Chapter 6
2,000 years later.
The boys are now three years and two months old.
"Rayvon, where did your socks go?" Oliver asked as he stood up from the bed.
It was almost eight in the morning and Rayvon was wondering around his dad's bedroom as Oliver got dressed.
"On the fwoor," Rayvon said and picked them up.
"I'm going to put them on again but this time, you can't take them off okay?"
Rayvon nodded and sat on the floor while Oliver knelt in front of him.
"Did your dad give you breakfast this morning?"
"Yes," Rayvon smiled and wiggled his toes.
"What did you have?" Oliver asked as he tickled his son's feet.
"Chocolate cereal?"
Oliver could see it around his mouth.
Rayvon nodded with a cheeky grin as he stood up and ran towards the door.
"Wait, come here you!" Oliver chuckled before grabbing him and quickly lifting him in the air.
Rayvon squealed and laughed as his dad took him into the bathroom.
"Let me wash your face."
He sat his son on the sink as he got a face towel and wiped it around his mouth.
"There we go, lovely and clean" He smiled as Rayvon stood up and looked at himself in the mirror.
"Clean!" He grinned and proceeded to put his sticky fingers all over it.
Oliver wrapped his arms around him and lifted him from the sink.
"Let's go play with Luka," He said while Rayvon wrapped his arms around Oliver's shoulders as he carried him out of the bedroom.
* * * * *
Luka was still a shy and quiet child to outsiders. They tried introducing other friends for them to play with but nobody understood Rayvon and Luka's relationship.
It came clear to them that the boys were happy just playing with each other.
Plus, a few kids have told Luka that his eyes are weird and he would always cry and Rayvon would push them over or shout at them, making that kid cry too.
It was easier for them to just be by themselves and concentrate on one another.
Luka can now put his wings away but not on command. When he's calm, they tend to disappear but come back when he feels a strong emotion.
He doesn't know how to control it yet and he still can't fly with them, they're not strong or big enough.
"You can go out and play in a minute, just wait for Rayvon," Panuleon said as he ruffled his son's hair.
His son grinned and stood up on his chair.
They were sitting at the dining table.
"Where's Wayvon?"
"He's upstairs with Oliver, he'll be here in a minute," Corey said.
Luka still couldn't say is name correctly.
He turned and stood on Corey's legs before holding onto his head.
"Yes," He chuckled.
"Wayvon is my fwiend."
"Is he your best friend?"
"Yep," He chirped and turned around. He leant into Corey as he held onto him.
"Luka, can you tell me what fruit this is?" Panuleon asked as he picked up a banana.
The little boy looked at it with interested eyes.
"Yes, well done" Panuleon chuckled. "Can you tell me the colour?"
Luka took a minute to think as he bounced on Corey's lap.
"Yellow, good job!"
He leant over and tickled his son, creating some giggles, just as the door opened.
Oliver walked in and Rayvon was hugging him but he lifted his head when he saw Luka.
"Lu-ka!" He said happily. He still calls him 'Lu' often, he finds Luka quite hard to say.
Little Luka's wings showed, hitting Corey in the face as he flapped them.
Panuleon laughed at this like he always does.
Corey chuckled and put the child down.
He quickly walked around the table as Oliver put Rayvon down too.
They watched their children greet each other with big smiles as Rayvon subconsciously touched Luka's wing.
"We play with the bawl?" Rayvon asked.
Luka held his hand and nodded.
That was another thing kids didn't understand, their affection towards each other.
As they turned and ran to the back door, Oliver stopped them.
"Make sure you stay where your granddad can see you" He smiled. John was sitting outside, enjoying the sun.
"Okay," The boys said together as Rayvon helped Luka down the step.
"They're so cute together," He said and watched through the window as they ran over to John to say hi.
Oliver then took a seat at the table and got some breakfast and poured himself a cup of coffee. He is still not a morning person and knows he will never be one.
Vinny was having an early swim with his parents because it's something they haven't done together in a while.
But that was almost an hour ago and he was now making his way back to his soulmate.
The boys are now twenty-three years old and their love is stronger than ever.
Vinny and Oliver have been together for five vampire years now. That's 5,000 human years. It's the same for Corey and Panuleon.
Oh, how time flies.
"What're you both up to today?" Oliver asked Corey and Panuleon.
"We're going to spend some time with Jenny and Zachariah."
"That'll be nice. I feel like I haven't seen them in ages."
"It's because we haven't. But I'm glad that he's starting to live a life instead of looking after us when he doesn't really need to any more" Panuleon said.
He always thought it wasn't fair that he got to live and Zachariah had duties to do.
"It'll be nice for Jenny to spend a lot of time with him too" Corey smiled.
Oliver smiled too, but this kick started his brain to ask a lot of questions.
"How does angel relationships work? I mean, why hasn't Jed got a soulmate yet? I know my dad hasn't got one but he can find a soulmate at any point during his life, now that he's a vampire. Is that the same for angels?"
"Yes, angels can come across their soulmates at any point in their lives."
Oliver nodded.
"That's interesting, but I've noticed Aliyah doesn't have a soulmate and her and Jed get along pretty well," He said while raising his eyebrows up and down.
Panuleon chuckled and shook his head.
"You would make a great Cupid."
"Wait, they have one of those in heaven?"
Just then, the door opened and Vinny sprinted over to his soulmate.
Oliver barely had time to turn around before he was engulfed in a hug.
"Hello," He muffled into Vinny's shoulder.
The vampire kissed his cheek and rubbed his back.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too" Oliver smiled but pulled back so he could see his face. "Did you have a nice swim?"
Vinny nodded and ran a gentle hand through his soulmates hair.
This couple is definitely more affectionate than Panuleon and Corey.
They both leant forwards and stole a warm kiss on each other's lips.
They felt a jolt of happiness hitting their chests before Vinny pulled back and stood up straight.
"Vinny, your son is ruining my plants again," Madison said.
The vampire looked out the window to see his son holding squashed up roses in one hand as he currently pulled out some purple flowers with the other one.
Vinny couldn't care less about his mother's plants but he watched on.
When Rayvon was happy that he had ripped off enough flowers, he walked happily over to Luka and shoved them in his face.
"You cannot deny how cute that was."
"What happened?" Oliver asked.
"Rayvon's giving Luka flowers."
Oliver grinned and stood up to watch.
Luka took the flowers and sniffed them a little enthusiastically.
"Fank you Wayvon" He smiled and toddled over to John to make him smell the flowers too.
Rayvon watched like a proud little kid.
"My heart," Oliver said and covered it with his hand. "They're cuter than us."
"And we're pretty cute" Vinny added, making Duke chuckle.
"I want to ask them how they feel about each other but they're too young to understand yet," He said.
"It'll be interesting to see what they're like together as they get older" Madison smiled, getting over her flowers.
"I can't imagine them ever not being this cute to each other" Oliver smiled as Vinny wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close.
Corey and Panuleon were grinning at the kids.
Their cute little boy has such a nice friend and his life is filled with great people. Yes, he's shy with everyone who isn't family but he's only young, he might grow out of it.
Or he might not. It doesn't matter.
If that's who he is, shy and quiet with other people, then they won't try to change him.
He's perfect, just the way he is.
And Rayvon thinks so too.
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