Gaia's POV
I'm flying around the world when something crash lands. It has intense power coming from it. I focus on the ki and instant transmit there. I lower my energy and hide behind a rock. Nobody else is here but I know the others. They'll be here soon enough.
Someone emerges from the spaceship. He's tall, has black hair and horns? Red eyes and tanned skin. I step out of my hiding place. I'm still the only one here.
"Who are you?" I ask stepping towards the man or demon or whatever he is.
"Where am I?" He asks.
"You're on earth. Who are you?" I ask again.
"I'm sorry miss. My name is Zaroff." He says bowing. Polite, I like that.
"Mine is Gaia. What are you?" I ask.
"A demon. And you?" He asks.
"Half-Sayian and half-human." I say. I take a step closer. "Why are you here?"
"I was sent here with my baby sister. Has another ship landed?" I shake my head no. "I see. I fear her ship was blown up then." His face shows no emotion but he sounds worried.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know why you were sent here? If it's to destroy the earth or someone in particular I can't let you do that." I say.
"I don't know why." He says.
"Well, maybe I can help you out. Can you fly?" He shakes his head no. "Very well. I can use instant transmission to take you to the others."
"My friends and family. Wait. Someone else is coming."
"Gaia!" Trunks yells.
"Why is it always you who finds me?" I question. "Never mind. Come here."
I grab onto them both and instant transmit to the lookout with everyone still arguing.
"What was that?" Zaroff asks. I chuckle.
"Instant transmission. It's a useful way to travel." I reply.
"Hello Gaia, what are you...? Who is that?" Dende asks.
"Hello Dende, his name is Zaroff. I was wondering, has another ship landed?" He shakes his head no. "Hmm, okay. Thank you. Do you know, if my magic can heal memories?"
"No I don't believe it can."
I frown. "Gaia!" Gohan and Goten yell running up to me and hugging me.
"Get off please." But they don't listen.
"Who are you?" Dad asks Zaroff as he approaches us. He stands in front of us and mom.
"My name is Zaroff, sir." He says bowing.
I power up and blow everyone off of me. "Dear Kami! You guys need to calm yourselves!" I shout.
"Sorry Gaia." Everyone says.
"Gaia. Who is he?" Dad asks. Him, Vegeta and Piccolo give me a stern look.
"His name is Zaroff, just as he said. He was sent here with his little sister but her ship hasn't landed. He doesn't know why they were sent here though." I say.
"That's unbelievable!" Vegeta and Piccolo yell.
"I swear on my honor as a Demon, I don't know why I have been sent to this planet." Zaroff says bowing. He's far too polite.
"A demon?!" Mom and Bulma yell. Causing Zaroff to cover his ears.
"Wait, I need to talk to Baba." I summon a crystal ball and she answers me.
"Yes?! What do you want child?" She asks.
"Well you see," I explain what happened and then ask. "How is it possible for a demon to get through the portal if someone didn't open it?"
"It isn't. Someone had to have opened it."
"But who?" Dad asks.
"Anyone could have." She answers then my transmission gets cut off.
"That's just great. Stupid crystal ball." I send it back. "Oh my Kami, I'm so sorry Zaroff I forgot to make proper introductions. Please forgive me?" I say bowing.
"It's perfectly okay." He says chuckling.
"This is my father, Goku, my mother Chichi, my older brother Gohan and his wife Vidal and daughter Pan. This is my twin brother Goten and best friend Trunks. This is Trunks' father Vegeta and mother Bulma. His little sister Bulla. Then this is Piccolo and Dende. Then there's Mr. Popo. Then there's Krillin, 18 and they're daughter Marron. Then there's Yamcha, Tein, Choutzu, Oolong and Puer." I say smiling. Everyone waves except for Piccolo and Vegeta. Typical jerks.
"It's nice to meet you all." He says while bowing. He is seriously way to polite. Then we hear a bang.
Everyone looks at one another then I grab onto Trunks and Zaroff and instant transmit to the banging. "Sorry guys. You two where closest." I apologize.
"It's quite alright." Zaroff says.
"It's fine Gaia. Let's lower our ki so whatever it is can't sense us." Trunks says. We nod and lower our ki.
"I'll check it out." I say. They both grab my arm and give me a look saying -no-. "Look, I can get out of there faster then either of you. If I can't get out I can fight. I'm stronger then I look." I say. They reluctantly let go and I walk out to check it out.
~meanwhile back at the look out~
Goku's POV
"Now where'd she go?" I ask. I can't feel her's, Trunks' or that Zaroff guys ki anywhere.
"She's just like you Goku! Always running off!" Chichi yells.
"She probably went to wherever that crash is." Bulma says.
"Bring my baby home Goku!" Chichi pleads.
I smile my famous smile. "Of course Chichi." And we take off. By we I mean, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, Goten and me. Tien and the others are staying behind just in case.
"Why does she always do this?" I ask the others.
"She's just like you." Gohan says.
"She wants to become stronger then all of us." Goten answers. I sigh knowing my boys are right. She's always looking for a way to be come the strongest there is.
"Do you feel that?" Piccolo asks. We all nod. Its Gaia's power raising. Kami I hope she's okay.
"Grab onto me." Everyone does and we instant transmit to where she is.
"Thank Kami! You guys made it." Trunks says.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Well. You see..." he starts but Zaroff finishes.
"Gaia went to check it out and made us stay behind when she got over there, a man with a tail jumped at her and they started battling." He says.
We take a look closer, he's a sayian. Not just any sayian either. It's King Vegeta, and there's another. My father.
"Kakarot." Vegeta says.
"I see. Shall we?" He nods and we power up and intervene.
"What are you doing here! This is my battle! I will not back down! You'll have to kill me first!" Gaia yells. This is what happens when you let Vegeta and Piccolo train your children. I sigh and take a step back along with Vegeta.
"Why aren't you helping her?!" Zaroff asks.
"Because it's no use, she thinks she can handle herself so we're going to let her." Vegeta replies.
"This wouldn't have happened if I didn't let her train with you." I mumble.
Gaia's POV
"This isn't even 10% of my power." I say smirking. I'm defeating him easily. He can barely keep up with me.
"Are you serious?!" He asks shocked and in disbelief. He powers up more.
"As serious as I can get. How about we take this to the next level?"
"Next level?" He asks. "Do you know who I am? I am King Vegeta! King of all the Sayains!" He shouts.
"I know who you are. Frankly, I just don't care." I say yawning. "Can we just finish this please?"
"Most certainly!" He says laughing menacingly. I cross my legs and sit in mid air and think for a moment while he powers up.
What ki blast should I us? Hmmm. I think for about five minutes. "I got it!" I shout.
"Got what?"
"Oh that was meant for me." I say standing back up and stretching. I get into my stance. I cup my hands together straight in front of me. "KA-ME-KA-ME---" I pull my hands to my side and power it up some more. "HAAAAA!" I shout shooting it at him. He falls to the ground defeated.
I look back at Trunks and Zaroff. "That was fun." I say smiling.
"You're crazy." Trunks says as I land.
"That was cool." Zaroff says.
I walk over to where King Vegeta lays and dad and the others come up to me. I crouch next to King Vegeta and begin to heal him. "Hey, Gaia! Why are you healing him?! He tried to kill you!" Everyone except dad yells.
"Because I'm not heartless." I say cheerfully. "And plus, it was a good fight. I'd like to fight again when he gets stronger." I smile.
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