14. When the head aches
This chapter is dedicted to Taka-chan for the great help on this chapter!
I give Jamie one last hug before I kiss her on the cheek and run to the car where Ian is impatiently waiting for me. I finally reach the car and get in. Once I am seated I turn to wave to Jamie. Man, I am going to miss her.
Ian starts the engine and gives Jamie one last wave before he pulls up and drives away. I keep looking over my shoulder until Jamie is out of sight until I turn back and look out of the front window. Sighing I lean my head against the headrest and fiddle with my fingers.
I secretly look over at Ian and study his profile as he looks ahead, oblivious to his surroundings. His dark hair is tousled to that perfect messy look, his once clean shaved face is now replaced by a light, five o'clock shadow and his sea green eyes are focused on the road. His cologne fills the car and it smells absolutely great. I lean my head against the glass window and close my eyes when I suddenly feel a unknown feeling in the pit of my stomach.
What is this feeling? Am I going to be sick? I take a deep breath in the hope to calm myself down and think about this logically. Thoughts are running through my mind of what I ate, what happened the past few days, but there seems to be nothing weird going on. Then why do I feel like I am about to audition for something?
My head starts spinning and my mouth slightly drops open when realization strikes in. It's him. He's making me feel like this. The feeling in my stomach isn't a medical situation. The feeling is caused by him. I know this feeling because I have felt it before. Back then they were caused by the same person as they are now.
I am enjoying the silence around me when suddenly the music is turned on. I let out a groan and I turn to look at Ian with an annoyed expression on my face. My look of irritation is returned by his typical smirk and I roll my eyes at him. Now that I know he's causing that weird feeling in my stomach, I can't help but feeling annoyed with him.
Ian let's out a chuckle and then points his attention to the road ahead of us first. "It's a soothing thought to know you're still able to hear but just chose to ignore me." He tells me without glancing my way.
"What are you talking about?" I ask, feeling confused as hell. He never called out for me, or did he? I start to feel light in the head and out of the blue the world around me starts to spin. A sharp pain shoots trough my head, making me wince at the feeling. As a wave of nausea hits me I lose everything in me. "Stop the car!" I yell out and Ian looks at me as if I am crazy.
On the lanes right and left from us cars are passing at an high speed. "Kat, we're in the middle of a highway. I can't stop right now!"
I hold onto to my stomach in the hope it will calm some of the nerves and pain I am feeling. "Ian, you need to pull over." I say while breathing heavy as another sharp pain goes through my head. "Please," I add once again, my voice barely audible.
Ian gives me a worried look before he checks his mirrors and switches a lane to our right, cutting in front of a black car. The driver of the car that's now behind us, hits his horn before he speeds past us with a high speed, showing us the finger as he does so. Even though I am in pain and feeling extremely miserable, I don't miss the look of annoyance and irritation in Ian's eyes. "Asshole" Ian curses under his breath. He changes another lane to the right, stopping the car on the emergency exit.
Before Ian can say anything, I dash out of the car immediately because I can't hold my nausea back any longer. As I bent over, the contents of my stomach find their way back up and out of my mouth.
Ian rushes to my side after getting of the car. Holding my hair back he lets out a deep sigh. "What am I going to do with you? First you hit your own car against a free, spent a night in the hospital and now you are standing at the side of a highway, puking your guts out." He says, handing me a tissue.
I ignore his comment as I wipe my mouth with the tissue I gladly took from Ian. "It's nothing. It's just my migraine playing up. I have my medicine in my... bag." Realization strikes. I don't have my bag because I was stupid enough to leave the car unlocked after I smashed it into that stupid tree.
As I am scolding myself in my mind for being so irresponsible, Ian leaves my side and walks over to the car. "What are you doing? Please don't tell me you're going to leave me here on the side of the road" I wonder out loud. Great, besides the headache I am going crazy as well. This is just awesome!
I close my eyes trying to block out the sunlight. This must be one of the heaviest migraines I have ever had. I rest my head in my hand as I slide down the side of the car. Taking in deep breaths are normally helpful to calm me down, but apparently that technique is out of order today as well.
I feel two strong hands on my shoulder and I immediately feel grateful Ian hasn't left me alone. "Try to calm down Kat." He whispers to me. I appreciate him trying to keep his voice low. "Now hold out your hand." He tells me and I follow his request without giving it a second thought. I feel two small objects being places in my hand palm. "Here you have some Advil. Put them in your mouth and I will hand you a bottle of water so you can swallow them easier." I do as I am told, putting the two capsules in my mouth before I take a swig of water from the bottle I am now holding in my other hand.
I swallow the capsules and take a few more sips of water. The cold water cools the burning feeling in my throat. Taking a few more deep breaths, I dear to open my eyes again but immediately squeeze them shut because of the bright light. Then I feel glasses put on me and I smile a grateful smile. "Thank you, Ian."
Ian helps me up and opens the door to the passenger side to help me in the car. Once I am seated he holds on to my hands, forcing me to look at him. "Are you sure you're okay? We can drive by the hospital to have you checked out, no problem there," he offers but I shake my head no. He carefully closes the door to the passenger side before he walks around and sits in the driver's seat.
He looks over at me once more as he starts the engine, getting ready to pull back into the highway and getting us on the road again.
I wake up to someone waking my shoulder and I groan loudly. With my head still aching, I just wanted to sleep the day away. "Come on Kat, you really need to eat something by now." I open my eyes slowly, ready to squeeze them shut because of the bright light only to find out it's already dark.
I take in my surroundings to see we're currently pulled over on a diner's parking lot, the grumbling in my stomach kindly letting me know I could us some food. Ian then placed at bottle in my lap. "I dropped by a pharmacy to get you these. I had to call your dad to get the right ones, but that wasn't that big of a deal though. I promised you would call him as soon as you were away. He is worried about you," he said.
Nodding my head in agreement I open the door and get out of the car. Ian does the same and as soon he's out I reply to him. "I will call him after dinner. Thank you for the medicine though. You didn't have to do that." I say, meaning every word.
After telling him about that one night he has been nothing but nice to me. It was almost like he was feeling guilty, as if it was his fault that happened to me. I admit to the fact I was scared to tell him at first, but now I am glad that part is all cleared up. Even though it feels like a weight is lifted of my shoulders, I can't let my guard completely down yet.
Hey guys!
I will have the next up as soon as I can!
What is your opion on Ian? Is he a fake or a keeper? Let me know!
Don't forget to hit that cute little star in the corner, it will me highly appreciated :)
Xo Anna
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