.hey you guys!! I know I haven't updated in ages but better late than never!!
Longer chapter because I felt like a bitch. I really like this chapter, it's got so much drama and emotion shit plus cliffhanger ish.
Also, atsh is halfway done, more than halfway actually so update coming your way soon. I've just been fucking busy as hell.
Nvm, I love you guys. Happy weekend. Enjoy ❤️😘
HouseOfBuredaan : His Highness Crown Prince Amir Bin Abdullah of Maraaish visited the orphanage in the capital city today. The Crown Prince was extremely appreciative of the work being done in the orphanage. The Prince, accompanied by Princess Haya said that 'the orphanage is a a beautiful depiction of God's plan. This place is perfect for the children as it's the home for ones with no home.' The orphanage was named after the Prince himself, in honor of the Crown Prince's birthday earlier this year by his wife, Princess Haya.
"I really don't understand how you, out of all the people can be so irresponsible, Amir. You told me you would be here in the morning and now you're saying tomorrow?"
His wife was asleep on his lap, he still hasn't showered after working out and now he was being screamed at by his own father, the King.
After Haya had grown extremely attached with the boy, she had quite literally spent the entire day at different child friendly places in Buredaan. She was spoiling the little kid rotten, who had got quite attached with her as well.
He had been keeping tabs on her, despite not being informed on her whereabouts. Infact, she had also bought him a billion things, things that he didn't even need, things that most children did not even dream of having.
Haya was that way, her heart was big enough and she was obsessed enough.
She hadn't even bothered to tell Amir that she didn't want to go back today again, knowing that he would not agree.
One more day in Buredaan, because going back without his wife would create an issue at the Palace. He knew.
Amir, who was on his edge of patience could not go back without his wife. The embarassment would be too much. He didn't want Haya's own family to know that Haya hadn't even told him where she was going and what she was doing.
He felt upset with her but after all that they had gone through, after understanding how she felt in her heart, he could not bring himself to yell at her.
He had no other choice but to stay a in the country for another day. This time, he spent it with his best friend.
Amir didn't really tell him anything, but his friend understood and didn't push him to answer anything. Both of them had some some unsaid things they needed to sort out, both of them needed each other's company and both of them were not the kind to cry out about their problems.
So, Amir and Khalifah sat in the moonlight of Buredaan and let the silence speak for itself.
It was only when he came back to the Palace later that night when he found Haya, on the couch in the living area, fighting off sleep.
She said she had been waiting for him. Amir told her he needed to work out.
He thought she would go back to sleep, since Ameer had also slept a while back and Haya had actually been decent enough to make him sleep in the other room.
When Amir came back an hour later, she was still sat on the same spot, fighting sleep.
She called him to come and sit by ber. He told her he needed to shower. This time, she didn't let him.
She insisted that he sit by her side for a moment and then he could go and shower. She didn't mind his sweat, she didn't mind anything.
Amir knew, he knew that she must have planned all day on how she needed to convince him, what she needed to say and how it had to be said.
He couldn't deal with it, honestly. Sometimes, Haya looked at him with a gaze filled with so much love and affection that saying no to her became alot harder. He always ended up saying yes.
This time though, he couldn't say it. He couldn't say yes even if Haya begged, even if she cried. Saying yes would lead to so much trauma, so many future arguments and so much pressure that he could not do it.
He genuinely couldn't.
When Haya put her head on his lap and said, 'Amir, I really need to talk to you. I need you to understand.' He knew what she was going to say, how she was going to tell him what she had been going through and his heart wouldn't be able to take it.
What she didn't realise was he had been going through the same. Seeing her name him Ameer, it was one of the hardest things he had to ever watch. Seeing her hold him like a mother would hold her child, made him ache because he really wanted to be a father, really wanted Haya to be a mother.
'Amir, please' She had started off with that, her soft voice and the vulnerability behind it, it caused him to let out a deep sigh.
He put his hand on her head, giving her a gentle smile. He could not deal with it right now, he didn't have the energy to.
'sleep, we'll talk tomorrow'
He just murmured, seeing how she was half asleep already. She didn't move from his lap, only closing her eyes. He didn't put her head away either, keeping his hand right where it was.
So Haya slept,
And Amir, stressed.
"Is my son not a man of his word anymore?"
And then, there was his father.
