I woke up around five and decided to take a shower in that wretched common bathroom as early as possible. With every drop falling on my body, my mind kept flashing back to what happened last night. I vividly remembered Archer's rough lips gently brush against my soft ones. The sensation thrilled me but a strange kind of fear rose in the pit of my stomach. My hand shot up to my lips incidentally while rembering what my own personal heaven felt like.
I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that the tingling sensation will go away but my mind instead welcomed me with sinful thoughts that I wanted to store in the depth of my soul and never let go off.
Shake out of it, Olivia! He means nothing to you.
From the thought of Archer's arms around me, I was suddenly awakened by the fact that Archer could remember everything that happened last night.
After hurriedly getting dressed, I came back in the room to see Archer awake.
"You are up finally, dude. I thought tha-"
"Shh... Don't speak! My head hurts like hell."
Taking out some advil out of my medicine bag and picking up a glass of water, I handed it to him.
Curiously I asked him, "Do you remember anything about yesterday or last night?"
"No, I just remember.... That you kissed Sophia!" He said glaring at me. Phew! What a relief.
I told him about what really happened and he regarded me with narrowed eyes but soon gave in which was quite shocking for a guy like him.
"You are right, a chimp like you can never actually go ahead and kiss a girl on his own, you don't seem like a guy who would make the first move."
Look who's talking, a guy who has been crushing on his teacher since forever tells me that I can't make the first move .
"And I think it's time for me to move on from her."
"You are absolutely right! There are plenty of fish in the sea out there. If you want, I could set you up with someone."
"You could set me up with someone? Do you even know a girl?" He said while gazing at me in a scrutinizing way.
He had a point. I did look like a guy who could not even talk to a girl.
Hm, I have to do something about this situation and I already have a plan, I thought as texted Emily and Eric.
During Lunch, it was finally time to execute my plan so I sent both Emily and Eric a reminder.
I joined the guys on their table and greeted them. I kept my phone in the center of the table so that if it rings, it catches their attention. Just after a minute, my phone started ringing, It was Emily but as her contact picture I had put on a really attractive model's picture. All three of them looked down at my phone and tried not to look surprised, while I casually and slowly answered the phone call. I had already increased the volume to the maximum.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
On the other side of the phone, Emily was giggling. "Your voice is so manly, Jake!" She said from the other side of the line loudly.
"Oh, well."
"Do you want to come over? I have a surprise for you."
"Nah, I am at school, I can't come over but I will surely talk to you later. Bye for now,"
As soon as I ended the call the guys looked at me strangely, as if I was an alien from Mars.
"Ugh, she is so annoying. One time, I went out with her and she has been bugging me to come over to her place since then."
"How-" Archer started but was interrupted by my phone ringing again.
This time it was Eric whose name I had changed to Erica, and assigned him the photo of the head cheerleader of my previous school. I hated her anyway.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
"I missed you, baby." Eric purred in a high pitched feminine voice. I was tempted to laugh at that but I swallowed my laughter.
"Yeah, Erica, it's been a really long time since we last met."
"So you wanna come over? We could watch a movie or something?" Eric continued in his lovely high pitched voiced that vibrated out of the speaker. He actually did sound like that bitchy cheerleader somehow.
"I'm sorry, I can't as I am in school right now. I will call you back when I am free."
"Dude, you surely know a lot of girls?" Asked Dylan.
"Yeah, you know, I kind of went out with them once or twice but they just seem to be obsessed with me."
"Wow, could you introduce us to someone?"asked Luke.
"Yeah, sure." I said while looking intently at Archer who still looked astonished.
The rest of the day was spent while practicing for soccer. Archer had accepted to train me just by modifying the deal a bit.
"Jacob, I want you to introduce me to someone." He asked in a challenging tone.
With the looks he has, he shouldn't even say such a stupid thing. Girls would be desperate to get to know him but something tells me, that he is doing this to test me.
"Yeah, sure. How about you get to know my sister? She is absolutely great! And a lot more feminine than I am." I blabbered on and mentally facepalmed myself.
Why the hell did I just say that?! Can't I just keep me mouth shut for a minute?
"Dude, she is your sister and you want me to date her?" he said and passed me an amused look. His gaze held mine and he looked at me as if he could see through my soul and acknowledge my deepest secrets. I shivered and look down. There is no way he can know who I really am.
"Hey! I am not some overprotective brother. I trust you and think that you and Olivia would be great together." I just can't stop speaking, can I?
Yeah we both together would just be the definition of perfect multiplied by awesome for like a thousand times. Oh my God! I am acting stupidly and can let out my secret this way.
"But if you hurt her, the consequences won't exactly be great. On second thought, no, you can't date her as she is not at all your type. Leave her alone and let's not talk about her anymore."
He nodded his head and laughed at my empty threat and I realized that this was the first time that I heard him genuinely laugh with no hesitation. It was not the usual devilish smirk plastered on his face, it was much more. It was an angel's laugh- soft and melodious. It was heavenly.
When we returned to our room, I got a call from my mother.
"Hello mom. How are you?"
"Hi Olivia...? Why do you sound so manly? Is that you, Jacob?"
Oops... Forgot the voice modulation.
"No, it's not him, I just have a bad throat."
"Okay, I wanted to tell you that you have to come back to Los Alamitos to attend the spring carnival."
"Mom, I can't. I am not a kid anymore."
"Please? Do this for your mother? I have promised my friends that you will come this year and set up a stall."
"Well, okay but remember that I am just coming to the spring carnival for you. I am not going to set up a stall."
I ended the call after she gave me an account of everything that recently happened with her pretentious self.
"So you are going to the spring carnival?" Archer asked me. What an eavesdropper!
"Yeah, I have to go. What about you?"
"Oh, I am going, most definitely. We can leave together and I can probably have a good look at your sister." He smirked in a wicked way. I am so stupid. I got myself in trouble willingly.
"She is probably not going to be there." I replied a little too fast, probably making him even suspicious about her presence.
"We'll see. Even if she is not there, I have to meet someone there anyway." He frowned in deep thought as if the upcoming meeting with this secret somebody is a burden on his shoulders and I automatically sensed that this conversation was over.
I can think about this stupid carnival later but right now, there is only one thing on my mind. I still have to prove to the coach that I am worth it.
A/N: I hope you dearies liked this chapter.
Thank you. :)
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