16. Spilling the beans
"Is it a woman?"
"So it is a man?"
"That's a bit of a useless question, Kat. But to answer it anyways, yes it is indeed a man"
We are now playing our fifth game of twenty questions and I was running out of questions to ask. "Can't you just tell me who it is? I am done with this game." I untie my shoelaces, take off my shoes and rest my feet against the dashboard. In the corner of my eye I see Ian shoot me a disapproving look. "You can look all you want but I am not taking them of your dashboard. I'm comfortable this way."
I look at the time on Ian's phone, only to see that it's already eight and starting to get dark. "Don't you think it would be a good idea to get some dinner and then to call it a day. I don't know about you but I am absolutely hammered. And to think that you have done most of the driving, I think you deserve a break and a bed. We have been on the road for ten hours already and driving more than eight."
The look on his face shows Ian's thinking about my proposition. "Can you look up how much longer till we get to Denver? I think we will have better chances to find a place to stay than here, same goes for a decent meal. I swear, if I eat fast food once again I will throw up."
Laughing at his statement, I realize he is right. Ever since we've been on the road we haven't eaten a nice, nutritious meal. I look around and realize Ian is right about our chances as well. We are currently driving on interstate 70 through the mountains of Colorado. I look out of the window, my breath taken aback by the beautiful scenery consisting of trees and mountaintops on our left and Georgetown Lake on our right. The two only separated by the asphalt of the interstate.
Focusing back on the task at hand, I tear my vison from the outstanding view an back to Ian's phone in my hand. I open his navigation app to check how much longer we would have to stay on the road to arrive to Denver. "We just passed Georgetown, that means it would take us less than an hour to reach Denver. Are you fine with driving for another hour or do you want to switch seats."
Ian shook his head. "I will be fine. I think after hitting that tree your head can use all the rest it can get." I can't help but roll my eyes at him in a joking matter. Ian's showing his medicine major attitude, making sure health comes before everything else. However, my reaction had not gone unnoticed by him. "What are you rolling your eyes at?"
"You." I answer immediately, not caring about whether or not I should feel bad about not having a filter. "This is the Ian I have always known. The guy that cares for and about everyone's health at all costs."
His eyes are trained on the road as it is fairly busy on the interstate, but he glances my way for a brief moment anyways. "What is that supposed to mean?" he asks. I am a bit surprised by his reaction, but then again, if the roles were reversed, I'd get defensive myself.
"I meant exactly what I said. You show so much care about my head and how hard I hit it, but you just ignore the fact that you look like you're about to fall asleep right here, right now. You completely ignore your own needs to make sure I would be okay!" I let out deep sigh in order to calm myself down. I can only handle to be locked up in car for so long and frustration gets the better of me.
"What I am trying to say is that you can't take care of someone else if you don't take care of yourself first." This time Ian rolls his eyes at my comment but I decide to ignore it. I am getting more cranky by the minute and he doesn't deserve to be on the receiving end of my frustration.
I rest my hand against the head rest, looking out of the window again. Looking over the lake gives a calming feel and I let out a relaxed sigh. "You're right. You know that, right?" I nod my head in answer to his question, without the view of the lake leaving disappearing my sight. "You have always been right when it came to me?"
This comment I can't ignore and I turn around to face him immediately. "What's that supposed to mean?" The fact that I just quoted him doesn't pass by me, but this doesn't seem like the time to make a joke out of it.
The relaxed atmosphere of a few minutes ago now changes to one with a serious edge. Ian's expression tells me he's thinking about what to say next. "You have always been right when it came to me. You still are." He repeats himself. While I wait for an explanation, I shift in my seat uncomfortably. My legs are in serious need of a stretch and then I am not even mentioning the pain in my butt cheeks.
"You have always been the one who could read me no matter what. There was nothing I could hide from. The fact that you became a Psychology major didn't surprise me one bit. Break down the walls of another and then use the bricks to build yours up higher, right?." His expression was cold and hard as he was accusing me of being me.
To say I am shocked by his accusation is an understatement. I feel my anger grow and then I get hit in the face by confusion. "Where the hell is this going from? Is there something up your ass or something?!" My voice a little harsher than needed. Ian knows to push my buttons in a way I never even know possible.
He shot me a quick glare before he focused his gaze back on the road. "I know there is more to the Duke story than you're letting me in on, I know it because I know you. So why not just tell me and get it out with, huh? Finally tear down those walls you have been building for who knows how long."
I shakes his head, letting out a humorless laugh. "I thought we were getting there you know? I thought we could both move on from what happened four years ago, that maybe we could go back to being friends. But you just keep pushing people away, thinking you're strong enough to deal with all of it alone." By now Ian's screaming and in that moment my demeanor breaks.
By now I have been pushed to my limits. I can no longer think straight about anything and, before I know what exactly I'm saying, what the consequence is going to be, the words are out in the open. "You think I can ever fully move on after being pregnant and giving a baby I carried for nine months up for adoption?!"
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