His father had been sick for so long now, Amir had been doing so much of his father's work that it didn't even feel like his work anymore. He was not used to being questioned, he was not used to being asked why he wasn't here or what he was doing, his father had faith in him. He trusted him enough.
The King had never called Amir to ask him why he was not focusing on his work, why he was missing out on official proceedings.
"No, father. It isn't like that. Something just came up and I had to stay."
He replied, but his father's loud voice caused him to visibly flinch and move a bit. His father hadn't really been loud with him before, today, he was.
The movement caused Haya to stir awake, and her ears immediately perked up at the conversation the Prince was having with the King.
"What came up, Amir? Tell me. I am still alive, son. I am still the King, if you've forgotten!"
The way his father told him he was still the King, it wasn't playful or said in a way to tease him. It was said like a fact, like an order. He sounded angry.
Amir swallowed, nodding.
"Baba, astaghfirullah. Please don't say that. I'm very sorry."
He apologized, because he had no way to defend him. He couldn't tell the man that Haya had grown attached with a boy and wanted to adopt him as her own. If he even spilled a single word of that, his father would literally have another attack.
"Something just came up with Haya and I had to stay, it was important-"
The way he took her name, like he had another priority too apart from his work right in front of his father, it made Haya almost smile.
"Your father is not well either, Amir. You know that I don't trust anyone but you here, I understand she is your wife but stop acting like a love struck fool."
She frowned, hearing the voice come out from the phone yet again.
Amir winced again, disliking the tone.
"It's enough. You know the consequences of visiting Buredaan so often very much. They are our allies, not weakness."
He insisted, Haya heard that too.
Despite their relationship being personal now, it didn't matter. They were still two different countries and clearly the King wanted everyone to see who the superior power was.
He didn't want the world to talk that Buredaan had Maraaish's Crown Prince at their Beck and call.
"Do not let the world think that they are, do not rush there everytime your wife is there. It's enough, son."
His father further said, and Haya heard that too. While Amir's voice was soft and hardly audible, the King's voice came out of the phone like it was nothing.
"I understand, baba. I'm sorry."
He apologized one more time.
"I'm disappointed, Amir. I raised you better than this."
His father had never told him that he was disappointed in him.
Amir felt awful.
Haya felt guilty.
"I'm sorry, father. I'll be there first thing in the morning, inshallah." He assured the old man, causing the King to grumble a response.
"Okay, come straight to the Palace. I need to have a talk with you."
Amir knew what the talk was going to be. His father would tell him that he was not focused enough anymore, and the reason would be named Haya.
Did he not have a hundred other things to deal with?
"I will, don't worry."
Haya had never heard Amir sound so hurt, so guilty ridden and so damn exhausted.
It wasn't his exhaustion that caused her to feel like a selfish and draining human being, it was the fact that she knew it was all for her sake.
When Amir stood up and slowly picked her up in his arms to put her on the bed, she feigned to be asleep.
When he placed her on the bed and placed his lips in her forehead, she felt like an awful wife.
She knew what she had to do better, she needed to.
"Good morning,"
Her hair was still wet after the cold shower, her eyes still feeling worn out and burnt but she had put in some extra makeup to look like her perfect self.
She didn't have the energy to dry her hair, neither did she want anyone to touch her at this point. She didn't need anyone's help, she would probably snap and let out all her sadness in form of anger. She didn't want to do that.
She wore one of her favourite dresses, did her makeup well, wore shiny heels and even some jewellery to cheer herself up. She didn't feel any better.
The morning had been overwhelming and sad. There was no other way to describe it.
"Hey, wake up. We need to have breakfast before we leave." She shook her husband, who was fast asleep.
While Haya hadn't really been able to sleep after overhearing Amir's conversation with his father, he had slept soundly as exhaustion took over him. He only woke up to pray Fajr and after he went back to sleep again, Haya went to do what she was supposed to.
Amir, who stirred awake after his wife's nudge twice, frowned when he saw her in front of him.
For a second, he thought he was dreaming. She looked dreamy, like a fairy Princess who would get dirty with just a touch. The priceless smile on her face was actually filled with love and her eyes were on him, constantly.
"Haya?" He groggily mumbled, opening his eyes.
She let out a soft smirk, quite similar to the one that she used to have in the early days of them knowing one another.
"Who else? Do you have another wife hidden somewhere?" She questioned, lazily draping her arm around his stomach to hold herself.
