How? What?!
Vegeta's POV
How is it even possible that two sayians that are believed to be dead, here? How the hell is it even possible?! I continued to think until Gaia said something. "Huh?" I asked.
"I asked how they where here? I thought all sayians were dead? Other then you and my dad of course."
"I'm not sure. Perhaps they were wished back?" I suggest.
"I need to train some more." She says.
"You just got done training girl!" I shout at her. Everyone flinched back except for her. She's too bold. I thought.
"Your point? You train everyday, from dawn until dusk. Always trying to surpass father." She retorts back at me.
"Whatever, let's focus on them first." I say in defeat. She smirks at me like she won a battle.
"Gaia, you don't need to train anymore. Please I beg you." Gohan begs his sister.
"Ugh. Fine I'll lay off for a while. I suppose." She says crossing her arms like me. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was my child.
I turned to look at my father that Gaia beat the crap out of, and then looked at Bardock. The only thing running through my mind at the moment was, how are they here? I kept asking myself that until my father awoken. I looked down at the grumbling man as he strayed to stand up.
"Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Prince Vegeta is that really you?" My father asks.
I furrow my brow but reply. "Of course it is! Now why are you here? And how are you alive?!" I ask annoyed and angry.
"We're here looking for our children obviously." Bardock spoke up. "It's good to see the two of you." He says looking at Kakarot and me.
"How are you alive?" Kakarot asks standing beside me.
Before anyone can say anything Gaia looks over to us and starts screaming in pain. "What's going on!? Gaia! C'mon! Snap out of it!" Trunks says frantically holding her in his lap.
Gaia's POV
"Gaia!" I keep hearing my name being called but it's to distant for me to answer back. I don't know what's going on. My vision begins to blur. Next think I see is nothingness. It's pitch black.
A flash of lights go by. "Gaia, Earth is in terrible danger." An unknown voice says.
A flash goes by again. I look around and see everyone I know dead. They're all gone. I try to run to my family laying in a pile together, but I can't move at all. I hear menacing laughing. I turn my head and I see a strange guy. He's tall, has scales and looks kind of like a lizard. His hair is white and his scales are purple. His eyes are a raging red. He's blowing buildings up. Trunks is laying on the ground holding Bulla's hand. Vegeta is laying over Bulma's lifeless body.
Everything went black again and King Kia started talking to me.
Gaia, can you hear me Gaia? King Kia asked telepathically and i replied telepathically.
Yes King Kia. What's going on? Was that a vision I just had? Is that really what's going to happen?
Yes, but you can change it. That is why I showed you. It starts in four years. Oh and King Vegeta and Bardock and Zaroff will be a huge asset to helping you. Trust them.
Thank you King Kia.
~meanwhile back at Capsule Corp.~
Trunks' POV
Gaia has been out for a day now. I knew I shouldn't have let her train the hard the day before and I shouldn't have let her fight. "Ugh I'm so stupid." I say sitting on the floor with my back to the wall in my room. I hear a knock on the door. I look up and see my mom.
"Hey Sweetie. How are you holding up?" She asks.
"I'm fine. Has Gaia waken up yet?" She shakes her head no. I sigh.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I know when she wakes up, she'll wish to see you though. Why don't you go sit with her so Goku, Chich, your father and I can talk with the others about our... erm.... guest." I nod and stand up.
I walk to the room Gaia is in and knock before I enter. "Mom told me to come relieve you guys so you all can talk." I say looking at Goku.
"Thanks Trunks." Chichi says hugging me. I hug back awkwardly.
"Thanks." Goku says patting my back. And dad of course just glances at me.
They all leave and I sit next to Gaia. I place my hand on hers and lean down to kiss her forehead. "Gaia, please wake up." I whisper before sitting back in my chair still holding her hand. I fall asleep sitting there.
~time skip to an hour~
Trunks' POV still
I slept for an hour before Gaia started screaming. She was still asleep so I started shaking her. "Gaia. Wake up. Come on Gaia! Gaia!" I kept calling her name. After about the tenth time she woke up and hugged me while sobbing.
"Sh, you're alright Gaia." I said soothingly hugging her back and stroking her hair. "You're alright now." I whisper into her ear. I hold her close to my chest until she calms down.
"Thank you Trunks." She says while I while the remaining tears off her face. She smiles at me. "Where's Zaroff, King Vegeta, and Bardock?!" She asks in a hurry.
"They're with the others. They don't trust them." I reply calmly. "Why?"
"Them baka's they can be trusted. King Kia told me so. Didn't he speak to you guys?" I shake my head no.
"They're deciding their fate now. If you want to save them let's go." She grabs onto me and instant transmits in front of them.
Zaroff'S POV-didn't see that one coming now did yah? XD-
The two sayians and myself are now sitting here being interrogated by the Z fighters. They're trying to figure out what to do with us. Whatever that means. I am sitting rather patiently but as for the sayians they are not. I think they are use to getting everything their way.
Piccolo and Vegeta are now standing in front of us, powering up a very strong energy blast. They get ready to aim at us and fire but Gaia comes out of nowhere and deflects the attack.
"BAKA! THAT HURT!" She yells and everyone freaks out.
"Miss Gaia, are you alright?" I ask and bow. I don't understand why I do that but I do. It's a respectful thing to do.
"I'm quite alright." She turns to the others and gives them this death stare and everyone freezes in an instant.
Gaia's POV
Ugh that really hurt my arm. I'm so going to get them all back for that. I give them my famous death glare and they all cower away. Even Piccolo and Vegeta. Wimps. "Gaia, what are you doing out of bed?" My mother asks.
"Saving these three. King Kia said they are trustworthy." I reply.
"Then why didn't he tell us himself?!" Vegeta and Piccolo demand, I give them death glares.
"I'm not sure." I reply. "Anyway. How are you two here?" I question King Vegeta and Bardock.
"Someone wished us back, but not with dragon balls." Bardock looks at me nervously.
I furrow my brow a bit before summoning my book of magical items. "Here, look through here. If you find what brought you back tell me." I hand them the book and they look at me, skeptical. I forgot, sayians don't use magic. Oh well I'm not a pure breed so I don't really care. They look through it and eventually find it.
"This is what we were wished back with." King Vegeta points to a page containing a Fairy and magic crystals.
My eyes widen at the site. I snatch the book and reed it word for word aloud. "It says The Fairy Queen Raylin split her soul into seven crystals in order to live forever. When you gather all seven crystals she will grant you three wishes. Don't take her kindness for grant, just because she granted your wish doesn't mean there won't be consciences. She has many enemies who would love to destroy her wishes in order to kill her. If they kill seven people who have been wished back or have made a wish then she will die. Luckily, only five people have made a wish. As of now, nobody has been wished back." I read aloud. I then groan.
"Only five people have made a wish and now two have been wished back by some one so they can kill them, gain the crystals and gain control basically?" Bulma asks.
"That's the way it looks. Great." I mumble.
"So basically we have a death sentence?" King Vegeta asks. I nod yes then I recall my vision.
"Dad." I turn to my dad and he nods. "I need to train with my magic more. It drains too much of my energy. I'm going to the lookout. I'm taking them with me."
He nods again and replies." Very well. Be careful." He then hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"Grab onto me." I tell them. They hesitate except for Zaroff. "Come on. It won't kill you. Well as long as you don't let go of me." They hesitate for a few more seconds but then grab my shoulder.
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