Next chapter is gonna have some drama oooff.
Anyway, make sure to tell me what you think.
Such a cute Haya amir scene at the start btw.
She stared at him as he slept, finding herself to be a little creepy as she found herself fascinated with the way he breathed as he slept. It was so even and soft, he felt so calm and almost radiated good vibes even when he slept.
Yesterday had been a not so good day. In fact, after telling him the entire story.. she had felt a little mad at the way he had talked to her.
But then, she also started to feel guilty because her actions had caused an issue for him. She didn't regret anything that she had done in the past, she didn't regret kissing that man. She had a life before Amir had entered and she loved that life just as much as she loved this life.
Still, the fact that his father had seen those pictures.. it was kind of embarrassing to think about.
She understood how Amir would have felt. It wouldn't have just been embarrassing or shameful, it would have also been bitter and ugly for him.
She couldn't imagine how she would feel it she ever saw Amir with a woman in such a position. She would probably burn in jealousy and anger.
She remembered how Yusuf had just seen a picture of her kissing Yaman's cheek on her phone and lashed out at her, Amir had seen much worse.
She didn't know how to make him feel better other than talking to him.
She had even practised an apology in front of the mirror early morning, knowing that she needed to say sorry.
She wasn't going to say sorry because of her past, she didn't feel sorry about it. She was going to apologise if seeing those pictures had made him hurt, she was going to say sorry because he must have felt embarrassed.
She smiled as she saw him twitch in his sleep. It was literally a miracle that she had woken up before him. She knew he had prayed fajr and slept again quickly after. She woke up an hour or so after that since she couldn't sleep.
Her husband however, he still slept.
As the Prince was about to move in his sleep, he felt a shadow over him even with closed eyes. He knew who it was already, her perfume was enough to remind him.
He sighed, not even knowing how he felt this morning.
His eyes were still closed when he felt soft lips on his own, a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds before she pulled her lips away, kissing the side of his mouth.
"Good morning." Haya greeted him, knowing that he was half awake at this point.
Amir opened his eyes, finding Haya dressed up and leaned over him. He squinted his eyes at her, nodding.
"Feeling better?" She asked, knowing the way he felt last night.
Haya understood him.
Despite being different from him, she still did understand. She did understand that him saying her in such a compromising position was hard, her elaborating the affair of the past was not easy to hear.
She did understand that even though he knew her and he loved her, even though he accepted that she was completely different from the way he had lived his life, different when it came to culture and traditions, different when it came to relationships, and even though her past did not bother him because he did not think about it too much.. yesterday it must have bothered him.
As the Crown Prince heard her question, he sighed and nodded giving her a small smile.
It wasn't one those where he would smile and his damn dimple would be the brightest thing in the room, it was just a polite and pleasant smile..
She thought about being normal and not discussing events of yesterday, she thought about being a typical wife and asking him to get ready so they could have breakfast together but she knew that she wouldn't feel at peace until she talked to him about the entire matter and put it behind them.
"I told my mother about the situation. She said that she'll sort it out the way she did before."
Haya started off. Amir looked at her as he leaned against the headboard.
"You shouldn't have. I handled it yesterday, there's no need to worry anymore."
He told her again, Haya shrugged.
"I also talked to Hunain last night."
At his mention, she found certain tension on his face and she knew that even if he didn't want to feel that way, he still felt bitter.
"He was extremely surprised. He assured me that he would find out the culprit behind it and punish him."
He nodded again so Haya didn't stop and kept talking.
"He is a good man. I'm very sure that he will not let this go by easily."
"I handled it, Haya. You didn't have to." He said again, Haya sighed.
"I know that I didn't have to but I felt helpless and I wanted to feel in control."
She explained, Amir pulled the duvet off him.
"Okay." He looked at her, then looked at time on the wall clock.
"I should shower. I have a meeting at eight." He mumbled and she knew he was still in a mood.
Haya rolled her eyes at him.
As she felt him all ready to leave the bed, she crawled into his lap instead..leaving him no space to even move, let alone get out of bed.
"Look, I gave you all the space you needed last night. Now I need you to talk about this shit and get it over with. Okay?"