"No, I mean..why are you up so early?" He enquired, slowly getting up and leaning against the headboard.
He looked at the time, seeing the clock strike nine.
"Because we have to go home?" Haya said, as a matter of fact.
"Uh okay, yeah..let me just." Unsure of what to say or what to even ask, he got out of the bed and rubbed his hands on his face.
When he stood up and stared at Haya, finding her in a knee length black dress with sleevless straps and high heels, he got even more confused.
"What's going on?" He questioned her, already dreading the day that he was going to have.
He knew she would insist on taking Ameer and he had already agreed that he would allow her to take the boy with them to Maraaish. What would happen after?
He couldn't go back on his word. He couldn't have her get more attached to the boy either. What was he going to do?
"I am showered and all ready to go home, but I am also starving and the family is going to be at the table in 20 minutes."
Haya responded, telling him to get dressed as well. She looked happy, but he was also able to sense the fakeness in her happy tone.
The thick coat of mascara could not hide the swollen sadness beneath her lids.
"You are up early today." Amir noticed, she rolled her eyes.
"I know." She murmured, like duh.
"I have to go home, straight to the Palace." He informed her, mind going back to the conversation he had with his father last night.
His father's disappointment hit him like a truck again, and he sighed when his wife put a hand on his arm, sending the mood.
"I know, Amir. I get it." She murmured, causing him to shrug.
"Where's Ameer?"
He asked the most dreadful question, because that beautiful child, it caused him to think. If it were up to him, if it was his personal choice only, he would have adopted the child without a thought.
But it wasn't.
It was a whole country behind him, a country that was hardly acceptable of his foreign wife.
How was he ever going to make then understand the adoption of a child not even from their country? A child without a Royal blood?
And the child, he would spend his whole life debating on whether he was a Prince or not. It would be so unfair, and so hard.
His Crown, his position, that would go too.
But for some reason, that wasn't the first thought which popped in his head everytime he thought of Ameer.
When Amir saw Haya smile and squeeze his arm again, he knew that she had done something surprising.
"I sent him back to the orphanage, I dropped him off, kissed him goodbye and made him meet the new family that is going to adopt him."
She told him, eyes a little glossy.
"Apparently, a whole tribe of incredible families are willing to raise a beautiful baby named by Princess Haya."
She further added, causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise too. Did she really make a situation so complicated and also eased it up for him?
How was Haya everything he loved and everything he didn't, all at the same time?
"He is not my baby, no matter how real it felt, I know that he is not." She stressed, telling him that she understood.
She understood that from the very first moment, even before Aaliyah's argument and Amir's conversation. She just wanted to be stubborn and let people admit defeat, she wanted Amir to accept the situation anyway.
But, hearing the conversation with his father, hearing the exhaustion in Amir's voice, hearing him apologise for her irresponsibility and stubbornness, it caused her to reflect.
She couldn't be selfish. Not when it came to Amir.
"And I can't hurt my baby like that, I can't put you in a difficult position. I'm sorry."
She put her right hand on his cheek, referring to him as baby and smiling when a small dimple appeared on his cheek too.
An apology didn't seem like an apology when it came to Amir.
Amir took a deep breath, taking a hold of the same hand and kissing it. Her hand tingled as the beard grazed her palm, and she chuckled when he kissed it a couple of times altogether.
"When I woke up for Fajr, I prayed that God would do some miracle and make it all easy for me. Turns out, you are my miracle."
He said to her, and she swallowed.
He changed the ache in her heart to relief in a single moment, with a single smile, a simple kiss.
"Haya." He said her name after a while, Haya hummed.
"If I were a normal man and you were a normal woman, I wouldn't have even hesitated in calling that child as my own."
He told her, not willing to have her think that he wasn't supportive or he didn't have a heart.
"I'm sorry if I broke your heart by not being supportive enough,"
Amir apologised too, she shook her head.
"No, Amir. You're everything and more. Okay?" She assured him, continuing when he looked at her with his beautifully in love face.
"You literally apologise to a wall for running into it, you're too good for me."
"I don't," he replied, pulling her in his hold and sitting back on the bed. Amir sat on the soft bed with his wife on his lap.
"Get ready." She ushered, trying to get off because her heart was full and they were getting late, and God, why was it all so fucked up?
"Hey," He looked at her, fingers playing with her collarbones.
