King Kai's Planet
Nobody's POV
As King Vegeta, Bardock and Zaroff successfully made King Kai laugh they started their training. Just as hard as Goku's was. "What the hell is chasing this damn monkey going to do for us?" Bardock asks as he decides to lay down.
Gaia simply laughs as her and King Kai work on creating an energy source for her magic. They've figured out what to do but they just need to find the material to do so. "King Kai I think I've figured it out." Gaia says while summoning a an emerald jewel.
"That will work perfectly. Now to just add some of your ki to it." King Kai responds.
"How do we do that?" Gaia asks placing a hand on her chin as she sits in mid air.
"I can help with that. Demons have this ability to take a small fraction of ki from people or give it back. Not like your healing though." Zaroff says while walking up to the duo.
"Ah, yes, I forgot about the demons ability. Are you ready Gaia?" King Kai asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Do what you must do." Gaia replies standing up now.
In a flash Zaroff stabs his hand through Gaia's side. When he pulls his hand out there is a shining blue light in his hand. King Kai quickly give Zaroff the emerald and shoves the blue light inside of it. It glows a mystical blue-green for a minute before returning to the emerald color it is.
King Kai quickly heals Gaia and makes sure she's good to go. She recovers quickly and watches everyone else train. They train for a year and they all pass the training.
Gaia's POV
We've been gone for a year. We left without saying anything to anyone. I'm sure I'll hear an earful when we get home. "King Kai?" I say.
"Hmm? What is it?" He asks.
"Did you tell my father why we came here?"
"Yes. He contacted me when he went up to The Lookout looking to check on you." He says.
"Oh. Thank you." I reply and join in on the guys' training.
Currently King Vegeta has surpassed Bardock and Zaroff has surpassed them both. He's almost as strong as Vegeta who is stronger then his father and Bardock. I'm pretty confident that I have surpassed my dad but I'm not sure.
I always wear my emerald now. We fixed it up to were it's on a chain. I wear it as a bracelet. It heals me at the slightest scratch and it never runs out of ki. Isn't it amazing.
"Gaia!" I hear a voice yell. A very familiar evil hiss yell. I turn around as fast as possible only to see three terrible villains.
"OH MY KAMI! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU THREE HERE!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs as Kid Buu comes at me. "Sorry Kid, I'm not going to be defeated by you." I say while powering up a ki blast. "Desusutā!" I shout sending him my very powerful ki blast. Sending him back down past snake way.
"What's going on out h..." King Vegeta freezes in his tracks seeing Frieza here.
"These dummies got out of the underworld." I say glaring. Frieza glares back at me but goes towards King Vegeta and Bardock. "Go super! He freaks out and loses his cool!" I yell at them and they go Super. Frieza stops in his tracks freaking out but then starts laughing like a maniac. Great that's not going to work this time. I think to myself.
"Ahahaha it was a nice try Gaia, but it doesn't scare me." His voice is chilling.
"Fine. You asked for it. Super sayian three!" I power up to super three and watch as his eyes widen. I disappear and reappear in front of him. I grab him by the head and throw him. I send him right back to the underworld.
"Nice moves girl but you won't be able to beat me so easy." Cell says coldly.
I laugh at him and his eyes widen. "No, you're correct. I can't defeat you using ki blast, doing it that way killed my dad. Nearly killed my big brother. And everyone I care about. I have a different tactic for people stronger then me." I say as I power down. I look into his mind. Hmm, you're not afraid of anything except for that stupid scientist who created you. Oh how interesting, he set a self destruct inside of you. Hmm but because you have Piccolos DNA you can regenerate. Hmmm.
"What are you doing to me!?" He shouts.
Looking into your mind. Isn't it obvious. Well, now I know how to defeat you. I reply taking control over his body. I send him flying back to the underworld as well.
"Well that was too easy." I say to no one really.
"That was quite impressive, you defeated them in no time at all." King Kai says.
"Well yeah, I know but they barely fought back." I say sighing. Geez I sound like Vegeta. I furrow my brow and frown.
King Kai freezes in his tracks with a worried expression on his face. "King Kai?" Zaroff ask hesitantly.
"There's an intense power landing on Earth." I say as I feel the power level. "King Kai can I speak to dad?"
He nods and contacts them. "Goku? Guys? Are you there?" He asks.
"Yeah, we're all here. Do you guys feel that power?" Dad asks back.
"Yeah, we do. What is it dad?" I ask.
"Not sure. We're going to check it out. When are you coming back. You're mothers worried about you."
"We all are Gaia."
"Awe how sweet. We'll be back shortly. I'm going to talk to King Yama. He needs more freaking security in the underworld!" I state angerly.
"Who got out this time?" Dad, Krillin, Yamcha, Piccolo, Tein and Chutzu asks together.
"Who do you think?" I ask.
"Not sure. Who?" Trunks asks.
"Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu!" I say angerly again.
"Are you okay?!" Gohan, Goten and dad ask.
"Yeah. Just angry that they thought they could win against me." I state sighing.
"Oh. Alright. We'll see yah later today right?" Dad asked.
"Yeah." I replied. With that our connection cut off. But King Kai and I kept a watch on what was happening.
"King Kai.... th-thats....Broly... but how? I thought he was dead..." I state nervously.
"We all thought that. There's two more life forms are closing in. Let's watch how this plays out." King Kai says. We sit there watching as the events unfold.
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