"Haya.." He trailed off, really not in the mood to discuss the one thing she wanted to discuss.
"Amir.." She said in the same tone and didn't move an inch.
"So let's talk. Right?"
"I am sorry that you felt embarrassed, I'm sorry that you had to see that and your father had to see it too. I'm not sorry for who I was in the past and I won't apologize for who I am. Hmm?"
He nodded, accepting the apology.
He wasn't exactly mad at her. He was just mad about the situation and he wanted to be at a distance so he wouldn't snap at her.
"And I also know that you were mad about me not telling you but something tells me you won't appreciate me talking about all the men I've hooked up with. No?"
He nodded once again.
He really needed to go and pray some nawafils atleast.
"And, I love you. I don't want you to think anything else but the fact that I love you."
She told him, still on his lap.
Despite his sour mood, Amir smiled.. showing his dimples. Haya grinned upon seeing the sight she loved the most.
"I love you, always." She heard him whisper and Haya couldn't help but place a kiss on his cheek.
"Can I shower now?"
"No. Listen first." She muttered.
"Have I not listened enough?" He grumbled at her and she clicked her tongue, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him even more close.
"When you come back today, you're taking me to the cafe you took me when I came to Maraaish for the first time."
She ordered. Amir found Haya's light so pure that he slowly started to feel at peace again.
"And then we'll go to the same roof top we went to before and we'll have some dessert from that street food place..just like we did on that day."
He nodded again.
"Fine, Haya. That's all?"
She shook her head.
"No. There's more."
He listened to her.
"And then we can go to see your mother. I know you miss her and I've not met her for a while so we can see her too."
His heart warmed upon hearing that. He knew that Haya wasn't too fond of his family yet and he also knew it wasn't their fault at all.
It just took her a while to warm up to people.
He nodded again.
"And I need a sports car. I won't drive around the crowded city but I really want to drive with full music on and no one to stop me."
She demanded, Amir chuckled but nodded anyway.
"And I need a gift because husbands give nice gifts and you're lacking." She taunted.
Amir knew he wasn't lacking but yes, she deserved gifts so he nodded again.
"Done. Now get off me, I will get late."
"No." She still denied, smirking.
"Khalas, Haya." He tried again, asking her to stop now.
She raised an eye at him.
"Don't Khalas me. Am I not your baby?"
She enquired with a soft playful pout.
Amir couldn't believe how much he loved this woman.
He cupped her face.
"My baby." She smiled at the endearment.
"Can you please allow me to take a shower so I can go to work and then come back home to you?" He asked, it almost sounded like a request.
Haya laughed, pondering for a moment.
She put her finger on her lips, tapping it as a hint to what she wanted. Amir laughed, leaning forward.
His hands cupped both the sides of her face, lips on hers. His kiss felt more like a promise to her, a promise that he would love her forever and even though forever seemed like a very long time, Haya didn't think she would mind loving him forever too.
@Haya : mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?
@AmirBinAbdullah : You ❤️
"Did you just publicly display your love? Is the world coming to an end?"
He heard her yell out from the dressing room, as he waited for her on the couch and scrolled through his phone at the same time.
Amir rolled his eyes, knowing that she was using her phone instead of getting dressed and here he was, waiting for her.
He casually walked inside the dressing room, finding her done with the makeup as she took off her shirt right in front of him, making sure that he got the complete view through the mirror.
Amir only shook his head and chuckled, walking upto her.
"Well you're taking too long to get ready, my love." He replied to her earlier statement as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.
Haya only smiled, wearing her dress as she looked away.
"And I do believe I publicly declared my love when I married you." She heard him say but instead of replying, she found herself pulling at the dress as it almost felt stuck.
Haya groaned in annoyance at that.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." She muttered more to herself than to him but he heard as she finally got the dress to fit her body and pushed her hair to the front, waiting for him to zip her up.
"Everything okay?" He asked as he pulled the zip up.
She nodded.
"Um yeah, my dress just got a little tight." She told him, almost embarrassed that she was gaining weight.
Amir couldn't understand her at times. She hadn't looked embarrassed when she heard about yesterday's drama but she looked embarrassed on gaining weight?
