15. Love goes through the stomach
We enter the diner and sit down in a booth as I take in my surroundings. The diner has a vintage look with its black and white tile floor and red booths. A young blonde with curly hair makes her way towards our booth. When she reaches our table she shoots us both a smile before focusing on Ian's eyes, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. I can't blame the girl for trying to get his attention in a flirty matter because Ian truly is a piece of eye candy. "Good evening. How can I be of service on this fine night?"
The girl keeps smiling at Ian, who only has eyes for the girl shamelessly flirting with him. "A Dr. Pepper for both me and my lady," Ian says with a knowing smirk, looking in my direction which makes it hard for me to hold a giggle. "We would also like two of your finest burgers, please." The waitress jots down our order on her notepad and shoots me a look of daggers before she turns on her skates and makes her way back to the counter without saying another word.
Ian looks at me with a smile on his face and I finally let go of the laugh I tried to suppress in case the waitress would notice. "You totally gave that girl hope you were into her!" I look over to the girl who is now furiously cleaning the counter. "That poor girl. Putting in some extra time to earn some extra money only to be deal with guys wanting to get a joke out of it."
Disbelieve is now showing on Ian's face. "Oh come on Kat. Don't pretend you never flirted with a guy to get your way or to impress some of your friends. Do I need to remind you of that day you bumped into me in the cafeteria, spilling your entire smoothie over my shirt? I dare you to look me straight in the eye and tell me that was an accident." The smile on his face is proof he and I both know he's right.
I shake my head while smiling as I remember that day like it was yesterday. "That's not fair. I was seventeen years old when that happened, that's almost five years ago. And if I remember correctly, you asked me out right after that happened. It was like you needed that that little push yourself." I challenge him. There's no way I am going down without a fight.
Glancing over at the blonde wiping the counter once more, a smile appears on my face as a plan forms in my head. "Oh no, I know that smile. Kat, don't even think about it. I am warning you!"
An innocent smiles appears on my face. "What? I was only going to call my dad as we're waiting for our orders to arrive. Can I borrow your phone please?"
Ian shakes his head but hands me his phone anyways. "I know you're up to something Kat." I take his phone from him and then stand up to make my way outside of the diner. When I reach the door I glance over to Ian only to see him lost in the local newspaper.
I silently walk over to the waitress and tab her shoulder. "Whatever he made you believe, I am not his girlfriend. You should go for it, girl!" I rush out of the diner, dialing my father's number before pressing the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" The cutest little voice sounds through the phone which immediately brings a smile to my face. I know I wasn't so fond of the idea of gaining a step sister and step mom, but I couldn't have been more wrong.
Mia is the cutest little girl and it almost bothers me I avoided meeting her for so long. She's the little sister I have always wished for but never got. Same with Lillian. She comes across as a warm and open person, everything my mom is not. I love my mom. She couldn't have been more supportive with the Duke situation and the aftermath of that, but it also made her treat me as if I was made of glass. Easily broken and no possible way of getting fixed.
"Hey Mia, it's Kat. Is mommy or daddy there?" I would love to talk to Mia for a bit, but I needed to let my dad know I was fine first. I hear Mia calling for Lillian and I smile at the image of Mia running around the house holding out the phone for anyone to take. "Mommy! It's Kat! I want to talk to her too."
I hear some rustling as the phone is handed over. "I will ask Kat if she has time to chat with you for a bit." I hear in a faint distance. "Kat? Is that you?" Lillian's worried voice sounds on the other side of the line.
I nod my head but then realize she can't see me due the fact this is a phone conversation. "Yeah, it's me. I am really sorry I ran off like that. It wasn't my attention to ruin your day like that. I just couldn't handle being there anymore." Guilt is eating me alive and I don't like it one bit. The feeling I ruined their special day keeps nagging me. Apologizing to Lillian making the feeling ease off slightly.