"Yeah?" Haya shivered at the sensation, surprised that he hadn't said anything about her outfit yet. No haram Haya either.
"I love you." He said, placing a tender kiss on her lips.
"I know." She mumbled over his lips, he let out a laugh.
"Thank you for being my wife." He said again, she laughed this time too.
"You're welcome."
"And, thank you for not making it difficult." He thanked her again, Haya groaned.
"You're just gonna have to make up for it by alot of sex." She lazily replied, feeling his hold loosen up.
"Haya, astaghfirullah. Ruining a perfect moment,."
He grumbled and Haya placed a smacking kiss on his cheek, getting up and making him do the same.
"Good morning." Haya greeted as she walked inside the dining hall, already finding Yusuf and Aaliyah at the dinner table. Shahid, who was already smiling and greeting his sister said his salam to Amir while Yusuf stared at his sister, still in his own conversation with Illyas.
"Someone looks chirpy," he mentioned, walking towards Amir as he met him in the traditional way.
Amir returned the gesture with a smile, seeing Illyas only nod in his direction as he sprawled his arm around Haya's shoulder.
"A little vulgarly dressed though." Illyas remarked, causing Haya to roll her eyes at him.
"Aw, Illyas started barking early in the morning,..so cute." She shot back, as Aaliyah arrived near the group too.
Haya noticed how Yusuf's face turned stern when Aaliyah arrived, and now, he only faced Amir.
Haya walked towards Aaliyah herself, meeting her halfway.
"Hey, what's going on?" Her best friend questioned in a hushed whisper.
"You cried to me last night and now you're all glamorous?"
She put it the way it was, and Haya sighed.
"When Amir slept after Fajr, I went to the orphanage and dropped Ameer off. I contacted a few people and there's a family dying to adopt him, they're good people."
Haya told the whole story, continuing when her sister in law frowned in surprise.
"They're going to take good care of him, you were right." She further said, adding more.
"I can't let my sudden obsessions ruin Amir's credibility and his status. He shouldn't always worry about me, it isn't right."
She felt so guilty for the way Amir's father had talked to him. She wanted to make it right.
"My free spirit should not be the reason to cage him."
Haya stated, swallowing the bile down her throat. Aaliyah, who was very surprised herself just stared at Haya with wonder.
"Did you have a talk with your father? Because, wow."
She was too numb to say anything. Haya had left her absolutely speechless.
"Dad doesn't know anything, it's just a sudden epiphany." Haya responded.
"And you're okay?" Aaliyah put her hand on Haya's wrist, concerned.
"Well, I cried a little bit, I won't lie. I'll cry even more once I'm home in bed with Amir but for now, it's okay."
She said, glancing at Amir who had also glanced at her with a small smile. She noticed that he was now in talk with Shahid, since Yusuf had excused himself a few minutes ago.
"I'm glad you realised, Haya."
Her attention went back to Aaliyah and she frowned, remembering that she needed to ask her about her problems too. Recently married women were not supposed to look like this.
"And I'm mad that you're not telling me what's going on between you and Yusuf. Why are you both so distant and weird?"
She questioned, to which Aaliyah only gave a promising smile.
"It's going to be okay, I promise." She assured, but her voice went shaky and Haya knew something was terribly wrong.
"I'll make your brother happy, Haya. Don't worry."
Haya scowled, clicking her tongue.
"Shut the fuck up, I'm talking about you." She snapped, voice turning loud as both Amir and Shahid turned their heads to stare at Haya.
On the other hand, the Queen had just arrived and was greeting Amir.
When her mother looked at her, then stared her up and down from head to toe, Haya knew a snide remark was on it's way.
"Haya, you can't go back to Maraaish dressed like this!" She exclaimed out loud, seeing the dress.
Her family did not give a shit about how she was dressed, but when Amir was in their presence, they'd automatically start pointing it out.
Haya groaned, rolling her eyes.
"Did Amir put you upto this?" She enquired, glancing at her husband who shook his head defensively.
"I wouldn't dare, wallahi." He responded, shaking his head.
Haya was about to tease him for using her mother but before she could do that, Yusuf had started another conversation.
"Amir, how is everything else?"
"Alhamdullilah, very well. You tell me? I hope everything's fine after the conference?"
"We're trying. Apparently, we are under too much Maraaishi influence and you're to be blamed for it."
Amir let out a chuckle, because his father had just about said the opposite.
