plastered everywhere. She had even received some of the memes that people were making on her because of the sudden change.
Clearly, the harsh contour and the hairstyle had done nothing to conceal that she was pregnant.
From the very next day, Haya had started to experience a little pain. The doctors had already visited twice and while they were still 3 months to go for the delivery, everyone wanted to make sure that the baby and Haya were doing perfectly fine.
Since the Crown Prince had to meet his father to discuss a few matters, Haya had also accompanied Amir to the Palace. She had been spending the whole day with her mother in law, as King Abdullah told his son that he wanted to spend some more time with him.
While Haya was getting the massage done, she heard a knock on the door. The queen frowned, since she had strictly given the orders that no one could enter the chambers considering Haya's situation.
"Mother, it's me. Can I come in?" She heard Najma's voice.
It was definitely something important as Najma would never interrupt in this manner.
"No, Najma. Haya is here too. Is everything alright?" She said, sitting on the sofa and straightening herself.
"Father wants Suhoor to visit today. Waleed told me to inform you," Najma yelled from outside, causing Haya to sigh.
She stared at her mother in law, then softly murmured to her to call Najma back.
"She can come in." Haya's mother in law, the Queen only hummed at the maid in front of her, gesturing her to open the door.
"Come inside, Najma."
Najma entered the room, smiling at Haya as she directed her gaze towards the Queen.
"Father wants Suhoor to come. Haya, you and brother are staying here tonight, baba wants you to." She pointed out, as Haya slowly got up from her lying position.
The lady massaging her started working on her back, sighing as she heard the news.
Honestly, she was way too relaxed to care right now. They were staying at the Palace? Great. No problem.
"Did Amir say anything?" Haya still asked, causing Najma to shake her head.
"No, no one said anything. Father ordered. I think Suhoor is already on her way."
She informed, Queen Azeezah slowly frowned.
"What's going on?" She didn't know why all of a sudden Suhoor was coming here. The King spoke to his yougest on a regular basis and she had already visited twice.
"Nothing, father just said he wants all his children and grandchildren in the Palace today." Queen Azeezah stood up with a surprised look on her face.
"I will go to him, give me a minute." She murmured to Haya but Najma stopped her mother.
"You can't go right now. He kicked us all out and said he only wants to speak to his sons for now. Akbar, Waleed, Adil..everyone is there."
"He's been there since you came here, it's been ages. God knows what more there is to talk about." Najma informed, continuing as she looked at the Queen.
"It's weird, right? Why would father do this today?"
Queen Azeezah took a deep breath, swallowing over and over again.
"Everything will be fine. I think it's because everyone has been out of his sight for a while so he wants to see everyone together. Maybe he wants everyone's presence on the dinner table tonight." She assured, even though her heart was not at peace.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. I hope so."
The Queen directed her gaze towards Haya, who looked a little worried herself.
"How's the pain?"
"Little better," She murmured, just to put the woman at ease.
After she had showered and changed into something more comfortable, she was walking around in the garden, two of the workers walking behind her as she tried to complete her daily steps.
When she spotted the Crown Prince coming towards her with urgent steps, Haya stopped.
She waited for the Prince to come towards her, as she stayed there. She could see the paleness etched on his face, she held in her own breath.
She knew that the King didn't feel well, that's why he was making sure his family was around.
But seeing Amir's expression, she knew the matter was more grave than that.
Haya swallowed, holding out her hand for him.
The Prince stared at the women trailing behind Haya, gesturing them to leave.
He waited for them to turn their backs on Haya, and then in a single moment, Amir was latching onto his wife like she was his only hope, his only salvation, his only happiness.
In that single moment, she was the breath that he had been holding onto for so long.
In that single moment, she was the rain that he had been patiently praying for.
In that one single moment, Amir needed Haya way more than Haya needed Amir.
Haya put her arms around Amir, taking him in, holding him close. The Crown Prince closed his eyes, putting his chin on her shoulder like a child would.
Haya let him stay there, just rubbing his back and not saying anything at all. She knew he needed the calm, the peace right now.
"Amir," Haya whispered his name, a little scared, a little panicked herself.
"Haya, i-"
"I can't do this without him, Haya. I can't be," He murmured into her neck.
"I can't be King, I can't lose him." He whispered, Haya let out a soft breath.
"He will be fine, Amir. He's okay. He just wanted family to be around."
"No, Haya." Amir pulled away.
"I think he knows he's going, he's never done this before. I think he had a dream or something and he,"
"He told me of all of the things he wants to me to complete, of the kind of King I have to be, how I need to raise my child, what I need to do to keep the family together. Everything."
Haya inhaled a deep breath herself, just realising the complexity of the situation. What if the King really thought he was dying?
What if he was dying?
Still, Haya tried to give Amir some hope.
"Amir, death does not come with a feeling. It's Allah's will. If Allah has planned a long life ahead for your father, no power in the world can take it." She tried, Amir let out a nod but she could see the tears form in his eyes.
"Nothing will happen to him, inshallah." Amir mumbled, taking another breath.
"Do you mind if we stay here for a couple of days?" He asked, since he didn't want to leave his father alone at all.
"No. I don't mind at all." Haya replied without any hesitation.
"And you're okay, right? Your health is fine."
"Yes, Amir. I'm alright, don't worry."
Once again, Amir enveloped Haya into a hug.
"He will be okay, right? I still have so much to learn from him. I still need time, he needs to give me time."
The Prince stated, more to himself than to Haya.
"Have faith in your God, Amir. Whatever happens, Allah will help you."
She placed a kiss on the side of his neck, letting him stay in her embrace for as long as he wanted to.
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