"Oh honey, it's alright. Your dad told me what happened. I just wish I knew what happened earlier. That way I wouldn't have invited him to the wedding. Is that the same reason Alyssa couldn't make it?" Again I am nodding my answer to her question. I must look like I am having a seizure or something. However Lilian doesn't seem to mind as she keeps firing questions. "Are you okay though? How is Ian? Please tell me you're not killing each other off already? How's your head? Your dad told me your migraine was acting up again. Do you rest enough?"
Lillian's worrying makes me giggle before I answer the questions. "Lillian, I am fine. My head is getting better, thanks to Ian. And to answer that question in particular, no, Ian and I are not killing each other just yet." While answering Lillian's questions I glance through the window to see the girl sitting across his ears off. "Look Lillian, I have to go. Our dinner will be served in a bit. Please tell my dad I am doing fine and I will try to call him soon."
"That's fine sweetie, you still have a few minutes left for Mia though? She keeps pulling my arm in order to get a hold of that phone again. You got to her." I hear the rustling on the other side and Mia's cute voice, asking Lillian for the phone. "Come on mommy, it's my turn to talk to Kat again."
I giggle again at the image if Mia trying everything she possibly can to get a hold of the phone. "Sure, I have a few more minutes, Ian is busy anyways," I say while glancing through the window, his awkward facial expression and his uncomfortable posture making me laugh to myself.
I talk to Mia a few more minutes before I decide to save Ian from is misery... or not. I re-enter the diner after saying goodbye to Mia and make my way to the booth where the girl is still desperately trying to flirt with Ian. Once I reach the booth Ian shoots me a glare that I can only answer with a sweet smile. "Help me," Ian mouths and I try my hardest not to burst out in a fit of giggles.
Deciding he has finally suffered enough I take the final few steps to the booth before I slide in next to Ian. "Hey baby!" I kiss his cheek and rest my hand on his knee. I then look over to the girl. "Did he ask you for our three-way already?" Ian was about to react but I squeeze his knee, right under the edges of his kneepan in order to shut him up.
The cheeks of the girl opposite of us are now burning red. "I... I thought... You said..." the girl stammers.
"I said I wasn't his girlfriend, there's no lie about that." I say and in the corner of my mouth I see Ian taking a sip of his drink that was now on the table. It must have been brought over when I was outside talking to Lillian and Mia. "I'm his fiancé." The lie came out more believable than I have ever dared to think.
To say Ian is shocked about my announcement would be an understatement. He spits the sip of Dr. Pepper he had just drank all over the blonde who is now looking at me with wide eyes and an o-shaped mouth. When realization has finally sunk in she rushes out of her seat. She raises her hand and in a flash her hand is connected with Ian's left cheek. "You asshole!" she yells right before she speeds away on her roller skates, behind the counter and then out of sight into the kitchen.
Moving over to the seat across from Ian, I take in Ian who still looks confused as ever. His eyes blank, his mouth slightly open and his hand rubbing his cheek. "What the hell just happened?" He looks me straight in the eye, still not fully apprehending what went on only a minute ago.
"Oh you know, just the usual. You got slapped in the face by a girl." I say with a content smile on my face, fully aware it was all because of me playing the girl against him. In a way I feel bad for the girl. She looked to be a nice and genuine girl, not older than a high school senior.
Ian shakes his head with an evil smirk showing. "Just wait and see, Kat. The drive home is still long. I will get my revenge."
Finally another waitress arrives at our table to deliver our food. "Have a nice meal." She says before she quickly goes back to serve some other guests in the diner. Like a dog that hasn't eaten in a week, Ian attacks his burger and takes a huge bite, only to spit it out right after.
"Shit! That's hot. Thanks to you, the bitch put pepper on my burger." He exclaims before chugging down his Dr. Pepper in a matter of second.
I don't even try to hold in my laughter and soon I feel the muscles in my stomach ache. I finally calm myself sown, taking sip of my own drink before I slide it over to Ian. "Drink up. Let's just leave some money and we will eat somewhere else quick. I don't trust my burger anymore."
Hey guys! Here's the next chapter.
What do you think will happen next? Did you like how Kat pranked Ian like that?
Please hit that cute little star in the corner to show your support. It's highly appreciated.
xo Anna
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