"I do like to take that as a compliment." He murmured, as his wife came near him.
"Where's Dad?"
Haya enquired as everyone slowly started to take their seats on the dining table. The King was usually very punctual and hardly arrived late for breakfast.
"Your father had a call just a few minutes ago. He said he will be right there."
Her mother replied, sitting down as well.
"I don't understand? I wasn't informed." Yusuf murmured, staring at his mother with a questioning gaze.
"It's a private call, Yusuf."
The Queen answered, hoping that her children would be decent enough for once and not say anything indecent for once.
"Dad has a private life? What if he's finding a new Queen, mom?" Illyas was the one who had thrown in a joke at his mother.
Amir, in his wildest dreams would not have dared to joke about another marriage with his mother.
The Prince remained silent.
"Unlike you, Illyas..your father is very much content with one woman in his life." The Queen shot back, and the entire table burst into laughter upon the woman's remark.
Illyas, who always had something to say gaped at his mother.
"You made him speechless." Haya muttered, chuckling again.
"I wouldn't be his mother and the Queen if I didn't." Haya heard her mother respond in satisfaction, while Illyas only shook his head and remained silent.
It was only when King Najaf arrived that everyone stood up, greeting him. Haya looked at her father, who looked distraught and absolutely indifferent.
She didn't understand what had happened, didn't understand what had caused her father's mood to sour like that but she simply placed a kiss on his cheek and mumbled a greeting anyway.
"Good morning, Dad."
The King did not say anything, not even acknowledging his daughter for the first time.
Haya swallowed, confused about what had happened.
"Salam, Amir." The King greeted his son in law and the Crown Prince, who respectfully nodded and walked towards the King.
"Wa-Alaykum-Salam-" Before Amir could even ask the old man about his health, he was already moving a phone in his direction.
"Your father wants to speak to you." Amir reluctantly took the phone from the hands of King Najaf, frowning in shock when he got told that King Abdullah was on the line.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand?" Amir murmured, because he didn't really know what was going on.
"King Abdullah is on the line, son. Take the call." Amir put the phone near his ear, his own heart beating fast in anticipation and confusion.
"Salam, baba?"
When Haya swallowed and looked at Amir's face, she knew something bad had happened.
He affirmed, head turning towards his wife who also looked confused.
"I knew." Amir murmured, looking down.
Yesterday, his father had only been disappointed. Today, he was furious.
"I didn't want to upset you, you were sick and I-" Amir stopped mid way, hearing his father yell even more.
"Yes, I understand."
He further said, looking up at everyone who was already staring at him. He wanted to walk away, but his feet were not allowing him to do so.
"Yes, she knew." Amir looked at Haya this time, who was already staring back.
"No, no..she knew when I told her."
For the first time in his life, the Crown Prince actually lied to his father.
He felt absolutely pathetic.
"Did she say that?" This time, Amir's face had turned red.
He could not believe what he had heard. He could not believe the words his father had said, could not bring himself to even think about them again.
How could she?
How could he?
"She never told me, baba." Amir tried to clarify, but only heard the old man yell more and more.
Haya saw the way Amir's face changed, from worry to anger to absolute horror. When she went towards him, he didn't even glance in her direction.
"Amir, what's going on?" She enquired, but the Prince only tried to hush her.
Haya turned to face her father, but the man was already staring at Illyas with a look that screamed agony and anger.
"Haya, don't." It was Amir himself who held his wife's hand, not allowing her to go.
His grip loosened when his father told him of his decision, over the call.
"Baba, let me come home and we can talk about this. I'm sure there is a way out. This isn't the -"
The King furiously snapped at his son, causing Amir to take a deep breath.
"I will leave right away." He told his father, hearing the call go dead.
The Crown Prince did not say anything for a little while, welcoming the silence that was all around the dining hall.
No one had touched a single bite of the breakfast. No one had dared to.
The stress and anxiety was visible on everyone's face but the one that mattered the most to Haya was her father. He looked almost devastated. It scared her.
When King Najaf moved towards Amir, the entire family witnessed the exchange.
"Amir, I've never been more embarassed in my entire life. I'm so sorry, son."
Haya heard her father apologise, and the way Amir's hands immediately held the King's shoulders in gratitude, it caused her heart to feel like it would burst.
"No, no, you don't have to apologise." He murmured, shaking his head.
He was in shock himself.