"I'm gaining weight here, Amir." She complained, he shook his head at her.
She literally looked exactly the same.
"No, you're not." He uttered, watching her as she sprayed en entire bottle of perfume all over herself.
He coughed, moving back just a little bit and Haya laughed..putting the bottle back on the table.
She looked at herself in the mirror and settled her hair, ready to leave.
"Ready?" He asked, as she wore her heels.
Haya nodded, finding the stockings underneath her dress a little too thick but she knew they were perfect according to Amir's haram meter.
The Crown Prince himself picked up his coat, ready to leave. He closed the bedroom door as Haya walked out, his phone vibrating in his pocket.
He picked it up, smiling as he saw the caller ID.
"Walaikum Salam," He replied, since his sister had already greeted him.
A confused smile played on his face as he stopped and Haya did too. She gestured him to get going but he shook his head and stayed in his position.
"What? I didn't know you had it planned." She heard him speak and crossed her arms, waiting for him to finish up with his phone call.
"No, no. That's okay. We can have dinner together instead."
Haya heard him say and she frowned.
"Alright, we're waiting." Amir ended the phone call with a take care and Haya still felt confused.
"Waiting for what?" She enquired.
The Crown Prince sighed, kind of disappointed to tell her that she had dressed up but they wouldn't be going out today.
"My sisters. They planned to surprise us tonight."
If it wasn't Amir right in front of her, she would have groaned and yelled atleast one or two curses.
"Surprise us how?" She still asked, feeling bitter.
"By visiting, ofcourse. We can go to our dinner tomorrow instead."
Since Amir had arrived home late, Haya had simply asked him to take her to dinner instead. They could continue with the other plans in the next few days.
She knew that people would photograph her since Amir wanted to visit a hotel he usually ate at, and no matter how much privacy he was given..there were still some members of the staff that usually took his pictures and posted online.
She had managed to put on a beautiful velvet dress, it hugged her body enough but also looked modest. It reached upto her knees. She had paired it with some gold earrings and a hand watch. She had even spent some extra time doing her eye makeup, since she wanted to look amazing.
And she did.
She looked beautiful.
Haya felt like Amir was too involved with his family. He was family oriented, she knew that. And she respected the fact that he was so close with each member of his family but they had recently been married, Amir was a busy man with his duties increasing every single day.
The little time they did have with one another, she didn't want it to be disturbed.
She felt selfish for thinking that way, since his own family must not get to see him alot but still, she didn't like that her plans had to be postponed.
She heard Amir tell her that they would go tomorrow but Haya knew he couldn't.
"You have an official dinner tomorrow night, remember?" She reminded him, the Crown Prince nodded.
"Oh, yeah. Day after then." He told her, she felt her mood change completely.
A while back, she was actually happy and glad that yesterday's events weren't screwing up today.
"Why can't they visit some other day?"
She questioned, making a face.
"Haya," He looked at her, finding her annoyed and frowned up face.
Amir sighed, understanding that she wanted some time with him but he had spent two days with her family, it would only be fair if she could atleast spend half of it with his.
Still, he put his finger on her chin and lifted her head up at him properly, since she wasn't even looking in his direction.
"Baby, they are my sisters. They miss me and maybe, they are seeing this as an opportunity to get to know you better. You should feel the same way, yeah?"
She could tell him that she didn't want to know anyone better other than him. She didn't really care to be friends with anyone as she had alot of friends already.
But she knew it would sound spoiled and prideful, she didn't want him to think of her like that.
Haya nodded.
"Yeah, I'll go change." She mumbled, turning back around but the Crown Prince stopped her.
"No, stay. I'm the one who has to look at you. Place doesn't matter."
But it did matter.
Well, he mattered the most but the place also mattered.
"Okay." She agreed, rolling her eyes as she saw him rush downstairs..ready to greet his family.
Haya isn't a bitch, it's just that her family's different and Amir's different too. Both of them were so infatuated that they didn't think too deep when they got into the marriage and now, their golden life is gonna start turning out not so golden.
Hopefully they can survive. Or not 🤷
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