11. We need to talk
I rushed off to the bathroom to avoid an awkward encounter with Ian, but when I am done using the toilet I realize something. The whole trip back to New York will remain awkward if we don't fix whatever this is. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh at the sight in front of me. My hair is a mess and there are bags under my eyes. I really need to get a good night of rest.
Letting out one more sigh, I step out of the room and onto the hallway to make my way to the living room where I am greeted by Jamie and Ian. They are both sitting on the couch taking a sip if something that looks like soda and are making small talk. It is Jamie who notices my presence first. "Look who finally decided to join us again. What took you so long?"
"I'm sorry, the reflection in the mirror really grabbed my attention. I look like shit, thanks for warning me about that." I reply to her and let out a small giggle. "Anyways, Jamie, can I use your laptop and phone for a moment? There are some business that need my attention."
Ian finally glances in my direction and shakes his head. "Kat, just relax. I have the finances covered for now. There's no need to rush it all. We will survive a few more days." He offers but I just shake my head. I don't want him to pay for everything. It's not his fault I haven't been more careful.
"No Ian, as much as I appreciate the offer, I don't want to owe you anymore than I already do. I will just call Madeline and let her wire some money to your account. And as soon as I did that, I will make some calls to get my phone and credit card blocked." I say and then turn my attention back to Jamie. "So? Can I borrow your phone and laptop?"
Jamie just lets out a sigh. "Fine, since there is no way you'll drop it until you feel like you fixed things. But after that you're telling me the story about how in the world you ended up with him of all people and in Utah of all places," she points at Ian to prove her point.
Her determination to know what happened is brightening my mood a little. This is just the Jamie I remember form back in high school. Sometimes I wonder how life would have been if Jamie and I went to the same college. Maybe then I wouldn't have met Madeline, may I would have. All I know is that I am aware that both of them are the best friends I could ever wish for and they are irreplaceable. I am lucky to have them.
Once I am in Jamie's room I dial Madeline's number with Ian's phone. Luckily she answers after the third ring. "Hello?"
I let out a sigh in relief, glad to hear her voice again, happy to tell her my story, get it all off my chest. "Hey Mads, it's me." I say and I can imagine the recognition spreading on her voice. "Kat? How have you been? How was the wedding? What happened to your phone? I've been trying to call you for two days now. Are you okay?"
I smile to myself while listening to Madeline's little rant. She truly is an amazing friend. If I am feeling down I can always count on her to brighten my mood. When I need advice she's always there to give it to me, she always knows what to say. And when I am sort of missing she's always one to worry and praying I will be alright.
I sigh to myself before I answer to Madeline. "Yes, everything is just fine. I hit my car into a tree, spent a night in the hospital, my car got stripped, so that explains the no phone part. Also my plane ticket was taken away, which is why I am not back home yet." I take in a deep breath before I tell her the next part. "Ian is driving me back now. We're now in Utah, staying the night with Jamie. We will hit the tomorrow again."
Madeline gasps on the other side of the line and I can't help to secretly smile about her reaction. Leave it to Maddie to act like a real drama queen. "You're driving home with who?! Kat, what about you? Are you okay with it? Can you handle? I will come and pick you up if I have to."
I shake my head and then realize I am on the phone and she can't see me. "No it's okay. We're pretty civilized with each other for the duration of the trip. I just hope healed wounds won't open again." I say and I let out another sigh. "Anyways, I need you to wire some money to Ian's account. We need some more money to make it through the country. Just write down the amount I owe you and I will take care of it as soon as I'm back."
"Kat, don't worry about that for now. Just make sure you're okay and please contact me when you can. I worry about you and him trapped in a car together for God knows how long. I will take care of the money situation as soon as you send me his account details." Maddie says and I am grateful for het concern and her friendship.
I end my call with Maddie and thank her once again. As soon as I hang up the phone there is a knock on the door. "I will be right down and let you in on the story, Jamie. I'm almost done," I say without looking up. "I just need to send Ian's bank account details to Maddie and then she will wire the money."
I hear a chuckle from where the door is and I look up in embarrassment. In front of me now stood Ian in all his glory. He walks into the room and sits on the edge of Jamie's bed. He pats the spot beside him, mentioning for me to sit down too. Instead of sitting next to him, I turn in the chair and look at him.
It feels like we have been staring at each other in silence for quite a while now and it's starting to feel a bit awkward. I decide to break the silence by saying something, but before I can open my mouth and produce an actual sound, Ian speaks up.
"Kat, I think we need to talk about some things." He says and starts playing with his hands. "Look, what I am trying to say is... I am sorry if I did or said anything that made you feel uncomfortable, but there are just a few things I need to know. I need you to tell me."
I have never seen Ian so nervous or self-conscious in my entire life. The Ian I used to know was cocky and had a healthy dose of self-esteem. "Ian, what is going on here. If you want to say something, just say it and don't beat around the bush."
Ian stands up and starts pacing the room. I was right before, this is a whole new side of Ian I have never seen before. Suddenly he stops pacing and stands right in front of me. "I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, and I tried to respect that decision, but I can't deny what I see. I see you're suffering, that something is really bothering you and I want to know why. I want to know what I can do to make things between us less awkward. So you and I are not leaving this room before there is some clarity."
I shake my head no. This can't be happening. Ian can't just force me into telling him what happened. The rest would just consist of him pitying and the both of us feeling hurt. "Ian, please don't do this. Please don't go and open healed wounds. I don't think I can recover from that."
Ian sits down next to me and reaches for my hand. "Kat, listen to me." He says with a soft and sweet voice. You don't have to do this on your own. I am here. I will help you like I used to do. I am not mad at you, I don't hate you. I just want to understand what happened. What made you go, what made you scared. I want to know what happened to make you feel like you needed to build walls around you. They are high, skyscraper high." He guides his free hand to my face and tucks away a strand of hair behind my ear.
I am looking down at our hands and am slowly starting to think about it. Eventually I shake my head and remove my hand from his grip. Without another word I leave the room and run out of the apartment, down the stairs and out of the building.
Once again I am sorry for the long wait.
What do you guys think is up with Kat? Will she tell Ian?
You readers are awesome! Next update will be Monday 22 February.
Don't forget to hit that cute little star and let me know what you think of the chapter.
xo Anna
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