There was a part of him that just did not believe the words he had just heard. But how could he ever verify it? How could he ever find out if it was the truth or not?
"Dad, what's going on? We're all confused here."
Yusuf finally spoke up, seeing how no one else had the courage to.
"I don't want to start this topic especially when I know that my own family kept me in the dark about it."
King Najaf stated, face straightened out and voice dominating like a King. His entire posture had changed in just a moment.
"I don't want any discussion about this as well. This is my final decision and dare anyone say a word against it, I will disown them and never spare a look in their direction."
Haya had never, ever heard such words from her father in her entire life.
"Dad? What the fu-" Once again, Amir held her arm and hushed her.
"Haya, stop."
"King Abdullah and I have reached the decision that Illyas will be marrying Princess Suhoor one month from now."
And this time, Illyas' horrified face was the center of everyone's attention. He found all eyes on him, including his father's absolutely disappointed and agony filled ones.
He understood, he understood that his father had found out about his affairs but really? Was he seriously telling him to marry Suhoor because he had an affair and managed to kiss her?
For real?
"Did you just talk about my marriage?"
He enquired, not believing the words. The King simply ignored his son's response, turning to his youngest daughter.
"Haya, it's time for you to be home. King Abdullah is waiting for Amir." His voice was a little gentle this time but he looked so angry still that Haya didn't even know what to do or say.
Her hands almost felt cold.
"Are you really asking me to leave like this?"
She asked back, causing him to not say anything in return one more time.
"Dad, I'm so confused. Please." Haya murmured, not willing to leave this way.
Amir, who knew he had to reach back as soon as possible only ushered Haya with him.
"Amir." She tried, but he only shook his head.
"Thank you for the hospitality, your majesty. I will call you once I have a talk with my father,"
Amir assured, embracing the King in the traditional way. He held the man longer than he usually did, understanding the dilemma.
Amir met Yusuf next, and then Shahid.
He didn't glance at Illyas, because he was not the person to resort to violence but he was on his very last nerve.
"Have a safe journey back home." It was the Queen who wished Amir, he only nodded in return and thanked her.
"Thank you,"
When he told Haya it was time to leave, she, in her very Haya fashion said no.
"We can't leave like this, Amir. What's with this sudden marriage thing? What the hell happened?"
Amir tried to make her understand but Haya simply shook her head at him and looked at her mother in wonder.
"Haya, I'll call you. You shouldn't fight this right now." The Queen told her.
She tried to protest.
The thing was, she was going to go back with Amir and worry about the storm back home while facing the one in Maraaish. It wasn't fair.
"I've never seen your father so angry, Haya. I'm worried myself, please understand."
Her mother pleaded, Haya clicked her tongue.
When King Najaf left the dining hall without so much as a look, her bottom lip wobbled in hurt.
"He won't even say goodbye?" She questioned, feeling Yusuf's arm on her shoulder.
"Haya, he's angry right now. Don't push him." The Queen herself consoled.
"Mother is right, Haya. I'll handle everything here, don't worry. Aaliyah will call you the moment we find out what's going on." Yusuf murmured, to which his wife also affirmed quicky.
"I will, promise."
"Haya, let's go." Amir murmured, but Haya was already walking towards Illyas.
"Haya, yallah."
Her husband called out. She felt so bad for him, it wasn't supposed to be like this. This huge fucking bomb.
"Illyas." She mumbled, and hugged him.
"I can't marry her, Haya," he mumbled against his sister's hair, continuing when Haya only sighed in confusion and almost fear.
"What the fuck is up with Dad?" He cursed next, Haya groaned staring at him.
"What did you do?" She asked with accusatory eyes because she didn't believe her father was narrow minded enough to be so angry at something like an affair.
"I didn't do anything!" He defensively replied, she hushed him with a glare.
"Illyas, tell me."
"I didn't, alright? I haven't even talked to her since-i havent"
Seeing his panicked expression, she decided that there was no point in pissing him off even more.
"Nevermind, it's gonna be fine. It will be figured out." She mumbled, hastly saying goodbye to her family and walking away.
"Amir, what happened?" She asked her husband on the way to the aircraft.
Amir shook his head again.
"Amir, I'm going crazy here. Tell me!"
She exclaimed out loud, he glared at her in anger.
"Suhoor told father that Illyas had sex with her."
He stated, Haya's eyes widened.
"Your brother had sex with my sister."
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